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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1923)
V oL X V M o n m o u th , P olk C o u n ty , O r e g o n , F riday, J a n u a ry 2 6 , 1923 N o. 2 1 ’ T h e r e is N o L aitd L ike O re g o n an d O nly O n e W illa m e tte V alley Items of Interest At Oregon Normal « r » th . o f Wins not only music, but a play as well. The company makes no other stop outside of Portland in Oregon, but comes to Monmouth directly from San Francisco. It is on tour from New York, having first piaved in the Metropolitan Opera House last spring. Further announcement will follow later. 'j' ^ y 'IVullbleS l o These Gentlemen HIGH SCHOOL New Fire Alarm imored, Reported Last Tuesday evening the Silver- Concocted, Collected the ton Monmouth H s-basktt H. bal1 ^uintet met Having a Tryout S team on the Normal floor. The score ended with lhe time has again arrived for After a twenty four hour session twenty three against twenty six in making out your income tax re- the jury in the trial o f Phillip War- favor o f Silverton. The cause of turns. The law provides that all ren, Grand Ronde Indian charged this slight defeat was due to the in returns must be in the office o f the with the murder of Glenn Price, ability o f one o f the High School ( ollector o f Internal Revenue a t . prohibition official, found him not star players, Marvin Arnold, to Portland, on or before March 15th, guilty. A majority o f the jury participate in the game. On Thursday, February 1, the 1923. Those failing to comply were for acquittal on the first bal- Mr. G. 0 . Holman and Editor chapel hour will be occupied with The contract for the fuel supply with the law are subject to heavy! lot, it is said, and only one man had Hodgkins o f Dallas visited the Nor a talk and musical numbers by Miss at the High School for the coming penalties. All taxpayers are urged the courage to stand out for the mal on Monday. Mr. Holman spoke Alice Kim. M:ss Kim is a Korean year was let several ¡weeks ago. to make out their returns at once, last twelve ballots. to the students at the chapel hour. and is in this country to study mu- thereby avoWi Jack Leask will furnish thirty cords the rush at the i One o f the best o f the historical sic. Her home is in Seoui, K orea.1 jagt ^ The annual meeting o f the Luck of fir and Del T. Harmon will fur novels written during the early She has the distinction of being one For the purpose of assisting tax- iamute Rural Telephone company nish an equal amount of ash. years o f the twentieth century was o f perhaps a score o f women among payers of Polk County in making will be held in Monmouth, Monday, A double header basket ball game Charles Majors’ "When Knighthood all the millions o f Korean women up their income tax reiurns for February 5, at 2 p. m. was played on Falls City floor last was in Flower” . The story has to have a college education. After 1922, Deputy Collectors, Collins & The annual meeting o f the Polk Friday night between Falls City and been made into an elaborate motion her graduation from college, she Pugh o f the Internal Revenue County Farmers union held in Dal- Monmouth bovs and girls teams. picture which has been enthusias spent two years in Tokio in the ollice, will be at the following las ¡n the Woodmen hall Wednesday The game ended with a crowning tically praised wherever it has been study o f music and has now been named places on the dates given be- ; resulted in the election o f the fol victory for the Monmouth boys. shown. This picture will be shown something over a year in this coun low: Dallas Court house, February lowing officers for the ensuing The girls team however, was not so in the chapel on Saturday evening, try. This fall, she made a long tour 9 and 10; Independence, February year: C. C Gardener, president: well prepared, besides being handi January 27. Special music consist o f the eastern states speaking be 12 to 15; Falls City, February 16 capped by the lack o f both first L. H. McBee, viceperesident; A .E . ing o f appropriate selections has fore many organizations, among and 1 1 . fo r any information you Tedrow, secretary-treasurer; Glen team forwards, and this ended the been provided. The admission fee them the National Association of may desire in preparing your state I DeHaven, conductor; C. Ballantyne, girls game with a score o f six to which must be more than average, College Women in Baltimore. Since ment, please call upon the Deputy chaplain; I. G. McBee door keeper. sixteen in favor o f Falls City. owing to the price of the picture, coming to America, she has spent ( ollector, as per announcement ^ The executive committee o f the or- The first semester examinations will be 50 cents for adults and 25 some time in the translation o f Ko herein made. I ganization now consists o f L .W. rean songs into English. She will will be held at the High School cents for children. Plummer, Mrs. George Jones and Thursday and Friday o f next week. bring with her Miss Ruth Creed, Woman Speaker Coming John Gilson. Among out o f the The local tryout, to select a who will sing those songs in trans This is o f special importance as speaker to represent the Normal Mrs. Mary L. Mallett o f Port- county visitors were the state or- it means a good time for all who lation and also in the Korean. Ev in the State Oratorical Contest to eryone is invited to come and hear land. State Woman’s Christian Tern gsnizer from Lane county, and the are not concerned. be held at Albany early in March, Miss Kim. perance Union President for Ore- county president, Herber Egbert The Senior class will give a re will be held at the chapel hour or gon will be in Monmouth on the o f The Dalles. The meeting lasted ception to the High School students. Fridav morning. The townspeople Modern Woodmen of Dallas, Sa 31st day of January. She wi|l ad- all day and an enjoyable lunch was Faculty and Board members Friday are cordially welcome to this exer lem, Silverton, Hillsboro, Albany, dress the student body o f the Nor- served at the noon hour, o f this week. Del T. Harmon. cise. There are five contestants: Crabtree, Scotts Mills and Portland mal School at 11:15 A. M. At noon Robbers drilled a hole in the out The Misses Katherine Peterson, camps installed their officers at a the W. C. T . U. Ladies o f Mon A Minnesota Visitor Maurine Brown, Helen Aubert, and union session held in Salem Tuesday mouth will serve lunch for her at er door of the safe o f the Fiist Mr. and Mrs. Wamburger o f Du Joyce Wood, and M r. Elmer Hal night. Governor Pierce, who was the Christian church. In the after National bank in Sheridan Tuesday stead, all o f whom have worked in state lecturer o f the order, assisted noon at 2:30 P. M. she will speak morning early, and decamped with luth, Minnesota are guests this dustriously to make this tryout a in the program. to the women o f the town at the about $3,000 worth o f Liberty week o f Mr. and Mrs. Sivier at the worthwhile piece o f work. Community House. Every woman bonds and other valuables taken hotel. Mr. W. is an engineer in Fifteen or twenty years ago an in town and in the surrounding , from safety deposit boxes o f pat the employ o f the Duluth and Mil- At the election held last week, rons o f the bank. The bank lost sabe railroad the principal business student body officers for the re old gentleman, Daniel Griffith bv country is urged to come and hear about $200 in cash. Thirty deposit of which is the hauling o f iron ore mainder o f the year were chosen as name, was ouried in Monmouth or her. There will be a good pro boxes were rifled. It is thought from the mines o f Duluth which is follows: President, Burton Bell; Independence. He came here short gram. Miss Moore of the Oregon at the head o f transportation on the Vice-President, May Burgoyne of ly before from Iowa and lived with Normal School will be in charge o f *b,’re " ere three robbers and they Ore in the Missabe the music. out *be telephone cable leading out Great Lakes. Portland; Secretary, Carolyn Berry a married sister at the time o f his precaution to pre- f range lies practically on top o f the Mrs. Mallett will tell about the tbe c ' ty as a o f Corvallis; and Barbara Hixson death. Now his daughter is trying ground and is taken up by huge vent an immediate pursuit. to locate his burial place but does Farm Home for Dependeant and o f Portland, song leader. steam shovels which take from not know the name of the married Orphan children at Corvallis. She Floyd Sen ter, asssistant county three to five tons at a bite. The The Entertainment Committee of sister. Does any one have any in is especially interested in Child wel clerk, has been appointed secretary I shovel machinery runs on three the Normal announces an attraction formation on this m atter? fare work and Mother’s club work, of the Dallas Commercial club and tracks and has a reach o f ninety extraordinary which will be pre also in any community uplift work. has resigned his county job. His feet. The Minnesota mines are sented as a regular number o f the The Dorcas Society held a meet She has been attending the Legis successor is James Denzel Moore, up I practically all on state lands and Lyceum course to the students, the ing, both business and social, with lature and Northwest Sheriff’s and to now an employe o f the Miller are leased to the operators, the rev- faculty, and the townspeople of Mrs. Leask on Tuesday afternoon. Police Conference and will be glad ! enue being placed in the school Monmouth on the evening o f March Twenty four members and guests to answer any questions on any of store in Monmouth. 5th. This is an opera "Consi fan enjoyed a very pleasant time. The the leading reforms o f the day. Be Don’t overlook the meeting o f the of the state. Thirty five mil- Tutte” , (’Tis Womans, Nature), Society is planning a W ashington’s an>, hear M rs M a| le tt' on Jan -1 Civic club at the high school b u ild -! 'ion dollars thus far have accrued one o f the principal musical events birthday social about which more uary 3l at 2 . 3 0 P. M ing this afternoon at 2:30. Miss to the state from ore royalties. o f the season in Portland. As a will be annourced later. The next ______ . , . _______ Taylor will address the club and production, it ranks with the Min meeting o f the society ^ ill be held Dr. Snyder o f Dallas was on our there are matters o f importance to Mrs. Alderson spent a few days neapolis Symphony; however, it with Mrs. James Riddell. streets a day or two this week. take up. Come and join the club. 1 this week with her sister, Mrs. Mack. The members of the faculty are planning a dinner party for Friday evening in the Domestic Science rooms. All members are to be present and to discuss the new course o f study for the Normal. Ou r Saturday Specials Liquid Vaneer, reg. 60c s iz e .____ _______ 49c Pure (W) Fancy Lard, 5 lb p a il................. 90c (W) Sugar cured hams per l b ....................29c Mild cured F'ancy Bacon Becks per lb __ 28c M. J . B. Coffee in 5 lb tins per l b ......... 39c Preferred Stock vacuum packed coffee 6 lb tins, per lb 38c 1 lb tins, per lb 39c M. J. Brandenstein’s famous Tree Tea, green or black, 16 oz. pkg 58c or 8 oz. pkg 29c Large sweet oranges per doz.................. .. 36c Extra Fancy Bananas per lb.............______ 12c Hominy Preferred Stock 2J lb tin. _____ 13c Spinach Preferred Stock 2J lb tin _______ 19c Dill Pickles Preferred Stock 2\ lb tin __ 23c Tru Blu Soda Crackers bulk per l b ______16c Asst. Fancy Cookies per lb ___________ 25c Ivory Soap Flakes 2 pks.......... ...... ... ...1 5 c Ivory Soap. 4 b a r s ............................. ..........25c White King Washing machine powder 2 for2.rc Star Naptha Washing Powder _____ . . . 21c Sea Foam Washing P o w d e r ................ ....... 23c Gold Dust Washing P ow der...... .. ............29c Old Dutch Cleanser Q. f o r ..... ......... .. _ 15c W e will s e r v e f r e e S a t u r d a y o u r d e l i c i o u s P. & S. b l £ n d c o f f e e a n d T r u B lu c a k e s We specialize on Allen & Lewis’ Preferred ^tock canned goods and Swift & Co. PremiumHams and Bacon. Pember & Snell’Mercantile Company MONMOUTH ■ f-rs.'&graxrg 1.1 -:& í: Phone 6302 & ¿sis â r p g OREGON rarfinr&i m ?•- & * People this week may have notic ed a small pigeon roost affair on the roof o f the Odd Fellows' build ing. It houses the new fire alarm, a siren known'as the Sterling Mod el M. single head, and is fitted'with a 3 phase, 220 volts, 2 horse power motor. The apparatus costs $260 and was got by the council on thir ty days trial. On Saturday the electrician finished installing the connections and gave It a try out. Most people thought the alarm was not loud enough, but being new, proper adjustment may not have been reached as yet. It is claimed the siren can be heard for ten miles. Do not be disturbed if the fire alarm sounds at noon as that is the time selected for several days to try it out. Chicken Factory Starts J. M. McCaleb and Arthur Miller started up their incubators on Mon day o f this week and when ail machines are in use will have eight een thousand eggs under incuba tion at one time. Mr. McCaleb is connected this year with Dr. Du- gaune of Independence and M. A. Webster of Corvallis in a spring campaign. Webster handles the clerical end o f the work and Dr. Duganne’s trap nested Leghorns furnish the high class stock. The trio have expended nearly fifteen hundred dollars in advertising. An incidental o f this was 22,000 cir cular catalogues turned out by the Herald office. The daily mail o f inquiries and orders averages from twentyfive to fifty letters a day. Clarence Irwin o f Independence, arrested last week and fined $200 for bootlegging, has been sent to the state tuberculosis hospital near Salem. The charge against his wife has been dismissed but the three small children o f the couple will be placed in state homes. Burglars made an attempt to open the safe in the S. P. depot in Dallas last Friday night. They used a sledgehammer but could not get into the safe. James Clark was ar rested at Albany Tuesday night by special officers o f the railroad com pany and charged with the crime. He was held to the grand jury on $1,000 bonds which he was unable to furnish.