M i i M M i i B M i i i i f i i i i i — M iM w iiin n iin in iii iiiim i m n iin ii— . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wmiÊÊtÊÊÊM JW/it A£\VS A Cough Fd Wallace o f Aumsville spent New Y ea r’s day with Mr. snd Mrs. J. F. McClellan and family. Amy Steinberg, who has been j granted a year’s leave o f absence by Lie Portland school board, left Saturday morning for Seattle where she will attend the Univer­ sity c f Washington. Check it in time or it may lead to trouble. FHK PIG SALE OF PEN D LETO N WOOL B LAN K E TS now going on it Bishop's —Salem. Worth while savings Sale Price $6:50 pair and up When in town be sure and see our display o f Virgin Wool Pro­ ducts. Made from Oregon Wools. W e h a v e all the sta n d a rd remedies. MANY SAVINGS Barbara Steinberg starts in on a two year course at O. A . C. this s mester. Shejhas held a position in the Portland postoffice the past few yeais. greet patrons of the store during these days oI January Clearance Sales. The special reason is a simple one—we v/ish to clear away winter lines to make room for Spring goods. R E A L Clothing Values at BISHOP’S, Salem. Two Pant Suits— made o f Rithop’s Pure Virgin W< ol Fabrics Fine tailoring and style— and $30 is a mighty low pirce. Come in and see them. Perkins’ Pharmacy If we haven't got it we’ll get it. A.-k us. Mr. and Mrs. Ha! Perry o f Port­ land were visitors last week with Mrs. Perry’s mother, Mrs. M. E. Pereival. M r. and Mrs. !. A . Dempsey form trly of.Rickreall but now o f Heppner, where Mr. Dtmpsey has a highway contract, were licre last week visiting with relatives. A Sale of Silks Mr. Shewey o f A irlie was a visit­ or in Monmouth last Saturday. Mr. Shewey was born in Virginia near Cumberland Gap and as a boy w it­ nessed the excitement and bitter­ ness incidental to the civil war. His father was from Pennsylvania stock which emigrated to Virginia and engaged in milling. His experience took him through the east Tennes­ see region as far as Alabama in re­ construction times but he em igrat­ ed to the west in 1867. Colored w eight, pure good heavy dye! silk, 33-inch width, in several good shades. Regular $2.00 values at Colored taffetas, heavy thread, soft good quality. A ll plain and The inuual meeting o f the Farm­ ers Live Stock (’©operative Shipping association will be held Saturday, January »1 in the community room TH E BIG SALE o f PEN D LETO N o f the bank. W OOL B LA N K E TS — now going on Arthur Jtpion, who moved here at Bishop’s, Salem. Worth while last summer from Chinook, Mon­ savings. Sale Price $6.50 pair and tana, says the winter o f 1908 was up. When in town be sure and see a record breaker there. It was our display o f Virgin Woo! Products fifty below for days and so cold that — made from Oregon Wools. steers from the neighboring range John Hinkle o f Independence was crowded into the streets o f the city in the lee o f store buildings for a visitor in this city New Years shelter, in places so numerous and day. It w ill be news to some o f the cattle so desperate that they John’s friends to know that he was could net be driven off and people married October 30th in Pasco, could not enter nor leave the stores. Many o f the cows had their tails Wash, to Miss .Harriet Davis. The frozen off and the bushy part o f wedding was the conclusion o f a the tails were to be seen in many hop yard’s romance John, having places on the snow. first met his bride to be three years ago when both were engaged in ü work*for a hop grow er near Inde­ pendence. I pongees, - $1.49 yard-wide, finish, good evening shades. extra­ colors— Values $2.25 and better to clear at $1.69. Wool Dress Goods Scotch plaids in medium grade woolen serges. Several good terns and just the rat- thing for cnil- dren’s dresses. $1.15 values, dur­ ing this sale at 89c. W ool Skirtings Sale of Outing Flan­ nels Clearaway of Odd Pairs Heavy warp and fleece, 27-inch in fancy light patterns, a good value at the regular price 18c, but a bar­ gain opportunity not to >e missed at the sale price of - - 11c. Extra heavy pure white outing, twilled weave, 27-inch. Outings as well as all cotton goods are high­ er, but we have an overstock. Jan­ uary price, six yards fo r - $1.00 W o m e n ’s a n d C h i l d r e n ’s M e n ’ a n d B o y ’s S h o e s Men’s Hats for Less Only the best Conqueror Brand, but"many good styles in incomplete run o f sizes. Come in and buy yourelf a new hat at a very little more than one-half the usual price. Men’s Dress Shirts Several skirt lengths o f extra fine wool tweed, and fancy plaids. two alike. W e w ill close these out at much less than regular. price fo r two yards Newberry's Seat No Special * $3.98. Indian Robes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Craven had a family reunion and dinner last Sunday at the home o f D r. and Mrs. Maurice J. Butler.* Those present beside the immediate fam ­ ilies were, Mr. and Mrs. J. Riley Craven and son Elwyn o f Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Craven and son Dean o f Independence, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Craven o f Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. A . H. Craven and fam ily o f Monmouth, and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Remington o f Salem. Oregon City made, heavy all fine wool. Beautiful coloiings and pat­ terns. $9.00 values at $6.85. $7.50 and $7.85 values at $5.95. Men’s Wool Shirts Western Make, heavy gray or brown, $2.25 and $2.50 values. L o ts 'o f’cold weather yet to come, but£we w ill clear them out at $1.95 Oregon City make o f best Oregon wool. Most stores ask $5.00 for these shirts but you may buy yours during January at - - $3.95. Miss Thelma Gooding extended her vacation one week in order to receive attention [from »[specialist in Salem. $1.39 A fortunate purchase for our store enable us to show a line o f men’s dress and negligee and g o lf shirts at what most merchants have to pay for their merchandise. Dur­ ing this sale you may make your selection fo r still less - $1.39. M en s Aquapelle Coats $2.69 About the cnly fabric that w ill absolutely turn the water is the aquapelle cloth. A few coats left at . . . . $2.69 B o y ’s G r a y C o v e r t B ib O veralls 25c A close out o f boy’ s gray covert overalls in small sizes at only 25c per pair. You can afford to buy sin a half dozen pairs at this price. We will not attempt to describe the offerings in this clearace, and you will have to come to the store and see fo r yourself. Bring with you the foot that is to be fitted and thus be sure o f getting just what you want. We assure you that we are making the best prices on these lots of shoes that you have seen for many months. H e a v y W h i t e C r e p e de C hin e W aists All-white crepe de chine in unus­ ually heavy weight. Some are hand tucked, some have embroider­ ed and hemstitch trim . $9.85 and $10.00 values - - $7.35. W o m e n ’s T u x e d o C o a t s Navy and brown, sizes 38 and 40 $3.25. Grocery Bulletin New crop raisins seedless - Darigold milk, none better - Royal Baking powder 12-oz - Calumet 1-lb can - - Crescent . . . . 3 i-lb box crackers - - 5-lb can Maple Karo - Largest can Pineapple - Golden West Coffee - - Royal Club Coffee with big stick candy - - Deviled meat, can - - Union sardines - - - M iller's Best, Sno-lite, Van H oeter’s Bleaching, Feld­ man’s Naptha, Easy Day naptha soap 6 fo r • Palmolive Soap Co’s assorted toilet bar 6 cakes - 15c 10c 43c 30c 33c 55« 40c 35c 42c 42c 5c 5c 25c 25c Christian Science Sunday School at 10 a. m. James Couzens, millionaire mayor Wednesday evening m eeting at 8 ■ if Detroit amt former partner of Hear, l ord, is the new U. S. Sena- ! o’clock. t< r (rum Michigan, appointed to the Sunday morning service at 11 Vrmiun II N'ewhcrry seat, the office o ’clock. to which Ford aspired against New. berry m the now famous election Subject fo r Sunday, January 7, s uid.il', which finally resulted in Nev Vrrv’s resignation this month. “ God” . ■* — Iowa Girls Win Trip A broad ► _ . . . * . Pariah Rodgers and Kathryn Boli- ¡Mugb of Iowa [are two country aliases from Iowa Who woo the can- aing contest st The International Livestock Show •t Chicago. Their prize is s three months' trip to Europe with sll expenses p a i d The» competed against farm girla from every state (They will demon­ strate their ability in canning m de­ vastated (OMS of France ----------- . — ---------------* MONMOUTH OREGON SEVEN OTHER MILLER STORES-NEWBERG, McMLNNVILLE. SHERIDAN, YAMHILL, DAYTON, SALEM, CORVALLIS tn* iiii.1 j r i a n * , i u * r a ,«roi!TiLr.nr.rwa Mrs. C. Fream o f Roseburg spent A lva Craven is planningjto move last week with relatives in this city into his town house next week. Miss Ruth Stover o f }W ieser, Ida­ and vicinity and Mrs. S. Fream ho. was a visitor with relatives and accompanit d her to Roceturg for a week's visit. friends here last week. Grand Champion Hereford Weighs 3100 lbs. H.trvey Pickin.on o f Indepen­ R E A L CLO TH IN G V A LU E S at BISHOP’S. Salem. Two Pant Suita dence was transacting business in — made o f Bishop’s Pure Virgin Monmouth Wednesday. Wool Fabrics Fine tailoring ar.d styles and $30 is a m ighty low The BIG SALE o f PE N D LE TO N Word Blankets now going on ¿.t price. Come in and see them. Bishop’ s. Salem Worth while sav­ Miss Mabel LeRoy o f Portland is ings Sale Prices $6 50 pair snd spending the week with P rof, and up. When in town be sure and see Mrs. Beattie. Mr. and Mrs. Er­ our display o f Virgin Wool pro­ nest Purvance and son and daugh­ ducts— made from Oregon Wools. ter o f [Corvallis were also New Y esr's visitors at the same place. A ll o f the visitors were in the g o v ­ ernment service at the tim e Mr Beattie was superintendent at Met- lakatla, Alaska. Miss LeKoy as nurse snd Mr. Purvance ss assist­ ant superintendent snd later as suc­ Denzel Moore accompanied his w ife to Portland on her return journey to Eastern Oregon where she is teaching school. JEUWWaHk_______________ R E A L C LO TH IN G V A L U F S st BISHOP’S. Salem Two Pant Suits — made o f Bishop's Pure Virgin W ool Fabrics Fine tailoring and cessor to Mr. Beattie. Their visit styles— and $30 is s mighty low price. Come in snd see them. made s very pleasant reunion. u I »:• : ' N c ™ * , . of V W! n og hit honors st '» mooth. Ht is ■ I