SZS252S2SiSHSHSHSESHS2SZS2SHS2SHSHSHSHSSSH5HS?SHS252525HSaS2SJ r Astral Pure Pood Flavors " Made by a new process that substitutes a vegetabeemulsion for alcohol as a solvent. Fixe times as strong as government stand- aid requires. Much stronger than alcoholic flavors. The most exquisite flavoring you ever used. Ptice 50 cents for 2 ounce bottle. For sale in Monmouth by For Sale cheap— pair o f sliding j doors with fixtures. J. J. W illiams For rent —Furnished house, 6 ; rooms, to family without small children. Apply to J. W . Pember. L Dorca* Society of Christian Church Ira C. Powell P resid en t J. B. V. Butler Piano tor Sale C ashier First National Bank o OF Banking B u s in e s s Savings the Department W h i c h R e c e iv e s D e p o s it s F r o m $ 1 . 0 0 U p , to W h i c h is Added S em i-annual Interest at the Rate of (Ask for W oodstock Typewriter Co. Yoursavings a c c o u n tto - Chicago, U. S. A. • Lot m mend your furniture or file your saws. J. V\ . How«ll. 4t The Monmouth Cooperative S u p ­ ping Association will save farmer’s! money in the sale o f livestock. Ship! with us and cut out middleman’s profit, ll you have stock to ship notify W. .1. Stockholm, Mgr. tf b u si ne s s i n v i t e d . Capita]............................................ Surplus and U ndivided Profits $30,OX).00 $24,000.00 D irectors Eyes Tested I. M. Simpson Ira C. Powell J. B. V. Butler. Chairman Wm. Riddell Robert Steele Glasses Fitted Hartman Bros. P o tt o f fic e Monmouth H. W . MORLAN E fficien t S e r v ic e C o u rte o u s T r e a t ­ m en t A. L. KEENEY Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer C alls P r o m p tly A n s w e r e d D ay o r N ig h t. P rice s R ea so n a b le phones Know How Much You Save by Painting Now to Save Repairs OMPARE the prices of lum­ ber and paint. They will show you how expensive it is to let buildings rot for lack of the protection of paint. Hundreds of thousands of dol­ lars worth of valuable buildings are wasting today at a rapid rate, b e ca u se they have not been ainted when they needed it. aint now. Save repairs. The utmost economy in paint­ ing results from the use of a high quality product at the time it i 9 needed. The best paint spreads easily — it saves labor cost. It covers a larger area per gallon than “ cheap ’ paint. C your property needs it— without delay —and to use the beat paint. The best paints are scientific in formula and preparation. We've made them for 73 years — to meet the weather conditions in the West. The b e s t materials— P I O N E E R W H ITE LEAD, pure linseed oil, pure zinc and pure color»—ate com bined in Fuller's Paints in scientifically ex­ act proportions with long-time skill. f But most important, the best paint serve» five or more years longer than “ cheap” paint. U’a economy, then, to paint when P h o e n ls P u r e P o in t P u r e P r e p a r e d P o in t C o .. D ep t 2 5 , San F ra n cisco Branches ia IB Citi«» la the W est SAVE THE iEKO l l 'O l D » a . paiattaa B. L n a v n iIn d s p s n d a n ca North 10.00 a. m. S ou th Bound 3.15 p .m. 6.45 “ Bound “ 7.38 2.22 6.38 10.26 3.18 7.16 *• .* OUT i l l PASTE IT II TOUI MOTE 100» F a l l » - . S pa ciiealiaa H o . « r i a l . « P rop ristar R A Y M O N D E DERBY PH YSICIAN & SURGEON PH ON E N OS. 3303 O F F IC E hou se ; 3302 Institution All indications point in the same rection of the and Tea The best way to get a house in Monmouth at present is to build one R ose” Shop Oregon Fir and Hemlock Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Cement, etc. A R N O L D Three doors east o f post o ffice . d i­ Estimates cheerfully furnished. Light Lunch Served Monmouth Lumber Company ti25,2jZSE525E5H5ZSE5E5H5H5HSHt?SSH525u5H5H5H5HSH5il5E5ESHfiHSHSHjESH5S52522 L. W. Waller, Manager D ress and W o r k S h oes : Guaranteed to be all leather ] So US is just what you need, madam. Many women who were troubled with indigestion, a sallow, muddy skin, indicating biliousness and habitual constipation, have been permanently cured by the use o f Chamberlain’s Tablets. Before using these tablets they felt miserable and despondent. Now they are cheerful and happy and relish their meals. T ry them. They only cost a quarter. r ~ M h t «h* <• All kinds. Call and look them over and ask prices. Don’t fail to see our H igh -top S h oes fo r W in te r i Oils, Polishes, Shoestrings, Etc. First Class Repairing | Charles M . Atw ater Perkins Pharmacy I < u is b \ T -e / "HOHE SWEET HOHE V F A M IL Y -T u £Y .,V -i at IT *-«c OAiL'l MAPPtNINuS IN A G A IN Q uACSELt the S m C SwiO TMCY WEITE ' Fusse«. t im e ! ALL > W EU it >, % [ most CC M;C I j FAULT. » T-'Nt? J ARS TOSSE R A l VERv AAKEASIE —A vtOMAAl ' /' A BOOK C 7 »U fl> T « tli. 9 lA(n ' ’ -THEY CUCULO CALL di T h e BOOK. anothc SCRAP < ^----NAME. — . book ! HONE HOWLS A HAVE YOU S€/TT US A MQfWE HOWL? It’d be a Beat Seller I f MOi *MY WOT* MWlS CNE FBO* m m Auwert *»T H tK -m tn w r Terry Gilkison *• r o c s tr ia a. m. p. m. M a. tn p. m . ” D R . F. R. B O W E R S O X J p ' jh J tion Department about the \ i moat den mblc color erhemea, ^ color harmony and any other \ l ^ f T » | * & details. Maker* o t B a b b » C* neat 1 Floor Paint. A l l P n r y o s e V a r n ia h e s . S i l k e n w h i t e A A.' I E n a m e l . Fifteen-for Floors ^ Varnish. Washable Wall Finish. Anto KnamaU Darn and R oof Paint. Porch and Stan Paint, and PIONEER W HITE LEAD. H o u se Paints Mr l a w E. M onm outh 7.10 a. m. 1.50 p. m. 5.10 “ on Painting Ask oar «feat for advice, color card*, etc. A.V tb. Tallsr Sp.dSca- W SPKCIF IC ATIOM M a n u fa ctu red by W . P. Fuller 4 Bakery Monmouth and Independence Auto-Bus Schedule Free A dvice Fuilers • Sign N o t a r y Public Blank D e e d s . M o r t g a g e s , Ete. P h o n e ISM “Fresh Every Day” “T h e 9821 AND 9822 Independence, Ore. W e b a k e e v e r y t h i n g w e sell. Check the Costs Oregon G. T. Boothbv. Oregon A H om e b!dg. re y * o f P h illip sb u rg , P a , s u u » - t o n an ath letic ca reer w hen he w ax t w o m o n th s o ld H is d a d d y trained h im . T h e feat s h o w n here is o n ly o n e o l his stunts H e w e ig h s 18 (rounds and has a ch e st m ea su rem en t of 18 inches. 7 Room house, lot 82i by 330 feet, fruit for family use, barn an I chicken house and park. P rice1 $1800. One o f the best business corners in the city, paying big rent. Come in and let me tell you about it. 4 room house and lot. Fruit and berries. Close in. Price $850. O p tom e trist Salem , Ore. B. F. BUTLER Dentist 9 acres o f land. 6 room house and barn, near Riekieall. Price $5000. Will trade for Monmouth property. L en ses a ccu ra te ly d u p lica ted O p tica l repairs ca re fu lly and p rom p tly m ade. Dr. W . C. G eh m a p , S alem A splendid buy. 7 room house, j toilet and bath, i acre land. Good | j orchard. $2500. A well constructed barn, nearly \ new, for one half its cost. Can be worked into a dwelling. 7 room house, l i acres o f land, splendid orchard, good location. I Price $2200. 33 N orth Dearborn Street com m ercial P h o n e 573 H ou se 867W O ffice : 409-10 Hank o f C o m m e rce Blilg, \ For Sale 6 room house, lot 82J x 165. | Goodharn. Located within 3 blocks of Norm al. Price $1,000. Good | terms. F o u r per c e n t p e r A n n u m gether with Physician and Surgeon 1210 . Demonstration) Phone 2-411 J. O. M A T T H IS For Sale—Oak, ash and fir wood, rick wood. C. J. Lehman, Phone Have a letter written on any o f the standard makes o f typewriters. Then have the same letter written on a Woodstock. Ask any competent critic to pick out the neatest let­ ter. The reason is built in the machine. W e H a v e A d d e d to O u r S. H. Hinkle, W. D. For Sale—A good tiAim. Elkins. Monmouth. W e Stahd or Fall By This Test MONMOUTH, OREGON r cord Hard wood. tw ice cut, 90c “ 3 times in txvo $1.15 Fir, txvice in txxoSOc; 3 cuts $ 1 .0 0 1 WE HAV RA PIANO I OCATED AT INDEPENDENCE WILL SACRI­ FICE. FOR IMMEDIATE SALK. W ILL (JIVE TERMS TO RESPON­ SIBLE PARTY. FOR PARTICU­ LARS AND WHERE PIANO CAN 1 BE SEEN ADDRESS— II. L. STIFF FURNITURE CO. SALEM. ORE F. E. Chambers V ic e P resid en t C lares C. P o w e ll, Asst. C ashier W o o d S a w in g Dry Oak W’ood for sale. L. I. Burrell. Si For Sale at T . J. Wedekind’s s j! iaiSM25ZSHSS5HSH5Z5SS-dSZS£SBSZ5£5^S2S2ScL5H5H525HS2ScSSSHSBS2SESZSZS25H ____ _.____________ Can You D o I t f A. M A R A N 7 Fire Insurance, Real Estate and Surety Bonds Reliable Service Fresh Milk cows for sale T. . j Edwards. Phone Farm 3620.