« A BETTER Gift for One Dollar! A JOLLY SCRAP-BOOK = = One Dollar w i l l " b u y ” a Liberty P.ell Home Safe and a Savings Ac-* By MA RT H A B. T HOMAS 2 »... .».».».».».»..*»,..,J = ' 11111 m 11111111111111111111111111111111111 n 1111~ count in the Hirst National Hank, (4). WiCi. W*et*rn .N«*m»p*p«*r l ui<>u i This OLLY s-books for children who are unfortunate In being ill In hos­ pitals at Christinas time— or In any other place, for that matter— may be made of bright-colored advertisements pasted on cloth. Parkgreen cambric niukes an excellent background. I f It Is cut in rectangles of 18 inches by IS and folded once through the ceuter i f the longest side, you have then four large puges for your book. Three of these rectangles make a respectable showing and give enough spuce for many pictures. The brighter advertisements the bel­ ter, and if you can think o f a funn r name to paste underneath each one, the chitdreu will squeal with delight. Sometimes variation may be gained by cutting the pictures In outline, If tbo figures are large enough. Covers of magazines often afford good material. | A pretty cover for your book may bo arranged by cutting small squares Into triangles, using the guiuiued paper J W elco m e gifts found here include Fancy box paper, w riting cabinets and sets, G old and silver fountain pens pencils, Boudoir lamps, Candle ¿ticks, Candles, \ aces, Flower pots bow Is, Nut bowls, Smoking sets, Silver wire baskets, Paper weights, Picture frames Book ends, Vanity sets, Fancy gift books, Novels, Popular copyrights, Boy and girl series books, Linen, A. B C bird and animal books for child- ren. Cive Ycur Friends this Gift that Grows 2W Our new building affords safety, comfort and convenience for all de­ partments o f banking. I ra C. P ow ell . P resident Monmouth F. E. C hambers , C ashier of C lares P ow ell , A sst . C ash . your checks funds by mailing your which are credited to your account upon receipt. YVe have installed safety deposit DIRECTORS W m . R iddell boxes for rent affording privacy and safety for documents and other val­ I. M. S impson uables. R obert S teele I ra C. P owell Com m unity Room dm P aid C a pita l S urplus and U ndivided P rofits $30,000.00 We invite ycu to make use of our $23,000.00 re3t rocm at your pleasure between shopping periods. Ci [> t C D t C fc 0 Oregon When *not convenient to come to town you'can have immediate use J. B. V. B utler , V ice P resident gES2SE52SZ5HSHSHSZSESE5HSZ5HSZS2SESeSSSa5aSH5H52SHSB5252S2SZSHSSSZS2SÇ G. W. CHESEBRO Banking By M ail OFFICERS Monmouth’ s largest and most complete Confectionery and Book Store Liability and Surety Bonds most practical and gift that money can It has a very certain The Liberty Bell conies in bright holiday attire and makes an attract­ ive Christmas package. &SON Fire and Accident Insurance the value T O D A Y and will reall\ in- create in worth during the com­ ing months. J. B. V. B utler MORLAN is thoughtful purchase. & K rÎS2SS.cHSZ5HSiîSZS2SZ?3S2SHSZSHSc!S2S?SHSc!SHSiSZSBSH5HS2SHSÏSHSHSHSEKÎ!SS5 Groceries & Provisions Good Goods and Fair Treatment To Decorats Christmas Scrap-Book. The First National Bank Christmas ribbon of different colors, furnished at all stores In the holiday season. Get as broad a ribbon as pos­ sible, cut It to make a square, then cut the square diagonally, 1. e., from comer to corner. You will then have four triangles o f equal size. Cut another square of smaller size In the same way. giving you four additional triangles. These eight pieces can then be ar­ ranged as fancy dictates to make n decoration In the center o f your cover. One such simple arrangement Is shown. O f course these triangles need to be moistened and stuck on the cover ac­ cording to the plan of your design. Monmouth, Oregon rifö1|c ^ r r 3 o r ~ ~ j1 [5 It ::. iocfzf51 Raisin Fluff. ^ M ONM OUTH TRANSFER Transferring by auto truck and by team, within the city or out of town, & t jc c Tw o cupfuls sugar, H cupful water. 1 stiffly beaten egg white, cupful chopped raisins, Vi cupful chopped walnut meats, V4 teaspoonful vanilla. Boll sugar and water until It threads when dropped from the tip of a spoon. Pour on beaten egg white and beat until it bolds Its shape. Add raisins, nuts, salt and vanilla. Mix well. Drop from teaspoon on paraffine paper and set aside until cold. Buttermilk for the Face. Buttermilk Is a good substitute for a more costly face preparation. Let It Call Phone 2003 dry on, then massage In to correct the C O F F IN 4. E G L E S T O N Pi drawing tendency and make the »kin S2S2j^SîSESZ5ESHrd£:aSZSHSaS2SZSHSES2SE5ESZS25ESa.‘tESZSHSüSa5HS2SïSE' so ft L e a *« order* at Garage Guaranteed work, Cleaning, Pressing Men's Suits, Overcoats, Sweaters Ladies’ Suits, Dresses, Sweaters G iv e me an order and be convinced. T. J. W E D E K IN D Monmouth Ore. Milk and Cream of Quality Y O U N G BROS. D AIR Y Marshmallow Fudge. I f your marshmallow» get a little stale before using up. try making marshmallow fudge. Put two cups granulated sugar and one cup milk In a suucepun and let the mixture come to a boll. Add one square and a half chocolate, grated, and two tahlespoon- fula butter. Cook about ten minutes, then remove from the Ore and beat until the fudge gets rather stiff, but not so stiff that It will not pour easily. Break marshmallows Into several pieces, place In the bottom o f a dish and pour the fudge over them. SHOE MRGANS F o r T/-\ e F a m il y W h a t is m o r e p r a c t ic a l as a C h r i s t m a s g i f t t h a n f o o t w e a r . ’ M y s to c k o f m e n ’s a n d b o y s ’ s h o e s is n e w a n d p ric e s a r e s u c h t h a t a r e c o lle c t io n o f t h e m 'w i l l in d u c e y o u to b e c o m e a s t e a d y c u s t o m e r . H e r e is a list t h a t w ill p le a s e y o u . Heavy British^Storm Rubbers Men's $1.25 Boys W o m e n s’ - $.95 W o m e n ’s Croquet Foothold W o m e n ’s Champion Oxford Tennis shoes $ 1.10 .75 1.15 Men’s Merit Bals. $2.40 Boys' Merit Bals. 2.25 Heavy w ork Shoes $3.50, up Dress shoes 4.25, up A fine line of Boys' school shoes House slippers for men, wom en and children $1.25 to $2.90 In Her Christmas ^Togs Monmouth A ve. M e n ’ s s ilk h o se W o r k h o se PI O -IE 503 25ZSHSZSHSt!5HS2S2S252SESaSSS2SilSl5i£ilS2S2SESESZSHS2SZSZSZS2S2SZSZSSSHS? A f u ll lin e o f .s h o e oils a n d p o lis h e s Astral Pure Food Flavors Made by a new proces» that substitute» a vegetabe emulsion for alc< bo’ as a solvent. Five times as strong as government stand- aJd requires. Much stronger than alcoholic flavor». The most exquisite flavoring you ever used. Price 50 cent» for*22<>unce fe ttle . For sale in Monmouth by Dorcas Society of Chriatian Church For Sale at T. J. Wedekind'» «r3525^62SaszrZS2SZSE5aS£5Z52SB52£25?-S2S2S2S2SHSc5