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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1923)
© T he M onmouth H erald o VOL. XVI MONMOUTH, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEM BER 14. ÎUÜS <6 No 2 There is No Land Like Oregon and Only One Willamette Valley ness, its patrons and habitues a r New Members Named j will have charge of the new Depart- Destructive Fire Hop Picker Machine wont to linger in fond remembrance Hard Surface Work ,. „ of the days that were, the golden days For Normal Faculty j will ment of Geography and Miss Devore when favorable hop weather was a Is A Monster Affair 1 nreatens Corvallis Again Draws Fire be principal at Independence. m atter of real concern to thousands m Inquiries and corresp o n ds -e indi Up-keep work on tne Normal and Corvallis was the scene of a fire V\hen you hear of a hop picking in the W illamette valley. Notwithstanding the efforts of of cate there will be the usual healthy Dormitory which has been in progress last Thursday evening that destroyed machine you doubtless imagine some MRS. J. C. ROUNDS ficials, work on the hard surfacing of growth of attendance at the Normal. for the past two weeks, is nearing property with an estim ated value of thing like a corn harvester or a silage DIES IN CORVALLIS the highway south of the Luckiamute The faculty list is now coinp’cle. a completion. The Dormitory has had $103,000. M. A. Rickard, a son-in cutter. There is a hop picking mach has lagged recently and there have number of new names having been ad a coating of preservative upon its law of H. E. Guthrie of this city was ine on the Horst hop ranch between Mrs. Ellen Rounds, wu> of J. C. been frequent shut downs. The man ded since the June commencement roof and exposed walls have been | the heaviest looser, The fire started Independence and Eola and any such Rounds of Monmouth, died in Coival- who was putting in the bridges near at 11:10 o’clock Saturday morning the Benton county line grew weary In the Physical Education Depart treated with waterproofing. A w ater in his garage. At about half past description as that would be far lis pipe is being laid across the street to j four in the afternoon a Studebaker from the mark. This machine re passing away at the home of her son- of waiting for gravel with which to ment, Miss Josephine Goldstaub and the training school to Drovide for ad- car, leaking gasoline, was driven quires two or three hundred men and in-law and daughter. Prof and Mrs. do his work and is reported to have Miss Sheridan come to take up cer ditional w ater on that side into his garage. Onus Brown, women to operate it and is housed B. A. Johnson, 329 South Tenth thrown up his contract. The follow tain phases of the work of that de She has been failii'K during ing is from a recent issue of the Cor partm ent. Miss Goldstaub is a grad The W olverton house is undergoing mechanic took a can and went to place under an immense shed. A hop pi k- Street. lecent months and her death came vallis Gazette-Times: it under the car to catch the dripping ing factory would give a better ilea uate of the Oregon State College of a reconstruction. A h»t air furnace after a gradual decline. Mrs. Rounds Judge W. H. Malone, state high last June and worked very success is being installed in u basement re gas. Static electricity it is thought of the real enterprise. was a native Oregonian, bo^.i Janu way commissioner, made a trip to fully here during the iast six weeks cently dug beneath the house. The set the gasoline on fire and Brown The hops are drawn to the factory ary 7th, 1850, her age being 73 years Dallas and Rickreall yesterday for in jumped back with his clothing in on wagons and as the loader pulls rooms are being fitted up to accom of the summ er session. Miss Sher 8 months and 1 day. She is sur\ived spection purposes to observe the pro flames. He obtained an extinguish the vines from the trellis in the field idan will have immediate charge of modate the women members of ihe by her husband, her daughter, Mrs. gress of the West Side highway and er and applied it to the flames but he catches the stem s on a spiked faculty, not otherwise provided for, the health of the young women of the and one son, J. A Rounds, look at the bridge and approach south institution and is a trained nurse as who will make their home there this the tank soon exploded and very piece of wood which in unloading is Johnson, Yakima, W ashington. of Rickreall. The Polk county com well as teacher. P art of her duties winter. Miss Esther Mason will Le quickly the whole place was ablaze. used very much as a gam brel is used of Funeral services were held in Bo- missioners were undecided about the A large air tank close by soon ex n slaughtering a beef. Hanging from in connection with Miss Taylor will caretaker of this house. ploded, and this helped to spread Ihe the spiked stick the vine approaches vee’s parlors at 2:30 Tuesday a fte r nature of this bridge, and the Judge be to conduct physical examinations flames. Soon the gasoline tanks the feeders, two men, each of whom noon. Rev. Daniel Bryant of the Bap straightened affairs out, deciding to of all the young women of the insti and tires of automobiles in the build grabs a vine and attaches it to a sort tist church ofliciated. Burial was in go 50-50 with them on the concrete tution, recommending to them the approach. ing were exploding ifjke giant fire of endless chain or belt w h;ch pulls the Crystal Lake cemetery. proper corrective physical exercises crackers. he hop vine through a series of cyl Mrs. Rounds was taken to the John The paving north of Rickreall is necessary to the best health and de The Corvallis fire departm ent inders. The cylinders are flttel with son home in Corvallis when ner ill progressing rapidly and is practical velopment. which responded promptly, was handi wire teeth which articulnte with ness became serious and where her ly finished. This job is a dandy, the Miss Agnes Erickson comes from Seventeen hop kilns on the C. A. capped because of poor pressure from similar wire teeth on a series o f cylin daughter could care for her. Judge says, and fills a bad gap and an assistancy in the State Teachers McLaughlin the city w ater mains But a steam ders above. As the vines pass be Mr. and Mrs. Rounds came to Mon has a detour that has been very dusty property, two miles north College of Greeley, Colorado. She Independence were burned on pump was brought into position and tween the cylinders they loose imps mouth in 1910. They kept boarders and bad all summer. will have charge of the Bookkeeping, of Thursday of last week. A t with w ater taken frov. the river, and leaves. There are three sets of for a while but because of advancing The paving in South Polk county Office Practice, Penmanship and Busi the same afternoon tim e about of proved effective in checking the cylinders, perhaps a dozen in each years gave it up. She was a woman is making very slow progress, the day ness English. Mrs. Bertha Hall, the land were burned over. forty In acres flames, which were under subjection addition and when the vines have passed of refinement and culture and her before yesterday only 160 feet being head of the Commercial Department, to the kilns, buildings used for dry within an hour of the tim e the first set between the upper and middle cylin memory leaves a grateful impress on laid, and yesterday none at ail. The will have charge of the Stenography, ing, storage, and baling were destroy blaze broke out. ders they on the return trip all who knew her. For the past few job is being held up by lack of m ater Typing and Practice teaching in com ed as well as a quantity of wood, sul There were fifty three automobiles between the follow lower and middle cylin years Mr. and Mrs. Rounds lived in ial delivered at the railroad points. mercial subjects. She has been in phur, green hops and other m aterial. in the garage which were destroyed ders until they are back to where one of Mrs. Mack’s houses, Judge Malone is looking up this de structor and student the early part W ithout a pumping outfit the In with it. Only $5,000 insurance was they started and the same mechanism or to secure the liberal interpretation lay and promises to do all he can to of the summ er in the Behnke-W alker dependence fire departm ent was able carried on it. The loss on the g a r which fastens its grip on a fresh set before a man is named for the speed up the work. Business College, and for the last do little in the way of checkimr the age is estim ated at $10.000, and the of vines releases the grip on the old position. Paving will not be completed any three years in the Corvallis High to how this fall and what is left will be daij^ge but a pump from the Salem automobiles at an averag* of $1,000 ones. They fall to the floor and are I’EMBER AND SNELL STOCK School and under the direction of the departm ent which responded in record each. given a coat of gravel. Judge Malone dragged off. WAS SOLD YESTERDAY says he is most anxious to have this Department of Commerce in the State time, was instrum ental in s s . ing a Other property losses were: M. Mil In the meanwhile the leaves and College. She had charge of the com large quantity of wood. ler residence, $3,000; Beaver Laundry hops are off on endless belts where At a meeting of creditors of the finished, as he wants to travel it him mercial work the last six weeks of the The blaze was a spectacular one and and apartm ents, $¿,500; Pacific Tele they pass between rows of women who Pcmber & Snell Oompuny held ;inder self on his frequent trips to Portland. summer school in the Normal. as the news of the fire spread, people phone Co., $2,700; Rickard residence, pick out broken bits of stem s; through the supervision of the court hi Port The east side road to Albany is re Dr. H. T. Schutte, scheduled to a r came from all directions to see and $900; A. A. Gardiner, furniture $200; huge cylinder screens where some of land Thursday, G. W. Ingt am was ported in better condition, the road The buildings Mountain States Power C>., $300; W. the leaves are sorted from the hops; appointed trustee and the sab of having been scarified, and the holes rive today from Chicago where he offer assistance. has just received his doctorate, is en were about a hundred feet from the A. Shuey, furniture $20C; A. Bardon, on vibrating aprons where friction the stock and fixtures was ordered filled. While the loose gravel and snd gravity serve further tc separate through advertising, bids to be open dust will soon be sucked up again, gaged in the D epartm ent of Educa paving which in the heat melted and roof fire $200. tion. He will have branches in Psy was so soft that it interfered with During the early stages of the fire, the hops from the leaves, part other ed Tuesday. Mr. Ingram was in Mon this is expected to help until the west chology, Tests and M easurements, traffic. Telephone poles along the rumors concerning it went flying rows of women who pick out and sep mouth Monday at which tim e repre side road is thrown open, which will Principles of Edusation and other roadside burned down and one oak about the state and a Portland paper arate clusters of hops, again thru sentatives of three concerns looked be in about three weeks. This will have a good coat of gravel and the allied subjects. He has been recently tree had its trunk destroyed and its printed an extra with the headlines the separators until the hops shoot over the goods. shouting “Another Astorin Fire.” into sacks on one side of the factory Owing to a m isunderstanding by road to Albany is expected to be in head of the training school in the top now lies upon the ground. Northern Arizona Normal School at The building loss is estim ated at General George A. W hite of the and the leaves accum ulate in piles which certain prospective bidders good shape all winter. $40,000. The hops destroyed were state militia, who was in attendance on the other side. Flagstaff. claimed they were not getting fair LORD AND T H k V k a 'R at the Legion convention in Seaside, Separating hops from leaves is not covered by insurance. The hops play the time of opening bids was ex Miss Eleanor Kurth, home now in MEET ON MOUNT HOOD under contract at a higher price heard that Corvallis was doomed and as easy as separating grain from tended from Tuesday to Thursday. A Portland, is engaged in the D epart were called up the city and asked what was chaff and men are constantly busy number of buyers have visited Mon Francis Lord has a brand new best present m arket price. ment of Music. Her experience in than the buildings, it is announced, will needed in the way of tents, supplies with brooms sweeping up the over mouth to look the stock over and sev story. company with Carlton Sav cludes three years in the State Teach be The in the spring. As picking and guards, which shows how quickly flow and putting it hacx into the chan eral bids w ere placed by concerns on age and In others made the trip up ers College at Kearney, N ebraska, and and rebuilt is now in progress it they would have been ready with such nels of separation. In side rooms, only such inform ation as the obtained Mount Hood one he day this past week her preparation also includes five or would harvesting also, men and women are busy pick from the inventory. possible to get them re help if it had been needed. and on the top of the mountain they six years study abroad, a large part built in not tim be e for ing by hand the branches which use this year. The JUDGE D Et'ID EfiC O U R T sighted a bear. The bear evipe.itly of that tim e in Berlin. Miss Ruby balance of the McLaughlin broke off before being stripped of their MONMOUTH c T ki ""LANDS is be was not looking for them and tried Lorence, well known to citizen; of ing cared for by neighbor crop CAN 4 HANGS ROAI) SAFELY IN JAPAN to avoid their company but products. Quite a little hand work yards and when a Monmouth and this section of the in driers not in use heretofore this The case of the Salt Creek market is necessary to see that the vines are Monmouth relatives are anxiously party is close to the top of the m oun state, and who was engaged in the road was argued before Judg_* Belt thoroughly stripped but it is confi awaiting word of Miss Agnes Camp tain and a bear is between them and summer session a year ago, comes as season. To dry the hops suitable for storage Tuesday and the judge promptly de dently asserted th at the machine bell, who was expected to arrive in the peak, it requires some strste ;v on an assistant in the D epartm ent of it is necessary to subject them to a hops are cleaner than hand Japan shortly after the recent eartn- the part of the bear to svoid a colli Mus ic. She will have charge of heat of 140 degrees which is a danger cided that if the county court could picked picked, although ground up and pul- quake with its acompaniment of flood sion. In making good his retreat the establish a m arket road it could also H istory of Music, Harmony of Mu point in the business. The preseent erized considerably And it is also abandon or change a m arket road pro sic and some of the practice teaching. season has been hot and dry which fire. She goes to Kioto where bear chose a different canyon than the vided they followed the regulation told that when the bops are of good and she has a position on the faculty of one the party was ascending. But Miss Anne Ulen, a graduate of the has added hazard to the harvest. routine in the m atter. As to the regu luality and the factory force in good the University of Japan and which Lord saw tnrough his scheme and in Oregon Normal School and engaged lations and consideration given to working condition they are known to is located a hundred .miles from Yo tercepted his bearship on the way Takes Fine Position in Roseburg the past year in public them in the present case he was in separate fourteen hundred sacks of kohama, where the main dam age wus down. Lord did not have a rifle hut Miss Edna Scott started in this school work, comes as an assistant in some doubt. He gave the plaintiff five hops in one day. dona. She sailed on the Maru he had a cam era and is now showing week as a teacher in history and the A rt Departm ent. Miss Ulen's From the picker the hops go to the la'gest of Japanese liners Taiyo days in which to file a brief and the and a num the photograph of the bear and the fine record here as a student a id as civics in the W ashington high school defendants five days in which to make kiln for drying which is not conduct ber of contradictory reports have mountain and the canyon to back up in Portland. Miss Scott who is a an instructor in the summ er session answer. During the interval the pres ed in the manner of prunes on trays story. of last year insures her a hearty re graduate of the college in McMinn ent injunction stands and no work can in a tunnel. Instead the hops are been published concerning the fate his The guide said he never knew but of this boat. It has been published ville has been teaching in high schools ception and success in the work for piled on the floor of the drier, about that it arrived safely and also that one other be done on the road. bear who had a weakness in different parts of the state for the the coming year. Those acquainted three feet deep. The doors are then it has been laid up for repair;. No for mountain The road this suit refers to is the climbing it is thought with Miss Laura Holliday when here past few years. Last year she went road from Dallas to the Tillamook closed and the heat turned on for % this one was driven up seeking safety word has been received from Miss to the university and got a m asters form erly, will be pleased to know cf country and is used constantly at this stated period of time, when the doors from hunters. her return as Mrs. Ostien, also an degree making honor standings in time of the year by people from this are opened again. Dry hops are Campbell. The Oregonian Wednesday an I M. Simpson of Portland was s all subjects. assistant in A rt. section as well as from the surround like so many feathers. They are nounced that the Taiyo Maru had an Miss Lois Criswell of Tacoma, for F. J. Coad has sold the Dallas plan ing region. The route makes little dif- scooped out with large shovel:: into chored at Kobe with all passenger* business visitor in Monmouth S atu r the bal ing machines where at last the day. merly of Pendleton, takes the work in ing mill to A storia parties and the erence to people on either end of the safe. the library left vacant by the resig machinery will be moved in the near route. It is merely being used in the hop becomes a commercial product. future. In rebuilding A storia is has unfortunate feud that prevails in the The Horst ranch covers 7C0 acres, FRED HILL BECOMES nation of Miss Grace Leaf. been difficult to get machinery county and the delay m ust aggravate 400 of which are nov/ producing hops MONMOUTH MEAT MAN Mr. Waldo Zeller, who is to be an as fast found Time was when 24" additional acres all who use the road and espec'aiiy as it was needed and Mr. Coad instructor in the M mm outh High had an offer which he did not feel he thoae who travel it in the winter. were covered with wires and vines Fred J. Hill has started in business School, also will have chaigt of the could refuse. helping to produce the product that for himself, buying out the interest men's athletics in tn<* N ,rmal School. But Dallas will not be without a Juice to Dallas cnce made brew that made Milwaukee which his father has had with him He is a graduate of W illam ette Uni heap of poles recently unload famous. These 240 acres of hops since they started here four years mill. The W illamette Valley ed The versity and has a splendid record as planing by Power company in Mon have been olosve 1 up and the land ago. He has his trade well in hand, Lumber company announces that it mouth is the being an athlete and coach. hauled along the high put to other uses. Any one who wants keeps a clean and attractive shop, and will establish in Dallas a combination way to the north of the city. They to argue the promlHtion question wi’l gives courteous service. J. B. Hill I ? y jv c a n » IV « t o d a y Vacancies in the force of critic planing mill and box factory and cut are to' be used in the construction of find plenty of opportunity it he ling has not decided w hat he will do in the teachers in the training school at In up mill that will employ from 25 to 75 a new and heavier power line to Dal ers on the Horst premises. Jç*nd ih * "ad ia rÿa sn * future, but will stay in Monmouth dependence have been fl'led by the men in the season. las. In the old days our It is said to be one of the largest and will probably start up in the election of Miss Florence Beardsley. I nei a w a y/ who form erly was eritic in the rural j A special meeting of the Civic juice came from Dallas now it hop yards in the world. From three chicken business. goes through here to Dal to five thousand men and women are center in Ëoîa. and Miss Naomi H ag -M » b h*ld hi«h the power plant there being no registered and on the pay roll of the , t \ ensen. a graduate of the Normal | b.u ild,n* Tuesday / ftcir ro ^ *t _2_,_0j las, Live Wire* longer by the company. Con yard at this time of the year. They j Mr». C. Lorence M atters of interest will come up and School whrf has k«cn engaged in members and others interested in civic nection used in renewing her is also being made with have three camps there, each one a [ subscription this week ordered the teaching in Pendleton the past year, improvement are urg -d to attend. Rickreall and to farm ers along the small city of tents. Children swing Herald sent to her in Ohio during her anjl Miss Peart Ellis, also a Normal route. under th shade of the trees. Young visit there. This is her first visit graduate who comes from the Port Notice To Pay# l ’p men toss horse shoes, girls spru< e up i-nck there in 48 years. O ther renew land school* with severa' years of Notice is hereby given that the firm .Moon Hides Sin for the dance, for the Saturday night als and new subscriptions during the While the w eather Monday noon successful experience. of J. B. Hill A Son has been disolved ball at the hop yards is an institution week were, W. W. Elliott, N. S. Stew Mrs. Mattio L Carr, a recent grad and that the business will be conduct- was a bit cloudy, local people had no in itself. art, D. W. Tilton, J. W. Scott, Miss trouble in w atching the course of the uate of the Normal, will have charge ed at the old stand by the undersign- Edna Scott, H. K. Sickafoose, Mr*. A. The hop business which has had its eclipse of the sun. The eclipse was of the rural center of Eo'a and Mrs j ed and that all accounts owing the Arline B. Farieigh. als> a N orm al'said J. B Hill A Son are now due most nearly complete during the noon funeral sermon preached on a number L. Boynton, Mrs. Mary Campbell. hour at which tim e all the character- of occasions is still n rath er lively Mrs. D. M. Hewitt, Alfred Smith, graduate, of the critic work a t Oak and m ust be paid at once. corpse. As in many another busi Mrs. Kate Baab. T. J. Edwards istics of tw ilight prevailed. Point. Fro* >■ ■ ■ $40,000 Damage in Big Hop Yard Fire ’