WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK GERMANY'S NOTE IS SECRET A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A a A A \ What Result W ill Be Inastili In Doubt. Ruhr Evacuation Is First. Berlin. — Whether •erm any’a last DELEGATE AVERS memorandum on the Ruhr situation and the reparations question will prove Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. a useful contribution to possible early endeavors through third parties to force a breach in the Franco-German Peace Counter proposal Pointed _ . _ . , To As fyidence. 1 STATE N E W S : IN BRIEF. 1 1*1 SCH O O L DA1JS 1---------------------------------------- 11 m 1 1 1* - V- ^ Junction City.— It has been estimat­ ed that 100 cases of eggs are shipped from Junction City dally, counting shipments going out over both rall- roads. This figures 3000 dozen, or 36,000 eggs, as the daily average for the vicinity. Impasse, so far has brought out only COMPILED FOR YOU a limited amount of speculative dis­ cussion in German political and finan­ ACCEPT SOME TERMS cial circles. The memorandum, delivered «in Eventi o f Noted People, Government! Washington and London last Friday, I’ ossibtr Differences in Interpretation o f Text, According to Nation, and Pacific Northwest, and Other while addressed to the American and Things Worth Knowing. British governments, to inform them of the German view of the situation, incidentally was intended to be made The residence of Sir Thomas Henry available to France and Belgium Grattan Kamonde, a free state senator, through diplomatic channels, it was at Gorey, county Wexford, Ireland, was officially explained Monday. The burned to the ground Saturday. American government has decided to A Reuter dispatch from Helsingfors keep the contents secret. Official Tuesday said Premier Lenine of soviet quarters declined to comment further, Russia had an apoplectic stroke Mon­ except to declare that it was up to day. His condition, the message add­ Frence to create an atmosphere, which ed, was said to be serious. would be conducive to negotiations A woman with her head almost sev­ and that the memorandum could be in ered frctn her body and the body of a man with two bullet wounds in his nowise regarded as a formal attempt head were found Monday by the house­ to obtain the intervention of an Anglo- keeper of an apartment building in Saxon power in the Ruhr situation. Mount Auburn, a suburb of Cincinnati. Foreign Minister Baron Von Rosen­ A bloodstained hatchet was found on berg has not suffered from lack of the floor near the bodies. Formal demand that Impeachment charges be brought against State Treasurer Thompson and State Audi­ tor Turner were made to the Kansas legislature Tuesday in a special mes­ sage by Governor Davis. counsel, which is being showered on him from many quarters, semi-diplo­ matic and otherwise— a circumstance which is continually stimulating ru­ mors of impending negotiations. Astoria. — A contract was awarded Friday to Edward Nyman of this city for erection of a new schoolhouse In the Elsie district. The structure and its equipment will cost about S5000. Albany.— A building boom is to be experienced in Albany this summer if . Is Possible. conclusions can be drawn from pres­ ent indications. Three buildings will be built in the business district, with Paris.— The Turkish counter-propos­ a possibility of this number being in als to the Lausanne peace treaty creased as several others are project ed. draft are "replete with evidences of Salem.— The state highway depart­ Turkey’s pacifism, all the conditions conforming to the Angora govern­ ment announced Friday that an agree­ ment's desire for peace and lndepend- ment had been reached with relation encf*" declared Hussein Raghib Bey, to the construction of an undergrade crossing under the tracks of the South­ the Angora representative here. Raghib Bey. who sat up throughout ern Pacific company on the route of Saturday night digesting the text of the new Pacific highway in Oregon thtrf lengthy document, which reached City. Paris by courier, forecast possible dif­ Reedsport.— Construction on a mod­ ferences In the interpretation of the ern hotel for Reedsport will be under text, according to which nation was way within six months. Jack Con­ doing the translation. His digest di­ nolly, proprietor of the Umpqua hotel, vides the Angora project into two has secured subscriptions from local parts, the first being given over to men amounting to |15,000. It is estim­ those parts o f the Lausanne treaty ated the structure will cost about which are acceptable to the Turks, $25,000. and the second to the sections which Hood River.— The Apple Growers' their propositions have modified. In the first part is included Turkey’s association now has in local storage acceptance of a delay In the solution only 52,166 boxes of apples. Deliveries of the dispute over the Mosul oil from growers for the 1922 crop season The fruit fields between Turkey and Great Brit­ reached 1,308,571 boxes. ain for one year and its reference to held here is of high quality Newtowns, the league of nations for settlement apples that will keep in good condi­ if no agreement is then reached; the tion until the summer months. Tse. yBcKe o SiATtp Something to Think ¿4bout By F. A. IFALKER H E L P YOURSELF* 'P ' VKHYTHINO beneath the sun Is ■“ available to the deserving, so reach out your bands und help your­ The state supreme court upheld ularly consulted by Chancellor Cuno self. Tuesday the validity of the Iowa bonus and Baron Von Rosenberg continue to To be worthy you should be patient, law. Affirmation of the lower court's oncur in the current Interpretation of industrious, persevering, charitable granting of Karaghatch, the Adrlan- decision that the bonus law is valid Reedsport.— The Reedsport payroll toward the weak, respectful to the the government's position that no basis ople suburb, to the Greeks; the draft will increase $8000 within the next ten strong. practically assures soldiers, sailors, You must overcome foolish pride marines and nurses who served from for negotiations can exist until tan­ treaty solution for the freedom of the days, according to C. McC. Johnson, Iowa in the world war adjusted com­ gible assurance is given Germany that streets, and the treaty's adjustment who has installed two 700-horsepower, and envy; be not afraid to soil your hands, but a veritable coward when pensation at the rate of 50 cents a day. the Ruhr will be definitely freed from of the minorities problem. Turkey 160-pound pressure steam boilers in It comes to the jxdnt where you ure likewise accepts the appointment of the Johnson Lumber company's mill railed upon to smudge your soul. The village of Braschl, In the prov­ military occupation the instant a new three neutral judges of Turkish courts and a dry kiln at the cost of $10,000 in Go forth W’ith a heart full of faith ince of Piacenza, Is threatened with understanding with respect to repara­ for five years and agrees to reorganize the Reedsport Sash & Door factory. and a joyous countenance. burial under a landslide caused by the tions is reached. Any suggestion that the department of Justice, these stipu­ Do not grumble if you happen to be Woodburn. — The Woodburn Fruit infiltration of water from the upper the occupation be reduced by zones lations being in line with the allied In the lower ranks. slopes of the Apennines. The move­ will be promptly rejected by the Ger­ plan for solution of the question of Growers’ Co-operative association ber­ Think o f the great men of today ry pool was sold Saturday night. There who caine up from humble places and ment of the earth already has en­ man government, it is declared. the status of foreigners in the Turkish were six bidders, the W illamette Can­ won distinction, whose names are gulfed several houses and burled some On this point the government, It is courts. ning company of Woodburn getting the written across the lands and seas in livestock. The population has evacu­ declared, has the complete support of In the second part of the digest the ated the village. the reichstag, the socialists in particu­ modifications noted include the re­ bulk of the strawberries and Ray- flaming letters. Hold faith high above your head. lar contending that every vestige of quest that the frontier line between Mailing of Hillsboro some of (he straw­ The German population of the Reck­ its unfailing torch illuminate your Franco-Belgtan armed control or oc­ Greece and Turkey run through the berries and all of the other berries. path all through life, and march on linghausen district has been warned cupancy would be a detrimental factor middle of the river Maritza instead Salem.— Members of the state board assured ttiat the goal you have* set by General Laignelot, commanding the to the fulfilment of any reparation pro­ of along the left bank and for the of forestry held a meeting here Satur­ your heart upon Is Just ahead. district, it was announced Tuesday, gramme. Do not falter if your road should possession by Turkey of the island of day and outlined the work of the de­ that If any further French troops are It was emphasized again that Ger­ Castellorizza, part of the Dodocanese partment for the present year. The he diflicult and your burden weari­ assassinated or ambushed, the burgo­ many must go to the conference table group, thus leaving Italy 11 of the proposed improvements include the in­ some. master of Hucr, who Is held as a host­ Difficulties are common obstacles age, together with four other town of­ unfettered, and that any resumption of islands. Turkey claims that Castel­ stallation of new telephone lines, con­ No one can get anything worth while reparations negotiations must proceed lorizza practically belongs to the Ana­ struction of additional trails and erec­ ficials, will be shot at once as a meas­ without overcoming them. from a new starting point as the Ger­ tolian coast. tion of a number of lookouts in the ure of retaliation. Affluence and power have their be­ man government considers the London The Turks further propose to dis­ forests. ginning in small tldngs, both capable Brigadier-General Frank T. Hines, schedule of 1921, which Is now sup­ tribute the "public debt” among the of being won by well directed thought Salem.— The state irrigation and the new director of the veterans’ bu­ posed to be effective, not only obsolete allied governments which by the treaty and effort. reau. said Monday his policy for opera­ but practically incapable of enforce­ are confirmed in their possession of drainage securities commission held a They belong to the capable who are meeting here Monday to consider the qualified to use them in the right way, tion of the bureau would be based on ment. territory which belonged up to the elimination of "red tape" In handling time of the armistice to the Ottoman certification of bonds in the amount not to the doubting, inefficient and of $800,000 voted by the Powell Butte wavering, but to the courageous, the veterans’ claims, preventing the "hard- Russia Taxes Aliens. empire. It is argued that it Is unjust irrigation district and the approval steadfust. who never admit defeat nor boiled” methods In treatment of vet­ to ask the Anatolian faction of that Moscow.— The government has de­ of a contract entered into with the turn their faces in the darkest hour erans and a speeding-up of hospital empire to sustain the burden of the from tlie sun of faith, shining always creed that all foreigners residing in work so as to give immediate relief entire pre-war debt. This proposal In­ North Canal company for the develop­ on every cross and care. ment of the project. Russia, with the exception of diplo­ cludes the debts contracted In the wherever needed. I f you would help yourself to the mats, consular officers and persons name of the empire during the war. best there la. keep track o f your Reedsport.— Plans to insure speedy The request from China for the faults. I f inclined to procrastinate, who have made special arrangements completion of the Umpqua highway abrogation of the Sino Japanese treaty take a lesson from the tides, the re­ were drawn Friday night when the volving earth, never delaying or hurry­ of 1915 was received in Toklo Monday through their connections with a con­ Reedsport chamber of commerce met ing. by the Japanese foreign office. The cession. are subject to the same taxes in special session. A motion was car­ Japanese reply to China has been as are levied ou the Russians. Be methodical, even though It may ried providing that delegates be ap­ In the present day o f hnste and con­ The present income tax takes 80 drafted for submission to the cabinet pointed to meet the Roseburg chamber fusion, he considered old-fashioned. next Tuesday. The nature of the re­ per cent of all salaries of more than Omaha, Neb.— The worst blizzard Train your ndnd to remember what of commerce and the county court to ply may be judged by the government's ♦ 100 monthly. since 1888 struck Nebraska and west­ your eyes see; keep your brain sen­ line up the already favorable public repeated statements that such a re­ ern Iowa late Sunday night. The tem­ sitized so that the Impressions made Quake Jolts Dalmatia. quest will be flatly refused. perature dropped to 9 degrees below sentiment toward quick action on the upon It shnll become permanent pic­ construction of the highway. tures to which you can turn when Belgrade.—The earthquake felt in zero at Omaha. It is feared that there President Harding was reported several cities In southeastern Europe ! was loss of life in the state. Highways Seaside.— With between 35 and 40 they may be needed. here Tuesday to have had a hand in Only what you can recollect in the the publication by the Washington Thursday caused considerable damage are blocked with snow drifts, towns men working on the project, contract­ vital moment Is o f any use to you. and Post of the names of prominent citi­ along the Dalmatian roast, especially ! snowbound and many trains stalled in ors building the $300,000 hotel at Gear- In that moment If you sltould fall to hart are making rapid progress. Super- ! remember, your whole future might zens of Washington, officers of the at Ragusa and Cattaro. The Catholic 1 »now-filled cuts. At the height of the storm here fire structures for the first floor of the be blighted. army and navy and officials of the cathedral and other buildings at Sara- state department which were found Jevo suffered, while a tobacco factory | broke out in the block at Fourteenth three-story hostelry are rising rapidly I <«• *»**• hr M«ci«r» N«w»n»p*r syndicate.) Douglas streets and swept and with sufficient facilities available listed in papers seised by prohibition at Montar was so badly damaged that «nff Uncomfortable‘ Magnificence. officers In a recent raid on premises it w as unable to operate. So far as is through half a block, causing a loss to Insure Immediate transportation of IVrhBp;, th* niimt extraordinary o f estimated In ezeess of 1250,000. The lumber and supplies as fast as cars K|] beds was the gift o f a Russian em- of a capital bootlegger. The list Is known there were no casualties. entire business district of Omaha was arrive at Gearhart, no delays are ex- peror to the shah of Persia. Made en now being referred to as Washington's endangered. One fireman was hurt. Lenine Still on Mend. tirely of crystal and surmounted by a peeted in the building programme. "Booze Who." The firemen experienced unprece­ chandelier, this monument of discom­ Moscow.— The general health of In an effort to determine the truth Salem.— The state board of control fort bore automatic fountains whose dented difficulty in fighting the tire of numerous reports in the last two Premier Nikolai Lenine was reported which, whipped by the gale, appeared has sent out advertisements soliciting plashing lulled to sleep the "uneasy years that the alkali lake near Hay by the attending physicians Monday several times almost beyond control. information regarding tracts of land head that wore the crown. --------O-------- Springs. Neb . is Inhabited by a hide­ as good. The bulletin issued by the The Intense cold turned the water to not more than 12 miles from Salem I ___ ous, prehistoric monster, citisena of doctors said there bad been a further - ice and all the men became encrusted for use as a site for the proposed new that place have begun preparations to improvement in M Lenine's arm and with it. The binding snow added to state training school for boys. The drag the lake in the near future. A leg. while speech had remained un- I the difficulty. tracts must contain between 400 and large crowd Is expected to gather for changed. The flames swept through the 500 acres and must he adapted to agri­ the event. The "mysterious monster” From 50 to 100 Beddeo Clothing company. Dan's Shot* cultural pursuits. Farm Situation Better. has been seen by a half dozen promi­ and Clothing company and the Vir- acres of the land must be timbered nent citizens of this community, ac­ Prices for the tracts also are solicited , i ape. ^ cording to reports. In the advertisements. the farmer In the middle west are on I - - Child Burned to Death. Claims o f material reductions i f ap­ the upward trend. Henry C. Wallace. | Dallas.— A. V. R. Snyder, treasurer o f agriculture, said here • _ _ , ,, propriations for the fiscal year 1924 secretary ,, , __ . . _ Great Falls. Mont.— A 3-ycar-old of Polk county for the past six years The farmera purchasing . ... , „ ... under thoee of 1923 were made in Monday. . . child of Mr. and Mr». Charles Rabik has resigned. He will be succeeded today than it has _ . . . ... . ____ . statements Inserted Tuesday In the power . is . greater . ... . .. perished and the parents were burned Monday morning by H. B Cosper. who been for the last 2tfi years, he said. . ... , . . . , • terribly In a fire which destroyed up to a year ago was deputy under Madden and Warreu of the house and their home at Scoby, Mont., early Sat­ Mr Snyder Mr Cosper was elected Earl of Carnarvon III. senate appropriations committees. At urday. Robik. Ill of Influenza, rescued treasurer to fill the vacancy by the the same time Representative Byrnes Cairo. Egypt.— The earl of Carnar one infant, saved his wife and made a county court Saturday. He was coun­ o f Tennessee, ranking democrat of von, who has been supervising the ex­ vain attempt to save the other child. ty treasurer by election for two terms, the house committee, asserted that cavations at the tomb o f King Tut­ Cut o ff by flames. Rabik himself was from 1892 to 189$, and has been a when the deficiencies for the next year ankhamen, Is suffering severely from rescued by a 10-year-old daughter. deputy in practically every county of­ were totaled the outlay would amount blood poisoning. His ailment presum­ Rabik and his w ife are in a critical fice at one time or another during the to more than that o f 1923. ably Is the result of an insect blto. condition at a hospital. peat 46 years. • Parliamentary leaders who are reg BLIZZARD WORST DURING 35 YEARS ONCCISWUÛH Has Anyone Laughed At You S^THBL R. Because — P B YSBB You are quiet In a crowd? Haven’t you suffered torture to see others get away “ with murder,’’ while you are scared pink to say anything at all? Haven't you often longed to say something to make the bunch laugh? Haven't you wondered why you were Included so often In the doings when you were so quiet und every one said, “ Speak up, who's going to hurt you?” Cheer up, if you haven't got any­ thing to say. Keep still. Too ninny s [ h >II the air saying stupid stuff, or bad stuff, or hurtful stuff. It is good to be able to be amusing; there Is nothing more wonderful than to amuse. But how many do anything when they sputter, hut confuse? They say still waters run deep. You may he Interesting for this rea­ son. SO Your get-away is: You have as much right to speak as anyone else— but if you’ve nothing to say you are right to “ shut up.” ( © by M cClure N ew sp ap er S yn d ica te.) ---- o- Uncommon Sense IOHN BLAKE \VISE AD V IC E T T WAS I’ ubllus Syms who said, A- “ Look for a tough wedge for a rough log”— wise and sound advice. Men prosper better who suit their tools to the Job. It Is foolish to drive nails with a sledge hammer, or to try to drive piles with a mallet. The first uses up twenty times as much energy as Is necessary; the sec­ ond accomplishes nothing. When you see in a legislature or a political meeting an orator tearing the air into tatters over a very small and unimportant matter, you feel that he Is using a sledge hammer to drive a nail. When you see a man In an office employing three times the energy necessary to do a very small and un­ important Job, you know that he Is do­ ing the same thing. Save your Important weapons for Important battles. Don’t hunt rabbits with machine guns. I f you have a big task to do, bend to It all your energies. Use the big­ gest weapons you have. But on the little Jobs save your en­ ergy. We have seen legislators who made ’L ; " " ’ .„‘.'.m "«, T f.h ev w efeem gaged in a debate over the fate o f the nation. W e have known architects who planned as elaborately for the construction o f a one-car garage as better architect! would plan for a sky­ scraper. Neither got much but ridicule for his efforts. Save your energies for the big Jobs thht will come. You will need them all then—all your thought, all your effort, all your skill. For the little Jobs use Just enough o f these to do them well— don’t skimp them—but don't over-do on them. You have a mental tool chest which you will soon learn how to employ wisely. Make careful selections be­ fore you do your work, and It will be done better and with less expense o f time and energy. by John B l « k t . ) --------o -------- Truth Wi l l Out. I had always longed to see a Mg city, and had told many friends that I had been all over the United States. One day. while discussing railreafa with some of my friends, mother came Into the room and happened to men­ tion that we had never traveled any­ where and said that we were all horn tn the next town. Imagine my em­ barrassment Chicago Tribune._____