THE MONMOUTH HERALD. MONMOUTH. OEEGON FRID A?, OCTOBER 26, 1 i»J3 MADt THE ENGLISHMAN GASP = 5 2 Amusing Error American Am­ bassador to Enjpand Took With C u sto m ary Good N atu re. ^4 Service Feature For Early Christmas Shoppers The many advantages of purchasing Christmas gifts well in advance is making this custom very popular. ■»' Eaih year more and r«ore people buy Christmas gifts early. Desiring to serve our patrons in the way mo^t to their liking, and to make it easy for everyone to select Christ­ mas presents early, we make a service feature of reserv­ ing articles for Christmas on payment of a deposit. New Fall and Holiday goods are on display in all lines. It is a complete showing of the latest styles and offerings for the Holiday season. Selections will be laid away for you now, and if desired payment can be made in conven­ ient amounts any time before Christmas. A. L. K U L L A N D K R The Jew eler IN D E PE N D E N C E 296 Main Street OREGON I ll l ll B Christian Church f c CHuncini ¿¡NNl OWCDIDIS E v a n g e lic a l ChurcL Louis C. Kirby, Minister H. C. Shropshire, Minister. Phone 1304 Sunday Services: 10 a. m. Bible School. J. W. Least, Supt. Classes for all ages. Also a special class for Normal students. Rally day, November 4th. Our motto, 200 present. Don’t forget. 11 a. m. Preaching by H. C. Shrop­ shire. Subject, “ Burden bearing” . 6:30 p. m. Both Senior and Junior Christian Endeavor. Senior Endeavor under the charge o f Western Oregon young people here attending Normal Prof. Shutte will lead. Subject, “ How can we answer those who say that Pro­ hibition does not prohibit, or does Prohibition prohibit?” 7:30 p. m. Preaching, Subject, A continuation of last Sunday’s sub­ ject, “ Our Bible is a Divine Revela­ tion.” Wednesday evening. Prayer Meet­ ing, 7:30 p. m. Everyone cordially invited to at­ tend all of these services. Sabbath Schood 10 A. M. Mrs. L. R. Robinson, S. S. Supt. Our school is making plans for greater development under the effic­ ient leadership o f our superintendent. Let us all boost. Morning worship 11 A. M. Subject o f sermon, “ The Making of a Proph­ et” . Junior and Senior Endeavors meet at 6:30 p. m. Evening service 7:30 p. m. Subject: “ The Moral Law o f Sowing and Reap­ ing.” Mid-week devotional service Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. The pastor is giving an exposition o f the book o f John to which he in­ vites all Bible lovers to attend. The Homelike Society meets on Tuesday afternoon in the parlor of the church. vihristian Science A dainty church supper will be served in our church on Tuesday Wednesday evening meeting at 8 evening the 30th. o’clock. Sunday School at 10 A . M. Sunday morning service at 11 o’clock. Church Of The Nazarene Subject for Sunday October 28, Rev. C. Howard Davis, Pastor Preaching each Sunday at 3:00 P. “ Probation after Death” M. with Sunday School immediately preceding, starting at 2 P. M. Prayer meeting each Thursday at 7:30 P. M. A ll services will be held in the hall over the post office. In tils book of reminiscences Mr. John Drew, the famous actor, tells this amusing Incident that occurred under his own eye at one of those reconcil­ ing celebrations of the Fourth of July which have for years been held In London with both Englishmen and Americans in attendance. After the two national anthems were sung the supper room opened and the people flocked In and found eeats for themselves. Lewis and I were sitting next to an Englishman who was evi­ dently very hungry and very thirsty. Mr. Phelps, the American minister, walked Into the room and looked round over the tables. He wore side whiskers and to u chance observer looked not unlike a muitre d'hotel. The Englishman, not knowing who he wus. mistook him for one of the wait­ ers and Hsked him to bring him a er b ottle of Apollinarts. He pointed to „ bottle nearby that had been opened, a l ’helps good-naturedly took the bottle and put It down in front of the Eng­ lishman and started to walk away. The Englishman was Irate because Phelps had not tilled his glass. He reprimanded him and as he did so stood up anil vailed to the retreating figure: “ What do you mean by this? And who ure you?" Phelps turned and answered: “ My name is Phelps. 1 am the American minister at the Court of St. James's The Kngllshiuun fell back In his chulr so violently that he knocked the chair over backward.—Youth’s Com­ panion. GAME WAS WITHIN THE LAW 0fficers Sent t0 Break Up Poker Party Found Only Harmless Players of Bridge. •Skulking figures circled cautiously and with light tread about a house on the north side. Clo?e observation dis­ closed that the figures wore on their left breasts the pointed stars of of fleers of the law. Inside the house the sound of shuffled cards, muffled laughter, and light conversation could be heard. The moon hung low in the sky. All was peaceful. Abruptly, there came a knock at the door of the house. The sounds on the Inside of the house ceased and the door was opened. Before the startled eyes of the po­ lice i aiding squad, led by Lieutenant Louis Johnson, were disclosed eight well-dressed women, all smiling gra eiously, and all engaged In the pleas­ ant pastime and popular Indoor sport of auction bridge. "Aw, we were sent up here to get a poker game," Lieutenunt .Johnson EE Rubber Boots Baptist Churcb Sabbath School at 10 A. M. Preaching service at 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. Young People’s Meeting 6:45 P. M. Wednesday evening 7:30 Prayer, and Bible Study service. A ll are welcome to any of these services. Prof. William J. Sly, of Linfield College will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening. The morn­ ing subject will be, “ The Joy of Je­ sus” . Evening subject, “ The Way from Jacob’s Well to Jerusalem as I Saw it I-ast Summer” . Young people especially invited. M en’s W inter Shoes I sell nothing but good shoes. No paper soles in my stock. Call and look them over. Oils, Polishes, Shoe Strings Heavy and Light Weight Socks Gloves and Notions All Harness Goods left I am selling at Cost First Class Repairing CH ARLES M. A T W A T E R P ost o ffic e block explained, hi substance. “ We can't arrest any bridge players."—Indian spoils News. )* . ! * »o T * My V \ H A^ EA v Ï £ ALL N JT HJCT M O C h ; ^ \ p A v ,* »y v M .P m u l » k lO c B P MISA THE O P P O S I T E P i C E O T i O n f r o m t h e OFFICE AN’ HE'S SOCW A SLOW W A L K E D . \ ~ T H A T I T TO O K H ie \ A L U V AT ftrriic t a w Come and see us m our new quarters School Supplies Periodicals, Magetzmes M O R L A N & O N S Monmouth’s largest and most corrq . -te* Con*»? nn i ot*i c0 1 • »>.. M* - v - 1 WANTS Leave ordert Wanted— Good girl to share 2 down stair house keeping rooms. Modern place, two blocks from Normal. In­ quire at once. Mrs. Geo. Nestler C. C "I e ver a s * ' ìvjl - s i S tss .- •/. ■ . &. S o n Mulkey gEsssasRszsaszsaseszsssiîSEsasîîSiiaszsîisRSZbHiïesiîj'iiFHsasHsasdsaszsljdir^ For Sale— 20 Barred Hock pullets. J. M. MeCaleb. 6tf Fire Rooms for men, and board if de­ sired. Mrs. A. M. Arant. and Accident Insurance » C li1 Liability a ad Surely Hands Second Hand Stoves I have a few second hand heaters for sale. C. M. Atwater. Apple Boxes for Sale. Inquire at lumber yard. if Good Goods and Fair Treatment Walnuts for Sale: 1. pi i pound. J. M. MeCaleb, 5 high grade Jersey heifers for sale ■heap. Donald Skeen. l Call i'houe i-«*» i C O F F I N A. L j L E S T O N ^ a ja J Groceries ¿V Provisions Pure Bred Bai red Rock cockerels fo r sale. C. H. Boothby. li C. W . CHESEBRO Monmouth 15c each I nJ Oregon Any girl in trouble may coniiuuni cate with Ensign Lee o f the Salvation Vrmy at the White Shield Home, 56r Mayfair Ave., Portland, Oregon. - -» Money To Loan Plenty of it at 6 per cent, on city property.— Pay us back like rent.— Loans quickly made if title is good | Long time loans on farms— 6 pet cent and 6’-* per cent. G. W. Laflar, 410 O.egon Bldg Salem, Ore. '4am> Let me mend your furniture oi file your saws. J. W. Howell 4t IH For Sale | 12 Acres of land 5 room house, bflrn and other out-buildings. Fruit for family use. On a paved highway. Price $3000.00 terms. 9 room house, Corner lot, right close in. A poach for rooming pur­ poses. $2250.00 8 room house. Lot 82 *■* x 165 feet. A dandy for rooming. Price $2000. 5 Room house, close in; hot and cold water. Garage. Lot 75x182’ t ft. Fruit for family use, for only $1200. 5 lots, fruit and berries good barn on paved street. Only $1,000. Terms. 7 Room house, 3 lots, fruit foi family use. One block from paved street. Price $1500.00. Terms. 8-room house in a good location. A dandy home. Come and see it. $3,000.00. 8-Room House, 5 blocks from N or­ mal. Plenty of fruit. Splendid loca­ tion. Price $1500. Terms. 6 acres of land, small house, barn, fruit. Close in. Only $1600. Some terms. ä Pickles, Olii cs, Salad Dussing 'i i U*nwood Cottage Cheese ’.I O N M O l T H M A R K E T ' BD J. Mil I . I . , ’i . , w . >* Get It fiora us. P. H. JOHNSON BUY MILK TICKETS Look at these prices! Tickets for 12 (|iiarts $1.00 T ickets for 30 quarts $2.50 Tickets for 60 quarts $5.00 YOUNG BROTHERS DAIRY JERSEYS Phone 50:1 MONMOUTH AVE. Guaranteed work, Cleaning, ‘Vesting Men’s Suits, O v e r c o a t s , Sweaters Ladies’ Suit3, Dresses, Sweaters G ive me an or«I<-r ;:i i ! T. J. W E D E K IN D c- ..viiut 1 Monmouth Ore. j i^J■^SiL1«^‘25^£^^Se52Sc!S^5^5^5¿ r- “ dS¿hihi. .Li Fi - S I s a a a s H : Advertisers They are all boosters and deserve your business. 1 ■ ' ; f j and save f ifteen Perm it on your milk hill. HALJV9 C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E has been u»»d successfully In ths treatment o f Catarrh. H A L L ’tl C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E con­ sists of an Otofmsnt which Quickly Ir Relieves by local application, and the internal Medicine, a Tonic which a-ts threugh the Blood on the Mucous 9ur- face», thus reducing the Inftammatljn Sold by all druggista. Patronize Our u M r <( fu* xoki •4 AH Akts U(K <4*. 'Ù Transferring by auto truck and by team, within tho city or out of town. s F. J. Chaney A Co . Toledo, Ohio. TO OET BACK.! ■ MONMOUTH TRANSFER FOR OVER 40 YEARS tub L* Looked Like a Battlefield in Europe,” Said Mr. C. Dunster. »■PSZSBKSESaSESE.' ?5cbU55S£iHV-b2iT£i "I “ Was staying at a hotel in a small Pennsylvania town. Early one morn­ ing I went to the stable to hire a rig and was shown a pile o f dtad ra L silled with R A T -S N A P the nigh: bi fore. Looked like a battlefield in Europe.” Three sizes, 35c, 66c, $1.25 Sold and guaranteed by, PER KIN i- PH A R M A C Y OFFICE HOURS 2 T o 5 P M PHONE 805 see 1 "' “ It R e lia b le F ire in s u ra n c e an d S u re ty B onds you '• > 6 A. M A R A N T ! 0 * New Home, New Equipment To Ba an Orator. The Itev. Daniel J. Mannix. arch bishop of Australia, gave some sen­ sible advice to all young men who aspire to be public speakers He said he had always desired to be a great orator, hut he found that he could not, and now he no longer strives toward this object. He advises all who aim at a profession wherein they must seek to Influence others by their voice, “ not to aim for oratorical elegance, but to simply make their language mirror their thought. Do not exaggerate," he continues. “ l*se critical Judgment." The greatest public speakers are not those who Impress you with the beauty of their performance, but those who convince you by their simplicity, dl r rectness and sincerity.—Seattle Tost '( a* Intelligencer. G. T. BOOTHBY, Real Estate j-tMBM Tm's AtTHeeooq | i-vAO _ |"t> 00 two MtW » week. JOE ÏWA4VT MUftT P£CK. CDULD,'4*T C ET TVE«?E.'/ '▼ «rfOULP'jPj Page 5 H I “The Sign of the Rose' E. B . A R N O L D 8 32S££d5d5e5e5?5"«?J52SE52StLb2Si5"25dr25S15tidbdSe5L5iiiid5252Sil525ZS«'--ul52.-