Champion American Butter Cow Prosperous Y ear for work. hold their own. May Gross HazH Martin to help. Pember and Snell dorated and Four more basket ball games are Dance of the Hearts made the coffee which was delicious, scheduled, two with Turner and one Soloist Hallie Puddy and sisters we must reward them each with Silvertor and Woodburn. Orchestra — for their efforts and kindness to Minnie Bennette Flora Sloop help us. Remember it’s the M. J . V espertine P ro g ra m Maybelle Bennette Elvira Houston 8. brand of coffee. Eleanor Ausplund Vera Evans Kuriosity Klowns Remember Lear. While there will te a few failures the student body as a whole has worked well and a fine spirit seems to pre­ vail. Turing the past report month ^ there was but one case of tardiness | in the high school and that was caused by high water. Ihe cooler w eather.of this week serves the fruit men a good turn -------------- for it holds the buds back, but The annual meeting of the cream- grain men are concerned and are ery did not draw out a very large more than likely to suffer some crowd of stockholders. Business is damage. jogging along nicely with the con- j The first annual meeting of the cern and the tendency is to let well Odd Fellows Building Company enough alone The creamery has brought out about twenty stock-i branched out some this year by holders. Officers re-elected were handling eggs for patrons and buy­ W. R. Graham, president, R. B. ing feed in bulk. The aim is to do Swenson, secretary-treasurer; F. anything that united effort can ac­ E. Murdock and Paul Tacheron, I complish and Manager Murdock directors. Figures were presented i has a number of ideas for assisting to show the building cost twenty-j the whole to help the individual one thousand dollars exclusive of which will doubtless be put into the 6ite. Outside of the lodge and pracitce at some future time. A the Rebekahs which are the largest summary of the business for the stockholders, $4,500 in stock is year follows. Officers to be re­ held by individual members. elected were Frank Loughary, pres­ An awakening interest is beirg j ident; C. G. Hewitt and Thomas taken in the Monmouth band and j Gentle, directors. A. F. Galgano of Salem, a director Cream received in pounds 938,088 of excellent reputation is giving Butterfat from cream 296,79/>.65 the boys assistance on Wednesday Butter churned - 369,199 evenings of each week. Overrun - - - 72,403.35 Average overrun 24.65 per cent The Civic Club met last Friday Amount paid butterfat $126,812.59 afternoon with a very good atten­ Average price butter fat lb .4272 dance. Miss Taylor’s talk on Amount for butter $145,161.32 "Phases of Community Health and Amount for butter per pound .395 Recreation” was very interesting Total sales, all sources $155,153.39 and instructive and much enjoyed Total expenses, 154,769.27 by all. A number of committees Net gain for the year - 386.12 reported good work in their various fields. A vote of thanks was extended to Glen Whiteaker and all others who donated their time [and money to make the Community Christmas tree This has been moving week for the success[it surely was. The next several Monmouth concerns. On meeting will be on February 23. Saturday E. B. Arnold got his bakery Be sure to save the time and come business moved into the building out to the club meeting. Bring long occupied by P. H. Johnson. along your ideas and inspirations Carpenters and decorators are still and help make Monmouth a clean busy^withj it and when finished Mr and attractive city, as well as a Arnold will have a thoroughly up good place in which to bring up our to date home for his establishment boys and girls. known as the "Sign of the Rose Bakery and Teashop". He recent HIGH SCHOOL ly put in a large metal rack for Mrs. A. M. Arant has presented coolingjbreatl.and an electric mixer, the high school library with a num­ also an electric loaf wrapping ber of volumes of Lmuch value to machine. He has added showcases, the school. The school very much tables and chairs and will have a appreciates this token of her inter­ fine place. est in the work of the school. On Monday Charles M. Atwater The report of the State Superin­ moved his shoe shop and repair tendent showing the per capita cost equipment to the room vacated by per student for the various high Mr. Arnold. He hasalsobeen busy school s of the state shows that the with improvement work and is mak­ per capita cost in Monmouth is next ing a number of changes. He will to the lowest in Polk county and have his shoe stock and miscellan­ considerably below the average for eous goods ¡in the front part of the the state as a whole. Several of shop£and the repair business in the the county high schools show per rewr. Since establishing here Mr. capita coat as follows: Dallas $93.00; Atwtater has made good and has a Monmouth $96.00; Buena Vista prosperous business. $102.00; Falls City $113.00; Inde­ The rooms vacated by the shoe pendence $122.00; Elkins $124.00; shop in Pember’« building are being Rickreall $139.00; Airlie $145.00; occupied by A. N. Poole for cabinet Perrydale $155.00. Monmouth Craamery BZZZZZ AZ 11 1 » Taft We Want You To See Us Men of Monmouth and vicinity will note the date of B is h o p ’s Annual S ale OF THEIR EN TIR E STOCK OF CLOTHING SHOES AND FURNISHING GOODS Since it affords The One O pportunity Of th e Y ear to select front a ¿lock, second fo none in Oregon in size and quality their wants at prices they can not afford to overlook. Bear in mind this exceptional sale will be only F or 9 Days, Feb y. 1st to 10th Men’s 300 Men’s All Wool Suits Auto - Raincoats Notice Working Men Most Sensational Suit Sale in years Have you been paying more Models for men and young men. Come in Worsteds, Cassimeres, T w eeds and Serges; Checks, Stripes, Fancy w eaves and plain. All sizes: 34 to 46. for your overalls? 100 dozen Moleskin, Rubberized Tw eeds, Gabardines, * Bright or dark colors. Men’s Bib Overalis Regular $30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 Heavy 230 Blue denim $ 1 .0 0 pair 1 imit 2 pair to customer This line will sell on sight Grouped in one big lot regardless of former price Regular $6.00 to $20.00 Just T ake your pick 2 Price Of interest to every boy of school age 100 Men’s Suits and Overcoats 75 Boy’s All W ool Suits with knicker pants, ages 6 to 18 years Broken lines and sizes from our regular stock Priced at Regular $25 to $30 $14.75 H e a v y Black C a s h - 6 p a ir s m e r e t t e sox. $ 1.00 W hile they laét. Exceptional val­ ues at this price Men’s Underwear Men’s Sox H e a v y D e r b y Ribbed cotton shirts and drawers 5 5 cts Herring bones, Cassimeres, Tw eeds and Blue Serges. M e n ’s N a t u r a l w o o l shirts and d r a w e r s $ 1 .5 0 values, 7 5 c each Men’s Dress Shoes Men’s black and brown shoes and oxfords. Practically all sizes. Regular values, $7,50 to $10 $ 3.95 $ 8.50 All suits are from our regular ¿lock, worth up to $15.00 Men’s Shirts Men’s Trousers G o l d e n O x f o r d , c lo t h collar a ttac h ed . $ 2 . 5 0 values. $1.50 each O n e lo t w o r s t e d d r e s s pants. R e g u la r $ 4 . 0 0 to $ 6 . 0 0 $ 2 .9 5 S ig n a l C ham bray W ork s h ir t s Fxtra heavy 85c M e n ’s C o r d u r o y P a n ts R e g u la r $ 3 . 5 0 to $ 5 . $ 2 .9 5 In terw o v en so x D iscontinued n u m b e r S o f t lisle, r e g u l a r 5 0 c 3 p a ir s $ 1 . 0 0 . Urge* Speed In Federal Courts Chief Jcftice T»(t of t8e U S S .»rt-r.e Court n * ru m < Jori te ««»edite worlt m the Federal Court* all over the country. This ohoto »how* Circuit Judge* from all part* of the L n ned S'ate* after a conference at Wa»hioe«on In the group are C.rcu.t Judge. Bingham. Roger». Buffington- Knapp. W aAer, . Knapper. Baker and K«r*£g. Tart i* in the cent" --***-* Made of whip cords, All Men’s Overcoals in Stock must go. 75 Mens Overcoats Latent Models and Materials. All weights and sizes R egular $ 3 0 .0 0 , $ 3 5 .0 0 , $ 4 0 .0 0 , $ 4 5 .0 0 $23.00 Plain half or full belted, single or double breamed Light or medium weight, Men’s Dress Shoes C High grade dress shoes, brown, staple and N ew English lafts- sizes. Values to $15.00 All $ 5.95 BISHOP’S CLOTHING & WOOLEN MILLS STORE, SSS g S’ n