Our Bargair Column ■ --- " “ “ " ' - I - ■ ■ I . I l l S Y N O P S IS O P TH K A N N U L !■ I ^ l a m preiiared to do accord i a n ,! i„ knife and box pieatinjj. Prices j reasonab'e. M rs. N . Boch*. Attention Poultrym en— F isher’s E g « Producer, a supply ju st in. W h ile it lasts $2.70 per tack. In 6 sack Iota *2.60 per sack. A ll kinds o f rhick feed. Oregon .Mill­ ing and Warehouse Co. Good W ork Horse fo r sale. L Van l.'>an. Phone F 2602. J. Let m e mend your fu rn itu re or fi e your saws. J. W . How**l!. 4t S T A T K M J tV T O P TH E Ki gLand, on ti*e thirtg-flrst Hay t <• HR uf the State at Ortgon, p u ra u iit to tow : C A P IT A L mi c t fh â i slack psià eg - - IN CO M E luma rtewived ¿urtimi Uu y m u r ____- — dividend« and it a la w a iv e d during th* w a r _____________ AkSJM.9t fron» either as u w w « . « h v w J during the w-asr ___ ___________HIEß. Fili 1 __ _______________________ - A SSETS I Value ui real «s la te owned «mark«4 value* __ ——— — ——— Value of Monks aad bonds owned ' market value)___ — ____ L a n cm m ortgag«* ami collateral, etc._____ _______________ < met in banka and on hand ------------- ----------------- --- -- I'rvm i una in course of collection written s i.v * September 30, Keinaorante recoverable on paid Interact and rente due and accrued TwtoJ admitted u w U ___ ______ —------------------------ L IA B IL IT IE S j Grows claims fo r loams unpaid • Amount at unearned premiums on ail outstanding rto k a ____ I Lhsc fo r cum m toion aad brokerage - _______ _____ J A ll other liabilities) ■ . —--------- — . — .................... . 313.164.301.37 T e ta l admitted 14 acres o f land, 7 room house, fru it o f all kinds. Fine location Price $2i50. 8-room house, toilet and bath. 2 acres o f land, all kinds o f fru it. Located near H igh School. This is one o f the Lest homes in the city. Blacksmith shop and lot. W e ll equipped with tools and machinery fe r business.^kA t reasonable price. T trm s. 6 room plsstered house nearly new . Toilet and bath. Barn, chicken house and g a ra g e . 24 acres o f land on a good street. Price $3,000, terms. A splendid buy, 7 room house, toilet and bath. 4 acre land. Good orchard. $2500. Total In the m atter o f the estate T re s s a M . M arx, deceased. 377.107.7! 32 355 • 1.33 T e ta l liabilities, exclusive e f e e r ’ ta! «lock 31! 54 .179 56 B U S IN E S S IN O R E G O N F O R T H E Y E 4 R N et premium « receiv'd du -io* the year ---------------____________ t 12. •*«8 12 Loaa n :»aid during t h y *ur 17.773 C2 Loaces incurred during the y*nr ---- ----- --------- - 28.Ul.19 H U D SO N IN S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y J. U. Wen astro m. President H N. U o r ja a , B tc iv 'a iy Statutory resident attorney fo r se»\»ce: Insurance Coramiasioner. Salem. Ore. In c o m e ....................... .......... ............ ..... .................... U . 3. B R A N C H , S U N IN S U R A N C E N et lo«««# paid during the year Including adjustm ent exi>enaes Di idrnds pnid on capital stock during the year Commissiona and salaries la id during the y« Taxes, licensee and fees paid during the year Amount of all other expenditures_______ _ Teta l e r p e n d lta r e e ______________________________________________ 121.323.171 97 M B B fl Value o f real estate owned (m arket value) . ______________ 3 2.960.006 90 Value o f stocks and bonds owned (m arket v a l u e ) . _______________ 2l^t3o.0M88 Loans on m ortgages and oollateral, e tc .___________ _________ __ ____ 382,000 00 Lash in hank» and on hand _ ................. ......... 1,469,366.61 Premiums in course o f eollectirm w ritten sin« . rr &>. M l 3.547.-WS SR In term t and rents due and accrued - ___ _________ __ _________________ 175.254 50 -Amount of all other aaaets - ________ _______________________________ 229.194.94 .M.7SI.066.11 9.441.545 52 834.110 13 _ 2.121.002 62 _ liabilUlea. exclusive o f capital «t r k B U S IN E S S IN O RE G O N P O R T H E Y E A R premiums received during the yean. paid during the year________________ incurred during th • year___________ Total 99.114 56 40.069.13 61,039 26 M ARYLAND C ASU A LTY COM PANY F Hi.h!*n ccito U b ’, 1922. made to the In puiNuant to tow ! I>1 SMC RS KM E N TS N t t Inezes paid during the year including adjustment 6 69 437.010 37 nt..V7.83 . assets Babe and Baseball Again First publication March 23, 1923 _____6 SJ99.4JI J3 4. Ita. 553.92 576,014.58 _____ 648.892.11 $ 272. If7 Fi I Dividendd paid on capital stock during the year -------- — Gross claim * f »r lease« un;»aid Am ount o f unearned premiums op all ou t tanding ri Due fo r comm iMion and brukerxgc - — --- ------------- - A ll other l t o b t l i t U e ------------------------------------------------- % 1J19.462.92 _ 10J63.Ô66 77 _ 635.572.17 724.696 30 _ 2,378.861.91 185,476 72 Total admitted Teta l . 61.6MJ61.: $1.431.616 76 --------------------------------- ASSfcTS 1 Value o f real estate owned «m arket value) $ alue) ! Value o f stocks and bonds owned »m arket „ 445.500.69 ; Loans on m ortgage* and collateral, etc. — 62,609.29 Cash in banjta and on hand lS3.<18 y >f D e mber. 1922, made to the Insurance Com m bsioner c f the State o f O n g ;a, pursuant to la w : C A P IT A L 8 767.666.v Amount o f capital slock paid up ................— ...... IN C O M E $ UJT..6-Î6 * N e t pr.m ium s received during the year r 12 F Interest, dividends and rents received during th Incom e from othsr sources received during the y_*ar------------------ 1 671-73 D IS n U R -S E M E N IS j N e t 1 « mscs (a id during the year including adjustment ex;»rn 1 Divldemhi paid on capital st.jck during the year ..................... . Crenmteskma and salaries i aid durin g the year ------ -— i Taxes. !»c*»n*♦» and ft « s paid luring the year Am ount o f all oihar expenditurts 64.331.tt2 52 19,338 00 1:0.213 42 unpaid. of G R A N IT E 0 Total Incoai« 36.9J7.636.09 $6.176.723 94 T e .a l liabilities, exclusive o f capital stock e f $506.969.93 B t 3INE8B i n 4 E l « O N i )R TH E Y E A R n ? c*» : r* m ;ums r e v iv e d during th»- year ---- ------- ------- • e l s 'Si Premiums and dividends returned during the year — ■ ■ ----- ------ 7.52108 fjos>ce t»aid during the year -------- ----------------------------- 3,675.00 C A L IF O R N IA S T A T E L IF E IN S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y Mar hall D igg». Presiflent W. B Salt. Secretary Statutory resident attorney fo r service: Insurance Commissioner, Salem. Ora. S Y N O P S IS OF Tb’ E A N N U A L S T A T E M E N T C T ^ ’ lE NATIONAL FIRE INS. CTD. OF HARTFORD 31.170 A13.63 L IA B I L I T I E S $7.633.532.73 L IA B IL IT IE S L IO Y D S P L A T E G LA S S IN S U ] fd lH a rtfo rd . In th* State at Ck>m ^ctlrat. in a u t 440,900 44 30A31 M 30.000 00 433.171 46 31.000 67 164 A H 10 9 710.450 77 __ IU.22i.35 ___ 3.420,614.17 1.U02.492 20 313.88086 342.676TO 106 319 59 257 >13.01 T e ta l admitted assets of O F SALE OF REAL PROPERTY BY A D M IN IS T R A ­ TOR. f S T A N D A R D A C C I D E N T I N S U R A N C E CO. 64.1^1336.19 ASSETS Value o f rèmi estate i wned « market . a l _ ^ ■ % 180,toO.00 Value o f stocks and bonds owned «m arket va]ue) 3J67.902.56 Loans on m ortgages and collateral, etc. .......... .................................. 0 Cash In banks and on hand ______________ ___ ___ _______ _______ 512.58568 Premiums in course o f collection w ritten since Septem ber 30, 1922 938.236.03 Reincuranc? recoverable on pai 1 losses 3.174.03 Interest and rents due and accrued -------------------------------------- ----- 39.601.23 BYNomiS o r THK ANNITAL YTATKHKHT O f TIIK pureunnt ILM7.643J3 ASSETS N’ alue o f real sstrte c a s e d ihn H P& rtliU . T p « M « i t J «*» S t » tu tory iw k W a t »tU-riw y fo r *rr*ic* : n o i P o rtio n ». U n t a / ! V M C l-E * u w :- n J im 1 W AKT 6 0 0 0 V A N ’ I y/AN L alone 18.726.M 10,996 23 17.996.11 6 H IM -TO - we 60 occ - s n T H O fT I/ g' «NITH N otice to C reditors O S C A ft .', Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint­ ed • y the county court o f the State o f Oregon for Polk County, adm in­ istrator o f the estate o f Eleanor Jane Smith, deceased, and has qualified as such a Im inistrator. A ll persons having claim s against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at the First National Bank o f Monmouth, O re­ gon, duly verified and with proper vouchers, within six months from the date o f this notice. D ite d and first published the 23rd cay < f M arch, 1923. Ira C . Pow ell, Adm inistrator o f the estate o f Eleanor Jane Sm ith, deceased. B , F . Sw ope, A ttorn ey. - t y t T I/ T *. A U N T C.MCTT- W M T * /M t h e s ,6 H T A IM W H JN A C R .A C K . I V *A S H W H ™ * OOCKieS- a t A 0«6 1 T O O «. M V ME- - P U L IE O -A M O N otice M A T n e .I 'M O /rfCE TH E ME 0 € *t> t-T P O O H J X X 5 H ’. WKAT P iP WE TRIP W A P IT P , -T H Iù O tR . F E L L ; m EC e ’S By o rd er o f the County C ourt, dated M arch th e 16th, 1923. Floyd D M oore County Clerk. FBOM One* he tai«l to on« of the other men: "Did von ever 'ear of >11 y* and the other man aa-d “Yea." "Then go there," retorted the man of m>»ter> And thut the «killed w r ite - , • • he had been honett he vso'.ild have been forced to tupprett. It would never have done ui thia beet of lit­ iJC E w« taw > pl*v catl«