Every Thursday 52 Tim e« a Y e a r THE YOUTH’S COMPANION For Boys, for Girls, for Parents, for the Young in Heart of all Ages. P ack ed full o f entertaining and inform ing i ing. Hundreds o f Short S tories; S Th en the Boys* Pages, the Garis* P a g Pages. Th e Current Events, Editorials, 1 Miscall an 7 A ltog eth er the best “ G ood Reading/* Costs LESS T IL A S Five Cents a Week____________ Check tout choice end «end this coupon with your remntence lo tho FGBLISF i F 'IS O F THIS PAPER, or to THE YOUTH S COMPANION. BOSTON^tA^ACHL^TTS^ 1. T h e Youth’s Companion— 52 Issues for 1923 I a l l f o r 2. A ll the Remaining W e e k ly Issues o f 1922 i$ O .5 0 3. T h e C om panion Hom e Calendar for 1923 _________ BOIli FOB 1. T in h e Youth’s $2.50 lo u in s Companion com panion ( c ‘■SrSSK“) Ulf ulHIve / T4 *,v/V ' f S A f\i\ - - M - cC - all’s — - M - agazine, --------- ■ *" • • 1.00 i ) 2. 12 Fashion Numbers L e t U s P r in t n H as s Youi* . .. Subscription Your Sale Bills E x p ire d ? Come an' reneu) in it ncx time you art in toon. B u t t e r Nut W h e n t h e S e a ls C o m e , Buy Them before Christmas, you will A LITTLE be offered some Christmas Seals. Keep them and use them on envelopes and packages. Send a check or money order to cover the small sum they cost. When you do this, you help in the fight against tuberculosis. You help save human lives. Your help goes where help is most needed — to the house that is clouded w ith the threat of death. When the seals come, buy them. Stum/» O u t Tuberculosis with Christmas Seals NEGRO MAKES TORCH OF SELF and H olsum breads Saturates Clothes With Kerosene in Cell, Applies Match and Is Horribly Burned. tork.— a iiuiuun oonnre scat thrills o f terror through the Tombs prison. Sylvester Crockett, u Negro, Intent on cheating the law and life, and Sing Sing, devised und carried out one of the most gruesome schemes to end it all. In his cell at the Tombs, he first drenched clothing and his body from head to toe with Kerosene and then wound a noose made out of a handkerchief und after tying It ao a t th e MONMOUTH BAKERY M r s . M . C o r n e liu s , P r o p . The Surety of Purity OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST There are no miracle» in cook­ ing. W h a t goea into the food must inevitably come out. Even the baking perfection that results from the use of Royal Baking P o w der is no miracle. It is simply the result o f a b ­ solute purity entering the food — and em erging again. tightly around his neck that It stop­ ped his hrenth, applied a match to his oil-saturated clothing. Within a sec­ ond he was a human torch, the dames scorching the cell and the fumes spreading throughout the jail. die was horribly burned before attendants could extinguish the Maze, and died lu terrible agony. The prisoner was to have been taken to Sing Sing to begin a live years' sentence for an attack on a policeman. When Deputy Warden MacMauus aided by keepers, had put out the flames, Crockett was a sight that made even the hardened Tombs guards shtid der Kxcept for shreds of coat and pnnts that had been pasted to the body by the liquid tire, there was not u hit of clothing left on the man. Every Ml of hair hail been burned. Even his face seemed to have been soaked in oil, for the sight of one eye was literally burned out and where the eyebrows had been there were holes from which hung greenish shreds of skin. The prisoner had been left in tin •ell pending arrangements for his being finger-printed, photographed and measured. In his cell stood a can of kerosene used to clean ink from the hands of prisoners after being finger printed. Crockett made not a single outcry while he was burning. He Was a Human Torch. Charged with attempting to contre! the export lumber business of the Pa­ cific coast by Illegal methods, the Douglas Fir Exploitation and Export company was made defendant at a hearing held in Portland before W. W. Sheppard, examiner of the federal trade commission. The hearing, which was preceded by a similar one at San Francisco will be followed by a simi­ lar investigatlqnjH Seattle ____ Royal is m ade from C ream of Tartar derived from grapes. It Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste WANTED! Your Job If W e Printing Business C a n ’t Please You k?cr/i Corns Again MUDDLING MAKING HOUSEWORK EASY Clean steel knives and forks, remove stains and grease with SAPOLIO Cleans • Scours • Polishes Large cake No waste ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO.. N.w T «k . U. 1 A. PLANNING H E R E will you be ten years from now? The answer depend» on the course you follow. Today, tomorrow, the next seven days, the next month and the years swiftly coming will tell the story. W C E veryone who has not made a definite choice o f hi» life work o» who is unsettled and desires to better himself should get in touch im m ed ia tely with THE OPEN ROAD , The M o s t O riginal M o n th ly M a g a zin e in A m erica Its department: "Jobs,— W hat the Times Are Opening U p ,” and the “ W hat Shall I Be?’’ series o f opportunity articles, prepared by experts, are helping thousands to Look Before They Leap. And in every issue there is plenty o f rousing good fiction. C .W e want you, or someone cloae to you, to enjoy and profit by tbia remarkable magazine. Therefore we make this Oet Acquainted Oiler —6 months for one dollar. (The regular price is $2.50 a year.) This «mall investment may influence your future tremendously. Good judgment says: D o it now I Pin $1.00 to this oOet and mail it with name and address to THE OPEN ROAD MAGAZINE, 248 Boylston Street, Boston, M VtoME BOIRE S BEET BORIE HOW LS \N or 'G E T ovt th at C O O K IE Pi h areas ■fais “ iA B *- S IH T w »V *©WA*0 SMtT»\ eoo. *u* «KHKJVI. TOO sano Ut PNC ass .