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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1922)
OREGON PORTLAND AT H E IL IG THEATER S w o p opened Sun. Mat., Sept. lu. ^ l c to Three Mata. Sun.. Mon.. Tues. * 15c to il.uO. Three Nihhta. Sun. Mon. Tues. j Exapt Sesiits M XT* A fter Every M eal O FFERS A M A R K E T FO R Y O U R P R O D U C E H O W ’P O S S l'M ESCAPED F O X was running home one night, or rather rurly one morn ing before it wss light, wiie-i he stum Portland Orejron V A U D E V IL L E PH O TO P L A Y S bled over Mr. Possum, ile dropped Complete Change Saturday. Adult*. Matinee. 20c: his basket and ran, fo r he did not dure Evening:*, 3M. Continuous 1 to 11 p. ra. Children 10 cent* all times. stop to see what hud trip|ied him. "o li, it is jo u !'• called Mi* IVssum. T T C A Will rnake S ilo». G ranarle*, llasrrnents, «tc ., W ater- proof, K otp roof, K a tp ro o f and Fireproof. F irep roof JL/ U s a proof, “ Come buck, Mr. Fox, uud get your M edusa W a terp ro o fe d W h ite Portlan d C M ^u** a terpro o i ed W h i t « Por tland _C«rn#nt la 1 can tell you I have no up- the best fo r Stucco P la s te r on outside fo r Bunga basket. lows— Does not stain and d irt can be hosed off. petite fo r food this morning.’’ Write for Literature. Sold by A. M cM ILLAN 4k CO.. “ Why didn't you speak » hen you 340-350 East Ankeny Street. Corner Second. Portland. saw me coming instead o f lyiug about H E M S T IT C H IN G A N D P L E A T IN G . like a dead possum and scaring a fe l B u tton h oling — Buttons — P la itin g — T u ck in g and C h ainstitching A ll M ail Orders giv en carefu l and prom pt atten tion low out o f his wits?" asked Mr. Fox. _____ ELITE SH O P» 12SJ Tenth m - r w ;t*hington.__________ “ Mr. Fox, you all don’t even kuow rood place to Eat and Lite Well. Remarkable 40c luncheon at aoon. j the meaning o f that word scare," said Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. in.. 33» Stark St. i Mr. Possum, picking hltnself up und walking alongside Mr. Fox. “Tonight has been the m o st scarefulest night W a tC r p r O O ÌC d TVff " C E M E N T BAB’S RESTAURANT £ P O R T L A N D HI OE & WOOL CO • Its UNION AVENUS N0«TM. SCAT SANO, OREGON. Write for Prices and Shipping Tags HID l i * h x t s / w ' o o l ^ m o h a i r U m \KA HARK. Address Department 0 n u The Phonograph Known for Tone œ S tradi vara . p o y ONE Agents wanted. Order direct from factory. 330 East Morriston St., Portland, Oregon. »«a »«•» P a g e & Son R A b l HOM E E A R L V M O R IS IM O -- M ir* Í m L# £ S T R A D IV A R A P H O N O G R A P H CO. W rite us for prices and market conditions on Veal Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Qigoas, etc. Forty Years in the Same Location. Portland, Oregon ’’ KIMBALL Make Your P ian os and P h on ograph s sold on In stallm ent plan W h y p ay several com m issions and e x orb itan t p rices fo r things that you can m ake you rse’ f. M y p ractical booklet, ¿.'Money .. « r , " tells you how to m ake R nti-iraesin jr aolu th n fo r a few cents H o w to m ake pou ltry lice and m ite de- ? (royers. H o w to get rid of warts, m ake Our ow n bay-ru m . K e-sh arpcn old files, lak e you r own blasting powder, to o th paste, m outhwash, glass and leath er c e ment, w a te r-p ro o fin g lo r clothes, how to solder d iffe r e n t m etals, woodpolishes. H o w to tan skins, how to tem p er steel fo r d iffe re n t uses, and m any others. (T h is Is not bunk) any of these form ulas w ill c a v e you money. Sent postpaid on re c eip t o f 50c, check, m on ey-order or t stam ps. PECK SPECIALTY CO., 210 Oregon Bldg., McCORMICK MUSIC CO. O regon D istributors 429-431 W a sh in g to n Street, Portland, Oregon Portland, Ore. FINKE BROTHERS Manufacturers o f all kinds of Tanks, hard and soft wood Barrel* and Keg*. Write for prices, 254 Front, Portland. Ore R H E U M A T I S M Jack King Cure* it. Ladies and Gents Exam ination free. 207 Dekura bldg., Portland. Ore R A IN IE R HOTEL Rites $100 ts4 w% 128 N. 64 Sc. P«ri!**4. Ure V ery Centrally Located. Convenient to all Depots, and one block from main Pustotfice USED TRUCK BARGAINS WENTWORTH □ If your RAD IATO R heats or leaks, send it to us Armstrong Auto Radiator Co., Portland. Oregon IRWIN, Inc., INFORM ATION DEPARTMENT lilP A M C E xp e rt a d vice on any I n U U m L income tax problems. PLEATING SPECIAL 1 " a y S everal y e a rs ’ actual hem and machina ft S c e n t * | H A experien ce in G overn - j Cut, • seam, Iu r ta M a J n n P i D I r U Q n i r n t Bureaus is of/pred Hem*titchimr, 5 cent* per yard. r I I U 0 L t i f ! 0 those unable to v is it our EASTERN N O V E L T Y MFG. CO. o ffic e State youi trou ble* b riefly and 85H F ifth S t ._______________ _ _ _ _ _ P o rtla n d . Ora send in w ith $1 and w e will f i v e you hon B R A Z I N G , W E L D I N G A C U T T I N G est to goodness advice. It w ill pay you to N o rth w es t W e ld in g Supply C o, IS l « t St g e t in touch w ith us now. E. J. Curtin, Room 806 L e w is Bldg., Portland, Oregon, C L E A N I N G A N D D Y E I N G F o r reliable C lean in g and F ir e P r o o f a n d M o d e r n D y e in g service send parcels to us. W e pay return postage. In form ation and prices given upon request. , - F A K E 'S C IT Y D Y E W O R K S P A R K A N D M O R R IS O N STS. P oi u a d Depot Morrison Cars direct to Hotel. Popular C U T F L O W E R S A F L O R A L D E S I G N S Prices. Center Shopping and Theater district. C larke Bros., Florists, 287 M orrison St.___ F R A N K A. CLARK. Prop., F O U N D R Y A N D M AC H IN E W O R K S formerly with Clyde Hotel. C om m ercial Iron W o ik s , 7m «v. Mu«l, - >n FOOT C O R R E C T IO N IS T F e a th e rw e ig h t Arch »Supports m ade to order. J. E. T ryze la a r, 618 P itto c k Block, Portland, Ore. H ID E S W A N T E D W e tan deernkins p roperly tagged, also pay h igh est prices fo r horsehides. Lo cated Sixth and H o y t W e s t Coast T an n in g Co., 892 T en ln o St., S tr ic tly F ire p ro o f and Modern. Near Portland, Ore. ________________________ both depots and convenient car rerv lce BARBER COLLEGE to all parts o f city. Teaches trade in « weeks. Some pay while leara- ing. Positions secure*!. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnside street, Portland, Ore. _____ M O N U M E N T S — E. 3d and Pine Sts. O tto Schumann * . u r n t t St M arble W o rk * PERSONAL M arry if L o n e ly ; most successful "H o m s M ak er” ; hundreds rich ; con fiden tia l; reliab le; yea rs exp erien ce; descriptions free. T h e Successful Club,” Mrs. Nash, Box 556, Oakland, C a lifo rn ia .___________ _ SHIP US YOUR WO< I Cleaning, carding and mattresses. Crystal 1 ( Y guaranteed non »untical method of curing Springs Woolen Mills, 76U Umatilla. Portland. I .lci ha* never failed, and I eliminate the S A N IT A R Y BEAU TY PARLOR doubt In Y O U R caae by refunding you« fee U W e heip tne appearance uf women. not cured. T w e n t y -tw o in< h sw itch or tran sfo rm a W rite or call today for frao booklet. tion, value $7 60, price $2.45 400 to 412 Dekum Bldg. ____ _ S H O E R E P A I R I N G IN P O R T L A N D M odel 8ho< R epair, >73 W ash in gton S t ( N O AND M O P « I S O * FORT LAN D.O«tei-ON MENTION THIS PAPER WHEN W RITIN G V E T E R I N A R I A N — Cattle a Specialty Dr. Chas. M. Anderson, K enton. Portland. W ed d ing Bouquets and Funeral Pieces ____ a____ ----------- J Lub liner Florists. 348 Morrison SL RITZ HOTEL H otel I ever knew, and If you woulil I ' e to hear about It, listen," he continue«!. “ What does the word ‘scarefulest’ mean?” inquired Mr. Fox. “ It means when you are scared so you think you are dead that Is soare- fulest," replied Mr. Possum. “ I was giflng about not far from a field o f sweet potatoes when 1 heard a noise and out from everywhere 1 looked came dogs and of course 1 knew there were men behind them. “ I seootEHl under a rail fence and made for a tree and up I went and, would you believe it, Mr. Fox, those 1 to a ton GMC, Republics, Whites, etc. **1F IT HURTS DON’T P A Y ." S**nd for our List. G uaranteed dental work. C row ns $5.00, P la te s $15.00, B rid gew o rk $5.00 a tooth. | T ee th e x tra cted by gas. L a te s t modern ■ & methods. Dr. H e n ry Sem ler, D entist, 3rd O regon D istribu tors fo r GM C T rucks in d M orrison, 2nd floo r A lis k y Bldg., P o r t land, Or. W i i t e or phone for appointm ent, j 200 Second St., Cor. T a y lo r Portland, Oi 67 B u rniid e street. (t H oyt DR. CHAS. J. DEAN Fat or sell off all your surplus cock P a y A tte n tio n to W o rm *. Successful growers o f swine nre erels before commencing on the pul ach year paying more attention to lets. * • • 1.^ prevention o f worms In swine. T h e very early pullet Is apt to molt In the fall and be no more profitable Dock Early. Lambs should be docked and gelded for laying purjH»ses than the hen. • • • »tide yet quite small. Move colony douse or brooder coop to fresh ground before chk ks are M ak e F ig h t on C a ttle Lice. turned out A pound o f sulphur and a quarter a a a lound o f pulverized sabadilla makes T lie Incubator la not only a neces in effective dust with which to fight sity but an economy where early ■attle lice. | chicks are wanted. a a a D isapp oin tm ent W ith Sheep. The hen and the caretaker nre part The only farmer who Is disappoint ners 'n the poultry business. I f either ed with sheep now Is the one who lias one Is tazy the profits are less. * • a none to sell. Eggs shipped for some distance Successful Stockm an. should he carefully unpacked and A successful stockman Is one who placed In a quiet pla«*e »1 least 24 thoroughl> understands fee«ling. breed hours before placing them under bene ing. bousing. Judging and marketing. 1 or In nn incubator. THIS HEN LAYS HALF-INCH EGGS lunt of T h irte a n -P u lle t Brood T rie s 1 ounces. This diminutive hen, smaller than the tiniest bantam, Is trying to to Com pete W ith H e r N o rm al- Injr to beat Its larger sisters. The Sized Sietere. I dw arf hen Is well formed, healthy, Fort Orchsrd. Wash.— The smallest but cannot cackle. It has laid three on In the West Is owned hy Glen eggs each about a half Inch In diam tille r o f this place. The chicken was eter. ne o f a brood o f IS pullets hatched The "sugnr sah" o f Sicily contain* a a rly In the year. Out o f the lot 12 re full grown, o f nortual size, but the sap that harden* Into cane sugar w hich ■dd one never grew larger than seven the natives use without refining. -•c a n The Friendly Path men bail lighted sticks ami began hunt ing fo r me under the tree until the light from the sin k s showed me up. "Then one o f the men who had br«4igfit a gun alot g popped It. hut 1 «lodged and went up higher. I decided to hang by my tail and make a leap from there, but what did one «>f those men do hut climb that tree und suw off the limb la-fore I juin|>ed und down I f«-ll hang on the ground. ” «V course I playml dead Possum, intending to take a chance on making m y escape when the d ogs began to at tack me, hut instead o f that one of the men picked me up by the tail and snapped it between the spilt end o f a stick and hung It over his shoulder. “ He was kind enough to make the dogs run uln-ud (hough, and as I opetn-d one eye and pocked a little to see what was going on 1 noticed that no o«ie was behind the man carrying no-. "But I saw llttl«* hope o f escape for my poor tall was held so fast there was no chance o f dropping from the stick. "Then all at once I noticed a tree with a limb hanging over the wall we were coming to and Just as Mr. .Man was getting over that wall I caught bobl of the limb and swung up on It. "I gave guilt a tug that I pulled tn> self fr«q> from the stick, though for a while I was stir«- I had left my lu ll bcMnd me t.k«* Bo-Peep's sheep.” "I *1*1 yen los«' It?” asked Mr. Fox. "No, It is safe," replied Mr. Possum, “and so am I, but If It had been u v«»ry clenr night I guess they would have caught me again. The moon went behind a cloud and I Jumped from the tree and ran and when I heard you I thought it was one o f those dogs after me again, so I played dead.” "You certainly did have a narrow »scape and I nnt sure It Is Just what j-nu said, Mr. Possum,” said Mr. F ox; “ It must have be*-n a very scareful night." “ Scareful-est,” corrected Mr. l ’os sum. “ if you l«-ave «iff th«* est you do not half express my feelings." W RIGLEYS helps the stomach. A fte r a hearty meal, try its friendly relief an d com fort to the over-burdened stomach. It is the beneficial and satisfying sweet for old and young . A nd the cost is very small . Try th® New P. K. ( ' by McClure Newspaper Syndicate ) THE RIGHT THING Adds a t the a Z e s t — H e l p s Digest RIGHT TIME By W A L T E R L R O B IN S O N By M A R Y M ARSH A L L DUFFEE W a tc h C u tic u ra Im p ro v e Your S k ir\ WORN OUT AFTER SHE COOKED __ _ A MEAL On rising and r e tlrtig gently smear the fa c e with Cuticura Ointment. O T H E R F E L L O W S «JOB A M A N ’S N A M E Wash off Ointment In five mtuutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water. It T N O H 'V «“si i , . « i » h r r f e l l o w ' * 1nh One o f the weaknesses of hu A I t l’ M F K S S man sstd fho other Is w o n d e r fu l sometimes wlint Outlcuri day that It was a serious error w ill do fo r poor complexions, dandruff, manity frequently seems to be dis satisfaction with the work men and fo r a would-be husin«*ss man, espe •tchlng and red rough hands.— Adv. women are called upon to perform. cially a salesman, to forget the name S in g le and W e d d e d “ Badges.” '»portant little Mr. Nobody- Tim e and ag a in w e hear complaints of » ' * Lydia EL P in k h a m ’s ie duties devolving «Unohlng upon n. " r i ' ! l ,ir nm' Not Much-of-Any- concerning the The married and unmarried women T ook Individuals. From the wnil that goes where with whom he was trying to do in Colombia are distinguished by the V eg etab le C o m p o u n d — up one would Imagine tint the world business. No nmn likes to hav«; you way in which they w ear flow ers in R ead th e R esult forget his name. I f the man Is Im would be n happy, cent-fited place if their hair, the senoras wearing them nearly everyone could swap his Job portant and Is used to receiving at- Cincinnati, Ohio.— ‘ ‘ I suffered fo r a tostions then he doesn't notice your on the right side and the aenorltas with someone else. year with nervoua troubles and irregular- oversight so much, hut the smnll man on the left. ities before I took rinn attractive « 111 » * ' * r to he some -uiii«- Kverv Job seems Lydia K. I ’inkham’s «i some other who g«*ts little notice In the world person’ w ho is engaged jp fi-«ls especially sensitive about It und V e g e t a b l e Com . U n d e s ire d H o n o r. Job. No matte er how p o o r or rb-h pound. M y b a c k ion majfbe, they fre- Is especially gratified when you go men and women A British lord has a lion named pained all the time out o f your way to remember hlin. quently are dissatisfies and covet the Laury. None o f the versemakers and I was unfit fo r Often, however, when you nre Intro privilege o f treading the pathways housework. I was seem anxious to be the poet Laury duced to strangers it is physically irn worn out if I cooked which others walk. ate.— Baltim ore Sun. possible to get their names. This Is a meal, and was un This Is pure fo llja n d not only able to do my wash caus«-s continuous hhappiness and partly due to the fact that we Amer ing. My girl friends discontent, but keepfnon Hnd women icans are prone to speak indistinctly. C a rd in a l P rin c ip le of C o n v e rs a tio n . and rov sister told from winning m atefl success In the .Now the bi-st thing to do when you You become a good conversational me if I would take Important work to Wch they devote have not heard a man’s name distinct yourVegctable Com ly Is to make nmends for this failure ist the moment you halt your own tale their time. of w oe and start listening closely to pound and L iver Pills I would be re within a short time. Ask some one Unfortunately often Imagine lieved. A fte r taking the first bottle I women have easdasks and women who knows the man wlint Ids name Is. the other fello w ’s.— St. Joseph Ga fe lt better, and neglected it awhile, but found I could not do my work until I covet the Jobs obten. This Is one Better still go to the man In question zette. was stronger. So 1 took tho Vegetable o f the chief <-ads o f domestic dis and say: “ I didn't quite understand Comiiound again and now I am the cord and often **<ls to the divorce .«our name. W ill you set me right?" S o m e w h a t L a te . mother o f a 19 months old boy. He is It Is better to do this than to wait un courts. Portrait Painter (to lady customer, fat and healthy and I am sure I could til you have to introduce the stranger In this cot^Unn we recently never have carried him i f it had not henrd an InterJng yam . A woman to s«*me newcomers and then to have grazing at her c ritic a lly )— Ah. If you'd been fo r your Vegetable G>mpound. I orator, who «* decrying the hard to pause in making your Introductions only come In twenty years a g o !— New recommend your medicine to all women although 1 am young to be advisingaome life o f the fa "ex, demanded what to ask the newcomer what his name York Sun. Is anyway. one older. Mrs. C h r is t . P k t r o f f , her audienee fW o f women's work. 318 W. LibE-rty St., Cincinnati, Ohio. A salesman who remembers custom She asked If f e was a man present T h e C a u tio u s M isso u rian s. Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com who had “d a ^ l* r day gone quietly ers’ names is always nn asset. And pound contains no harmful drugs and Sometimes the fellow who weighs downstair*, ih* the fire, cooked his don't believe there Is any special can bo taken in safely by any woman. own breakfahewed missing buttons kna«'k about It. It simply requires a his words m ight be convicted o f g iv on chlldren'-Olbes, cleaned the pots little attention. Just think about the ing short weight.— Monett Journal. C urious M asterpieces. name the first time you hear It. an«l kettles d swept the kitchen. Literary masterpieces have been In the rear the hall a timid, spec- Think about the name In association T h e L a rg e s t S a lt M ines. written on strange mediums. Smart's fa d e d manOse bashfully and yet with some certain feature of the one The largest salt mines in the world poem, “ 8ong to David.” was written with a tw it in his eye. J!e was to whom It belongs. A celebrated d«*- the husbanff the orator and had tectlve who has a phenomenal rec are those o f W iellczka, nine miles with a key on the walls o f a mad never befo*®'l t chance to assert ord fo r remembering face* and In tell from Cracow, Galicia, In Austrl*. house. Coleridge onee wrote a son ing them under different disguise* himself. net on a scrap of seawc>ed. This pat*— ta r such we suppose makes a point to remember some one F ir s t P re s id e n t to W e a r a B eard. It Is— dr 1 «*°tne tw o valuable les distinctive, unusual characteristic. I f T em p le s o f W ood. Lincoln was the first president to sons. p p s teaches that very often yo" w l*h ,0 r**,nembor names try as- The Shinto temples, says the A m er those who®Pl*ln the loudest often violating the name with some one wear a beard and Grant was the first ican Forestry Magazine, are always are little second, that no one strung characteristic o f the face. It one to wear a mustache. ** m atter o f habit more than any constructed from the wood o f the Jap con Jud?£ desirability o f others' thing e l«e and you will find that It anese aborvitae or hinoki. Jobs. T w in e M ade o f Asbestos. One's t nr® pleasant or distaste will make you popular and may T w in e fo r binding parts o f appar ful to th *n t he would make them eventually lead to striking success. A C re a tu re to Be P itie d . atus exposed to fire or acid Is now <® McClar* Newspaper Syndicate > such. -------- O-------- It la the cowaru who fawns upon being made o f asbestos. CCopTrifhtt1“ W Synllrat», far ) those above him. It Is the coward Dangerous Symptoms. who Is Insolent whenever he dares be Ms— I think we’d better tall Doctor Buy Y o u r O w n Laces. # Jones. Freddy has a severe pain In so.— Junius. Adv.— Sample Shoes to Be Given .INE O’ CHEER # o# the head. Away. N o strings to this offer.— Bos 0 pshaw! He's had that so 0 Ejtin K e n d ric k Bangs. ton Transcript. often before. 0 0 Ms— Yes, but never on a day when % 0 T ru e G re a tn e s s . he's free from school. 0 9 tH E BATTLE 0 BALI &LUE -O - True greatness Is the struggle to be 0 0 ri needed In e v e ry department o f honte, free.— Phillips Stewart. battle may be hard, my 0 keeping. E qtn lly good lo r tow el*, (able friend. 0 T H E O R D IN A R Y linen, «b e v i* and pillow csss*. Crverr. 0 A.NTIQCE complications without 0 R e d C ro s s T 0 B o »'» no Joy In victories wJn a field of pillowed eaae, Ar«1** mellowness of Ufa H^re from overcoming strife, A*f‘n« to th« lint until W^reated p^ac« from press* UL (¿Clur* N tv ip a r r «radical«.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 .♦ Did you bring home any an tique* from abroad ? Gne——an aristo cratic husband. Comfort*Your Skin W ithCuticuraSoap and Fragrant Talcum «*•«. Oirfmwt. Ttl -n*. SU M»t| ■J»®»® trm o4 0«— U»f to». l 1. MiMn. M m I Are Y m Satisfied? R H S m > Is ths h Iggeat, most perfectly equipped Huslni Training Hrhoni In tbs N orth w est Fit yourself for a higher position with more money permanent p- elttons manured our Graduates W rite for catalog— Fourth and Yamhill, Portland P. N. U. No. 42, 1922