f — Something Good to Eat Som ething m a d e o f go o d f l o u r , go o d mil k, o f g o o d n o u r ­ is h i n g c o m p r e s s e d ye a s t, of good s h o r t e n in g . A Pure Food Product W h a t c o u l d it be but br ea d; the p e r ­ fect food? T h e r e is n o f o o d on ea rth so t e m p t i n g w h e n it’s r e a l l y p u r e a n d w h o l e s o m e t like Genuine Butternut and Holsum Bread CH ERR Y CITY BA K IN G CO.. Salem, Ore. j J BUILDING TILE Made in Monmouth I f you are thinking o f building or remodeling your home, let us figure on it. Cabinet and built in features a specialty. Better let us make your door and window screens now. Shop on north side o f Main street between Hotel and Telephone office. For estimates drop in and see or w rite to G. A. Nestler, Monmouth, Ore. 3t make the best and most economical building mater­ ial you can buy. In long wear and low cost of upkeep there is nothing that will compare with tile or brick. The appearance of such a house is always attractive . For Sale and it holds its selling value 8 room house, 5 blocks from N or­ mal. Plenty o f fru it Splendid lo­ better than a frame house. cation. Price $1500. Terms. Drain Tile in all Sizes. 8 room house, lot 82J feet front Ask us about them. on Monmouth A ve., i block to Central Clay Produces Co. Norm al. The best rooming propo­ sition in city. Price $2500, Terms. 4 acres o f land, 6 room house, Fruit o f all kinds, Two blocks from Norm al. Price $2150. Good terms. For Sale— One surrey in fa ir con­ Why deprive yourself o f *the dition except the top. Price $10.00. pleasure o f owning a home? We J. E. Emerson. are prepared to build you-a neat, cozy house and sell it for actual For Sale— Sows and pigs, also cost o f construction and cost o f the good young team. Phone F 4520 lot. Good terms w ill be given pur­ 3t R. O. Dodson chasers. Come in and look over I f the south road is closed this our bungalow plans. summer I must ship all wood out. 1J acres o f lend, 7 room house, Local people who want wood should fru it o f all kinds. Fine location. get in their orders early. Second Price $2i50. growth fir, oak and maple. Call at 8-room house, toilet and bath. 2 house or see Harold Price. acres o f land, all kinds o f fru it. . C. W. Price. 4t33 Located near High School. This is one o f the best homes in the city. Let me mend your furniture or J. V\ . Howell. 4t Blacksmith shop and lot. W'ell j file your saws. equipped with tools and machinery Money To Loan for business. At reasonable price. Plenty o f it at 6 per cent, on city Terms. property.— Pay us back like rent.— 6 room plastered house nearly Loans quickly made if title is good. new. Toilet and hath. Barn, Long time loans on farms— 6 per chicken house and garage 2J acres cent and 6V* per cent. o f land on a good street. Price G. W. Laflar, 410 Oregon Bldg $3,000, terms. Salem, Ore. A splendid buy, 7 room house, toilet and bath, i acre land. Good DR. F. R. B O W E R S O X orchard. $2500. Our Bargain Column G. T. Boothbv. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON P H O N E NOS. Baby Chicks For Sale—Odds and ends at 10 cents each and up. J. M. McCaleb. Only a Few at This Special Price “W e a r-E v e r” Self-Basting • Aluminum Pot Ideal for pot -roasting on top of Hove or for lossbng in oven — also for cooking vege» »■kU (of fty.mmg food sod for preserving Limited Tim e Price This offer expire» May 5th MONMOUTH HARDWARE J. E. Winegar, Proprietor — The Doctor Was Right ^ ig k h ô è s m d 1 OAK POINT When the good old fam ily doctor was asked about baking powders, he said: j Evangelical Church T.I.e Women’s Club met Thursday afttrnoon, April 19. Mr*. A. Croas- on and Mrs. E. South were hostesses. They served u delightful luncheon which consisted o f sandwiches and hot punch. There was a large at­ tendance. Mrs. W ood was elected delegate to attend the Parent-Teacher’s Associa­ tion, which converted at Monmouth Saturday. The Oak Point pupils prepared their ground Thursday for the gar­ den. They hired Mr. Blaser’s team to harrow the ground. On Thurs­ day afternoon the corn was planted. Friday morning trenches were dug for the potatoes and the carefully prepured seed was planted. The girls are busy pulverizing the soil with a hoe and rake so they might plant their garden seeds. Mr. G. A. Peterson talked to the pupils Tuesday afternoon. His talk was on "H ow to plant a beautiful garden.” He emphasized the fact that the most important thing in ! making a garden was to make the rows straight.. The school wishes to thank Mr. Peterson for the seeds that he gave 1 them. Chester Downing, a former student of Or.k Point met With an accident while working in the Mitonia hop yard. One o f the wires broke and cut the artery in his arm. The Oak Grove, Oak Point and Rickreall Sunday schools will meet at Oak Grove next Sunday where reg­ ular services will be held. There will be a joint picnic and program. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Anderson and l family from Valley View spent Sun day with G. A. Peterson and family. Mr. F. VV. Isaac and family of Port­ land spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs | Adam Orey. * M O NM O U TH H E IG H T S V. A . Fishback was in Yamhill county on business last Saturday. Ervin Grund was a visitor in Sa­ lem last Sunday. Frank Clark is on the sick list. George Swearingen sold a team of horses tp Mr. Putnam of Spring field recently. W ill Fishback o f Salem was a guest o f relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Putnam o f Spring field were guests of her parents, Mr and Mrs. George Swearingen las! week. Frank Lefever was a trader in Monmouth Monday. I'C H U n C H I AVXOlNCLMTNlg Christian Church Services fo r Sunday, April 29: Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Communion and sermon 11:00. Christian Endeavor 6:30 P. M. Evening Sermon 7:30. Mrs. Clara G. Esson, State Super intendent o f Sunday Schools, will be present at all services and deliver both addresses o f the day with spe­ cial emphasis on the Bible School work. Subject for Sunday morning: "The Price o f Preparation.” The Women’s Missionary Society will meet in the basement o f the church on Friday, May 4th at 2:30 P. M. Mrs. Force and Miss Butler will be in charge. "The Homelike Church” The services for the week are as follows: 10 A. M. Sunday School. 11 A. M. Morning Service. Sub­ ject, “ The W ill o f God” . 6:45 P. M. C. E. both Junior and Senior. 7:T0 P. M. Evening Ser-ice. Sub­ ject "Dead and Buried". Tuesday afternoon the Homelike Society will meet in the work room o f the church. Wednesday 7:30 Prayer Meeting. Subject The Second Chapter o f Acts. Other special announcements will be made from the pulpit. Church Of The Nazarene Rev. A. Wells, Pastor Preaching each Sunday at 3:00 P. M. with Sunday School immediately preceding, starting at 2 P. M. Prayer meeting each Thursday at 7:30 P. M. Prayer Band meetings Wednes­ day at 2:30 P. M. Zeph. 3:12-15. Friends will be glad to know that Sister Wells, who has been danger­ ously ill, is slowly improving, and hopes are entertained for her recov­ ery. A series o f Revival meetings will begin in Monmouth May 2 with Rev. Mrs. DeLance Wallace, evangelist. Come with us and we will do thee good. Baptist Church 10:00 Bible School 11:00 Morning Worship 6:30 The Christian Endeavor So­ cieties will meet. 7:30 Evening Worship. Service of song and sermon. Any and all not regular worshippers elsewhere are cordially invited to work and worship with us. The Ladies Aid meets every Thurs­ day afternoon at 1:30 o’clock. “ Use Royal. It is made from Cream of T artar and is absolutely pure. You could dissolve a couple of tea­ spoons of R oyal in w ater and drink it w ith benefit. T h a t’s a health test m ighty few baking powders can meet.” The doctor was right. B a k in g P o w d e r Mude from Cieam o f Tartar derived from grapes Contain» No Alum— Leaves No Bitter Taste Hall’s Catarrh Medicine W ood Saw in g twice cut, 90c 3 times in two $1.15 Fir, twice in twoSOc; 3 cuts $1.00 “ S. H. Hinkle, 7.10 a. m. 1.50 p. m. 5.10 ’ • 10.00 a. m. ! J.15 p. m. (6.15 “ A. L. K E E N E Y Christian Science Sunday School at 10 A. M. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o’clock. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday, April 29, "Probation A fter Death” . Funeral Director and Licenaed Leaves Independence North Bound • • (4 « « • 4 South Bound 44 4 4 » * RAYM OND E DERBY P h o n k 1504 Phone 3703 Efficient Service Courteous Treat­ ment Monmouth and Independence Auto-Bus Schedule Leaves Monmouth per cord Hard wood. Those who are in a "run down" condi­ tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them mu<*h more than when they are In good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. H ALIa’H C A T A H R H M E D IC IN E con­ sists of an Ointment whu h Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists in Improving the C.eneral Health. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. Ohio. Embalmer 7.38 a. m. 2.22 p. m. 5.38 " H|. 25a. m. S. N p nx. j 7.15 " I Proprietor I Calls Promptly Answered Day or Night. Prices Reasonable PHONES 9821 AND 9822 Independence, Ore. 1 Mrs. H. F. March Sf Pedee was a visitor this week with her niece, Mrs. McCollum. A. M A R A N T R eliab le Fire in s u ra n c e and Surety B o nds OFFICE HOURS 2 TO 5 P M. PHONE 805 Coming umbet to Salem Dr. Mellenthin SPECIALIST in Internal Medicine for the past eleven years DOES NOT O PER ATE Will be at Marion Hotel Monday, May 7 Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Renewed Testimony One Day Only No one in Monmouth who suffers backache,*headaches. or distressing urinary ills can afford to ignore this Corvallis woman's twice-told story. It ¡ 3 confirmed testimony that no resident o f this locality can doubt. Mrs. S. W . Read. 242 N . 6th St.. Corvallis, O re., says: " I t is a pleasure to recommend a remedy of merit and I know from personal ex­ perience that Loan's Kidney Pills are all that is claim M for them. I us <1 to suffer a great deal with my back and at times it*was almost all I could do to get about my home work. A fte r taking Doans’ Kidm y Pills awhile, my back stopped ach­ ing and it has been some time since I have experienced any return o f the trouble.” (Statement given April 7 ,1 9 1 «.) , On April 3, 1920, Mrs. Read add­ ed: " I still think w ell o f Doan's Kidney Pills and always recommend them. Thye have always helped No Charge for Connultation Dr. Mellenthin is a regular grad uate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. He visits professionally the more important towns and cities and offers to all who call on thi* trip free con­ sultation. except the expense of treatment when desired. According to hit method of treat­ ment he does not operate for chron­ ic appendicitis, gall atones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re­ sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, akin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sci­ atica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. If you have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any better, do not fail to call, aa improp­ er measures rather than disease are often the cause of your long stand­ ing trouble. Remember above date, that consul­ tation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be accom­ : B e .” • panied by their husbands 60 cents at all dealers. Foster- Address: 33*. Boston Block, Min­ neapolis, Minn. , Milburn Co., M frs., Buffalo, N . Y All indications point in the same di­ rection The best way to get a house in Monmouth at present is to build one Oregon Fir and Hemlock Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Cement, etc. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Monmouth Lumber Company L. W. Waller, Manager CHAMBER1A I TABLETSI HIS just what you need, madam. Many ^ women who were troubled with indigestion, a callow, muddy skin, indicating biliousness and habitual constipation, have been permanently cured by the use of Chamberlain’s Tablets. Before using these tablets they felt miserable and despondent. Now they are cheerful and happy and relish tljeir meals. Try them. They only cost a quarter. * T ChamberMirfs Tablets