Citation In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County. In the m atter of the] estate of John H. Moran. [-Citation, deceased. J To Thomas Kelley, Thomas Moran, Katherine Boatman. Ellen Thorp, Lucy Gladys Rasmussen Henry C. Moran, and Mary A. Stine, and all others unknown, if any there be, and all other persons interested in said estate, heirs and devisees of said deceased, John H. Moran. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby com­ manded and cited to appear before the County Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County, sitting for the transaction of probate business, in the county court room in the county court house at the city of Dallas, Oregon, on the 30th day of December, 1922, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day, then and there to show cause .if any exist, why an order of sale should not be made therein, direct­ ing and authorizing the executrix of said estate, Mary A. Stine, to sell at prir ate sale for cash in hand, the following described real proper­ ty belonging to said estate, to-w it:— Beginning at tie N E. corner of out lot No. 12 in City of Monmouth, Polk county, Oregon, running thence South 167J feet; thence West 95 feet; thence North 167J feet; thence East 95 feet to the place of beginning: Also, Beginning 42J feet South of the Northeast corner of lot 8 in Block 8 in the city of Monmouth, Polk county, Oregon, thence West 55 feet; thence South 40 feet; thence East 55 feet; thence North 40 feet to the place of beginning. Also, Soulh half of North half of the D. L. C. of Lewis L. Cooper and wife, N ot.N o.2780, in Sec. 29 Tp. 8 S. R. 5 West of the Will. Mer. Polk County, Oregon, contain­ ing 40 acres. Also beginning at the NW. corn­ er of the D. L .C . of Lewis L. Coop­ er and wife Not-No-2780, in Sec. 29 Tp. 8 S. R .5 West of Will. Mer. in Polk county, Oregon; thence East 60 chains to the NE. comer of said D. L. C .; thence South 13.34 chains; thence West 60 chains to the W. line of said D. L. C. thence 13.34 chains to the place of begin­ ning, containing 80 acres, more or less Also, beginning at the NW. corner of above described tract of land and running thence West to the East line of the D. L. C. of John Chamberlain Not-No-2276, Claim No-54; thence North 14 deg 30 min. West to the N E .. cor­ ner of said Chamberlain D. L. C .; thence East to the W’est line of the Sevier D. L . C .; thence South to the place of beginning, and contain­ ing 8 acies, more or less. Also, lot 10 in sec. 30, and lot 1 in section 31 in Tp. 8 S. R. 5 West in Polk county, Oregon, and contain- in 25 acres, more or less: Also, lots 9 and 10 and the East i of lot 8 in Block of Cattrons sub­ division of out lot 4 in Monmouth, Polk county, Oregon. Also, an undivided i interest in and to th*> following descibed premi­ ses, to-w it:— A part of the Daniel Boon D. L. C ., Claim No-49, Not- No-2699, a part of sec. 33 Tp. 8 S. R. 5 West, and sec 4 in Tp. 8 S. R. 5 West of Will. Mer. Polk coun­ ty, Oregon; and described as begin­ ning at the SE. corner of said Boon D. L. C .t thence West 82.50 chs; thence North 31.26 chs; thence East 2.50 chs.; thence North 8.64 chs; thence East 80 chs., thence South 40 chs., to place of beginning, con­ taining 3 2 3 ! acres, more or less in said county and state. Also, lots 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15, &, 16 in Block No. &, and lots 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, & 16 Block No. 6 as shown in the amended plat of out lot No. 4 in the Town of Monmouth Polk County State of Oregon. This citation is published in the Monmouth Herald for a period of consecutive weeks, beginning December 1st, 1922, and ending with the issue thereof of December 29th, 1922, a weekly newpaper pub­ lished at Monmouth, ¡Polk county, Osgeon, chosen by the executrix for such publication, and having a general circulation therein, by order of the Hon. Asa B. Robinson, Coun­ ty Judge of said County, dated and entered of record on the 28th day of November, 1922. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court affixed this 28th day of November 1922. Floyd B. Moore, (Seal) County Clerk of Polk County, Oregon, and Ex Officio Clerk of said Court. described in the Complaint herein, ¡debarred from asserting any claim whatever in «»r to said premises ad- Defendants. To Nesissa J . Clark and also all | verse to plaintiff, and for Such oth­ other persons or parties unknown er relief as to equity seemeth just. This Summons, by older of the claiming a n y right, title, es­ tate, lien or interest in the real es­ Hon. Asa B. Robinson, County tate described in the ^Complaint j Judge of Polk County, Oregon, herein, the above named defend­ ! made at chambers in the city of Dallas, Oregon, on the Ith day of a n t:— IN THE NAME OF THE STATE December. 1922, and dated on suid Hirst Ruad to the North Coast Runs Through Santo Domin­ go Republic. OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ ^ay is served upon you by publica- quired to appear and answer the 'tion thereof for a period of six con­ complaint filed against you in the secutive weeks immediately prior above entitled Court and Suit with­ to the 20th day of January, 1923 in j in six weeks from the date of the the .Monmouth llerald, u newspaper ia pul ed at Monmouth first publication of this Summons, to-wit: on or before the 20th day Polk County, Oregon, and having :» Cut* Oft From Ten to T w elve D ays of of January, 1923, and if you fail general circulation therein. Long and Tortuoue Jo u rn ey From The date of the first publication so to arswer for want thereof plain­ San Oomlngo City to tiff will apply to said Court for the of this Summons is the Sth day of ; New York. relief demanded in said complaint D e-ember 1922 and date of last) publication will be the 19th day of viz:— New York.— F o r the first tim e sin ce C hristopher Colum bus landed on th e That you said defendants be re­ January, 1923. islitnd o f H a iti a road has been opened B. F . Swope, quired to set forth in your answer in th e D om inican republic from S an to Attorney for Plaintiff. to said complaint the nature of your Domingo on the south to P u erto P la ta claims in and to the following de­ Residence and post office address, on the northern side o f th e Island, thus scribed real estate to-wit:— Monmouth, Oregon. connecting the tw o principal &euporls A part of the D. L. C. of S. S. o f the repu blic and opening to cu lti­ Whitman and wife Not. No. 1649 vation som e o f the rich est agricu ltu ral Claim No. 70 in Tp. 8 S. R. 5 West W o o d S a w in g per cord lands on the Island. Incid en tally the of the Will. Mer. Beginning at a Hard wood, twice cut, 90c new highway cu ts off from ten to tw elve days o f the long and tortuous point which is 9.50 chains South and “ 3 times in two $1.15 Journey from S an to Domingo City to 70 links West of Monument No. 3 Kir, twice in two80c; 3 cuts$1.00 New York. situate at the SW. corner of Block A m erican m arines, In th e tim es No. 11 in the City of Monmouth S. H . H in k le , Phone 2411 when they w ere not busy m aintaining and running thence South 3 50 order In th e disturbed republic, have chains; thence West 5.30 chains to built th is highway, which holds out H . W . M O R LA N the East line of Whitman street; rich prom ise fo r the fu tu re develop­ thence North 3.50 chains; thence ment o f the Island. About 150 m iles X otarv Public East 5.30 chains to the place of be­ h ng, It puts P uerto P la ta on the north B lank D eeds, M o rtg ag e s, E tc. ginning all situate in Polk County and S an to Domingo City on the south Oregon,: and that all adverse claims In clo se touch with coastw ise shipping on both th e A tlan tic and C aribbean. thereto may be determined by a de­ lT eig h t and p asseng er traffic from S a n ­ cree of said Court. That by said decree it be declared E sta te to Domingo City, on th e C aribbean, which h ereto fo re had to be carried and adjudged that you have no es­ Bonds around the south, east and northern tate or interest whatever in or to ends o f the Island to P u erto P la ta b e ­ said land and premises, and that fore going north, a Journey o f from the title of the plaintiff thereto is - j- u -c r w -. -u-^ ^ -u-o-o-u-ij-u -ij--tj-u-er-i-ri_n.r-Lri.i- - - - - - * * * " * * ■ mm mm ten to tw elve days, may now In u few good and valid. For Sale—Wood saw outfit, $250. hours proceed over the new roud to P u erta P la ta fo r shipm ent. That you be forever enjoined and S. H. Hinkle, R2 Independence. OPENS UP RICH TERRITORY A. M A R A N T Fire Insuiance, Real and Surety Reliable Service B u t t e r Nut and H olsum breads at the MONMOUTH BAKERY Mrs. M. Cornelius, Prop. GOOD FURNITURE YOUR DUTY TO Y O U R HOME Moderti Furniture Needs In the dining room. In the parlor, in the hall are many places for indivluual pieces cf furniture. For Instance, there are stands of various kinds, hat racks, china closets, book cases. In each of these needs and l?l many others we have a variety of styles from which to choose. They are both Useful and Ornamental We offer a worth-while collection of table and floor lamps, porch furniture, etc. There is scarcely a limit to the list of Items we carry under this class of furniture. A casual stroll throu^i our displays might suggest exactly what you want If you are undecided. To Whom It May Concern .In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County. Mollie Stump, Plaintiff, vs. Nesiaaa J . Stark and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or ioterest in the real estate CUT HIGHW AY ACROSS JUNGLE Good Furniture Is Our Pledge to You MONMOUTH H A R D W A R E J. EL Winegar, Proprietor Columbus Church Stands. W hen Colum bus landed on the site o f S an to IHunlngo C ity In 1509 he founded th e church o f S a n Nlkolo, which Is still In existen ce. Now the m issionaries o f the K plscopal church In the D om inican republic. In com ­ m em oration o f th e com pletion o f the new highway, a re establlahlng an o th er church ut P u erto P lata. I.and haa been secured and In a few m onths th e new edifice will he dedicated by way o f com pleting the link betw een the two section s o f th e republic. U nder the K t. Itev. C h urles R. Col- more, D. D., ep isco p al m issionary bishop o f P orto R ico and th e D om ini­ can republic. A rchdeacon W illiam W yllle and his w ife have been th e lead ers In th e movem ent to estab lish the new church, and Mrs. W yllle en Joys the d istin ctio n o f being the first woman to muke th e Journey over the new highw ay from S an to Domingo City to P u erto P la ta . M rs. W yllle who has Ju st passed through New York on h er way back to D om inica, having m ade the Journey from the Islund to P ortlan d, Ore., nnd back to attend the E p iscop al general convention, is one o f th e busiest Individuals In th e little W est Indian republic. In addition to h er m issionary duties, she m anages the U nited S ta te s governm ent hospi­ tal In Dom inica Hnd, in a m anner of speaking, h as presided as m aster o f cerem onies at the birth o f all the army children who have been horn In D o­ minica sin ce th e beginning o f the A m erican occup ation. S h e was the only nurse on th e Island when the In- iluenza epldendc brok e th e re and has endeared h e rse lf to th e e n tire popula­ tion, native, and foreign alik e, by her m inistrations. P ilo ts Ships to H arbor. A rchdeacon W yllle, her husband, Is sim ilarly busily employed. D octor W yllle Is one o f those who have c a r­ ried p ractical exp erien ce with life Into the m issionary service. At one tim e in his c a re e r he was an engin eer on a S co tch tram p ship In W est Indian w aters. H e la credited with knowing more about the D om inican coaat than any o th er man south o f the Florida s tra its , und on frequ en t o ccasions when he Is co astin g about on m ission­ ary trip s h e Is called from his hunk during the la te and early w atches to ta k e th e helm and guide the ship through dangerous reefs Into port. i 1 j j | D R . F. R . B O W E R S O X FISHMONGER DIES A BARONET P H Y S I C I A N O S U R G E O N S ir George S leig h t A ccum ulated $5,- 000.000 From Humble S ta r t In England. London.— A m erica fu rn ish es many In stan ces o f m illio n aires who rose from the ran ks, but it Is doubtful If even In A m erica a m illio n aire ever m ade such a hum ble s ta rt In life as did S ir George F re d e rick S leig h t, first baronet o f W etherby hull, Great G rim sby, who h a s Ju st died leaving a fo rtu n e o f nearly $5,000.000. S ir G eorge began earn in g his 11% ing as a hoy by g ath erin g shellfish on C leethorpes beach und buw klug them through th e town. H e rose finally to he the largest Individual ow ner of steam traw le rs In th e country. The g re a te r (tart of h is fieet w as used dur­ ing th e w ar fo r m ine-sw eeping and subm arine patrolling. F o r th e serv- Ices he reudered the cou ntry In this way he was m ade a baro n et, aud the con ferrin g o f the title provoked no such scundal as h as grown out o f the aw ard of many houors In recent years GIVE PRIZE DOG NEW GLANDS “Alibi B illy ,” W inner a t 58 Shows, H a t O peration to Give Him New L ife L ease. T ay lo rv llle , III.— “A libi B illy ,” prize beagle hound and w inner in fifty-eight dog show s In th e cen tra l w est, has an o th er lease on youth and another claim to fam e a s th e resu lt o f an op eratio n tor th e tran sp lan tatio n of glands. In th e opinion o f local dog fu n d e rs he Is one o f th e first prize dogs to shui'e w ith man th is new mode o f reju ven atio n . “A libi B illy ” Is owned by W . A. Pow ­ ell o f T ay lo rv llle. H e is tw elve years old aud th at In the realm o f dngdom Is m ore th an middle-aged. B eca u se his tw elve y ears huve given him a rank in bench and field tra c k show s th at is said to be second to none In his class. Ids ow ner secured a surgeon aud had the operutlon perform ed. It Is believed I* will be su ccessfu l. J. O. MATTHIS Physician and Surgeon P honk 573 House 867W O ffice : 409-10 B an k o f C o m m e rc e Bldg Salem . Ore. PH O N E N O S. OFFICE HOUSE - • 3J*3 3381 B. F. BU TLER D e n tist Post office b!dg. M onmouth O regon M onmouth and Independence Auto-Bus Schedule Ifiavfii Monn» outh Itavfii Independence 7.10 a. m. N orth Bound 7.38 a. m. • • 84 1 50 p. m. 2 .2 2 p. m. 4 4 8 4 5.10 " 6.38 “ 10.00 a. m. S o u th Bound 10.25 a. m. 44 84 3.15 p. m. 3 .18 p. m. ' < 6.45 ** 7 .15 ** RAYM OND E D ER BY P h o n s U m P ro p rietor W S . W * - - - — — —— ---------------------------------- 1 - ru -c -u - j-u -u - E fficien t S e rv ic e Courteous T r e a t ­ m en t A. L. KEENEY F u n eral D irec to r end Licensed E m balm er Calls P rom p tly A nsw ered Day or N ig h t. P rice s R easonable phones 9821 and 9822 Independence, O re. Drain your land Increase its fertility and make the best what is now the lea^t productive cor­ ner of the farm. D rain Tile and BuildingfTile a t Central Clay Products Co. M uddy (SMPLEXION OUR COMPLEXION is muddy. Y o u look hag­ gard and yellow. Your eyes are losing their ^lustre. \ T h e trouble is with your liver. Take Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. T h ey will correct that. Then avoid meats, hot bread and hot cakes, take frequent baths and a long walk every day,' and you will soon be as* well and as Y beautiful as ever. Price 2 5 cents per bottle. Chamberlain’s Tablets Find Skeleton of S lain Indians. B eacon, N. Y .— E x c a v a tin g fo r the new governm ent hospital fo r disabled sold iers a t C h elsea, near here, work­ men dug op th re e Indian skeletons. T h ere w as a ston e arrow head In the ch est o f each. T h e spot w as on the old h ead q u arters o f th e W aplngers. T h e sk eleto n s will he sen t to th e Na­ tion al museum 1 Texan Spends 37 Days Plowing Single Furrow D. f t H olcom b o f Am arillo, T ex.. Is quite a "plow boy." He has Ju st com pleted w hat Is be­ lieved to he the longest con tin u ­ ous furrow ev er attem pted . T h e furrow Is 200 m iles long, running from S h a ttu rk , O kla , diagonally acro ss th e T e x a s panhandle to C lovis, N M It and another, p arallel to It. w ere plowed along the Hants F e right-of-way to pee vent a spread o f fire. Th irty- seven days w ere required to com plete the job. T en m ules, three men, two disk plows and a chuck I wagon w ere used In the enter prise. " All in d icatio n s point in th e s a m e di­ re c tio n The best way to get a house in Monmouth at present is to build one O regon F i r and H em lo ck L u m b er, L a th , S h in g les, L im e, C e m en t, e tc . Estim ates cheerfully furnished. Monmouth Lumber Company L . W. W aller, M a n a g er