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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1922)
Petaluma Electric Incubators a n d B r o o d e r s e n a b l e y o u t o rai se M ore, Better and S tro n g er C hickens Factory Price, prepaid until Nov. 1st Phone 503 Miss Effie L. Young ‘Influential democrats, 'among them the Salem Capitol-Journal are sup numerous Re K n t« ra d a* M c u n d - c l u . m a t t « ¿ v n t . m b . r b . 1908. porting Olcott and n th * p o s t offlea a t M o n m o u th . O r . —o n . u n d e r t h . publicans among them being the S et o f M u c h 3. lbTi. Polk County Observer, which has Peter B. Kyne “ Kindred of the D ust’ K IC H A K D B, SW E N SO N always prided itself sa a party or - Peter B. Kyne E d ito r A P u b l i .h . r “ Cappv Ricks” gan, are giving Pierce their moral E. M. Hull “ The Sheik” - MONMOUTH. OREGON support. In a government like ours Joseph C. Lincoid “ The Portygee” it is not the vociferous nor the ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY Joseph R. Grismer “ Way Down East' boastful.that are most effective on ar.d 200 other titles by popular writers FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1922 election day. That powerful "silent vote” which docs its thinking by S u b .c r.p ti on R a te . the family fireside is the vote the One year • 12,00 politician fears and has always con Six months - • 11.00 Agency fo r Oregonian stituted the safeguard which has Three months - - 75 eta kept the country from rushing into radical theories of government. It is safe and sar.e and upon it rests K - __lOl Mor.-nouth's largest ar.d most complete Confectionery and Book Store Oleott’s hopes for success in the coming election. For as a general thing the people w ho do their think ing out leud are for Pierce. He has listened to them ull and has an-; tg no n gled for their votes. People, es pecially land owners, have com A woman of Burma who is plained grievously of high taxes. L ia b ility a ,id S u re ty B onds wealthy wears about fifty pounds of With vague promises couched in or brass jewelry. With us, the women atorical periods he has promised to of Burma pass for a joke. Of course tear their tex bills in two. He also the lady who burdens herself with seeks to piufit in votes from the M onm outh Oregon the brass does it for “ style” . If unfortunate religious strife which for any reason the leaders of fash is at present gripping the state. ion in this country should decide People who stop to think know that that proper dress consisted in wear in both matters of lower taxes and j ing brass rings around the neck, in differences of reilgious opinion arms and ankles, you would doubt- Pierce must, if elected, disappoint ! less hear protests about it but in his supporters. They have on the time the ladies of the land would one side the promises of a man, Good Goods and Fair Treatment be loaded dawn with junk. Big which they must know can not be sleeves, picture hats, tight corsets, carried out, contrasted with the high heeled boots have all had their record of a man who has made! day and at no distant time you will good in every department of the probably see the women of the land executive office. These are mat- j disturbing the dust of the streets ters on which the “ silent vote” is MONMOUTH TRANSFER with long, trailing skirts. I t’s a deliberating these days. T ransferring by great life if you don.t weaken. People who have cards calling for au to truck and by The Farm er’s Union of Polk enlarged photographs at the David tea m , w ith in th e county recently by resolution cen son studio or who contemplate get c ity or ou t of to w n . sured the county court for lumping ting them are urged to act before L eave o rd e r , a t G arag e a number of items in the tax pro December 1st as the studio can not Call Phone 2003 posals put up for county referen handle this sort of work after that dum making it impossible to re date. This is a dull season iob for; C O F F IN A E G L E S T O N ject or approve of any without re the studio and as the rush will soon , £dSZS'£525aSH5HSB5a5Zm^SH5E5Z5c!5E52Sa5HSHSH5HS25H5H5HS2S2S25E5HS2rci jecting or approving all. Here you start for the Christmas seae- n anil have the kernel of the whole tax which will continue nutil com situation. People are more than mencement time, the free photo anxious '¿o cut taxes at the expense graph work will not be tfkcn up of the other fellow’s pleasure or again until next summer. There convenience. People who favor the is still time to obtain one of these Bran, M ill Run and Corn county agent woud like to cut off cards given free with an advance! P o u ltry Supplies B O N E , S H E L L and G R IT the county library or county fair, subscription to the Herald out you and the reverse is also true. Peo must act so as to have your order ple who live where their own roads in at the studio before December are good or paasable, don’t- want 1st. to spend more public money by fix N otice of A p p o in tm en t of E xecutor ing up the other fellow’s roads. Notice is hereby given that the But really, the lump proposal undersigned, Ed Rogers, has been sj Saur Kraut, Pickled pig feet, Pickles ought to suit the man who seeks to appointed executor of the will and reduce taxes. Here is a chance to estate of Lewis t . Fisk, deceased, G reenw ood c o tta g e c h e e se . oppose the whole thing with the by the County Court of the State Fresh S a u sa g e and H am burg making of a single "No” , thus sav of Oregon for Polk County, and ing the unnecessary wear of lead has duly qualified. All persons having claims against the said es -1 pencils and loss of valuable time. tate are required to present them, But people who favor any of with the proper vouchers, within !S<152Sa5H5E5Hi25S52SZ5H5H5ZS3HS2SE52SHS25c!Sa5H5HSZS2S2SaS,2S25HSSSHSZS25 these projects may well te glad of six months from the date of this the assistance in log rollingh which notice, to the said executor at his the other proposals will give them. farm, about two miles west from Monmouth, on R. F. D. No. 1, in The millage bills for the relief of said County. University, Agricultural school and Dated and first published, Sep Normal would not have been as tember 29. 1922. strong if either of the institutions ED ROGERS. had gone it alone. The county Executor of the will and Candy and Cigars agent, the fair, the library, and ex estate of Lewis C. Fisk, tra road rnonev, all have friends Deceased. P. H. JOHNSON ‘»The N o rm a l B ook S to r e ’ and their combined support may OSCAR I1AYTER, carry them. Singly they would be Attorney. sure to be snoxed under. The Herald Popular Fiction, 85c Magazines and Periodicals MORLAN ^ i fb y*Mif Sdv i \ au sj & SON Monmouth Meditations Fire and Accident Insurance Think Ahead Think ahead! Decide right now that you too, will be a "somebody.” Start next pay day to save a part of what you earn. Then be deter mined to gave SOMETHING, no matter how little, each succeeding pay day. When you open a Savings Account with this bank, we will present you with a Liberty Bell Savings Hank to assist you in saving. The Liberty Bell Bank is an ornament for any home. It can be placed on the mantle, there to receive the odd nickles and dimes that you otherwise would foolishly spend. When full, it can be brought to the bank, the contents removed and credited to your account. $1.00 opens an account and obtains a Liberty Bell B ank First National Bank MONMOUTH, OREGON ''¿Stag 3t With Jfltttorrs" Potted Plants, Corsages, Flowers for the table. We carry a stock of flowers and plants in McIntosh’s grocery, Independence. Purchases over $1 delivered any place in Monmouth. Special attention to telephone orders. Flower phone Independence M 4511. IN D EPEN D EN C E FLORAL CO. ir Butter Nut and Holsum breads at the MONMOUTH BAKERY Mrs. M. Cornelius, Prop. NOMEV PriaOSOPHYf'nll 1 .1 9 2 2 Six thouar.nd c JbU hundred d iv o i ^ l granted in one court in C hicago in Gne y e a r and the city new*papers record aa the im portant result tha t the Judge has collapsed from the strain The collapse bf a tho judges isn’t com parable to the collapse of six thousand aine hu hundred _ homes auid the lowering of the fibre of th h lw thousand eight In mdred men and women, •o f to say a w o r J about the children. Ta*'k about happiness being keystone o' / hum an development m iy be all right, but we doa * get gold < ae r«« use till th e ore is crushed and washed and the metal »hot through the refining furnace. If ninety-fire per o e a t of these ami I lore birds wer# made to see that a marriage k not a aorap of p a p e r ,m i g h y p c o d u c e a hcalUucr and 8 G. W. CHESEBRO G r o c e r ie s & Provisions C. C. M u l k e y & Son h ig h est Market Price Paid for Poultry and Veal Calves Thos. Boulden I F resh and Cured M eats MONMOUTH MARKET M agazines, Periodicals Books, S tation ery In speaking of the Indian, War ren, accused of murder, the Polk County Observer said last week: "The Observer believes it voices the opinion of a large majority of the people of the county when it asys that he should be released up on his own recognizance and allow ed to make a living for his family. There seems to be little hope of convicting him” . At the time of the so called Herrin massacre of Illinois coal miners last summer the people of that immediate vicinity were positive that the deed was justified. The men killed were “ scabs” , strike breakers, interfer ing where they had no concern and taking the bread from the mouths of the miners and their families. But sober, second thought asserted that nothing justifies murder. Now they arc indicting and trying the guilty. If the sentiment of Polk county is that Warren should be freed we suggest that they delsy matters a while and think it over. Party lines are not strictly drawn in the governship contest this year. O regon ian a n d T elegram Until October 31 we can offer Herald readers bargain offers on the Oregonian and Portland Telegram. The Oregonian, not including Sunday. $4.00 per year. With the Herald, one year, $ 5 .7 5 . The Oregonian, including Sunday, o n e year $6 00 per year; with the. Herald. $ 7 .7 5 . The Te!ek,ram one year, $3.75; with the Herald. $ 5 .2 5 . These offers will be withdrawr. October 31. Use the Phone 4602 is the number of the Herald telephone and 4603 the house phone. The rings sound at both places and you will have no trouble in getting an answer at any time of the di^y or evening. Use the phone when you think of news items about yourself or your neighbors. The assistance cf all in this way is greatly appre c i a te . the m erchants w ho Guaranteed work, Cleaning, Pressing M en’s S u its, O vercoats, S w e a te r s L ad ies’ S u its, D r e sse s, S w e a te r s Give me an order and be convinced. T. J. W E D E K IN D M onm outh Ore. Milk a:nd Cream of Q uality YOUNG BRO S. DAIRY Möhmouth Ave. P H O N E 503 Astral Pure Food Flavors Made by a new process that substitutes a vegetabe emulsion for alcohol as a solvent. Fi\e ti mesas strong as govern men t star d- aJd requires. Much stronger than alcoholic flavors. Themoet exquisite flavoring you ever used. Price 50 cents for 2 ounce bottle. For sale in Monmouth by ad vertise tn t h is paper. D oreas 2 ociety of Christian Church For Sale at T. J . Wedekind’s Dj They will treat you righ t L , «¡SeSHScSES ¿52S2S2ÄS j£S2S£5£S2SZSaiHS2S2SZS2S2R5ZS2SZS2S2S25ZSESZ O