THE MONMOUTH HERALD, MONMOUTH, OREGON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1923 ge 4 Guard Against Burglar*. But What About Rats? Rata steal millions o f dollars’ worth of grain, chickens, eggs, etc. ent«r«d ma ••eond-clmas matter September#. 19Ü# Destroy property and are a menace n the post office mt Monmouth. Oregon, under the You may go to the packers, the ma to health. If you are troubled with Act of March S. UT71. chinery- men, the various wholesalers rats, try RAT-SNAP. It will surely r j. and you will find a decided harmony 1 RICHARD B, SWENSON kill them— prevent odor*. Cats or E ditor A P u blisher Christian Church o f prices. One wholesale shoe man dogs wont touch it. Comes in cakes. Three size*, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and holds his product at about the same H. C. Shropshire, Minister. M ONM OUTH. OREGON guaranteed by PERKINS PHAR Sunday Services: price as other wholesale shoe men. and MACY. 10 a. m. Bible School. J. W. Leask. the same thing prevails in other lines ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY They evidently have some method of superintendent. 11 a. m. Preaching by H. C. Shrop reaching a price agreement that is shire. Subject, a continuation of the FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1923^ not observed by the government. sermon on “ The all authority of Subscription Rate* Now .r.stead o f passing new laws Christ” . One year • $2,00 we suggest that an old one be repeal 6:45 p. m. Junior and Senior Chris For Rent: A small two-room cot ed. The Sherman anti trust law tian Endeavor meetings. Six montha - - $1.00 tage. Also rooms without board. has long outlived its usefulness. Ex Three months • - 75 cts 7:45 p. m. Preaching. Subject, Mrs. M. Beckley. perience demonstrates that where a “ A truly great man.” business grows beyond a certain size I Wednesday evening, Prayer. Meet FOR SALE— Second hand Fordson it becomes top-heavy. At any rate| ing, 7:30 p. m. |c.-~ n o t __ Z>| tractor and Jersey milk cow. For the right of united growers or pro- j Everyone cordially invited to at particulars see Mrs. Carl Pollan. No matter how little or how much you have, final suc iucers of any commodity to sugges: tend ail of these services. ce s s depends on Thrift and Thrift mean* SAVING. Start » Housekeeping apartments for four a price should be recognized. T! e ; with only $1.00 if nerenaary but— START! The privilege* girls. Oren McElmurry. supply will always have to be reck- j Evangelical ChurcL of Having are brought to you in an ideal way at this on d with but a group of representa “ The Homelike Church” Rank with it* manifold services, its unquestioned safety, Apple Boxes for Sale. 15c each. tives of the producers of wheat, fo: Sunday School 10 A. M. and its many conveniences. Inquire at lumber yard. 11-~ 1QI ,)\ instance, with statistics of production Mrs. Robinson Supt. It only takes $1.00 to get your name on a savings pas* Oak Wood For Sale at hand and the demand before them, Preaching services 11 A. M. and book. Why not do this the first thing tomorrow? inquire of L. I. Bursell. could at regular intervals set prices 7:45 P. M. By Rev. Franklin. Ye editor and the Herald both have When you do, we will present you with a liberty Bell C. E. Junior and Senior 6:45 P. M. birthdays this week. Volume 15 of that would immensely stabilize the Savings Bank to assist in building up a Savings Account. For Sale— Hall tree. Chiffonier, Prayer meeting Wednesday even solid oak diniog room set, (leather the Herald is completed and this issue industry and free it from much of bottom chairs) and a solid oak is number one o f volume 16. As for the speculation that curses it a' ing at 7:45. Such price making is no You are cordially invited to attend sideboard. G. W. Chesebro. ye ed, he has just rounded out a present. different than the more compact in these services. smooth, round half century. For Sale: Three single beds, sprthgs dustries do at present and what is and mattresses. Oren McElmurry. The letter from C. E. Spence, state fair for one is fair for the other. Baptist Church Wanted market agent, printed in another MONMOUTH, OREGON Services Sunday as follows: A man to milk cows and do general Possibly there may have been column presents some very pertinent 10:00 Bible School. work around a small dairy. Must be a Officer* -IRA. C. POWELL, PRES. J. B. V . BUTLER. VICE PRES. facts. Its comparison o f the prices more severe convulsions o f nature 11:00 Morning worship. be a good milker. Terms $50.00 a F. E. CHAMBERS. C ash ier ; C. C. POWELL, A sst C ashier paid for farm products with that paid than the recent disturbances in Japan, 6:45 The Junior and Senior En- month and board to the right person. for labor and other products ar«' too but it is not recorded that any ever deavor meetings. Address Box 257, Monmouth, Oregon Directors—J. B. V. BUTLER, C h air m a n ; WM. RIDDELL. true to be denied. At the seme time «occurred where there was the same Phone 2405. 4t-50 I. M. SIMPSON, G. A. CONN, D. R. RIDDELL, IRA C. POWELL 7:45 Evening Worship. hundreds o f farmers can he found in congestion of population and the same Let me mend your furniture or Two hundred and six the country who deny that evils of loss of life. file your saws. J. W. Howell 4t Church Of The Nazarene this sort can be corrected ty * rgani- teen distinct earth shocks have caused Rev. A. Wells, Pastor zation of the kind which ties a man a loss of life estimated at over two Money To Loan Preaching each Sunday at 3:00 P. Fire and flood up for a period of years and fon es hundred thousand. Plenty of it at 6 per cent, on city M. with Sunday School immediately him to agree that his crop shall be have added to the misery and want property.— Pay us back like rent.— preceding, starting at 2 P. M. pooled through the organization The and suffering among the Japanese Loans quickly made if title is good. Prayer meeting each Thursday at trouble with this sort of thirg is that has sent a wave of sympathy around Long time loans on farms— 6 per 7:30 P. M. the officers of the organization and the world that is resulting in active cent and 6 % per cent. Prayer Band meetings Wednes directors of the pool are guaranteed aid wherever the machinery of civil G. W. Laflar, 410 Oregon Bldg. day at 2:30 P. M. Zeph. 3:12-15. The lumber trade of their wages while the grower and pro ization exists. « All services will be held in the hall Salem, Ore. ducer is not guaranteed anything. He the west coast with Japan has been over the post office. For Sale There is little takes what is left. Too oft.en the steadily increasing. 12 Acre* of land 5 room house, barn officers and organizers devote more timber along the east coast of Asia and other out-buildings. Fruit for Christian Science time and brains to perpetuating their While our first and immediate concern Sunday School at 10 A. M. family use. On a paved highway. jobs than in securing returns for their is to succor the, needy, it require* no Wednesday evening meeting at 8 Price $3600.00 terms. patrons. The average man is usually priphetic eye to discern the effect up 9 room house, Comer lot, right suspicious of people whom he know* on western lumbering which the Jap o’clock. Sunday morning service at 11 close in. A peach for rooming pur and does business with and as a rule, anese misfortunes will bring forth. poses. $2250.00 prefers to do business with strangers. For the good name of America it is o’clock. Subject for Sunday, “ Man” . 8 room house, Lot 82 % x 165 feet. The »tranger with a plausible scheme hoped that moderation in price exac finds him a ready victim. He falls tions will prevail in our dealings with A dandy for rooming. Pric\ $2000. readily to appeals to class and is bare the necessities of the Orient. Post office block Phone 6 8 0 2 5 Room house, close in; hot and ly out from the influence of one ret of cold water. Garage. Lot 75xl82Vfc ft. FARM POINTERS prophets before a new set arises. The Fruit for family use, for only $1200. K IL L S R A T S For summer infestation of currant result is he is constantly swayed by 4 lots, fruit and berries, good barn Also mice. Absolutely prevents conflicting emotions. This sort of aphis the commercial nicotine dust on paved street. Only $1,000. Terms. odors from carcass. * One package The obvious cause of this unequal thing makes an unstable mas.'- out of has proved better than liquid sprays 7 Room house, 3 lots, fruit for RAT-SNAP comes in condition of values is that nearly all which to form an aggressive business in tests at the experiment station proves this. family use. One block from paved industries o f the country are ao organization. The time may come They were most effectively applied in rakes— no mixing with other food. street. By C. E. Spence, Agent. Price $1500.00. Terms. Guaranteed. strongly organized they can fix and when the producers of a gi-’en article warm, still periods. On small plant A small house and barn on a paved It is indeed an extraordinary econ maintain selling prices, and labor can be welded into a compact mnss, ings the material was dusted on light 35c size • 1 cake • enough for street. Price $650.00. omic cordition that wages and all > likewise through organization can de as the coal miners and operators are ly through a cheese cloth bag, but on Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. living expenses should steadily ad mand and obtain high wages. 65c size - 2 cakes - for Chicken Only welded at present, but it is a long commercial plantings, with a knap 8-Room House, 5 blocks from Nor vance, month after month, while the 1 unorganised labor has a low wage House, coops, or small buildings. mal. Plenty of fruit. Splendid loca sack duster. way off. product* of the farm, on which mil- scale. $1.25 size - 5 cakes - enough for tion. Price $1500. Terms. Under present conditions we be lions depend for food, are so low Chat 6 acres of land, small house, bam, all farm and out-buildings, storage And the manifest remedy for the the most of them bring less than the deflated and desperate condition the lieve another plan would work better fruit. Close in. Only $1600. Some buildings, or factory buildings. cost o f production to the growers. terms. Sold and guaranteed by farmers are in, is to follow the rule of Noftirv Public The butter business of America All industries except agriculture big business industries and big labor PERKINS PHARMACY G. T. BOOTH BY. Real Estate Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Etc. never stood on a better basia than are generally prosperous; there is na organizations and refuse to take the when prices were made by the Elgin tion-wide demand for labor, and wag deflation o f the whole nation. Dairy Bonrd. Membership ir. the es in most industries are high. Farm Farmers can just as well regulate Board was« confined to representatives ing, alone, seems to have collapsed. their production and determine a fair o f producers who met on Monday of Wheat at one dollar a bushel, with price for their goods as the shoe man each week and reviewed th# market other farm products at present pric ufacturer, the implement factory, the situation and made the butter price es, would be all right for producers oil combinations, the sugar trust or if other prices were in proportion. As any other o f the price controllers of for the ensuing week. The ruotation gave permanency and stability to the the unjust situation now is, the grow the country's necessities. butter market. Contracts were based er gets less than it coat him to pro But there is a limit to the price on it. It finally acquired such vogue duce wheat, beef, apples, small fruita that any combination may exact— that Liverpool quotations used it as and many other products, while he there is a limit to what the public a basis. has to pay nearly double for imple will stand. Nearly all combinations ments and other working and living of capital recognize a dead-line and Then the government interfered necessities. fear a public buyers’ strike. It was held that the price quotation A binder that costs the farmer $175 All over the United States farmers for the period o f a week was a viola in 1914, now coats $260, according to are taking up the one remedy that tion o f the Sherman law and was a statistics of Charles T. Michaels; a seems will give them relief from the combination in restraint of trade. sulkey plow that was $37 now is $54; present unbalanced and unjust con Now the tendency of the Elgin Board a wagon that retailed for $80 before dition that is forced upon them—c o was not toward exorbitant prices the war now costa $135 and labor operation. If they will use this It had constantly to keep in mind the that cost the farmer $1.50 per day group organisation to help consumers laws of supply and demand and the now comes at double that scale. as well as themselves, they will have quotation on the following week fre Wheat at 90 cents per bushel to wonderfully helped the prosperity of quently reflected whether they had the farmer, when freight is deducted, the country as well. If they use under-guessed or over-guessed the is 1S cents per pound, while the the combination power for the sole supply. ________________ * wholesale price of middlings, $38 at purpose of forcing a higher price for The employing printers o f America this writing, $36 at the mill, is nearly products, without working to reform 2 cent* per pound, a higher price than the distributing system, they will known as the Typothetae, have main the grower gets for his whole wheat. have accomplished little for perma tained a price list, changed monthly T h e dealer w h o sold you y ou r tractor told y o u to use o n ly according to the fluctuating cos* of While the grower gets but lVfc cents nent good. g w J o i l - and y o u r co m m o n sense tells y o u the same thing. paper and labor and suggesting fair for wheat the price o f flour ia nearly There is far too great a spread Re four cents per pound and the price of between the producer and consumer. prices to be paid for printing. T h e on ly question is— w hat oil— and the answer is //dtw & sr. cently the government forbid the cir bread is from seven to ten cents. Farm co-operators have a great op Havoiine has been on the market for nearly twenty yearv It was portunity in their organizations to in the fir« high grade oil sold under s brand name. Through its vade this middle profit field and re entire life, Havoiine has maintained its reputation for the highest organize the wasteful and expensive quality. system. Consumers have equal op portunity to co-operate with the Use Havoiine in your tractor, automobile, and «ationary gas grower* and come half way for the engine. Keep a five gallon can handy, or a «e e l drum (wwh T H A T C O O V S H TM« A T W « A * products. With the two-thirds mid faucets) I «sfARCM Of W ATEdf die expenses between them rut to the The dealer displaying the Havoiine sign will sell you Havoiine "* barest necessary expense, and with perhaps producers and consumers be Oil in the grade and quantity you need. ing their own middle men between the grower and the retailer, then t price-control on the part o f the farm IN D E P E N D E N C E , ORECsON er to the extent o f a fair return for his labor, would not add to the high retail prices, against which the homes are now protesting. T h e H era ld culation of this price list saying it was in restraint of trade and a vio’ a- tion o f the Sherman law. You f c CHimCH ! 4 m 0UNCDÜM5 Success Depends on Thrift Monmouth Meditations First National Bank Bargains in Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes. O x fo rd s a n d p u m p s a t $ 1 , $ 1 .5 0 a n d $ 2 New Fall and Winter stock in. Heavy shoes, rubbers, etc. CH ARLES M . A TW A TE R R State Market A T - SN AP Dep’t. H. W . MORLAN T h e R ig h t Oil in the R ig h t P la c e 50 tonde Johns dbsfo, GOOD CIGARETTES T h o m a s & H orton O K N U IN C "B ull " DURHAM AUV.W TOBACCO Bee* are tempted to more frequent swarming when located near tall ¿reew, which also make the recovery of th* bees mere difficult and unrer havol I ne oil C . 1 h i oe