HARDING UPHOLDS DRY LAW B i* Audience Responds Lustily When OF CURRENT WEEK _________ Chief States Policy. Denver.— President Harding, apeak RADIO TO SERVE E ling here Monday, definitely placed himself, his administration and his Brief Resurre Most Important p °,itlcul »»»-tunes »» “ »» »•<«« °» ,h »*e Government Promises Up-to- r opposed to modification of the na- tional dry laws. Minute Market. Daily News Items. The chief executive furthermore ----------- served notice in his address, deliv ered in the municipal auditorium, that so long as he remained in the White House the prohibition and other laws ----------- would not be permitted to become a "by-word" even should the burden of Event, o f Noted People. Governments enforcement be increasingly passed Passage by Congress o f McNary Hill COMPILED FOR YOU PAPERS TO GET NEWS J STATE N E W S IN BRIEF. Silverton.— Due to the many late spring rains the cherry harvest in the Silverton community will be small this season says the manager of the Sil verton cannery. THE CHINA LADY Hillsboro.— With the close of the strawberry season approaching and the first pack of loganberries arriving, the local cannery has found it neces sary to operate overtime. T * ™ E t0J •hop,a bPU“ “ iul, Chln“ lady stood on the shelf. In one arm she carried a bouquet of rnany- c*iored flowers and with the hand of her other arm she daintily held her prettily trimmed skirts ready to make a curtsey. Bend.— Petitions are being drafted China lady did not look so very here for immediate circulation to be proud, but she was, for never »nee presented to the county court asking did she deign to glance below her at the toys on the floor. for a special election about August 1 Her pretty blue eyes were looking at which a 6 per cent $130,000 road- straight ahead and all the floor toys bond issue will be voted on. felt she would never look down to Astoria.— Although the catch of sal notice them. None -of them cared very much mon is not large the take during the about this huughty lady's disdainful week Just closed has been the best air but little French Doll, her pretty of the season thus far. As the tides dark eyes flashed as she said to Teddy will be favorable during t!»e coming Bear and small Rocking Horse, “ She week some good catches are looked need not feel herself so much above for. on to the federal government by the Makes Possible Extension of states. Work in Northwest. He did not mention specifically the recent action of New York in repeal ing its enforcement code but in a por A. B. Williams, Battle Creek manu tion of his address, generally con Washington, D. C. — Complete in facturer, running on the republican strued as referring to New York, he formation on the prices of iivestcok ticket, was elected to congress from predicted that “ the new nullification fruits and vegetables, and on the the third Michigan district in Tues lsts . . . . will discover that they have movement of these products o f the day's special election. perpetrated what Is likely to prove one farm to the markets, are to be sup The hottest day in New York so far of the historic blunders in political plied to the newspapers of Oregon, Washington and Idaho from a head this year brought death to five per management. Koseburg— Eight crates of China sons in greater New York and caus “ I am convinced that they are a quarters office at Portland, opening pheasants were released near Rose- July 1. ed more than a score of prostrations, small and a greatly mistaken minority burg Saturday under the personal sup A leased wire service is to be ex most of them on the lower east side. who believe the 18th amendment will ervision of Gene Simpson, state super tended from Denver to San Francisco ever be repealed,” said the president intendent of bird farms. The pheas-1 Kight cruisers, four river gunboats in taking his stand on the prohibition by that date, which will complete the ants were from the spring hatch and and three cruiser submarines will com enforcement issue. circuit from Washington. From San w ere about the size of quail. prise the building program which the "Details of enforcement policy Francisco all information received will Hillsboro.— Announcement from the ! navy department will present to the doubtless will be changed as exper be relayed to the Portland office by budget bureau and to congress at the lence dictates. Further,' I am convinc the navy’s highpower radio station. southern part of the state Sunday coming session. ed that whatever changes may be The Portland office will distribute morning that loganberry and other news in marketgrains to be sent out vines were threatened with decay, the I Pluralities of J. A. O. Preus, gover made will represent the sincere pur five days each week to the newspapers result of some unknown cause, became I pose of effective enforcement, rather nor, and Magnus Johnson, republican of the three Pacific northwest states. a topic of much interest in this sec and farm labor nominees for United than moderation of the general policy. R. L. Ringer, who had charge of tion, where these plants and their Mr. Harding, in announcing his States senator from Minnesota as a the Portland office during the war, products are a factor. determination and his views, appear result of Monday’s primary, continued will be In charge of the collection and Stayton.— Employes of the Santiam to increase as belated returns came ed t<9 do so with more emphasis than distribution of all information relat in any of the previous addresses of his woolen mills held their first annual in. , China Lady Stood on the Shelf. western trip, except possibly his St ing to the livestock industry. He will picnic Saturday at Taylor's grove, Two deaths were reported Wednes Louis speech on the world court, and not only, distribute throughout the above Mehana. Abou{ 150 em p loye of me, for I am as sure as sure can be day as a result of the heat wave which the audience, which filled to capacity northwest states the information re the company and their families were that she was not made in France, and struck Chicago Tuesday, although the auditorium seating 12,000, seemed ceived by telegraph and radio relative in attendance. A women’s baseball I was. I came from across the sea.” slight relief was found late Wednes to respond more enthusiastically than to livestock prices In the great mar game opened the program, which was Teddy Bear did not know Just how kets of the middle west, such as Chi to reply, for lie was not from across day afternoon in a shower which last any he has yet addressed. concluded with a dance. the water and lie knew Rocking ed but a few minutes. The tempera The first mention of the 18th amend eago and Kansas City, but it will be Salem.— A number of changes have Horse was not Imported either. ture reached 91 degrees. nient ami the Volstead act brought his duty to assemble all important Rocking Horse begun to nod his forth cheers and applause was fre facts regarding livestock on the farms been made in the game laws for this head and rock fast, shaking his wavy An earthquake lasting 48 seconds of the Pacific northwest to be com year, according to information receiv quent during the remainder of the mane as If he heartily approved of all occurred at Anchorage, Alaska, at ed here. The open season on deer that French Doll had said. address, which was on the subject of municated to eastern points. 12:45 Tuesday afternoon. The motion By August 1 the department of agri throughout the state will be from Sep "Law Enforcement." The most vlg But Teddy Bear thought It best, was rotatory. Advices stated that orous applause came when he declared ulture hopes to be able to station a tember 10 to October 31. Open season after thinking a second, to be frank the volcanic region on the Alaskan that there could "be no Issue In this man at Portland, in charge of market on silvergray squirrels will be from about himself, so he said, "I was not peninsula, where extensive disturb made in France, either, and I think land paramount to that of enforce and crop information on fruits and September 10 to October 15. ances occurred last winter, is quiet. Rocking Horse was made in this coun vegetables. This man will co-operate ment of law.” Eugene.— A mosaic disease is caus try as well.” Senator Reed of Missouri, address Reiteration by the president of his with the office already in operation “ Oh. but you are not proud and ing many loganberry and raspberry ing a luncheon in San Francisco Wed advocacy of American membership in at Spokane which, according to de vines in the valipy to die, according to haughty as the China Lady is,” an nesday, scored what he termed the the permanent court of international partment officials, has been perform O. E. Stewart. Lane county fruit in growing tendency toward control of justice in closing his address likewise ing the most efficient seivlce, both as regards general crop estimates and spector. w ho w ith Dr. Zell, r, patholo-I business and home by government bur was cheered. gist at the Oregon Agricultural col eaus and commissions composed of Governor Sweet, a democrat, who as to gathering information on the lege, made an inspection of several of "lame ducks, ward heelers and politi welcomed the presidential party, pre apple industry. the berry patches In this locality Sat The marketgrams to be issued from cal tramps." viously had been applauded when he By M ILD R E D M A R S H A L L urday. the Portland office to newspapers five Henry Ford may decide to become a declared for the world court and com times a week will in each issue give Salem.—The Southern Pacific com- I candidate for the presidency of the mended Mr. Harding for putting the F a ct» about your name; lt$ hlitory; a complete review of crop and market pany Friday reported to the public ' moaning; w he net It xcat denned; United States. The Detroit automobile question “ above partisan considera conditions for the preceding seven service commission that it has a sur- I significance; your lucky day manufacturer in an interview in Bos tions.” days, both locally and in other sec plus of 939 cars. A similar condition and lucky Jacob ton. Mass., declared that he had never tions of the country. Austrian Schools Idle. exists on the lines of the OregonNVash- stated, as was written in the news It is believed that later it will be ington Railroad & Navigation com- | papers last Sunday, that he would not Vienna.— Many school teachers in possible to station a man at the Port pany. Two weeks ago the Southern be a candidate for president. Austria went on a folded arms strike land office to perform the same in Pacific company reported a shortage Monday. "Children, there will be no /■''LAIRE wns originally a masculine Fire cost the lives of three children formation service for the dairying in of carriers. w# name Generally spelled Clare,It ... , i ,, . . , . classes today or tomorrow either un- at llnmedale, Idaho at an early hour ' dustry that Is to be given to livestock, was first used in England to name a ,, , | , | , 'less we get a living wage,” they told Mill City.— Frank Hughes. 14, was grain and fruit and vegetable growers. Monday and mother love, expressing Norman family who came from one of their delighted pupils. "You can study placed under arrest here, charged with the villages of St. Clair. "Red De itself in a futile attempt to save the or rend your wild west books, but you having stabbed Ted Fox. 12. last children from the flames, added Mrs. Dog Bites Ex-Justice. Clare," stout Gloucester’» earl, the foe must remain quiet in your seats.” I hursday following a boyish quarrel, j of Henry III, was one of them. Donato Uberuaga to the victims. Mrs. Youngstown, O.—A report received All state employes in Austria, par It was alleged that Hughes attacked The son of Bed I * Clare married Uberuaga died from bums sustained ticularly railway men, were supposed at police headquarters Sunday that the Fox boy from behind with a large into the House of Cemldln in Ireland when attempting to save her children. to start a passive resistance for wage John H. Clarke, former justice of the skinning knife, making a wound which and received from Edward I, a grant Captain Roald Amundsen, the ex increases. supreme court of the United States, necessitated attention for the victim of lands, now known us County Clare. plorer, who recently abandoned his had been badly bitten by a mad dog His heiress carried the county to ttie at a hospital. De Burghs and their heiress married proposed firght across the North Pole aused a flurry of excitement until it Ship Fast Breaking Up. Lionel, son of Edward III. thus inak- by airplane, is returning to the United was learned that a stray dog for which Marshfield. — A summary of new Halifax. N. K Passengers aboard States on the schooner Holmes, ac Mr. Clarke was caring had attacked buildings, development at the indus-1 ins tbe COHatY 8 dukedom and creut- the Royal Mail steamship Caraquet. cording to u dispatch from Nome. S T it a v e which went aground on a reef 12 hlm. tearing his clothing but not break- tries, construction of new homes and j Alaska, to the Aftenposten in improvements l,y public service com- ari8on in Ita„ as chlara and spread | miles north of Bermuda, have been ,n* thp Bk,n Christiania The dispatch said Amund It is btvlie\ ed tho »log w it> a f footed panics in Marshfield shows that the into France where It was immediately ¡taken off the ship bv tugs. It was an sen's airplane was damaged In a trial P >• outlay, most of w hich is to be complet- changed Into Claire. Though prefer- nouaced nt the company’s offices Mon by the heat, but w as not mad. flight. •e Killed the animal. ed before September 1, runs over $914,- ring the original Clare, the English ac- day night. --------------------------- »00 and will greatly exceed a million ceptedClaire and It gained some vogue Ellis Island officials hnve admitted Mall ■>■» »'■ » removed and no css Minnesota Has Storm*. before the year ends. there, but in this country It was the charge in the British house o f j « « 111«»» reported. The vessel was i adopted with enthusiasm and has un- Breekenrldge, Minn.— Two tornadoes i ! Bend.— That farmers of Deschutes dergone widespread usage, common* that as many as 150 persons fast breaking up. it was said, of different races and color were I — hit this vicinity Sunday, causing heavy ' rounty oppost the $90.000 bond The diamond is Claire's tnllsmnnie housed in the same sleeping quarters. T w0 Slain in Auto Duel, d* * » * “ « * issue proposed for It promises her ............. brilliant at- ror completion of high- 1 ^ ..... Tb< ‘ ' „a ys. was the declaration Fridav of ------------- -----------— 1e first, at noon, came from the m*«®«’»1""'- nn<' ---------- but said that this was unavoidable Los Angeles, Cat. — Two reputed It was pointed out that to keep races automobile thieves were killed and a south' hwest, tearing off the roofs of the John Marsh, president of the county j fuCk ^ n L b e r ^ ‘ UCky “ r ^ 0 r separately classified it would be nee 'police sergeant probably wounded fa- ymnaslum at the United States In- farm bureau. Marsh has been feeling US) by W h * * i * r S y n d ic a t * . Inc ) --------O-------- essary to have a "gigantic honey-! tally in an exchange of shots which dian school and several houses. ' out the sentiment of the farming com- comb" of a building. took place in a rapidly moving auto- The second passed over this city, munlties for several day» and finds it , I mobile near the central police station I *,u* reports are that the towns of definitely opposed to bond issue. w»»>- { late Monday In the midst of the battle j Dwight and Abercrombie. N. D, and! representing a pool of clips from the the car ran wild and crashed into the I Wllberton, Minn , were partly destroy ! Salem —Governor Pierce Friday an- By E. R. PEYSER district about Boise, Idaho, has been poltce station, wrecking the machine. |"1. nounced the personnel of the cora- placed in storage in Portland by \V. --------------------------- mission which will Investigate the Ore- Has a Man Like This Proposed Scott Anderson of Boise. Tho ship to You? Coal Report Rushed. * on automobile license law and report Great Platform Fail*. ment was made by the same Interests Symptoms: Short and very Washington. D C .- T h e coal com- ,he l#8tata,,,r«' ■» i,s np* t «T»®' Ï Dallas, Tex Weighted with hon slender, not an inch over five which last year disposed of a 1,000,- mission is rushing to comi ■ » * «■ * • »■ • » the j feet. Cherishes the dream that 'd reds of men. women and children »*00 pound pool at auction in Portland, w R Dennis, of Carl- j : form-fitting clothes make him to •# I ih> ir wax through report on wages, profits and costs »n and indicates that favorable market | -'■* k i anthracite mining so its fin d in g may ,on' “ n'1 Janu" ! 8 8 ,*w* rt- «’ » * look taller. Large head and the gates to attend an open air per- conditions here, together with tacili-1 |V I rough! to hear in a labor situât; -, Tml,ta’ s’ " ! eyes. Gentle, humorous and in (lea for storage, warrant the use of fromance at Clye Park theater Mon Loves xwild west **• J*’hn H. Hall and ♦ telligent. day night, a wooden platform over a of tnon icing intensity now arising in -1 the Portland market in future. “ movies." prize fights and the industry. Miners' wage contracts *4 pf I’l,rtland, selected by ditch to the gateway collapsed, throw bh'od-chilllng thrillers of all the dealers' association. President Harding has disposed of j ing possibly 100 people into the ditch, expire Augst 31 and a strike is thr kinds. A good business man. ened unless negotiations for re|h his control of the stock of the Hard Salem. — Operating ratio« of three where brains count before ing Publishing company, publisher of Tacom a— Mrs. Melissa l.ucv Janes ment are successful. beauty. Spends with a nmdest railroads operating in Oregon for the the Marion Star, to Louis 11. Brush of Burton, who passed her 104th birth abandon. year 1923 were less than in the year Manitoba Votes Liquor. Moore. The sale, how- day August 5 last ye.tr, won the honor IN FACT and Roy . P —----- ¡1922. according to a report filed with He has all but the externala ever, did not constitute a complete sev of queen of the Vashon Maury Island W innipeg— Manitoba voted in fa vo r'th e public service commission Samr Prescription for tho Br do to erance of Mr. Harding's connection annual strawberry festival to be held of government sale of liquor at Fri- day. The operating ratio of the Ore- Bo: with the newspaper, whose editor lie ah FHisport June 23, when the votes day s elections by a majority of 30.- gon Short Line in 1922 was 79.2. while Clot* your eyes and go has been for so many years. It was for the contestants were counted j 54«. returns from all but 190 rural in 1923 this was reduced to 77 4. The ahend! announced nt the White House that “ Grandma" Jaynes, one of a flel showed Sunday. The \ , Southern Pacific ratio in 1922 was 72 5 Absorb This: he would retain some stock in the'five, nil the rest of whom are of high jthe missing districts will not material- as against 71.2 this year The operat THE BEST LOOKERS ARE company and would rout it ie to be ‘school age. received It.tlg votes, while )y affect tho result. ling ratio of the Union Pacific in the NOT ALWAYS THE BEST LIVERS associated with the Star In an edl- her nearest competitor was 7000 votes There was a wet majority of 25.-1 ysar lf'22 was 75.5 and 70.g for the * (g by MeClar* N f.n ip .r Srs<l;c*ts) torial capacity. * behind. |988 in Winnipeg and 4379 elsewhere.' year 1923. ♦ O and Pacific Northwest, and Other Things Worth Knowing. swered French Doll. "You <k> not sit on the shelf and look down upon me and I love you both.” Teddy Bear felt very much relieved now that things were explained, so he began to try to comfort little French Doll. “ Don't you care if she does act haughty and proud.” he said. “ Brown eyes are prettier than blue. Dou't you think so. Rocking Horse?" For answer Rocking Horse began to rock furiously and nod his bead up and down. In fact be rocked so hard that he hit the wall with the back of his rockers and shook every thing on the shelf over him. “ Your clothes are real, too,” said Teddy Bear, “ and not china like hers. I am sure if you tried you could make a bow every bit as graceful as hers. Don't you think she could. Rocking Horse?” Rqcking Horse nodded very fast and began to rock and again his rockers thumped the wall, “ hang, bang,” and then from her high place down tum bled China Lady right on the wooden back of Rocking Horse and crash went her arm full of flowers. Little French Doll forgot her hard feelings towards the China Lady, "©h, you poor dear,” she said. “ Docs it hurt much?” Rocking Horse stood quite still, for he felt he was the cause of the acci dent because China Lady fe ll. bn tils hard back, but he did not know that he had caused her to tumble from the shelf. Teddy Bear looked at the broken arm with the pretty flowers. “ It can be mended ami made as good as new,” he said. “ D m you cry about It.” "Oh, I shall not cry," said China Lady. “ I hope they do not put me back on that shelf after they mend my arm. I lind much rather tie down here with all you toys.” “ And to think I thought she was hnughty and proud,” said Little French Doll one day after Chinn Lady had become good friends with all the floor toys. “ She isn't a bit, and she wanted to live down here with us all the time." ^ “ Which goes < ^ ; , (d .V ffV Bear, “ that y< g | never fnn tell what ladies are thlnWI* n, m. the way they look or act; <m. ; y o t i ^ . 1(n|c SOj Rocking Horse?” » Rocking Horse shook his mane and wagged his head back and forth ns if to answer that all ladies were a puz zle to him. < © by M c C l u r e N e w s p a p e r S y n d i c a t e ) A LINE 0* CHEER “What’s in a Name? By John Kendrick Bangs. LIFE N W A R D , o n w a r d speed th e years; W i t h t h e i r w e i g h t o f hopes and f e a r s ; T r i a l s l u r k i n g her e and there. J o y s to ease the p ress o f care: I.ikiht and shadow , sun and r u n . A l t e r n a t i n g peace and pain — Bu t b en eath the s tre ss and s t r i f e Sense o f rich, p u ls a tin g life. In w h o s e dep th s w e And the s tir l e a d i n g on to C h ar ac te r. O CLAIRE ££ £ »111 j MEN YOU MAY MARRY ((& by M c C l u r e N e w s p a p e r S y n d i c a t e . ) — o ---- YOUR< H A N D 1 How to Rood Your ^ C lis n c ts r iitic » and Tendercioj — the Capabilities or W eak nesses T h a t Maka fo r Success or Failure as Shawn in You r P a la THE HAND OF AN ACTOR TH E first place, to recognize whether a person, male or female, is or will be successful on the stage in playing dramatic or tragic parts, note whether the fingers are long and crooked. That Is a good sign. Long fingers denote careful attention to de tails, and If the hand is wide and open, with the fingers widely separated, freedom of thought and independent action are indicated. The mount of Venus (ball of the thumb) should be well criss-crossed or grilled, to denote inspiration and as sumed passion. Next note whether the second phalanx of the thumb is long, to show intellectual power. The mount of Ltnpt should be unusually long, reaching well up on the outside of the paint toward the line of the heart, to show great imagination and eloquence, so essential to the actor of dramatic or tragic parts. Courage also is shown by a strong mount o f Luna. TN by W h l a c . ) -------- O-------- « J J by M e C la r « C / B d ic t ig .)