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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1923)
— THE MONMOUTH HERALD, MONMOUTH, OREGON FRIDAY. MAY 18, 1923 — S w in g E a st th rou g h mn California Then you can tell your Eastern friends about the great cities of San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and California's world famous Na tional parks, golf courses and sea shore resorts. You will also realize that cherished wish to see tne wonder places o f the Paciiic Coast, and its beauty spots that cannot be duplicated. Plan now to take advantage of Back East Excursion Fares May 15 to Sept. 15, and go both w„ys via the “ Shasta Route” . They af ford a wide choice of routes, stopover privileges, and convenient train service. • For further particulars ask your local ticket agent or write JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent Portland. Oregon LINES 1 All indications point in the same di rection The best way to get a house in Monmouth at present is to build one Oregon Fir and Hemlock Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Cement, etc. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Monmouth Lumber Company L . W . Waller, M anager GOOD HJRNITUnE 3 E Your Daughter's Graduation Watch J :± ra ~ . IT IS NATURAL FOR HER TO WANT VERY MUCH A IT IS NOT MERELY INDULGING A FEMININE DESIRE FOR DAINTY LITTL'J WRIST WATCH. MOST EVERY GIRL i ’ l 1,1 R # \ ■ I \- . . N 1 SOMETHING PRETTY TO WEAR, WHEN YOU GIVE IT TO HER. IT IS AN EXCEEDINGLY PRACTICAL AND USEFUL THING FOR HER TO HAVE, ANI) SPLENDID JUDGMENT ON YOUR PART TO MAKE HER GRADUATION PRESENT A WATCH. A IR L IE f c C H U R C H “ APerplexing Situation” and "The Laughing Cure” were the t w o p|a> * put on by the high school last Thurs day. Owing to a delay in getting out advertising there was not a large attendance, many not knowing Christian Science Sunday School at 10 A. M. the date. However, the plays were Wednesday evening meeting at 8 well executed and those attending o'clock. enjoyed the evening very much. Sunday morning service at 11 Mr. Wm. McAdams is spending a o’clock. few weeks at the W. Williams, Sr. Subject for Sunday, May 20, M or home. Mr. McAdams delighted tals and lmfnortals. the students by giving a solo at AN\i or\q>UM5 their play Thursday evening. Church Of The Nazarene Instead of a “ hiking picnic” as pre Rev. A. Wells, Pastor viously planned, the student body Preaching each Sunday at 3:00 P. and a few invited friends, took an auto trip to Sulphur Springs on Sat M. with Sunday School immediately urday, spending the day very pleas preceding, starting at 2 P. M. Prayer meeting each Thursday at antly. They were chaperoned by 7:30 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nickel. Prayer Band meetings Wednes Miss Bernice Dodson proved her day at 2:30 P. M. Zeph. 3:12-15. self to be a very charming May Queen and the festivities in connec Christian Church tion with her being crowned were Rev. II. C. Shropshire of Ukiah, very prettily carried out. A large attendance enjoyed the May pole California will occupy the pulpit winding and the aesthetic dancing. both morning and evening. Mr. Shropshire comes by invitation The music was furnished by Mrs of the board for the purpose o f con Nickel and Miss Whiteaker. sidering the pastorate of this church, and all members and friends of the O A IL P O IN T church are invited to hear him Last Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. speak and make his acquaintance. Sunday School 10:00 A. M. M. F. Dean of Salem visited Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Williams at the Mitoms Communion and sermon 11:00. Ranch. Christian Endehvor 6:45 P. M. Evening Service 7:46 P. M. The Oak Point School purchased a new hand cultivator for garden use this week. Evangelical Church “ The Homelike Church” Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Orey spent Do not forget the Musical Program Sunday with Mr. Adam Orey. Sunday evening. The offering will Mr. and Mrs. A. Lacey and family had a pleasant visit with Mr. and be placed in the Hymn Book Fund to We Mrs. McNeal of Alms Villa Sunday. purchase new Hymn Books. promise you one of the best even ing’s entertainments you have ever DALLAS CUTS COST OF Be sure and come. IMPROVING STREETS had. Sunday morning service 11 A. M. The new gravel plant at the east The sermon will be, “ The Power end of Academy street is now com if Temptation". pleted and in operation. Two motors, Sunday School 10 A. M. of 25 and 40 horse power, have been C. E. Junior and Senior 6:45. installed in the plant. The- opera Prayer Meeting Wednesday even tion o f the new plant will cut the ing. ( price the city has been paying for Homelike Society Tuesday after gravel to one-third, which means noon. that the city can do three times the Other announcements from the amount of street work it has been Pulpit. doing for the same amount of money. It is expected that the plant will be Baptist Church self-supporting as the amount of 14»:00 Bible School. gravel that will be sold to points out 11.00 Morning worship. side will more than finance the over Rev. W. J. Sly D. D., will speak. head expenses. Mrs. J. S. Landers will sing Important Job, His 6:45 Christian Endeavor, Junior Jumping from a moving automo and Senior. bile in which he was riding to work 7:30 Evening Worship. at about 7:30 Monday morning was By good fortune. Rev. Austin S. the cause of Roy Donahue, head Phelps D. D., of the Berkeley Divinity sawyer at the mill of the Willam School, was the speaker for last Sun ette Valley Lumber company, re day night. ceiving a compound fracture dislo Pastor E. B. Pace, Prof. Homer cation o f the right ankle and his re moval to the Dallas hospital where Dodds, Mrs. Deane Bowersox and he is now under the care of Dr. V. C. Mr. A. B. Morlan represented the Staats. He was riding with a friend local congregation at the annual meet and when they neared the railroad ing of the West Willamette Baptist track at the south end of Main Association at Dayton, Saturday and street they saw an approaching train. Sunday last. Thinking the car would strike the Le^m e mend your furniture or train Mr .Donahue jumped to the file your saws. J . W. H owell. 4t ground, causing the accident. On account o f his position at the mill, and no other sawyer being available, it was necessary to shut down operations until one could be secured from an outside point dur ing the early afternoon. te gold bracelet in all the stylish shapes, each a guaranteed timekeeper. *22.50 to 175.00 A . I.. K U L L A N D E R Watch maker and Gift Counselor INDEPENDENCE, OREGON 3a 3 E Hall’s Catarrh Medicine T h ose w h o a r e in a "r u n d o w n " co n d i tion w ill n o tic e th at C a ta rrh b o th e r s them m u ch m ore than w h en they a re in g ood h ea lth . T h is fa c t p r o v e s that w h ile C atarrh is a lo c a l d isease, It Is g r e a tly Influenced b y co n stitu tio n a l condlU ons. H A L L 'S C A T A R K H M E D I C IN E c o n sists o t an O in tm en t w h ich Q u ick ly R e liev es b y lo c a l a p p lica tion , an d the In tern al M edicin e, a T o n ic , w h ich a ss ists In im p r o v in g the G en era l H ealth. Sol.l by d ru g g is ts fo r ov e r 40 Y ears. F . J. C h en ey A C o., T o le d o , O h io. Monmouth & Independence AutoBus TIME SCHEDULE Bus leaves Train leaves Munmuuth Train Independence 7.10 A. M. To Portland 7.38 A. M. To Portland 10.03 9.45 A. M. To Corvallis 10.25 11.50 A. M. To Corvallis 12.13 2.40 P. M. To Portland 3.12 2.40 P. M. To Corvallitc 3.33 5.38 5.10 P. M. To Portland 6.45 P. M. To Corvallis 7.15 Rat moiul E. l>qfhy. Phone 1501 W o o d Sawing per co rd Hard wood, twice cut, 90c “ 3 times in two $1.15 Fir, twice in twoSOc; 3 cuts $1.00 S. H. Hinkle, Phone 3703 Efficient Service Courteous Treat ment A. L. KEENEY F u n s r s l D ire c to r a n d L ic e n se d E m b a lin e r Calls Promptly Answered Day or Night. Pricca Reasonable PHONES 9821 AND 9822 Independence, Ore. Spring Shoes T en n is sh o e s for ladies, children and m en , C h ildren ’s sandals, Child’s oxfords L a dies’ o x ford s $2.50 up A full line of M en ’s oxfords, all sty le s A ll k in d s of d ress and w o r k sh o e s Oils, P olish es S h oe strings, etc. Harness supplies of all kinds C H AR LES M . A T W A T E R Post office block Phone 0802 S3 Good to be Sure Better to be Insured Be& to be insured in the H A R T F O R D Fire Insurance Company Accident and Indemnity Company Chambers & Powell Agents Dorcas Society is YOUR DUTY TO Y O U R . HOME U tility _ Furniture The pride of a thrifty housewife Is her kitchen — especially If It Is not only spick and span but also up to date. There are many things now tnat the modem kitchen requires. Among them are the labor savers, time savers and waste savers that experi ence has proved so helpful. *Let us supply you with Y o u r K itchen N eeds A kitchen cabinet, for instance, has more conveniences in It than you can real ze without actually own ng and using one. Tha «teps one o i them would save you might add many m inutes dally to your leisure time. Let us show you how. W e have fully equipped cabinets on display now. * Good Furniture Is Our Pledge to You M ONM OUTH H ARD W ARE J. E. Winegar, Proprietor The Dorcas Society of the Chris tian church was very pleasantly en tertained by Mrs. Mack on Tuesday afternoon. Over twenty members and guest* were present and quite a bit of sew ing was accomplished. Plans wete made and sewing given out for a bazaar to be held during summer school, but no definite date was set for the bazaar as it was not known just what dates would he re served for the Chautauqua. After the business meeting the hostess served refreshments which all enjoyed. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. C. Lorence with Mrs. J. B. Lor- ence assisting. E. E. Bragg of LaGrande, a Normal | regent, was appointed member of the 'Industrial Accident Commission this week. D R . F. R . B O W F R S O X P H Y S IC IA N U SVRGEOS PH ONE NOS. O F F IC E H O U SE Take This Tip From Experts Cookery experts agree that the best and most healthful baking powder is made from cream of tartar, derived from grapee. That is why they insist on G RAH AM & C A LB R E A T H N eed lecra ft Shop Independence Phene 4 *21 • 3MJ » M2 . A. M ARANT Reliable Fire insurance and Su re ty B onds OFFICE HOURS 2 TO 5 P M ' PHONE 806 Hemstitching, Dress making, Neckware, Stamped goods. Baby Boudoir, Package goods The ONL Y nationally distributed Cream o f Tartar Baking Powder t Contains No Alum —Leaves No Bitter Teste Leave orders at Pember and Snell’s for Hemstitching Read your own Herald