9 tr THE MONMOUTH HERALD. MONMOUTH. OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 25 1923 S w in g E a st th rou g h A Watch For Each Boy In The Class C a lifo r n ia Then you can tell your Eastern friends about the great cities of San Francisco, Los Angele«, San Diego and California's world famous Na tional parks, golf courses and sea shore resorts. You will also realize that cherished wish to see tne wonder places of the Pacitic Coast, and its beauty spots that cannot be duplicated. Plan now to take advantage of Back East Excursion Fares May 15 to Sept. 15, and go both ways via the “ Shasta Route". They a f ford a wide choice o f routes, stopover privileges, and convenient train service. For further particulars ask your local ticket agent or write JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon All indications point in the same di rection The best way to get a house in Monmouth at present is to build one Oregon Fir and Hemlock Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Cement, etc. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Monmouth Lumber Company L. W. Waller, Manager GOOD FURNITURE is YOUR DUTY • OAK POINT Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeArmond left Wednesday morning for Eastern Oregon to visit their son, Roy DeAr mond and family. They will stay for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conger and daughters Doris and Florence of Suver, visited G. A. Peterson and family Sunday. Those who attended the Sunday School convention last Saturday and j Sunday, at Monmouth, are Mr. Rex, ' Mrs. Peterson and daughter Roberta, Mrs. John Underwood and son Jack, and LaVaughn Bigelow. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green, son Ken neth, daughter Vera, and Miss Louise Osborne of Madras, Oregon, are vis iting with Mr. and Mrs. John Rob bins and family. They expect to stay about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Cook, and Mr. and Mrs. John Robbins spent Sunday in Dallas, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bird. The Agriculture class has begun milk testing. It will test milk or cream for anyone in the community w-ho wishes it. Mrs. W. F. Cassidy and little son. Ross, from Warrenton, Oregon, are I visiting her mother, Mrs. Jennie Murphy, and sisters, Mrs. Roy Bige- | low and Mrs. George Keller. Jesse Walker went on a business ! trip to Roseburg Sunday and returned I Tuesday. Messrs. George E. Keller, Roy Big- i elow, A. E. Drake and J. W. Rogers j went to Lake Port, California last | Saturday evening. They had a very l pleasant time. Messrs. Leonard Kaup and Eric I Swenson visited our school on Tues- | day. Mr. Kaup was warmly wel- I corned as a former student teacher. The Community Service Club met last Thursday with an attendance of 25. Mrs. Robert De Armond and Miss Jessie Foster were hostesses. | The club decidede to hold open house i once a week, on Thursday during the I summer recess On this dtiy the library will be open and the mem bers will study parliamentary law. After the regular program of work I was concluded an impromptu program ; was given by Mrs. Flora Rogers. Miss Marguerite Mortensen, Mrs. Fitchard and Mr. William Scott of Portland who sang a group o f songs. It was, taken altogether, a most pleas ant and profitable meeting. , win the day. Thru the kindness of the Mask and Dagger Dramatic Club of O. A. C. special lighting and scenic displays Ijre to be had. They have loaned much material for the staging. A special musical programme will be given as an interlude. The gen eral public is invited to attend and a pleasant evening will be promised. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hall of Wood- burn were visiting this week with their niece, Mrs. C. E. Herren. w tn J 3 * Your K itchen N eeds A kitchen cabinet, for Instance, has more conveniences In It than you can realize without actually owning and using one. The steps one of them would save you might add many minutes dally to ycur leisure time. Let us show you how. W e have fully equipped cabinets o o 0 spiay now. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o ’clock. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday, May 27, “ Soul and Body” . 3E OREGON ==TF=----- = - * ------= W ood sawing Hall's Catarrh Medicine I per cord Hard wood. twice cut, 90c “ 3 times in two $1.15 Fir, twice in two80c; 3 cuts $1.00 S. H. Hinkle, Phone 3 7 0 3 Those who are In a “ run down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are tn good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, It It greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. HAL.L/S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists In Improving the General Health. Baptist Church Sold by druggists for over 40 Year Services Sunday morning and even F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. ing at the usual hours, with timely messages by the Pastor or some visit Monmouth & Independence AutoBus TIME SCHEDULE ing speaker. Train leaves Those not regular worshippers else Bus leaves Train Independence where in town will find it more than Monmouth 7.10 A. M. To Portland 7.38 worth while to worship with us. 9.45 A. M. To Portland 10.03 _____________ 9.45 A. M. To Corvallis 10.25 Church Of The Nazarene 11.60 A. M. To Corvallis . 12.13 Rev. A. Wells, Pastor 2.40 P. M. To Portland 3.12 3.33 Preaching each Sunday at 3:00 P. 2.40 P. M. To Corvallis 6.38 M. with Sunday School immediately 5.10 P. M. To Portland 6.45 P. M. To Corvallis 7.15 preceding, starting at 2 P. M. Raymond E. Derby, Phone 1504 Prop. Prayer meeting each Thursday at 7:30 P. M. Prayer Band meetings Wednes day at 2:30 P. M. Zeph. 3:12-15. All services will be held in the hall over the post office. There were no services last Sunday on account of extra services being held in Salem. Efficient Service Courteous Treat ment A . L. K E E N E Y Funsral D irsc*or and Licensed Embalmer Calls Promptly Answered Day or Night. Prices Reasonable PHONES 9821 and 9822 Independence, Ore. Spring Shoes Tennis shoes (or ladies, children and m e n , Children’s sandals, Child’s oxfords Ladies’ oxfords $2.50 up A full line of M e n ’ s oxfords, all styles All kinds of dress and work shoes Oils, Polishes Shoe strings, etc. Christian Church Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Communion and sermon 11:00. Christian Endeavor 6:45 P. M. Evening Service 7 :45 P. M. Rev. H. E. Knott will preach both morning and evening. The Women’s Missionary Society will meet at the church Friday, June 1st at 2:30 P. M. An invitation is given to each member of the Society • and all ladies of the church to be present. Dues will be collected at | this meeting, officers elected, and del egates chosen for the Turner conven ELKINS The Elkins community is looking tion. forward with eagerness to the pres entation of two one-act plays by the Evangelical Church high school. Mr. Denman, who has a “ The Homelike Church” great deal of experience on both the Sunday School 10 A. M. amateur and professional stage and Sunday morning service 11 A. M. in community drama, has been di Sunday morning Bro. Goode will recting them. He expresses him preach for us. The old friends and self as being very well pleased with members o f the church will remem- the characters. I ber Bro. Goode and be glad to hear Miss Mildred Tetherow, playing the him again. part of “ Miss Civilization” . in the Sunday evening Bro. Lovell will be play o f the same name, portrays with us. After the preaching we the part of a fearless.young matron, will have th f Communion service. All making possible the arrest of three friends are invited to participate, burglars. The parts of the burglars i Tuesday afternoon the W. M. S. are carried by Levi Oleman, Alfred will meet in the church. After the Jones and Maurice Tedrow, who fur regular meeting the ladies will serve nish thrills and fun. refreshments. Miss Dorothea Grossman, Mr. Prayer Meeting Wednesday even Jones and Mr. Denman capably assist ing. the Misses Ruth Tetherow, Maude Next Sunday morning, June 3, McEldowney and Mr. Oleman in the we will have our Decoration Day problem of the modern home, as seen service. in “ The Bracelet". Maurice Tedrow L et m e m end you r fu rn itu re o r as Judge Banket, presses arguments J . W . H ow ell. 4t for Miss Tetherow which helps to file y ou r saw s. Something Good to Eat Som ething m a d e o f good flour, good m ilk, o fg o o d n o u r ishing com pressed yeast, o f g o o d shortening. A Pure Food Product W h a t c o u l d it be b u t b re a d ; the p e r fect food? T h e r e is n o f o o d o n e a r t h s o t e m p t i n g w h e n it's r e a l l y p u r e a n d w h o l e s o m e like Genuine Butternut Good Furniture Is Our Pledge to You and Holsum Bread MONMOUTH HARDWARE CHERRY CITY BAKING CO.. Salem, Ore. J. E. Winegar, Proprietor Watch maker and Gift Counselor INDEPENDENCE, Christian Science HOME The pride of a thrifty housewife Is her kitchen — especially If it Is not only spick and span but also up to date. There are many things now tnat the modem kitchen requires. Among them are the labor savers, time savers and waste savers that experi ence has proved so helpful. Let us supply you with A . I .. K U t L A N D E R d im e n ¿¡N\ o i m m w s & TO Y O U R Utility Furniture • K\ vt ) bo> graduating from High School should have an accurate natch. It will do him more practical good than any other pr.sent.you can give him. The cost is not too much. You can eaaily afford a hand some, fine time keeping durable watch for your boy. A 7-jewel, standard American movement, in a 20-year, gold filled case, can be bought here for as little as SI5.00. We have a large stock of gold watches for men. The very newest styles are here— beautifully designed cases of white and green gold, with fancy dial. Come, look at these watches. There is one here at the price you want to pay, which will suit you and your son exactly. Harness supplies of all kinds CHARLES M. ATW ATER Post office block Phone 6802 1 Good to be Sure Better to be Insured - Be^t to be insured in the H A R T F O R D Fire Insurance Company Accident and Indemnity Company Chambers & Powell Agents Take This Tip From Experts Cookery exports agree that the best and most healthful baking powder is made from cream of tartar, derived from grapes. That is why they insist on 4 i B a k in g U nwrat The ONL Y nationally distributed Cream o f Tartar Baking Powder NO -Leave* No Bitter T u t* Read your own Herald $2.00 per yetvr