The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, August 31, 1923, Image 1

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°fo L'b
T he M onmouth H erald
No 52
MONM OUTH, PO LK C O U N T Y , OREGON, F R ID A Y . A U G U S T 31, 1923
T h e r e is N o Lan d L ik e O re g o n and O n ly O n e W illa m e tte V a lle y
Items of Interest
Farewell Reception
W ITH CO LU M BIA H IG H W A Y Going and Coming
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Alwe<
At Oregon Normal | arrived
In Vacation Time l o Mr. and Mrs. Pace
this week from Kansas City
! for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cole and chil- | About two hundred Odd Fellows
A very successful summer quarter Dodds.
Mrs. Dodds is Mr. Alw es’
from the point o f view of faculty ant! sister.
The Kansas City people ere Jren who
who returned last week from | and Kebekahs and friends assembled
students closed this week with m any, traveling by automobile
on an e x *! their vacation trip in Southern Ore- ( ln the Odd Fellows’ hall Monday
students completing their work for tended vacation trip and expect .to, ¿on,
visited at point.; in Coos county. [ l; ¿ht and tendered a farewell recep-
Seventy seven diplomas | reach San Diego before they return The.v took the Roseburg-Myrtle Point j tion to Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Pace, who
were conferred at a special Chape! home.
Mr. Alwes is a printer, con- highway to Marshfield and North aie leaving for other fields of labor.
Assembly on Thursday morning.
! nected with a linotyping concern c f Bend, called on Rev. H. E. Russell and
On Wednesday morning, as the la s t! Kansas City.
They encountered the family at Coquille and made a trip to speeches were made by W. J. Stock-
The • holm, F. E. Murdock, Claude Boothby
regular chapel hour, the students were Rockies in Colorado and followed Bandon and its famous beach.
entertained by a delightful program them north t.o Yellowstone peik, tind- road into Bandon is now under con -! P- H. Johnson, President Landers,
arranged by the Music and Public ing the traveling rather strenuous struction and the detour over which Prof. Gooding Prof. T. H. Gentle and
Speaking Departments under the The Columbia highway struck thee travel is routed is something to be ex- Ira C. Powell expressing the appre-
perienced rather than described.
ciation the community feels for the
direction o f Miss Peterson, Miss Keel- as the best thing they have yet f.i
- — -------------
! good work o f Mr. and Mrs. Pace and
er and Miss Godbold.
and say the sights along it « c i C
. r. and Mrs. (. Lorence expect to the general regret at their departure
The householders of Monmouth. worth a!1 th* trouble necessary to grt
start soon for a vacation trip to t h e 1 Mr p * . , . , in t e r e s t e d work fo.
who are on the accepted list for fu r­
land o f their youth-M innesota and th, community w elfare was especial
nishing living accommodations for accompany them on their journey tc
It is thirty nine years ,y stre8sed.
He has worked with
students, attended a meeting at the
since they left those parts but th e y ; the odd F#11 ow 8 i in the Commercial
Normal School on Monday afternoon,
Indep. Auto Camp on Pay Basis
expect to find plenty of things and club> in community driv88, and has
to consider the living problems for
For some time Independence has folks to re-auaken recollections o f taken a deep intere8t in matt*rs out-
next year.
Dean Jessica Todd pre­ maintained a free camp ground but other days.
They expect to be gone side of the direct path of
The decision was made that it has been found that systematic
several months.
jvvoik where he could see a chance to
the price for board and room namely | oversight o f the grounds are neces
Miss Alberta Greene, former head
tbe community,
$7.50— would be continued.
A uni- 4ary to keep them wholesome and
form fee o f fifty cents per week for aanlUry.
Therefore the ciay council of the A rt Department in the Nor ! As was P °'nte<^ °ut, much of Mr.
the use o f the electric iron and
a Iecent meeting voted to levy a mal, was a visitor Monday at H. C ani^ •'^rs- Pace s work with and in be-
Miss Greene just returned half o f students was performed so
laundry facilities was adopted. From I charge of 50c per night per auto Ostien’s.
She super- Quietly that the facts were known
the ascertained number o f houses al-
Jack p McCarthy, 29, Seattle has from a trip to Alaska.
o f Walla on,y 10 the few who happened to find
ready filled, the enrollment fo r the been licensed to wed Ethelyn Nich-
Walla last year but is leaving foi out about them- A * tokens of appre-
Fall term will exceed any previous elson, teacher, Monmouth.
River Falls, Wisconsin where she is ciation the Rebekahs through Mrs. J
year, but with the new building and
Floyd L. Water, 21 Salem, has been
Murdock presented Mrs. Pace with
opening up o f more rooms, students licensed to wed Alice Marie Herbaugh to be a member of the faculty o f the
Normal school in that city.
a wrist watch.
The Odd Fellows in
will be adequately provided for.
17, Eola.
turn presented Mr. Pace with a gold
Miss Todd closed the meeting with
Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Dempsey of j watch chain with an emblem charm.
Dallas Bride Dies
the announcement that she had been
Two musical numbers were present-
Mrs. William A. Mott o f Dallas, the Heppner Oregon were visitors this
granted a leave o f absence for a year,
during the evening by Miss Helen
and that Miss Taylor would act as bride o f a few weeks, died o f pneu­
Mrs. Guthrie and Mrs. Percival, they Cornelius and by Mrs. Landers, both
dean o f women in her place.
went to Long Y'iew, Washington be- of which were much appreciated,
The three weeks’ respite before the Gladys Weaver were married July fore returning to Heppner.
At the close o f the rather informal
Fall term opens on September 24 will 14 by Justice Ed F. Coad. Returning
program refreshments were mad;
Wm. Harvey left in his car Thurs­
be greatly appreciated by the Faculty
and those students who are returning tied down, the husband being in the day, headed for Gibbon, twenty miles ready by the men in the dining room.
at that time.
Mr. and Mrs. Butler ( furniture business with his father, east of Pendleton, where he will teach Ice cream, cake and lemonade wer
A feature of the spread was
are motoring to Glacier National Park Mrs. Mott was taken ill ten days during the coming school year.
cake baked by Baker Ar-
and Mr. and Mrs. Ostien to Canada previous to her death and a few days
Herbert Evans will teach school in nold, and which was the personal gift
Mr. and Mrs. Bowling, with friends l*ter developed
pleuro pneumonia
from California, will be off on a fish- j Until Thursday of last week it was the Lakeview region next year and [o f C. E. Fetzer.
ing trip.
Mr. Dodds is driving with thought she was out
o f danger, started this week for that country in i In expressing his appreciation Mr.
his Ford car.
Maurice Gentle and Pace told of his coming to Monmouth
his fam ily to the coast.
Miss Brain- j but there follow^ d^ a relapse.
Philip Partridge accompanied him 1 and said there were no brass bands
ard and Mr. Savage will both be gone
Picnic at Rickreall
and will return by train.
They went j nor welcome committees at that time
from the office for a two weeks’ va ca -j The
The farniljes of W m. Riddell and
by way o f the Columbia highway and and he humorously contrasted the
Miss Peterson leaves fo r her Jim Riddell of Monmouth, and John
; farewell reception as expressive o f
home in Idaho, Miss Taylor to Tacoma Ridddl of independence, together
------- -* • • — -------- '
! greater pleasure in seeing him leave
and Miss Clarke to Eastern Oregon. with Jim and Kenneth McCray o f Leb-
J. B. V. Butler will spend a pait than arrive.
The good will o f all
Miss Alleene Keeler who has been
w ho are visiting at the Riddell of his vacation at Tillamook and then , present, however, was in evidence al!
one of the Normal Faculty during the | f arm> and the Misses Vera Coulter, will try deer hunting in Southern Ore- through the evening, and expression
summer session, has left for Daven- yjae Horton, Bearl Meisinger, Minnie gon.
of appreciation o f faithful service
port, Iowa, where she has charge of and Leota Wilson spent Sunday after-
were sincere and spontaneous.
the music in the Junior High Schools. noon picnicking in the grove at Rick­
ing off for a vacation o f a couple of
F. E. Chambers and fam ily return
weeks, going to Tacoma and other ed from their vacation trip in South­
Washington points.
No Chautauqua for Dallas
ern Oregon Tuesday afternoon.
Dallas has decided it will not have
A lva Craven and family, J. L. Van
This year’s exhibit of the Inde­
J. O. Andrus and fam ily are back
a Chautauqua next year. A represent­
Loan and family and Mr. and Mrs.
pendence corn show will be handled
from a nine days’ outing spent in
ative of the company which has fu r­
A. A. Moore are spending a couple of
by a committee o f six from the Retail
They went south
nished programs for the city for the Southern Oregon.
weeks at Belknap Springs.
A t a regular
as far as Ashland and then went to
past eleven years has given up the
Jack Pember returned last week
....- ™ «..»«, meeting of the associa quest for the required number o f sig- Coos cofinty visiting Marshfield, Co- from a vacation trip with the Boy
tion Tuesday night at Hotel Beaver, .........
„h ...n v « « of Qui,le- Myrtle Point and spending
Scouts to Cascadia.
The Shattuck
the members of the committee who
a£ er *
in three days in Bandon.
They had a|
residents of
functioned so efficiently last y e a r - A .
* * the s>’stem
“ very pleasant time.
Monmouth, returned with him for a
E. Horton, W. H. Cockle and A. L. Dallas each guarantor was made re-
o f a certain
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. W right and visit with local friends,
Keeney— were unanimously selected * ^ n,SI _ ^ ",r.nLi [
number o f tickets. This year many children were visiting several da>s
Mr. Elliott who lived in the Dunton
to serve this year, and the president
guarantors paid their entire liability last week with Mrs. W righ t’s parents apartments winter before last, i-
was authorized to add three to the
o f $36.50.
here again with Mrs. Elliott looking
Mr. and Mrs. Crofoot.
He named Guy Malker,
up residential quarters.
With his
W. P. Harris and Robert Smith.
Normal Girl Wedded
Gold Hill schools, and consequently son he has been running a store in
Miss Evelyn Ridgeway, a graduate
o f the Normal last June, was mairied visited our Normal School. He has
IN A U TO M O B ILE A C C ID E N T m Albany Sunday to Ward Kennedy [ * « «fe n d in g summer school at
Civic Club
E. B. Rutan o f Rickreall received The ceremony which took place at J Berkeley University.
The Civic club met in regular
severe bruises about the shoulders 9.45 A. M. was performed in the pres­
session last Friday afternoon in the
Vacation Along the Sound
Sunday evening when the automobile ence of friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ostien
High School.
Murdock • attended,
and —
her • , starting this week end on a vacation
which he was driving on the Dallas- F. t c.. jiuraock
'o.u tu , -..o
Various committees reported prog
Salem highway and near the Winona sm M daughter, .r a 1 ayv.a-< >n* o | trjp Qf three weeks to Washington ress and some wished further time.
girls, the other being Ira n -
_ ... . r
• T.
station was crowded into the ditch by the flower girls,
The committee on a community
and British Columbia. They will visit
While in
a machine driven by Henry H artwig ccs Johnson of Albany.
for two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Tom flower show reported discussion of
of Dallas as the latter was trying to Monmouth Mrs. Kennedy lived with Ostien. Tom is government engineer the matter all of which was favorable
pass and cut in too soon.
The Rutan Mrs. Cornelius and during a part of on a road project near Mt. Baker. to having such a flower show in th‘ -
machine was badly damaged.
Mr. the time worked in the telephone This is a road being built w-ith coun­ near future if weather conditions e r«-
The young couple w ill be at
Rutan was taken to Salem where his office.
ty, state and national co-operation. favorable.
The chairman suggested
injuries were dressed after which he home in Harbor in Curry county.
Mr. and Mrs. Ostien will spend the having small prizes for the most
was taken home.
The Social Hour Club will meet at last week o f their vacation tourirg beautiful individual displays.
committee also
the .Sound country. They expec' to
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Arnold made a the home o f Mra. C. R. Butler, W ed­
visit Vancouver and Victoria in Brit- that the club begin planning now for
visit to Portland on Wednesday. Mrs
members ish Columbia and will take in some of a tulip show in the spring.
Arnold stayed over for a visit with preliminary meeting. A ll
The next meeting o f the club will
the ports of Puget Sound by boat.
Mr. and Mrs. John Webber.
be on Friday, September 28.
A l'
interested in civic betterment are
urged to attend.
National Champí:' a
and Only 17
Rumored, Reported
Concocted, Collected
Herman \V under o f the Sunny
lope district asserts that it takes a
Dutchman to grow peaches and to
•love his assertion brought into the
ft raid office a fine assortment of
' 'raw fords among them being a dozen
that weighed half a pound each. They
tasted as big as they weighed.
Just as Floyd Waiter of Dallas was
n the act of purchasing a license to
marry a local girl. Deputy Sheriff
-enter arrested him on a warrant
ent from Tillamook.
W alter was
iccused of unlawful operation o f a
notor vehicle.
He arranged over the
elephone to plead guilty to the
haige and paid a fine of $10 and
Esther Mason returned from Camp
Douglas, Wisconsin where she has
>een the past year.
She is to have
harge of the Junior and the Wolver-
>n house dormitories.
G. T. Boothby reports the sale of
Mrs. Thorp’s house at the corner of
Echols and Main streets to Mrs. Jen­
nie A. Reehr o f Portland.
The John Scott house on East street
has been rented to M. C. Graves of
Mrs. Graves will attend
Normal School.
Mrs. Ellis o f The Dalles is spending
a few days with her father, G. W .
Mr. Chesebro has fitted
up some rooms in the post office
block in which to live.
Mis. Ruby Hinkey, o f Walla Walla,
who has been visiting with her par-
nts, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Arnold for
the past seven weeks, returned homo
Jleleu Wllla, 17 year old Califor­
nia girl, U the now National Wo­
men's Tenuis Champion, defeating
the seven Ume champion. Mrs. Mot-
la Mallory, at Now York last week.
In straight seta, 0-2. 0-1. Now the
youthful star Is returning home to
take up eathetlc dancing to improve
her footwork upon the courts She
will not play ln uuy more tourna­
ments this year.
The Evangelical ladies put on their
annual Dahlia Show Thursday a fter­
noon in the old meat market.
the warm, dry weather had spoiled
many of the choice flowers which
would have been at their best a month
ago, still the display was very beauti
ful and the affair a success.
Georgia Crofoot is attending the
C. G. Summer Conference at Columbia
City as delegate o f Polk County Union.
Mrs. H. W. Gross, who graduated
luring the summer from the Normal
will teach next year in her former
home and where she taught her ftrat
school, at Woodland, Washington.
Mr. Randall of Albany and his niece
Miss Daisy Buckner were visitors here
The latter stayed to
work in the post office.
Dr. Bowersox is putting in his leis­
ure time learning to forget how to
drive a Ford. His new car is a Star.
Ermine Gentle leaves this week for
Salt Lake City where he will join a
A pleasant evening was spent at friend on an auto trip over the Sier­
the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Jim Riddell ras to San Francisco and southward
last Saturday when several car loads afong the California coast.
of relatives and friends arrived and !
10,000 pounds of green prunes were
sponsored a surprise party in honor of
sold in Dallas Tuesday to the King's
Mrs. Riddell’s birthday.
Music was
company o f Salem at $26 per ton.
a special feature and at a late hour t
750 pounds o f dried prunes were sold
all were invited into the dining room I
to the same company on a 7 cent basis
whole ice cream and a beautiful cake,
for 30-35s with a drop o f Hcent for
garnished with pink candles and gera-
each five pfflnt graduation to the
■iium blossoms, were served.
smaller sizes.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
John Riddell and baby and Miss Min­
I.cuse Hop Kilns
nie W ilson o f Independence, Jim and j The E. Clemens Horst company has
Kenneth McCray o f Lebanon, Ed and j leased for this harvest the six hop
Dave and Miss Mabel Riddell, Mrs. kilns on the Hugh H. Hanna ranch
Addie Calbreath, Mrs. Clinton Baughn, just north o f town.
The company
Head Meisinger, Leota Wilson, and will operate these as an auxiliary to
Air. and Mrs. Janies Riddell and son. its own equipment.
Surprise Birthday Party
T hink Less
Means More M oney
A Real Test for President Coolidge
Preparing for Winter
Chas. Reed, a Portland contractor
hss been busy this week waterproof
ing a portion o f the dormitory walls.
This is done by calking with oakum
and tar and by the application o f a
surface covering on the outside of the
bricks o f a substance known as “ mtn-
wax” . It is planned to have the sou’ h
wall o f the Odd Fellows buil<ii:.g
treated in the same way.
President Calvin CooUdge’i teat came at the eul of bis first cabinet meeting when he went out on the
W hite Houee lawn to face a battalion o f veteran newspaper men. He proved be could « U è and Indulge in
pnappT -batter
Photo shows him with the neamriltais. who stamped him ^regular feller r
Francis Lord, who has been work­
ing during the summer in the vicinity
o f The Dnlles, Heppner and Lexing­
ton, is back preparing to start the
school year.
He will tench in the
Junior high school in Salem.
,t »he I
•< \v»le It .V
who met In <’feh eco hiel week aun for more money for wbent g r e e n t
t.jr cnrtsllln»’ pi «luciloo fhni euonuragln* erope dlversity
left to rtgti» A J Mr-« • m . Pree. O E Bradfute. American f l l V
Ilurenu. \
ll i > tu Ajrih-uuarai Director: Oroevenor Dsw*. C
u }., jt i ,
J .ln M Radí-irh. Re«*#reh Director: aeated,
Rydut-y Jhsliii-B of Minué* >U. Pies, cf Wfceat Couadl.