TH E MONMOUTH H ERALD , MONMOUTH, OREGON Blown about by smile or frown. Is she seen at Normal ? Leaves Stirred by O. N. S. Breeze V FACULTY M AN SAW , M U C H OF T H E W O R L D Small Tall and thin, a catty eye. Our Leader Hair, a wad done tight Oh high, and sleml-r, slightly gray, ---------------- A noble face a kindly w ay; Dress, a shapeless piece o f cloth But Rejoices Because Explorer to - Friendly eyes o f grayish blue I Perfumed with a ball o f moth; lumbus H a » Not Ship*recked Voice that thrills you thru and thru; ! Lecturing on woman's rights; . . . I A splendid mind, a gifted blow, Horror-struck 'bout late kept nights; Did you ever meot a man on this W oild o f knowledge to endow; [ Scares the other sex away, campus who carried the air of a man Sense o f Humor, ever great. Moans her loan path every day. o f experience? You know him yet Never piiggish, yet sedu’ ' ; you don’t. A man who has seen more Is she seen at Normal ? Heart in sympathy with all. o f the world than most individuals, Prompt to answer duty’s call. bhoitaand fat, a double chin, not being confined to the routine of Wonderfully fine and ever just, Trying always to look thin, college circles all his life, but having Worthy of our utmost trust. Learned as a Ph. D-, served his country during war and t-pecs to give her dignity, having traveled in Europe and the Shiny nose and squinty eyes, Near East countries. Mr. Bowling W E E K E N D P A R T IE S makes this impression upon those P R O V E D E L IG H T F U L Square-toed shoes o f questioned size; Day by day her temper grows, who come in contact with him. Be­ ing an exceptional student, what we Juniors Much Praised For Decora­ Start her once— away, she goes. call scholar, he was admitted to the tions and Arrangements Is she seen at Normal? Kappa Delta Pi with an average O. N. S. has played host to a | Medium size and always gay, grade fo r five years college work of > Often has a lot to say; 1)6 per cent. He has a B. S. degree good many people a good many times, Loves to argue in the class, but probably the most successful from Texas State Normal College, A. B. degree from Western State and the most enjoyable was the re­ Helps the time to quickly pass. College o f Colorado, and a B. P. A. ception tendered the guests from Usual type. He has his share degree from Pen and A rt Depart­ outside schools and its own faculty O f pretty girls and ladies fair ment East Texas Normal College. and students by the Oregon Norma! Who swing the light fantastic toe Being a true American he gave his School on the evening o f November At social hour where all may go. services to the country in time of Is lie seen at Normal? 17 . The program o f the evening war. On being asked about his By Ruth Rosenbery consisted of a delightful dancing par­ record during the war Mr. Bowling _______ ^ ^ ty in the Gymnasium and a clevei said, “ I served the American Republic FIR S T B A S K E T B A L L G AM E fo :J » short while in a very humble play party in the Administi ation way through its national army in building. On Wednesday, November 21, will The Juniors deserve a good deal of be the first basketball game o f the ^Eis country auu in France. Had the pleasure of being an eye witness credit for the success o f their party, series to be played between the Jun to a few o f the lesser campaigns also for the attractive decoration of i ior and Senior women. W e are such as St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne both buildings. looking for some real competition as and others. In order to become Miss Taylor also deserves special both teams have been practicing for more fam iliar with American military credit for the excellent music fur­ several weeks. The series consists tactics and to inform myself with nished by the orchestra, as she secur­ o f five games. Those playing will first hand knowledge 1 accepted ed the orchestra for the dance. Many receive a letter. The dope favors very gratefully the opportunity ( ! ? the Seniors, who have two members guests as well as the students were f $ ? ) to go over the top seven on the squad who won their letter heard praising the good music. times. Other than thr- my services last year. But the Juniors claim An enjoyable time was reported that the dope is due for an upset. were not very noteworthy.” by all present. Besides his war experiences Mr. It is hoped that a large number of Bowling has traveled rather exten­ roofers will turn out to cheer their A Social Hour Orchestra team on to victory. So take heed sively in Western Europe and some The students who were in Mon­ ye Juniors and Seniors at four o’clock of the Near East countries. In "is- iting these different countries, Mr. mouth duiing the week end attended Wednesday.— Be there! Bowling made a study o f their school social hour Saturday, November 10, systems. On being asked the im­ in the evening from 7:30 to 0:30 in Alumni Visitors pression o f his travels he answered, the gymnasium. The really excel­ One o f the former students visit­ ‘‘ I saw enough of those countries to lent music was provided by Miss ing the campus Saturday was Ralph learn something of the people and Hickethier, pianist. Miss Williamson, Swett, who registered here at the be­ saxaphonist, and Donald Skeen, the organization of their school sys­ ginning of the fall term and is now- tems. I saw most o f all broken drummer. There was a Paul Jones teaching at the Oregon Military in which most of the students partic­ ambitions and decaying civilizations. j Academy, near Hillsboro. While A fter it was all over; after I saw ipated with imrdense enjoyment. ! here he held down the center posi­ Saturday was the first attempt what Europe was not I was glad in tion on the football team, which is at my soul that Columbus was not at the formation of an orchestra for Besides social hour. The orchestra was u present occupied by Price. shipwrecked. teaching the boys their abe's and pronounced success and we hope it We can consider such a man as two plus two equals four, he is put­ this on our faculty as a real asiet to will continue. ting into practice what he learned the school. Through his past exper­ from Coach Zeller about football. T yp es ience he is able to understand what the great cause of trouble and dis- Stepping lightly down the aisle, Broad casting course» at Spring- content is, and will help prepare hi//Dressed up in the latest style, field by arrangement vi'.h university ^students to meet situations in a more Painted cheeks and powdered nose, extension in Massachusetts, is possi- fit way. French-heeled shoes with pointed toes, ; bly the first step toward a radio col­ The Y ale N a va to tea rtJcat col- Brain aa light aa thinnest air. li ge whose students will take notes lege daily. The New Haven public«- Covered o’er with chic bobbed hair, in their own homes on lectures given tion was founded on Januaiy 28, 1878.' Fo m as slight as thistle down. | miles away. j J RICHARD LLOYD JONES/J* SAYS | Don’t Be a Knocker j vv ^ ^^W M ^H i^U iist the thcniKlitle-s to "knock" the thoughtful. No good work Is safe from misconstruction. E 'ery saint has had his defamer. That which made him a saint was the power to rise above the untruths hurled at him by those who could not themselves create truths. The negative fortes in this world always oppose the positive forcee; but In the whirl of new events and the fresh tomorrows, the world, in Us desire to honor those who push good forward, is glud to forget those who pull backward. Thyse who follow the lines of least resístame, who glide away from the difficulties of life, who seek only personal ease and comfort, are always quick to condemn those who labor for a common good and for the comfort and the liberties of the many. The man who lack« an accurate eye and a steady aim ran make a loud noise with blank cartridges but he makes a »»oor soldier. Those who produce nothing attempt to Justify their own inertia by criticising those who do produce something. WI k ' ii criticism Is observation, it is constructive; when it Is Jealousy, It Is destructive. The one seeks to correct; the other to contemptuously destroy. Criticism becomes noble vvheu it stsks not to antagonize but to foster a good work. Truth at all times is service When criticism attempts to rectify error. Improve Judgment and refine public tn«ie it l ee' .ues a public benefaction. Criticism becomes strong«-» when it exhibits the weak­ ness of a thing only to suggest something le'ti-r. The «riticlsin that counts is the criticism that builds ami encourages good efiTdbt. The criticism of those who can do the thing criticise«! less well or not at all has little weight ami Is soon forgotten. The critic suggests something lit t e r ; it Is the -knocker” "h o con- devmis am! «(Tors nothin* in return. Kvcry conqueror must some time meet Ms master. That H tLe law of proKriss, uiid his master will he the critic who can il" 1 ter, Copyright, 102?. by Richard Lloyd Jonea I've loaned a dime, full many a time, and I've frequently had 'em stolen . . . but I've never quit, and I'll do my bit, to keep the ball a-rollin'. . . . I shove the coin in the smilin' morn, and I think it's the proper caper. I couldn't refuse to read the news, so I buy tha tu 'rir.n' ; * • r The durndest beat that I ever mc.t— it really does surprise one— the paper's late—right up to date, hot this bird never buys or.e. . . . He snoops the sheet from sorne!o«ly-s feet, or sponges it from his neighbor— I'd kick his pants. If I bad the rbsnc*— but I hate to waste the labor!* The moral Is. get down to bis, don't be a tightwad slacker. It’s bad enough to stall ot * a Mull and he* a ehiw of tohaeker! I like to lend a hook to a friend— I t * i cordial an' friendly caper— bn- I fervently hate the one-eyed skate, that's too stingy to buy a paper! A bum bi, R t iÓ L U e iíí: ^ IW H a tg W R e n to Jdy A - T L cm IL u Any questions on etiquette scili be gladly anstcered In this column i f addressed to A. Leda, care of this news­ paper. There is more to Etiquette than Just doing this or that correctly, llow we eat or how act Is lm|H>r- t h nt of course, but how we talk is even more so. People judge us daily (much more than we realize) by the language we use. Whether its French. English. Spanish or Herman, It matters not—the grammar must tie correct, (loud English Is a sigu of good breeding anil good breeiling Is what makes a man or woman a lady or gentleman. What we think utid what vve say shows what we are— and our ability to say It. Here arc a few expression? so often heard, which quickly reveals a lack of culture; So many times vve hear "yell” lust cad of “ yes,-’ •she don't" instead of “ she does not." 'Between you and I" is of:eu heard but "between you and ino" Is correct. When one designates the sex. use the words man or woman. I »o not say. “ She Is t very hand­ some lady" or " lie is a flee looking gentleman." Also when speaking of one's husband do not refer to him as Mr. B. In other words, do not say Mr Brown will join u». Either say (If siieaking to a personal friend>, "Jack will Join na," or at any other time "my bust and will Join us." • • • Deva A L ed * : What should be done when a young man asks a girl if he may call on a certain evening and t! n «! -s not appear? Should she discontinue their friendship? A M o u xtiix G um .. Yes. very- do i.K-dly it 1« a very rude thing to do and unlesa th«re is a wrbten or verbal apology wi-hln t vs - lity four hours afti-rwaida. crus« this man <-ff from your l!«t of xc- quaintances liy that I mean, do not re-ogr.i:* hiu, any more than tf you had not met fctro. An ititer- i. •* r - * -!. I really ha the • , H E L P F m h E ¿ L T H H!NT&1 Electric Shock-—A live wire lay- | .,j 1 | s 'ie n t nmv t-e rem o'od with safety if flipped off wdth a dry 9 ,rd or ** k the same shock. Be »’ ire ttw* l» ‘srd you » I I I rucufva F R ID A Y . NOVEMBER 23. 19*3 _______ • "" 9 Page 7 L U C K A ID S VISITO R S IN S A T U R D A Y S G A M E W o o d Sawing { xt cord H. W . M ORLAN Hard wood, twice cut, 1 M X* N ota ry Public Accident to Glaser Comes at a Time Blank Deeds, Mortgag-*-, Etc. “ 3 times in two $ 1.16 " hen Hopes Were Highest Fir. t\vi_*e in two 80 c: 3 cuts SI .00 C. A . Sw ope L*d y Luck showed a decided pref ' Seth Smith, Phone 3205 B. F. Sv\ ope erence for Gold and Blue rather than for Cardinal and Gray, because she gave Pacific all the scoring in Sat­ urday’» football game, which ended 30-0. Lawyers 210 Oregon Building B U IL D IN G T ILE SALE M OREGON Made in Monmouth Associated—Thomas Bio vn make the best and most econom ical building m ater­ D R . F. R. B O W E R S O X ial you can buy. In long PU r S I C I A N ü SI R G E O N w ear and low cost o f upkeep PH O NE NOS there is nothing that w ill o lii) I 33*.« H O I si jt o j com pare w ith tile o r brick. T h e appearance o f such a B. F. BUTLER house is alw ays a ttra ctive Dentist and it holds its selling value P os t o f f i c e b!dg. b etter than a fra m e house. Monmouth O regon Drain Tile in all Sizes. A s k us about them. C entral ( lav Products Co. Efficient Service Courteous Tr«'»t The dope was in favor o f P. C. as they held Albany 3-0. Monmouth received and on being unable to gain around end punted. Pacific soon punted in return. This t a w Mon­ mouth hit the line and win. ocott Glaser and \\ ithrow alternating at carrying the ball. Norma! made first down three times. Pacific held on heir own 20 yard line and punted out o f danger. Just before the lose o f the quarter P. C.’a fullback broke through guard and made a touchdown. Score 6-0. This put the Normal on edge and they started a march for their oppon­ ment ents goal line which was abruptly Monmouth A Independence A ululili- halted when Sanders, P. C. captain A. L. K E E N E Y T1 ME SCHEDULE intercepted a pass and ran for a Bus cai t*8 Train leave« Funeral D irecto r and L i c i n i e d touchdown. Score 12-0. Monmouth Train Independence Embalm cr Monmouth again received and in 7.10 A M. To Poi tluinl 7.38 the center of the field made yardage .' U A M. To Portland 10 03 Call« Promptly Answered Day * 10.25 almost at will. Just before the 9.45 A. M. 1 Corvallis or Night. 12.13 half ende.l Pacific got the ball and 11.50 A. M. To Corvallis M id i) P. Portland To 3.12 f Prices Reasonable >n a long pass gained the four yard 3.33 ; 2.40 P. M To Corvallis line. It took them the four downs »‘HONES 9821 AND 5*822 5.10 P. M. To Portland 5.38 1 to make those four yards and the 6.45 P. M To Corvallis 7.15 ball was only inches over, but raised Ray n ond K Dc rby. Phone 1501 Prop ! the score to 18-0. It was some time during this quar­ ter that the accident happened ft which really robbed Normal of tht game. For it would have been Mon­ mouth game as they kept the ball in Pacific’s territory almost all the time except the three times when 4 Pacific broke through for touchdowns This accident was when Glaser got hit on the head and from then on he was “ out on his feet” . This was not apparent, except that his playing was not up to his usual standard. It was not until the last part of the final period, when it was necessary ‘ o call time out for him after a hard tackle, that it was realized that he was really hurt. During the third quarter and the first pait of the fourth neither team A g e n ts vas able to gain much yardage. An- ;ell was shifted to half, Withrow to! tuarter, and Stapleton to fullback | when Glaser was taken out. Dur­ ing the last seven minutes Pacific tubli»h«‘d in Germany. scored twice. Once on a long pass Guarantee« to make this sure *er* which Angell tried to break up only placed In the treaty of Versailles and o find that he had knocked it into the expectation here is that the na 'he hands of a P. C. tnan, and once on tlons party to that treaty will en a long run from the fifteen yard line. | «I» aver to force provl ions containing In the line Beck and Price were s" lh “ 1,1 " ,,rk of en the best players for the Normal, Personnel to Ce Increased a nc forem ent the plentdent believes tht while a large gentleman, name un­ allied gov rnuients «hould buve the New Vessels to He known, stood out prominently for sympathy of the American people. Added. Pacific. Withrow was the surprise if the day. Until the middle of the week he had played in the line, but Washington, D. C President Cool New Device Assuma Privacy In Radio. »n Wednesday Coach Zellers tried ldge has given his approval to troas Chicago. Privacy In rudio commun­ iim at fullback and in the game he ury plan» for expansion of the coasl ication, by means of a standard land vas the most consistent ground gain­ guard for prevention of rum «mug line printer tolegiaph machine, was er we had. Scott was the best de­ glint; The plans contemplate expend I demonstrated by experts before the fensive back of the day. ture of I20.000.00o for new craft an«! annual convention of the Association of Railway Electric il Engineer». Sevcial alumni and ex-students of additional personnel. In addition to the $20,000,000 luin( O. N. S. were back on the campus Saturday to attend the game and sum congress will be asked for ar SHIPS GUIDED FROM AIR •lance. Among these were Leonard , appropriation of $tt,600,000 for pay an« Kaup, who has been traveling in Can- maintenance of the additional person A d m i r a l C o m m a n d s Ba tt le Fle e t From It Is proposed to Increase th* N a v y Seaplane, ada; Eiise Hinkle; Helen Michaelson, nel number of commissioned offlrers fron San Diego, Cal For the first tim* now teaching at Oregon City; A lfred Grabhorn; Francis Lord, now teach­ 209 to 353. warrant officers from 39t In histtiry, according tu navy officers ing at Salem; Ralph Swett, who is to 716, and enlisted personnel fron the United States battle fleet was com 11111 nded from an aerial flagship when coaching football at Hillsboro; Mr. 4051 to 7122. Out of the $20.000,000, the treasury Admiral Samuel S. Kobiaon flew hi, N etter; Mr. and Mrs. Moore; W ini­ fred Neilson, now in Portland; Mary plans to pur< hasp 20 cruising cutters four starred flag from a navy seaplane During a 90 minute flight from San Bowel sox, who is attending O. A. C.; coating $11,000.000; 200 cabin rrulsln, motorboats at $7,650.000 and loo smal Diego to San Pi'dro, Admiral Robison and Ruth Kinney who is teaching at speed boat a at an approximate coat ol was constantly in touch with hla com Oregon Citv. $1.000.000. The craft will be one 01 mand by means of the radio equipment the fastest type known to moderr on the big F-5-L that carried the ad Jokes Prof. Dodds— What is ordinarily motor engineers and will be designee mlral and two members of his staff to stand any kind of weather Lieutenant M. T. Stanley of the air used as a conductor of electricity? Treasury offirials regard the At craft squadrons of the battle fleet Mable Anderson— Why, er-r- Dodds— Correct. Now tell me lantic and gulf coasts as presentins navigat«-«! the seaplane their most difficult problem In effort, what is the unit o f electric power? to stop smuggling and It la assume«! Mable— The what, sir? DILL BOOSTER SAYS Dodds— That will do; very good. that most of the new craft would b* concentrated on these seaboards. v\ Now the class will name some o f the The president Is expected to men CAMT FvCr-a«£ OUT HOVÜ lower species o f animals, starting tlon the proposed expansion of th< A KAERCWivklT WHO GETS with Miss Gunn. service In his forthcoming message t( Hl<3 OÄiurvuG D O IS OVJT O? A t t e m p t e d S u i c i d e of S u n d a y D e n i e d congress TO)Wki.AWO Nt>£R ADVCR.- Lot Angeles.—Police reported Sun TlS E E , CAkl EXPECT lb HAtfc day night that George M Sunday j t h e g o o d w a u . C vuo t h e prominent realty broker and son ol j SUPPORT o c THE UOCAU Billy Sunday, famous evangelist, had MEUlSPAPER. I „ attempted to take his life early in the Good to be Sure Better to be Insured B eit to be insured in the H A R T F O R D Fire Insurance Company Accident and Indemnity Company j Chambers & Powell ÍÍ m COAST GUMS : ANS O afternoon by Inhaling gas in hi? father's fashionable Wilshlre district heme Members of Sunday's family later depied that the son of the evange list bad attempted to take bis life. A laskan s Make D ivision Move. Juneau. Alaska -Committees to pre pare a memorial to congress, to as •embie data supporting the memorial and to draft an organic act were creat ed by a ctAi vent Ion representing tb* panhandle of Alaska assembled here to take the first step toward stata hood for Southeastern Alaska. Bulging Pocket May Bring Arrest. New Orleans. La.—O D Jackson federal pr«jklbltlon enforcement agent (or Louisiana^ ordered bis men to ar rest in/ person with a suspicious bulge la their pockets or who carry s j us p i clous package. U. S. IS OPPOSED TO HOHENZOLLERNS Washington, D. C. — The Unite«! States always has favored a repub lican form of government everywher, in the world. It was stated on behall of President Coolidge in answer U criticism that the recent announce ment from the White House that thl, government would not protest against 1 return of the kaiser or crown prlac, 1 to Germany, gave comfort and support < to German monarchists. With respect to the return of t h « . German Crown Prince to Germany and reporta of a prospective return of th« former emperor. It was said that Mr I C oolldge considers that one of stb« things for which the United States went to war was to drive the Hohen j sollerns from the throne and prevent such autocratic rule as had been es I K J J / / j