The Busy Bees met with Mrs.) Lyman Parker Wednesday after noon. Dr. Powell started this week for a visit to various places in Southern CalitornV Pearl Fishback is spending Christ mas vacation with relatives in Salem. Wßf: \ Q" SOGESTlOiVS Mrs. Arthur Parker is expecting her tarents from Ohio for a Christ m<a viait. 9 * H IG H SCH O O L Friday evening, December 15, the Monmouth High School basket ball team won from the Falls City team by a score of 58 *o 12. The score shows that the home team has been faithful in their practice and are developing good t^am work. If at the last moment you find you have overlooked anyone, The High School Quintet will pla/ you can find gift sought at the Airlie Quintet at the Norma! Gym Friday, December 22. The game is called for 7:30. Perkins’ Pharmacy December 27, the Monmouth boys will play the Dallas boy3* basket If we haven’t got it we'll get it. Ask us. ball team on the latter’s home floor This w'll be the first game for Dallas. The Senior Class has received Baptist Church their class pins with which they are 10:00 Bible School 11:00 Morning Worship. Ser very much pleased. mon: “ The Prince of Peace.” The High School party, held Sat 7:00 A Christmas program bv urday evening, December 15, was members of the Bible Sefool. well attended. F.veryone had a very enjoyable time. Christian Science Sunday School at 10 a. m. Miss Marsh has been called home Wednesday evening meeting at 8 by the death of her uncle. Dr. K. J. o’clock. Marsh of Portland. Sunday morning service at 11 Philip Partridge o’clock. (Too Late for Last Week) Subject for Sunday, December Mr Gooding, who has been ill for 24, “ Christ Jesus” . a few days, is again able to be with At the election of the American us. Legion in Independence A. L. Keen There will be a student body ey was chosen commander, A. L. Miller, vice commander and A. N. party in the High School building Becker, adjutant. Saturday evening. The Evangelical Chirch will have School will close next Friday a Christmas treat and program for December 22, for the Christmas the children, members and friends vacation. It will reop n Tuesday, of the church Sunday evening at 7:30. All of our young folks are January 2nd. asked to be there. Since Dallas High School has suc ceeded in getting the use of the For Sale Wood saw outfit, $250. Armory, games are being scheduled S, H. Hinkle, R2 Independence. to be played as soon as possible. Furnished cottage for rent. The basket ball game last Friday Mrs. Beckley. with A irlie was a successful one for Christmas trees for sal« at K. M. Bosley’s, near creamery. Inquire us. The score was 38 to 12 in favor of Monmouth High. of Doc Fgleston. i For Women For Men Felt Slippers Boudoir Caps Handkerchiefs Gloves Scarves Umbrellas Jeweled Barettes Ribbons Lace Collars Hosiery Silk or Wool Chinese Baskets House aprons Hand bags Party slippers Bead Necklaces Combs Watch chains Caps Auto gloves Pajamas Arm bands Suspenders Garters House slippers Golf hose Gloves Bath robes Neckwear Hats Umbrellas Socks, Belts Shirts Collars For Boys For Girls Moccasins Wool hose Sweaters Suspenders Neckwear Handkerchiefs Caps House slippers Hand bags Heather wool hose Ribbons, Gloves Wool Middies Handkerchiefs Sweaters MONMOUTH CMiySTMAS GREETINGS OREGON SEVEN OTHER MILLER STORES-NEW BERG, MCMINNVILLE. SHERIDAN, YAMHILL, DAYTON, SALEM, CORVALLIS The Happiest of all Gift Toughts F low ers T h ey fairly radiate Y uletide cheer No matter what else you give—regardless of cost—flowers curry a sentiment that nothing else can. O u r pr ic e s a r e r e a s o n a b l e Yi u can surely make a selection from this list: — C u t Flowers Carnations_________ ..$1.50 and $2.00 per dor. Chrysanthemums........ ............... .. . 25c to 50c each Mixed bouquets___ . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 50c and up Calendulas...........................................$1 00 per dor. Gift baskets fil ed with flowers _____ $1 76 and up Flow ering Plants P oinsettias.......................... . $1.00 to $2.25 per pot Cyclam en________ _____ $1.25 to $4.50 per pot Primroses____ ..$1.50 Ericas 75c and $1.00 Jerusalem cherries______ _________ 75c to$ 2.50 Ferns 35c to $2.50 Kentia Palma $1 50 to $5.00 For an ideal Christmas- -‘‘&ag U aitllj JHotnrra" This Friday evening there will be mouth in the Normal Gym. Since will be neecssary to begin the game thru before the show starts. a game between Falla City and Mi n- the picture show starts at 8:15 it promptly at 7 o'clock sc as to be Minnie E. Keeney. — ■ 1 ■ i' - Plenty o f Choice Gifts For Delayed Shoppers To s h o w m y a p p recia tio n of p atron age g iv en m e th is p a st s e a so n IN D EPEN D EN C E FLORAL CO. Flower” phone M4511. We deliver purchases of $1 or mere. 7 t h & E Sts ., In d e p e n d e n c e , Ore. Clean wooden floors, linoleum, tile, marble, concrete, with SAPOLIO I will give everybody Christmas present Saturday, Dec. 23 Sw C» R*» Twk. U. L A. J ew elry Solid gold. Gold filled and Sterling Silver articles for men, women and babies. White and green gold, platinum lop and solid platinum mount ings in the latest styles. Each Diamond is a very fine gem. W atch es Accurate, dependable movements in white, green and yellow cases of solid and filled¡gold. Most attractive styles for men, women and boys. Silverware Chests. Sets and Single Pieces of Flatware. Many d.-lightful gift pieces in Hollow Ware. Peautiful Patterns and very best On S atu rd ay I w ill :,ell a n y sh o e in m y sto re a t ten per c e n t off. Makes all house- cleaning easy. Large cake No waste You can purchase your remaining Christmas presensts here with extreme satisfaction. In all.lines you have good choice, and the pleasure your friends have in the presents will be as great as if you had bought them long before. New goods have been received in stocks depleted by eraly purchasing. D iam ond R ings Keep Painted Woodwork C L E A N ' imram ii.iiBMUD!MmiunidlniiiiuuiHn:iit:iiHii:':i:n:iit!:iiiiiimimiii uiiiuiiutiuiuumt '¡:u:iiniiniifiiüti!i;miitiHi;iiiii quality. ____________________ .______________ T o i l e t w a r e - M a n i c u r e A rticles - M esh Bags V a n itie s - Purses - H a n d Bags - C ig a re tte C a s e s - S m o k e r ’s A r t i c l e s - D e s k S e t s - C u t Glass - C lo cks - C o ld and S ilver Novelties Our store is op.-n until 10 P. M. CHARLES M. A tW A T E R A. L. KVLLANDER 2Pf> Main St. The Jeweler Independence, Oregon