THE MONMOUTH HERALD. MONMOUTH. OREGON FRIDAY. JULY 13. 1923 Faxe I PREPARE SUMMARY MONMOUTH H EIG H TS OF POLK RESOURCES P. L. Fishback was in Salem on business matters Tuesday and Wed- County Assessor Fred H. Holman ; nesday. and his deputy are now engaged in Jay Clark returned to the Peedee adding and preparing the annual sum­ lumber Company after spending sev­ mary consisting of tillable and non- eral days at his former home here. tillable acres m the county, improven- Mrs. Albert Alderman and child­ ments on same, town and city lots r o HAVE YOUR WATCH “ ACT l ’ P” WHEN YOU ARE ren returned to her home at Philo­ and improvements, improvements on | UN A TRIP Is ENOUGH TO PEEVE A SAINT. WITH math last Sunday. ALL THIS MIXED-UP “ DAYLIGHT SAVING” TIME, land not deeded or patented, logging Elmer Rake was up to Philomath YOU NEED i OUR OWN DEPENDABLE TIMEPIECE roads, shares of stock, manufactur- WITH YOU MORE THAN EVER on business the first of the week. tnachinery, merchandise, hotel and o f­ ' Fred Hill of Monmouth and Miss SO BEFORE YOU START, MAKE SURE YOUR WATCH fice furnishing, money, notes and IS IN PE.HI El T ORDER BY BRINGING IT TO OUR Irene Kocher of Washugal Washing­ accounts, tractors, farm implements, WATCH SERVICE STATION. ton were Sunday guests of Mr. and horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine IF IT IS IN GOOD SHAPE, \\ E WILL SAY SO FRANK- : Mrs. Herman Wunder. and dogs. L.Y. IF IT IS NOT, WE CAN PUT IT IN PERFECT John Sumpter of Falls City, was j This summary does not include ORDER Ol R SKILLFUL, CAREFUL WORK AND |on the Heights last Sunday. 1 AIR CHARGES PROTECT EOTII YOUR WATCH AND railroads, such as public carriers and YOUR POCKETBOOK. (other public service corporation as sessments which are made by the state tax commission and entered on the assessment roll about the first of December. Mr. Holman expects to Watch maker and Gift Counselor have the summary finished about Baptist Church August 1. Services Sunday as follows: INDEPENDENCE, OREGON 10:00 Bible School. 11:00 Morning worship. Independence Ku Klux Active Sermon: “ The Divine A fiery red cross, presumed to be Word” Special music. Ian emblem of the Ku Klux Klan, was 6:45 The Junior and Senior E n -! displayed on the night of July 4th C. A. Swope H all’s Catarrh Medicine B. F. Swop«* deavor meetings. ¡just on the outskirts o f Independ- T h ose w h o a r e in a “ iu u d o w n " iu n d t- Lawyers :4o Evening song service. Sermon: tnce on the highway leading to Mon- tion w ill n otice th at C a ta rrh ooth era 210 Oregon Building m uch m ore than w hen th ey a re In ‘ Going a little Farther.” mouth. It was about 30 feet in g them ood health. T h is fa t p r o v e , that w hile SALEM OREGON C atarrh la a lo ca l disease, it is n eatly height, with a cross arm of 10 or 12 Influenced by con stitu tio n a l con d ition * Associated— Thomas Brown feet. It was electrically operated Christian Church H A L L 'S C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E c o n ­ flaming red globes of a large sizt sist* o f an O in tm en t w h ich Q u ickly H. C. Shropshire, Minister. R eliev es by lo c a l a p p lica tion , and the Bible School 10:00 A. M. being used. Juice was turned on at In tern al M edicine, a T oni. . w h ich a ssists DR. F. R. B O W E R S O X provin g the G en era l H ealth. Communion and sermon 11:00. dark and was kept on all during the In S Im old by d ru g g is ts fo r ov er 40 Y ears. Preaching by H. C. Shropshire. night. F . J. C heney A C o., T o le d o , O hio. ; P H Y S IC IA N & SURGEON Subject, “ Love never fails.” , It caused much comment and at- PHONE NOS Before You Travel See To Your Watch umber jfEI CHUHCII 0l.\O>UM5 AillOCASTf,\ A ll in d ica tion s point in the sam e di­ rection The best way to get a house in Monmouth at present is to build one O regon F ir and H e m lo ck Lum ber, Lath, S h in gles, Lim e, C em ent, etc. A . la. I v l L L A N D E R Jumo7Sit*6:46 P *M r tracted not a ,ittIe “ Uenti° n »« 7:45 p. m. Preaching. Subject, started in motion all kinds of rumors “ Why I believe Jesus to be the Son of i1 e* » rdlnK klan, some of these be A. . .. 1 i irv m 4 /\ ♦ W . C C _. .. A a 1 a T — J 1 tng to the effect that Independence God. Wednesday evening. Prayer Meet- has a klan with a mtmhership *sti L. W. Waller, Manager ing. ' mated from 150 to 250. So far as Everyone cordially invited to at- could be ascertained there was no one j tend all of these services. near the cross, and as to whether tht ' cross was put there by the klan Evangelical ChurcL seems to be purely speculative but | IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE “ The Homelike Church” quite generally accepted as such.— I STATE .O F OREGON, FOR THE The services for the week arc as COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS. Independence Enterprise. follows: In the matter of the ) Sunday School 10 A. M. MAKE Guardianship of Jo- ) Value of Tourist Trade Sunday morning service 11 A. M. seph Leroy Guthrie ) Notice o f Sale The value to Sheridan of tourist and Ralph Amos ) Subject, “ The 23rd Psalm" travel is revealed in statistical infor­ I Guthrie. Minors ) C. E. Junior and Senior 6:45 P. M. mation and deductions. The nearest Notice is hereby given that in pur­ 7:45 P. M. Evening Service. If we gasoline filling station to the east is suance of an order of the County Your Next Goal Court, of the County of Clackamas, are able to secure a lamp for our lan­ at Bellevue, the nearest to the west, State of Oregon, duly made and en­ tern we will gl/p the “ Illustrated Lec­ Willamina. The distance between tered June 26, 1923, in the matter of ture on Italy” . The announcement You have finish«*! high schemi those two points is nine miles. By the guardianship of the persons and ard like all wide-awake gradu­ will be made from the pulpit Sunday actual count more than 1000 foreign estate of Joseph Leroy and Ralph ates. are looking to college. morning. . Amos Guthrie, minors, the under­ cars pass through Sheridan daily The State of Oregon offers Tuesday afternoon The Homelike signed, guardian of the above named east and west bound. That is, the you the beat training and a col­ minors will sell at private sale to the Society will meet in the church. 1000 cars travel 9000 miles from legiate degree in the leading highest bidder for cash, credit or Wednesday 7:45 P. M., pursuits and professions, as fol­ ' ‘‘ >*'1 Be||evue k, Willamina, and their max­ both, and subject to confirmation of meeting. lows: the court, on and after the 13th day imum consumption of gasoline is -w* You are invited to all these services. of August 1923, between the hours of 450 gallons, which, at the prevailing Engineering, Agriculture, Com­ U o’clock A. M. and 5 o’clock P. M. of ! price of 23 cents a gallon means merce, Forestry, Home Econom­ said date, or any subsequent date un­ Church Of The Nazarene that $103.50 is spent in Sheridan for til the estate is sold, on the premises ics, Military Science and Tactics, Rev. A. Wells, Pastor to be sold the hereinafter described gasoline every day. That is what Mining, Pharmacy, Vocational property to-wit: Preaching each Sunday at 3:00 “ • out of town people, mostly tourists Education, and Music Beginning at the Southeast corner M. with Sunday School immediately leave here. As a matter o f fact the of Lot No. 6 in block No. 7 in the Student life at the College is amount is far greater. Sheridan original town of Dallas, in the County preceding, starting at 2 P. M. rich in opportunities for leader­ of Polk and State of Oregon, and run­ Prayer meeting each Thursday at being midway to the coast, is the ftl- ship and personal culture. ning thence West 145 feet; thence 7:30 P. M. ling station point. Cars coming ov- North 40 feet; thence East 145 feet; Prayer Band meetings Wednes- er the mountains replenish their sup- F A L L T E R M O PEN S thence South 40 feet to the place of day at 2:30 P. M. * Zeph. 3:12-15. ply bc^ire going on into the valley. beginning. SE P T E M B E R 28, 1923 All services will be held in the hall Cars from down valley points replen­ Upon the following terms and con­ ditions: Cash or credit or both. over the post office. ish their supply here before going on For information write to GERTRUDE GUTHRIE over the mountains. Gasoline men June 26, 1923 _________ Guardian. THE REGISTRAR Christian Science say that Sheridan, because of its be­ W o o d S a w in g per cord Sunday School at 10 A. M. Oregon Agricultural College ing a division point, gleans $230 a gasoline consumption. Hard wood, twice cut, 90c Wednesday evening meeting at day from Corvallis That may be a magnified sum but “ 3 times in two $1.15 o’clock. Sunday morning service at 11 split the difference with the more con­ Fir. twwje in two80c: 3 cuts*1.00 o’clock. servative estimate and the result is S. H. H inkle, Phone 3703 Subject for Sunday, July 15, God. of startling magnitude to those who have never thought o f it before.— Sheridan Sun. OFFICE HOUSE Estimates cheerfully furnished. U niversity ®!O regon Monmouth Lumber Company A. M ARAN 7 dt R eliable Fire insurance and S urety Bonds OFFICE HOURS 2 TO 5 P M. PHONE 805 F‘ H. W . MORLAN O A. C. tu< U . S. Sea Queen Ready for First European Voyage ^ M ^ Z ^ rtT ^ ^ ta M ls h in g a new "orld record o ' 2».7 knots per hour on her trial trip to Hermuda. Iha — •■Oueen of the Sens.' is being prepared for her first transatlantic voyage as a passenger boat un'ler tb* Auierbsu flag. Thousands of New Yorkers lined the shore to welcome the big boat Into harbor sirens blowing for hours. r f President Harding Finds Tim e to Harvest Kansas W heat Swimming Hole Saved Doubts as to whether the old swimming hole at the city park would longer be used by the public were cleared away when Mayor Wal­ ter S Muir secured the consent of the new owner, Mr. Cole, to the place, which is just outside the city park limits, for the public to continue us­ ing it as a bathing pool. It is un­ derstood, however, that there is to be no trespassing on Mr. Cole’s fields adjoining and no damage done to his fences or other property.— Itemizer. Blank Deeds, Mortgage*, Etc. The professional schools of Archi­ tecture and Allied Arts—Pusinesa Adm Mst rat ion—Educa t ion—Grad­ uate Study—Journalism—L aw - Medicine—Music—Physical Edu­ ca tiorv—Sociology—Extension. B. F. BUTLER D en tist make the best and most economical building mater­ ial you can buy. In long wear and low cost of upkeep there is nothing that will compare w ith tile or brick. The appearance of such a house is always attractive and it holds ¡ts selling value better than a frame house. Post office bldg. Monmouth Oregon Monmouth & Independence AutoUus TIME SCHEDULE Bu* leaves Train leaves Monmouth Train Independence 7.10 A. M. To Portland 7.38 9.45 A. M. To Portland io o.r 1 1 1 A M To Corvallis 10.25 11.50 \ M To Corvallis 12.13 ' to P. M. To Portland 3.12 3.33 2 1" P. M. To Corvallis 5.38 5.10 P. M. To Portland 6.45 P M. To Corvallis 7.16 Raymond K Derby, Phone 1504 Prop. Efficient Service Courteous Treat­ ment A. L. KEENEY F u n e r a l D ir e c to r a n d L ic e n s e d L m b a lm e r Call* Promptly Answered Day or Night. Prices Reasonable Drain Tile in all Sizes. Ask us about them. Central Clay Products Co. Notice is hereby given that Ira C. Powell, executor of tfe** estate of Franklin S. Powell, deceased, ha* filed hi* final account as such executor in I the county court of Polk County, Ore-g on, and that Monday the 16th dav of uly, 1923, at the hour of one o'clock in tht afternoon of said day, at the j court room of *aid court, in the county court house in Dallas, Polk County. Oregon, ha* been appointed ■ by said court as the time for the hearing o f objections to the said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published June 15th,1 1923. Ira C. Powell. Executor of the aatate of Franklin S. Powell, deceased. B. i . Swope, Attorney. _ _ ___ i The College of Literature. Science and the Arts with 22 departments. BUILDING TILE Made in Monmouth Notice of Final Settlement handles sad Notary Public The 43th Y e » Opens September 25. 1923 Twin* Born—fine Die* Twins— a boy and a girl—were born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell at the Dallas hospital, Sunday morning. The little boy died seven hours later. The mother and the other child are i m i down ou President H ading as be gave er the gas sud threw the tractor ^ __ «too near Hu trhlnww. June Ä Then the I'm k la il gathered up Into c**ar to start the Wheat < ttiug (bochad” thus «TU» U * rcMurE. Ttua.t* bo* * « du it ta Ohs»” The UNIVERSITY of OREGON contains: For a catoloQu* or anjj In formation »wit* The Rtfittrar, VniVariitJf of Orrfon. Eutani. Oregon. PHONES 9821 AND 9822 Independence, Ore. «E Good to be Sure Better to be Insured Be^l to be insured in the H A R T F O R D F ire In su ran ce C om p a n y A ccid e n t and In d em n ity C om p a n y < upid Loafed in June June as “ the month of brides” was a dismal failure as far as Polk county is concerned. Only seven marriage licenses were issued at the office of the county clerk during that month, as compared to eight in May and thirteen in April.— Itemizer. f 3303 3302 Chambers & Powell A g nts â: E& E L E C T R I C S H O E S H O P I carry a line of Reliable M en’s Shoes S atisfied customers attest their merit Oils, Polishes Shoe strings, etc. I larness supplies of all kinds CHARLES M. ATWATER Post offic e block P h on e 68 0 2