The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, July 13, 1923, Image 3

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Portland . Oregon
Com plete Chang« S atu rd ay . Adult». W ««k day
M atiUM . 20c: Evenings- 3.*c. Continuous 1 to 11
p. m. Children 10 ce n ts all tim e«
Northwestern School of Commerce
Ha* a Good Po*ition for You
T h . Iro g T ssw v * B u i o « . C o l W . Of t h . W m I '
_____ *
lu » * “
W r it. T o d «
y° “
J * “— r " '
No O b l ^ t x , , ,
Hot and Cold Water and Phone in Every Room. Comfortable Accommodation
at Moderate Price*.
Europeaa Plu
Free Carafe
M R. AN D M R S. H. M BR A N SO N . ProprK torv
Phone Broadway 1 2 7 0 .
T en th and Stark.
Portland. Oregon
Cor. 4th and A ld er. P o rtla n d , Ora.
I'a ir w c L C o u r ts « . Good S erv ics. Eu ropean Plan
E x clu siv e ly . R a te s 11.00. 1150 and SX.OO. M ost
C e n tral H otel in Purtiand. F R E D SM IT H . Myr
A good pia.*« to E a t and L ir a Wall.
R em ark able 40c luncheon a t noon.
Open 7 a m. to 2 a m.. 3*4 Y am hill St
use men between
of 18 and 50.
pay 40c per htfur as minimun wage,
give best of meals at 35c each,
supply beds for 25c, 30c and 40c.
have FR E E hot and cold water baths,
advance employees rapidly.
give positions
itions FR
F R E E on app
have Employment offices at West Linn,
Oregon, Camas, Washington, and 209 Commonwealth
building, Sixth and Burnside, Portland, Oregon.
Crown Willamette Paper Co.
W e P a r Same Day
P o r t l a n d H ide & W o o l C o .
168 im«N »»INJt HMTN. PftTlAM, HEM«.
B ra n ch a t Pocatello. Idaho.
W rite fo r P rice « ar d Sh ip p in g T ags
B R A 2 I NO, W E L D I N G A C U T T I N G
N o r t h w e s t W e l d in g Si Supp ly Co. IH 1 st 8 t
C U T FL < O W E R S A F L O R A L D E S I G N S
Clarks B ros , F l o r i s t s , 287 M o rr is o n SL
8 5 cents
Cut. «earn, hem and m achine
p leat a k i r t a ready fo r band.
H em stitch in g , p ico tin g and tu ck in g .
86^4 F i f t h S t.
Pu rtian d. Ore
P r o t e c t t h a t I d e a w i t h a U n ite d
S t a t e s P a t e n t . O t h e r s h a v e m a d e fo r tu n e »
o u t c*f P a t e n t s . W hy not you ? T h o m a s
B i l y a u , 202 S t e v e n s Bld g., P o r t l a n d , Or e
■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ___________
USE no knife, anaesthetic,
I clamps,
ligature», stitches,
burning or
DR. Cl
RU NTlgfl
other disagreeable
S a n i t a r y B e a u t y P a r l o r » — W « f i x you up.
we m a k e all k in d s of H a i r G ood s o f your
com bings.
J o i n our Sc h ool of B e a u t y
C u lt u r e . 400 to 414 Dokum Bld g., Phonit
B r o a d w a y 6902, P o r t l a nd, O r e g o n . __ __
C o m m e r c i a l Iro n W o rk s, 7th & M adison.
F e a t h e r w e i g h t A r c h S u p p o r t s m a d e to
ord er. J . E. T r y x e l a a r , 618 P i t t o c k Bloc k,
P o r t l a n d , Ora.
.Marry if L o n e l y ; m o s t s u c c e s s f u l “ H om e
M aker";
h u n d re d s
c o n f id e n t i a l ;
r e l i a b l e , y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e ; d e s c r i p ti o n s
free . " T h e S u c c e s s f u l C lu b ,” Mrs. N a th ,
B o x 656, O aklan d , C alifo rn ia.
W e d d in g B o u q u e t s and F u n e r a l P le c e e
L u b l l n e r F l o r i s t s . 34k M orr is on S t
M O N U M E N T S — E. 3d and Pin # b U
O tto S chum ann G ran ite & M arble W o rk s
Timber Fallers and
Buckers. Contract
work. Near Coast.
Apply 209 Comrru n-
wealth building, Port­
land, Oregon.
When a Girl Is an Old Maid.
A Hopeless Job.
She Isn't really an old maid until
Ever since the world began men
bave tried to Invent something that she begins to dream of a cute kitchen
women would refuse to wear. Thus Instead of a handsomo knight.—San
far they have not succeeded.—Out­ Francisco Chronicle.
A tropical fish, whose fins become
Placing studios on the roof of New bright blue In moments of excitement,
York warehouses may be taken as evi­ and whose young hang from aquatic
dence that industry is elevating art.— plants by hooks on top of their heads,
is now exhibited in the London zoo.
Boston Transcript.
An interesting device— that motor
truck which "walks like a man.” Now
for a pedestrian who can run like a
motor truck. — New Orleans Tlmes-
It ts not only difficult to say the
right thing In the right place, but, far
more difficult still, to leave unsaid
the wrong thing at the tempting mo­
Innumerable Products Derived From product that was once given over to
fire In order to get rid of It.
Wood Pulp. Through the In-
ventive Genius of Man.
Of course, all the wrapping paper
and paper boxes you see, ss well as
wideawake railroad friend, the page upon which this Is printed,
George D. Ogden of Pittsburgh, was were once trees of the forest.
talking to some lumbermen.
Boards, shingles, planks, lath and
Earth’s Climatic Condition-.
Joists were once the only output of a
Coal ts pretty evenly distributed
log. he sold, but now behold what a over Neither the equatorial
forest tree does for you.
nor the polar regions are unduly
Your cravat was very likely a Ca- j favored. This means that for most of
nadlan spruce or a birch, and so were the time the differences between the
your wife’s silk stockings and under­ torrid and the frigid zones have been
garments, writes "Girard” In the Phlla- : slight
At first sight this appears
delpbla Enquirer.
stranger, because we are accustomed
We see carpets, mgs. tapestries. ; to the passing of seasons and changes
dishes, phonograph records moving of temperature with latitude. We find
picture films, paints, soaps, rope. | It difficult to picture In our minds an­
twine, dlslnfectsnts. dyes and celluloid other state of affairs. Nevertheless,
all built upon wood pulp. When Penn­ It seems that our time Is the nnosual
sylvania was still the leader of lnm- ' one, with Its extremes of cllm at*
ber states, sawdust at the mills was a rully three-quarters of the time that
the earth has stood, mild weather has
nuisance and a dead loss.
Many of the articles mentioned prevailed * from the equator to ths
above are partially made of thla by- ^ pole*.
Shanghai Plan* Owners Reduce Cotton Output
Shangflfcl.—The Wflfnn * Nfifli« o f
Tt was estimated that stocks of yam
Shanghai have agreed to .1 reduced prjv I I t the hand-« of mills and merchant*
duct i<>n srhcR Se for a period of sixty In Shanghai ran to loots«! bates.
days, that wtlt eut their output by 50
Thia Lobster a Freak.
per cent.
An ordinary sized lobster wae
This was brought about under an
agreement approved by the Cotton Mill taken In one of the traps during the
Owners' association, and was caused by lobster season In Nova Scotia.
a weak and falling market for yarn at Instead of the dark shell common fc.
a time when high prices were ruling lobsters when alive it had a bln*
for raw co tto *
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ %- [ ! < , V
c r i t l tie t. .»t ;r. . n
+ sjdcuoualy."
Susan smiled her iweetest when
G en erosity
♦ she took his order und Tom drunk the
by P ro x y
♦ tea und wafers she brought as If they
♦ had been nectar, because of the sec­
i >
< >
ond even sweeter smllo with which
« >
< i
they were served.
< >
When she returned with the check,
< >
* cn which was written twenty live
14. l»U. by McCIsis N ..iv * w Syndlcats.) cents. Tom cautiously took his wallet
from his pocket, glanced at It as he
Seventy-year-old Mrs. Gerald Trav­ held It under his coat and then count­
ers certainly had no expansive repu­ ed out $280.
tation for liberality, but when Tom
"I don't want any change." he said
Travers, ber long-departed husband's
nephew, found blmself at the end of with
anything. Vou
hla meager resources the autumn of
Charles de Roche
Lgg Waste lor Fouitry
Is Recommended by Ohio
Egg waste from Incubators la rich
tn protein and. after boiling and grind­
ing. can be profitably fed to poultry by
mixing It with a dry mash to form a
• lightly moistened, crumbly mixture.
In tests at the Ohio experiment sta­
tion, Infertile and dead germ eggs
were boiled for an hour, passed
through a sausage mill, dried, reground
and mixed In the dry mash as a fat­
tening ration for young cockerels. The
average gains from this mixture were
0 per cent greater for the egg product
thin for skim milk, supplying the same
amount of protein.
For feeding market broiler» In
crates the following mixture proved
excellent: Ground corn 40 parts,
standard wheat middlings 20. and
moist egg product 40, with enough
water added to make a batter that
could be easily poured.
Like all moist inashes thla mixture
should tie fed with great care to avoid
overfeeding, as the egg material 1» a
concentrated feed nnd Is greatly rel­
ished by the birds.
Ida last winter In law school, he did
Susan had sat down beside Tom. he
not let any lack of favorable reputa­
tion In this regard stand In his way. cause from her sheer surprise she
She bad no end of money—this his really felt unable to stand. Then she
old sister had told him—and after all noticed that Ida suit really was shah
by, and that there were mended places
he was not going to ask charity.
So he bad put false pride In bis on his shoes. 1'erhaps he was unbal
pocket and had gone to call on bis anced—yet as she looked Into his
aunt by marriage—though, of course, clear, straight-browed eyes she knew
this conjecture was wrong.
he never dreamed of calling her any­
So Susan took the money with a
thing but "M r* Truvers." He wanted
to arrange to live In the garret or little gasp of surprise und promised
somewhere In the old house so as to to su.v nothing about the amount un
help pay expenses that last season In til after he had left.
“I still want to spend $175.” Tom
law school. In return he would prom­
ise never to make ldmself more ap­ said. "What shall I do with It?"
parent than she wished, and would be j “Oh, there's a crazy quilt that poor
Charles d'Authicr de Rochefort, the
glad to take on any household tasks— Mrs. Hawkins made over at the do screen star who is idolized by many,
Nobody In the world and better known ae Charles de Roche,
tending furnace, shoveling snow, even mestlc table.
scrubbing kitchen floors. If she wished. will buy It. and she'll be disappointed. wae born In 1893, at Port Vendres,
Mrs. Travers had not been unkind, It's marked $50. I think.”
near the Spanish border of southern
Tom handed Susan the balance of j Francs.
but she proudly said that no Trav­
He was educated in the
ers need stoop to menial labor. “You his roll of bills.
schools of France and graduated from
come here at once, and occupy one of
"While I sit here, would you go and Hoche college at Versailles. He weighs
the small rooms on the fourth floor," get that quilt and leave this money 178 pounds, la slightly over six feet
she had ordered. “You'll have tncals for It? But don’t say anything."
Fowl choleru la germ disease which
tall, has chestnut.brown hair and gray
here, too, though uot with mw You
Susan kept her promise—she did eyes. Ho Is not married, and makes Is very fatal, says Harry Emblem,
can have them when you like In the not advertise Tom's generosity until his home in Hollywood. He Is an head of the poultry department of the
breakfast room I never use. Til find after his departure. Then she told athlete of varied attainments; also a Oklahoma college. A fowl showing no
enough for you to do to square our somebody, who told somebody else, talented Interpretative dancer.
I symptoms of the trouble may be found
dead under the rnest the next morning.
and then was noised abroad the fame
All affected birds do not go In thla
"But I don’t want to accept char­ of the fairy prince. By those who had
I way. Some may linger a few days,
ity— " Tom protested, and then old seen him It was agreed that he was
showing a great tldrst, due to fever,
Mrs. Travers had laughed, not alto­ one of the best looking of men, that
also a loss of appetite. The bowela
gether pleasantly, as Tom recalled his manners were perfect and that It
will appear very loose, the bowel dis­
was perfectly obvious that he was a
charge being of a greenish yellow
"You’ll earn your board and Weep, man of great fortune.
never fear.” she said. "I'm not In
Gradually thereafter Tom found
Thla trouble la rontngloua and can
himself a much sought after young
the habit of being Imposed on.”
be carried on the feet of fowl» and
Tom soon found that It was true man. Dowagers who recognized him
man. If thia trouble is apparent a
that he really was earning his way. as the mysterious young philanthropist
thorough cleaning up of the premises
Every evening he reported to his rela­ bowed to bltn as they passed and on
| should be made, and the house thor­
tive for orders and the tasks she as two or three occasions he was hailed
oughly cleaned and disinfected. The
signed him were always well planned and invited to take a place In the
ground around the house should be
out before his coming. They did not limousine of one of those dowHgers.
take so much time—but they would who expressed her surprise at seeing "CMIOM a Biblical source comes the plowed and cultivated. All affected
have taxed the resources of any one him on foot. It waa Mrs. Fellows— -*• charming Faith, which sprang into birds should be killed and burned.
Mrs. Daniel Fellow»—of well-known popular usage during the vogue of
less persistent than Tom Travers.
One day she wanted to invest $10,- social prestige—who beamed upon Turltanlcal names. The prevalence of
000 that had Just come to her In a Tom and asked him to call and the appellatives which denote ahatrnct
matured bond. Tom was given orders call led to a dinner Invitation. Tom virtues marked the beginning of Puri­
Beat development of young
to look up the best possible wny for did not wish to explain his own pov­ tanism tu England and many such
her to reinvest that money. The next erty because he was bound by bis names came under the bun from other cornea from close attention
day her pet dog needed to visit the word not to let It be known that bis classes because of the widespread dla- brood rnepa, cleanliness, prc.
and water, shade and free range.
veterinary surgeon’s ; would Tom take aunt had really been ao liberal to the llke of the ‘‘Hound Heads.”
Hut the simple beauty of Faith, as a good mash before them. Watch to r
him In the morning and see that he Day Nursery. Besides, he rather en­
was well treated? Another day a joyed playing the role of a young and well aa the divine virtue for which lice and mites. They multiply rapidly
friend landed from Europe, might eccentric millionaire, and all on occa­ the nuttie was symbol, kept her popu­ during warm weather. Clean and
have a little difficulty with the cus­ sional fling In society would cost larity undlintned. For wus she not one J spray houses and coop*
toms; Tom was to do the meeting and would be the running expenses of his of the trio whom St. l'aul commends
the smoothing. Then once, when the evening clothes—which he bad already to the Corlnthlaus, saying: "And now
dressmaker was coming, there were acquired when he played In the col­ abldeth faith, hope, charity, these
rountless samples of rlhbon* and silks lege glee club. Then this was an op­ three; but L'ie greatest of these la
to be matched—but Tom didn't even portunity of seeing Susan, for Mrs. charity."
The Puritans brought Faith to New
balk at that, nor on that other occa­ Fellows explained that she would be
L j
sion when Mrs. Travers asked him to one of her dinner guests. By way of England when they migrated from
go to the milliner's with her "to see giving a meager explanation of hlm- their native land und the name has
The egga of ducka retain their
that the fool saleswoman didn’t try to j self Tom salil he was studying law. been universally popular there, at the
hatchahlllty for a shorter time than
give her anything unbecomingly youth­
as Mrs. Gerald Travers. He did not of the country. It is one of the few the hen eggs. The fresher the eggs
explain that he belonged to an en­ feminine appellatives which cannot he are when Incubated, the better.
So Tom paid hts way.
• • •
tirely Impecunious branch of the fam­ contradicted.
One day toward spring Mrs. Trav­
If your turkeys are wild, make
ily. and that with his aunt's fortune
The pearl Is Faith's tallumnnlc gein. friends with them. It la cheaper and
ers handed him $000 In hank notes.
already bequeathed to women's col­
"There’s a fair for the I>ay Nursery leges In the Orient, and with some It la a fitting symbol of purity, for It* easier to handle birds that trust the
tills afternoon. I detest such things. twenty conslns and some ten or s wearer who wlll^ possess enviable caretaker.
• • e
I’d tend the amount In a check onlv dozen aunts and uncles to be consid­ charm and affability ami have many
friends. Wednesday Is Ter lucky day
Experimental work by the bureau of
1 don’t want to give any one of the ered first. In case the will were bro­
and 8 her lucky number.
animal Industry, United Stales De­
women managing the affair the satis­ ken. he was quite without prospects.
( (L, by W h a s ls r 5yndt< a t* . In c )
of Agriculture, ahows that
faction of bringing In all that money
---------o ---------
Tom knew he should at least have
good egg yields and economical results
at once. But I would like to help the
made hts position clear to Su-an. but
can be secured with a wheatless ration
good cause along a little. Now your
Sam, the new hutrher boy, was for chickens.
he didn't. And this made It a\> ward
Joh today will be to go to that fair
• • e
a month or so later when Susan con­
and spend this money—n little here
Lice, overfeeding nnd filth kill two-
fident In her own radiant beauty and and waa giving Ida master great satis­
and a little there—without letting any
ttilrda of all turkeys that die. The
the sdndrntion that was very appar­
one know I'm responsible.”
One dny he stood by the butcher's other third die front too close confine­
ent In Tom's eyes, told him In a nund-
At first this did not seem like aro-h algiut way that the reason why she block Intently watching Ida master rut­ ment, accident or Inherited weakness.
a herculean task—at least not so bad had decided never to marry was bo- ting up a bullock's head. After a while
• • •
as the trip to the milliner’s or some cause a certain young law student of the butcher cut out the tongue, nnd
Let turkeys roost tn the open air,
other of his recent errands. But Tom her acquaintance didn't seem to want turning to the lad, he remarked :
but In a high, dry place. If turkeys
Travers had never attended a fair be- I to make her Ills wife. Tom said noth­
“There, my hoy. That’» a tongue roost near a swamp there Is almost
fore. He had the money changed Into j ing. There was nothing he possibly that never told a lie.”
sure to be trouble from roup.
five and ten dollar bills and rnrrled I could say. Not for five ypsrs would
“Ay. sir,” answered the hoy.
• • a
a fat wallet In an inside pocket to his he be In any position to support an
“Can you beat It?” asked the butch­
Young ducklings nnd goallnga must
afternoon lectures so that he could j ordinary wife, and heaven knew when er.
be kept from the dampness the same
stop at the fair In mid afternoon.
"Ay, sir,” said the hoy again.
is chicks. They grow fastest If kept
he could support a girl like Susan.
"In what way. sonny?” asked the on »oft mash feeds and only allowed
First he went the rounds sysfem-
That night when Tom arrived at
attrally. He bought a flve-dollar doll his aunt's house after one o’clock the
enough water to drink.
"Well, air,” said the hoy, pointing
«r the doll table nnd left fwcniy ■' : old woman was sitting tip for him.
lars without taking any change. Then She ordered him to sit down beside to his own mouth, “Ibis tongue hat
Reflection on Great Cities.
he passed on to the fancy table, where her and rated him soundly for hts often told the truth. The bullock's
If you suppress the exorbitant love
never has.”
he acquired something all covered late hours. And then she sold;
with embroidery and lace, the purpose i
j of pleasure and money, Idle curiosity,
"Tom, you have surprised me. I
Sure Cure.
of which he did not know, and left !
iniquitous purpose, and wanton mirth,
thought you were an ordinary, self-
“Yuh know, my wife gets my gnat. what a stillness would there be in the
twenty dollars for that, though It was
effacing young roan like the rest of
She must think I’m nobody or some­
priced but ten. At the candy table
j greatest cities.—Bruyere.
your tribe, "willing to grub along with
thing. She wants to boss ever) thing,
he left five dollars for a pound of
your law books, permitting poverty to
Concerns the Trades People.
tne Included, on every little thing. I
adamantine fudge, left twenty dollar*
cramp you and keep you bark. But I Just naturally can't—''
for a single rose at the flower fable
Selden—Of all the actions of
bare noticed that you have been go­
"Stop worrying, old man. She'» only !a man's life bis marriage doth least
and had tittle difficulty In getting the
ing out much of late, and through a
a woman—yuh golta pity 'er. Just let
young gtrl at the grab bng to accept
private detective I have found out >r have her own way anil Ignnt-e the concern other people; yet of all actions
a ten-dollar bill Instead of ten cents
of our life It la most meddled with by
where yon have been going. You have
fact that »lie's got It, and she'll quit
for his chance.
apparently been taken up socially by
other people.— Boston Transcript.
But Tom ao far had spent only $7?« g-nlly worth while people. You are soon's she finds out she'a not inakln'
He had $421 still to dispose of and he clever enough to do a little social yuh lose sleep. Menntime, what'll yuh
Swiftest River.
found that he had already attracted climbing. I tike that In you." Then have an' how many card« d'yuh wantf"
The Amazon can lay claim to being
considerable attention.
He took a I she dismissed Tom and told him not | —Richmond Time« I depat< II.
1 the largest river in the world, hut the
teat In the tea room, hoping here to to keep her up any longer. But a*
derive Inspiration for the rapid apend he was leaving the room she called
| swiftest flowing la the Sutlej, In India,
log of the rest of his money.
which riaea 15.200 feet above the sea
him back and with much embarrass­
Toro wae lntermpted In hts reverie ment told him that she had decided
and falls 12.000 feet In 180 miles.
by the appearance of a very pretty to maka him ber sole heir.
young woman clad In what was In­
*1 like you. I admire you. Marry
tended to represent the costume of ■ a rich wife If you like, but don't feel
The beat way to get along with some
Hutch peasant It wasn't at all au­ that you have to. And you needn’t
people la to ask for more than you ex>-
thentic, but It was very becoming. The wait until I'm dead, either,” she
peef and then compromise 8n V you
girl was Susan Dodge—of the old. laughed mirthlessly, “Tve planned to I
aristocratic, immensely rich Dodge give you $2HO,<mo now. We'll make
w ftt.
arrangement» In the morning.”
She had come to aak for Tom's
And arrangementa were made, and
*n 1 - s . i u W ’
order. "Smile your sweetest." some ! very aoon afterward other arrange
•he b i g g e s t , m o s t p e r f e c t l y equipped
one had whlapered. “and maybe hall menta to Tom more Important. For
u s i n é e s T r a i n i n g S c h o o l In t h s htort h-
et. F i t y o u r s e l f f o r a h i g h e r punition
leave you a ten dollar bill.
Ha’s he hurried to the home of Susan and
% lth mrj
m one y.
P e r m a n e n t po si ti on s
shabby enough, but seems to ba a | offered hts heart and band, and was
assured —
o u r ■ i r a d m
u r * taaW
millionaire In diagulse.'*
accepted even before be had had time
P o l a n d f i r c* U Jo« — 1F ou rth and T a ra to ci
"I don’t think he * shabby," Susan 1 to discard the old patched shoes for
N. U.
bad aaswarad. “The moat aristocratic
No. 28, 1923
<c«vrr-s»«. hr
Cholera Is Contagious
Among Chicken Flocks
Development of Chicks
Comes From Attend
m ares