The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, August 03, 1923, Image 3

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. Pluck of Mother Wins
Parole for Her Son
How City Pec pie Are Trying to Keep Cool
heroism In coming through a
<; railroad wreck and refi;s tig hos-
pitul treatment In order Fo burry
to 1‘hiladelphla to make an ap­
peal for the liberty of her son
upward, w hereupon It would be ]
won a parole for Frank O’Brien,
Experiments Show Poison Can grasped by the wind blowing parallel j of Binghamton. N. V.
to the earth’s surface and thus car­
Mrs. O'Brien arrived In court
Be Distributed With Re­
ried onward, even to and beyond the
with her clothes torn and her
far side of the grove.
markable Precision.
arms severely bruised as the re­
Poison Woll Distributed.
sult of the train wreck.
“Not a tree could be found, and
W ashing on, D. C.—Announcement
that the U. S. Army air service will many were climbed and examined.
use a motorized balloon to make a whose leaves did not bear particles |
chemical attack apon the flpey moth
M o * « ’« Stocking Loses
In New Hampshire recalls the Inter­ 5
“In all, the dusting plane passed j
$2,400 Saved by Tw in*
esting pioneer experiments In lighting
the grove six times and distrlbmed
New Y ork.-M arjorle and Thelma
Insects with aircraft.
C. R. Nelllle and J . S. Houser. In about 170 pounds of the poison. Since vYhlte, sixteen -year-old twins, made a
h„ ln (lanclng and singing with
a communication to the National Ge­ each passage required but nine sec-
T l) p /. w h lc h )UBt
ographic society, related their prac­ onda the total time consumed In the j Fred Stone ln
tical test of distributing Insecticides actual work of dusting was M sec- end„d a l0Of m l o a on , he road xhe
onda thus establishing « world’s rec- WMte twlnB werv accompnnled bJ
from aloft as follows:
“In these very modern times one ord for «pood In applying insecticides thelr moth(,r Mrs l l li n white of ^
should be prepared to expect the un­ to forest areas.
“The outstanding feature of the ap­
usual, but to be told upon Inquiry for
The mother and daughters went
a man at his office that ‘He Is up In plication was the remarkable precision through the trying experience of being
the a ir ; I don't know when he will with which the poison could be placed snowbound for three days last Febru­
These photographs, taken In New York, are typical of the slgtitM in all our lurge cities during the prevailing hot
come down’ Is so ultra modern that at the point Intended, thus dispelling ary on the Montana prairies with the weather. The hoys find the fountain Is a tine swimming pool, atul at night the parks are dotted thick with men.
the average person would be taken the idea expressed by many before "Tip Top" company, after which Fred women anil children who cannot sleep In thelr hot, stuffy homes.
the test was made that the poison Stone, comedian, embraced religion In
somewhat aback.
“Such, however, was the experience dust would he tossed wllly-nlUy by the Butte. The twlDs witnessed the con­
a flying machine glides, or volplanes,
of the writers one summer day dur­ air currents—wholly beyond control." version.
to the vertical distance It lowers Itself
ing the course of the work herewith
Mrs. White is a frugal woman and
In doing so; meanwhile retaining Its
reported. And after a ahort time, the
while the company was on the road she
'■flying s|>ced." or normal rate at which
one for whom Inquiry was made did Pari* to Cut Red Tape
laid aside $2,400, which she pinned In
It remains under full control of the
safely ‘come down." This was Lieu-
in Shopping System her stocking.
pilot. The ratio of six to one Is a eon-
tenant J . A. Macready. acting chief of
Paris.—American women who have
After thelr matinee performance at
, servutlve average figure for airplanes.
the flying section of the government's shopped In Parisian stores and gone
the Riverside theater the twins re­
! That Is to sny, an average airplane
aviation experimental station at Mc­ through the nerve racking waits in­
turned with thelr mother to thelr
I w,t*1 Us motor shut off at un altitude
Cook field, Dayton. Ohio—the man who volved In the slow French system of apartment.
of 1,000 feet can volplane a horizontal
piloted the machine which was an paying will be glad to know that Im­
When Mrs. White, with her twins,
distance of 6,000 feet under control
epoch maker In the annals of Insect provements are ln progress.
reached the theater for the evening New Invention Is Expected to Put the air. The fact that air currents do before It conics to land.
The leading stores are now reorgan- performance she felt a pin sticking In
An efficient glider has as good an
"Two years ago there occurred In . lzlng the sales and wrapping svstems;
Is often overlooked because such cur­
her leg below the knee. It was a safe­
of glide us un efficient ulrplane.
Ohio three full broods or crops of the each department w,u h. ve an electric ty pin used to attach the $2,400 In
rents are rarely encountered near the
Every Family.
earth's surface, and never In areas But the important difference is that
caterpillars, each sufficiently numerous , palh regilIteri und the glrlg wi„ do thelr large bills to her garter. The pin got
to defoliate completely the grove In |
where the surface Is flat and smooth. the glider travels more slowly. As­
own wrapping. The Improvements thus loose and the season's hard earned
The "flying flivver” has literally anil .Obviously, a down-moving current Is suming in thp foregoing case, for In­
which they appeared. Some groves
begun will do away with the tedious profits were lost.
suddenly come Into the sky. Although deflected when It nears the earth, und stance. that the airplane would nor-
put out three full crops of folluge and
“Don't cry, mother; we can earn
waits of purchasers and thelr rushes
each ln Its turn was wholly consumed to get through the crowds to the cash­ more money,” said Marjorie with a the pioneer was wrecked, aeronautic spreads out In a sort of radial wind i tnally glide to the earth, through *ho
experts believe that flying flivvers movement. It Is plain, too, that an up- 0,000 feet front a height of 1 , 000 . In
by the ravenous worms.
smile as her mother bemoaned the loss.
iers’ desks.
soon will become as plentiful, relative­ | moving current cannot originate Just i one minute, the glider, with the satna
“Our work was directed against the
ly, as thelr namesakes. The new ex­ at the earth's flat surface, because It I gliding angle, hut much less s;«eed,
second brood of caterpillars working
i might take two, or even three, minutes
periment lr. human flight proved Itself would cause a vacuum there.
on the second crop of foliage.
before It crushed upon a Jersey tree
Method of Attack.
The currents by virtue of which gil­ | to glide the same distance. The dif­
In un attempted flight from New York ders «'an keep thelr altitude or even ference Is due to the varying flying
“The plane used was a Curtis JN-0
The flying speed of an
to Washington.
equipped with a hopper for carrying
climb, are not called winds, usually | speed.
The nickname of the Dewolline defined as horizontal natural ntnve- , airplane or glider Is the mini-
and liberating the poison powder. This
cross between u glider anil a regular i incuts of air. They are sometimes 1 mum speed It must maintain In
hopper was secured to the fuselage of
airplane Is befitting in respect of technically known as “winds with a order to fly forward on a level under
the plane by the side of the observ­
weight, cl/.e, fuel requirements, relative , vertical component." Soaring birds, full control. It 1s, therefore, practi­
er's seat. It consisted of an Irregu­
siieeil and probable construction cost. such as hawks and eagles, the natural cally the same as the speed of the
larly shaped flat metal box with a ca­
craft at the moment It takes off, when
pacity for holding a little more than
ing hard upon It Is Irving Berlin's “Oh, Emil Dewoitine Is quoted as having gliders, take advantage of these up-
100 pounds of dry arsenate of lead Bulky Volume Reposes in the Li­ How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning." said that the machine can and will be 1 ward-flowing vertical or Inclined move­ the speed Just begins to provide “lift”
enough to overcome the weight of «he
A few of the songs there are which manufactured In quantity at a retHll ments of air, to fly and climb for hours
brary of Congress at
“At the bottom was arranged a slid­
' at a time without flapping thelr wings machine. Flying speed not only varies
were hits both at home and with the
with different types of planes, accord­
ing gate, operated by a handle acces­
A. E. F. Among these nre “Madelon," lot, has said that the craft would cov­ I or exerting themselves In uny way ex-
ing lo design and ratio of wing area
sible to the observer In the plane. At
the great French marching song, by all
Washington, D. C.—Do you remem­
the top of the hopper was n crank,
I steer In areas where the air move- to weight, but also varies from time to
odds the finest thing In the musical
time In an Individual plane, according
connected by n sprocket chain to a ber:
line that came out of the w ar; also as a means of ueriul transportation of | inent Is favorable. There Is no doubt,
"How you gonna keep ’em down
to loading and to the condition of the
revolving mechanism ln the bottom,
“Keep the Home Fires Burning," persons or goods, the flying flivver though, of course, there Is no direct
on the farm
which when placed In motion dropped
proof, that these soaring birds have wings and other essential parts at the
which, because of Its sentiment and
“After they’ve seen Paree?"
the poison powder through the previ­
rhythm held a great appeal for the flivver reputation. In the opinion of an instinctive sense of rising or falling I moment. An airplane with a flying
The library of congress ln Washing­
ously opened sliding gate.
I —a sort of exceedingly sensitive nat­ i s(«eed of 50 miles nn hour with pilot
hoys, and the “Long, Long Trail," aviation experts.
“Immediately upon leaving the hop­ ton has Just completed a bulky collec­ which was of tremendous popularity
The Dewoitine machine Is different ural altimeter—by which they pick out ' only aboard will necessarily require
per the dust dropped Into the ’slip tion of songs of the World war. But as a marching song.
from a motor less glider chiefly in that i the upward moving areas of air. Gll- a slightly higher flying speed with
stream’—the violent air current set the overseas veteran who In later
But such masterpieces ns “K-k-k- It has a motor. To withstand the vl- i ding is merely man's way of Imitating a passenger also aboard.
up by the revolving propeller—anil was years consults It for some of the old- Raty, Beautiful Katy,” and "Keep Your hratloti of the engine, the wing sur- I the soaring birds. And man must use I speed must he nttalned to supply
‘ ' ^ n[ KrltJ!|
thrown into violent agitation In a time favorites which he sang on the I
Boy," although ! faces and skeletons and the body had | Ills common sense ami Intelligence and the ndditlonn! lift. A plane with Its
dense white cloud which trailed out march ln his doughboy days, will prime favorites with the A. E. F., lived to be constructed more strongly than I Judgment In place of the soaring birds' | wings newly “tuned up" to afford max­
behind the moving plane as If the ma­ search Its pages ln vuin. These songs over there only In their revamped ver­ ln the case of u glider. This meant instinctive sense of rising or falling, to imum efficiency will gradually require
| a higher flying speed thereafter, us the
chine were on Are and belching large are conspicuously missing.
sions, depicting not the original Katy, additional weight, and, togetIter with spot the correct place to glide.
The answer Is simple.
volumes of white smoke.
but the horrors of K. I*., and "Keep the weight of the motor Itself—said lo
Some aeronauts prefer to call these wrings sag and warp out of best align­
The censors who compiled the book Your Shade Down. Mary Ann,” and he only forty pounds made the whole
“The catalpa grove ln which the
rnotorless aircraft “sailplanes” Instead ment under the strain of usage.
dusting was done was situated on lev­ were unanimous ln the opinion that the other verses which cannot be repro­ craft considerably heavier than a gli­ of gliders, which Is the term more rom-
Flying Speed.
el ground and hart been planted for the songs the soldier himself composed duced here.
der. The totul "tonnage” of the fly­ , monly applied. II. J . Nordmnn, Inven-
In general Is governed
growing of post and pole timber. It and sang spontaneously on his marches
‘‘Joan of Arc” may have been good ing flivver was about 4t»l pounds, with­ [ tor of the craft that recently made j by the rath« of wing area to weight.
was a rectangular plot 800 feet long would not bear the light of public stuff for the folks hark home, hnt out the pilot, which Is double the av­ several flights over golf links neur ! The larger the total wing surface Is In
and 325 feet wide and contained ap- print. Except as they Unger In the “Mother, Tnke Down Your Service erage weight of man-carrying gliders. Bayslde, refer« to ids machine as a • proportion to the weight of tlie air-
proxlmately six acres. The trees, 4,815 memories of thelr composers and chan- Flag, Your Boy’s In the S. O. 8.,” was And successful man-carrying gliders
; plane or gilder, the less is the flying
in number, \vere from 25 to 30 feet ters, these old songs are doomed to die. fnr more ndmlred by men in the ranks, have been made weighing even less
Downward Air Currents.
j speed. The less number of pounds
Mostly Homs Songs.
while the war risk Insurance classic, than the average of 200 pounds.
Glider pilots have to guard In par- that each square foot of wing surface
“The plane flew at a speed of eighty ' Consequently the book Is largely a “Ten Thousand Dollars to the Folks
The Dewoitine craft la different I tlcular against the downward air cur­ has to sustain the slower the wing
miles nn hour at an altitude of from collection of music hall successes, sung Back Home,” sung to the walling from a regular airplane mainly In that
rents. It Is obvious that ln the total must pass through the air. The object
20 to 35 feet and ln a line 53 yards to i on this side of the water to keep up strains of the “Dead March” from the motor is of much lower horse pow­
I of all air movements over the earth's In glider construction, therefore, Is to
the wlndw-Rrd and parallel to the
“Saul,” superseded all other melodies er and the whole machine Is smaller surface the speed and volume of tlie provide ns great wing area ns possible
grove. The dense cloud of poison thrown on the screen at Bed Cross when a platoon was returning from the und lighter. The motor mounted In rising currents equal the speed and
In proportion with weight.
dust thrown out behind the moving huts and “T ” canteens for the en­ bombing field.
the flying flivver Is u two-cylinder Uler- I volume of the fulling currents. The makes for low flying speed, which fa­
plane was grasped by the wind and
Print Hospital Songs.
guet of twelve horsepower. Ordi­ fulling currents are what. In the pio­ cilitates the gliding and clltnhlng. It
floated through and over the grove, expurgated versions of these songs
Thanks to the refining Influence of nary small airplanes carry 100 horse­ neer days of aviation, were known as permits such low flying speed that glid­
which the boys revamped and sang to the Bed Cross nurses. It has been pos­
covering the foliage ln Its passage.
power motors, on the average; though | “air pockets," regarded with dread. ers. much mere frequently than uir-
“We feared that the dust might all keep up thelr spirits as they marched sible to produce a few of the hoapltal constant Improvements In propeller
The «low-flying airplanes of those days. I planes, do the trick of seeming to fly
settle on the trees In the Immediate
and wing design are gradually lower­ : like the Dewoitine flying flivver, were | backward, as tlie Dewoitine machine
foreground, hnt to our surprise we ob­
The following one attslned great ing the horsepower requisite In pro­ more subject to downward eddies of ! did at Roosevelt field. This Is due
served that little currents of air which other collection of patriotic songs.
popularity at the base hospital at portion to tlie weight of machines. wind and were less safe for that rea­ merely to gilding or flying headed Into
To Cohan’s song hit, “Over There," Savenay, where the wounded w#ra
we termed ffiooster current*’ were ris­
The Sperry fast messenger plane, re­
ing In the grove and these hud a ten­ Is rightfully given first place In the routed home. It runs to the tune of cently tested over Long Island, has a son. The faster a plane Is moving a wind with a velocity greater than
through the air, the less effect will It i the flying speed of the craft so that,
dency to toss the settling dust cloud library of congresa collection. Follow­ the “Old Gray Bonnet":
flo-horsepower engine. This plane Is feel In reaction to air eddies, or while the craft Is moving forward fast
Oet out that old broken fibula
one of the smallest In tlie country, “bumps.” ns the aviators call them. | enough to keep balance, It Is moving
And patch It to tha tibia
This fnrt Is somewhat of an obstacle backward relatively to the earth.
And pack tha whola d—d thin* In a however.
In point of size the Dewoitine In- to the future popularity of flying fliv­
The flying flivver, like Its Immediate
Still another of anatomical signifi­ I vcntlon measures 40 feet from w ing tip vers. which must be n relatively slow 1 parent the glider, seems fated to be­
cance walled to the tune of the "Good j ro tip and 15 feet over all In length. craft wlmn not gliding. If It Is to com come n sporting and pleasure m achine,
Old Summer T im e":
The craft Is a monoplane, and even bine the dements of gliding and of rather than a praetlcal «•omtnerclal v«»-
with th»> 40-foot spread Its wing area powered flight.
In tho base at Savenay
I hide of general usefulness. The gll-
W h ere the alck and wounded lay.
Is less than the average airplane. It
The flying flivver’s power equipment ' der has already become a popular
R unn ing up thelr temperatures.
I N Just about equal, however, to the 1« Just sufficient to give the craft a “play toy." In Switzerland and in the
More and more each d ay—
The magnificent song of the artillery, | total wing surface of many small type* start from level ground, without the Ilnrtz mountains In Germany, gliding
"When Those Caissons Go Rolling of comparatively high speed one-seater aid of a catapult or any other starting was a familiar pastime last winter.
Along—Hear Them Rolling," left Its I planes, which have more powerful mo­ device. Anil In the sir the motor makes , The sn<>w-eovereil hillsMos were good
mark on the A. E. F . ; so did "Tha tors, weigh much more, hut can sus­ It fMis«lhle to continue flight In aerial ! pinces for taking off, with skids In-
Marine's Ilymn," and "Oh. the Infan­ tain their weight with the small wings conditions tin t do not |ieniiit power­ j stond of heavier wheels on the ma­
try," but "Goodby, Broadway, Hello, j by virtue of thelr swiftness.
less gliding. The flying flivver driver chines ; and the snow-covered valleys
Extends Power of Glidere.
France" Is a stranger to the soldier
cyin fly In still air, or even In moderate afforded equally good landing places.
who really did the fighting.
The power equlpnient of the flying downward current*, and seek out areas With Its possible very low cost, and
In spite of frantic appenl* to tho , flivver, small though It he. is enough favorable to gilding. Tills the glider | with its range of performance consid­
music publishers at home, few came | to do away with the limitations po- of cimrse cannot do. When the flying erably greater than that of the glider,
iirroas with anything which left Its I cullar to motorless gliders. It* addi­ flivver pilot reaches an area In which I the flying flivver will perhaps *«s>n he-
stamp on the doughboy overseas.
tions! weight, however. Is not too great the air Is rising he can throttle down 1 come a successful competitor of the
It was with a song of his own com­ j to prevent powerless gilding. A glider or even perhaps “kill" hi« motor, snd automobile runabout and the motor
position, a ditty reeking with the open- cannot start flight from level ground fly his vnspllVe machine as a gilder. ; boat, as a thing of sport. But Its sig­
altbcoarsepe«s of the battalion minstrel Ordinary glider flights are begun from A regular alrpb ne can do the sntne nificance scarcely exceeds that, be­
and wit, that he bore the agonies ef i hilltop«, by rolling the craft downhill thing, to be sure; but Dot nearly so cause the gibing feature 1« available
reveille or the last la p of a terrific t • I ’ ■■ i - k up
well. The larger motor of the ordi­ only under rare aerial conditions, and
j take off from the slojie. Where h i l l ­ nary plane mil m that much more at that In few locathtns.—New York
sides are le«s steep or long, catapult
! welghl Ard the rein r|t r « i v Mrn all- Times.
I devices have been used to help supply #*r *i ?n* are:* nf fh# filrpV n<» h’niit for
1,453 Word* Sent in 6
¡tlie In Mai flying speed, but with little
fly fllclNt |s tncfipshb
Italians Settling in Mexico.
f d Un*
Minutes by Telautogram i success on the whole. II. J . Norilmnn with Ifttlf **?<¡••'n: »Itltnde" » » t f h g f m
1 i«*h
Mexico Pity.—Italian* emigrants a»,
Paris.—A test of the P.eltn to ¡inte­ , u-ed an elastic rope to pro;«d hi* “sail-
i»r rut*» than the slo'vi \*r glider or expected In large number In Mexico
grant. a method of sending written J p l a n e " ¡ato the air from the highest f T in ff f l l w r. and corre-»;« >n<lingly 1lo*- and probably will settle In the state«
script by W ire, between Lyons and mound at the golf links near Bayride, in* t h * n«1i i -1 n e of the tipward alr o f Tamaulipas, J«l!sro. Tabasco and
Malmalson. showed the machine capa­ I, 1. In a recent series of flights.
1 n this Instan«-«
n n r «‘T it « .
the ah i W - Nuevo Leon A rangements for thei*
ble of sending 1,463 words In six min­
The seemingly Impossible feat of n* +* o f III«» flylntr flivver nrid the g\\ ilef colonisation have been made by ag«*tit«
•rla! '««tor.
o f the Italian • migration service s ’
Oerwtn N eh *. age seventeen years, considered the hundred per cent utes at a cost of 20 fran<n_ By or­ making a m«tortess winged craft climb 1 * t t
ling i ngle" Is • r*<e rat1«>
Washing*«*. Tt * flrst batch of arrlv
American youth » his fellow students In the high school« of Los Angeles, dinary wire It wonld reqnlre If) min­ up In the sky la possible her muse of
utes and cost 218 francs, about $13.
the presence of upward movements of th«* horizon tal <1 stance tht igh w hN-h als probably will Bum! er (>»)
being presented .Witt a silk flag by J . Harvey McCarthy.
Collect on;
of Great War
“Perfect” Youth Gets Silk Flag