The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, September 01, 1922, Image 1

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üfO l ib, r H t\
T h e M o n m o u th H e r a l d
Vol. X I V
M o n m o u t h , Po lk C o u n t y , O r e g o n , F r id a y , S e p t e m b e r 1, 1 92 2
No. 52
There is No Land Like Oregon and Only One Willamette Valley
Items of
At Oregon Normal
Mr. John Gill of Portland gave
an interesting discussion of the In­
dians of the Columbia at the chapel
hour on Monday morning. He il­
lustrated his talk with drawings of
implements, houses and clothing
used by the Indians. Mr. Gill is
especially well-informed in this sub­
ject and so told many unusual de­
tails about it.
Miss Virginia Hales, assistant in
Physical Training, 1919-21, who
has been spending'this year at Wel­
lesley College, writes from a girls’
summer camp in Pennsylvania.
Miss Hales has been teaching in this
camp since 'receiving he” second
degree for graduate work in Wel­
lesley the past year. She will spend
the coming year teaching in the
Miss Schuette will leave Friday
evening for her home in Green Bay,
Wisconsin, to spend a few weeks
with her mother, before going to
New York for the winter. She plans
to study at the Teachers’ College
this year.
Students and faculty* greatly en­
joyed Mrs. Landers’ songs which
she gave at the chapel hour on
Thursday morning.
There will be a general exodus
from the Normal on Friday when
the work for the summer quarter
closes. The autumn term will open
September 25.
V a ca tio n Tim e
J. S. Miller, now of Salem, but
who at one time lived southwest of
Monmouth, returned last week from
an extended visit in the east. He
went sbout as far as he could go,
visiting relatives and friends in
Mainp, New Hampshire and New
Brunswick. Mr. Miller was form­
erly from that section but it is
twenty five year? since he was there
before and of course he saw many
changes even in so conservative
a land as is that portion of New
England and Canada. He was gone
since May 1st and Oregon never
looked better to him than on his
Mr. and Mrs. Gooding spent last
Friday in Portland. They planned
to go on to the ocean but returned
to this city Saturday because of
Mrs. Gooding’s illness.
Ted Graham, Wendell Van Loan
and William Harvey are back from
a six day trip 'to the 'south. They
visited the Oregon caves and Crater
Lake and went into California as
far as Redding [before returning.
They report a splendid time.
Miss Hope MacDonald recently
made a . record as an automobile
driver when on the return trip from
Sebastapol, California she drove the
family Ford from Hornbrook, Cal.,
to Monmouth in one day, a distance
of 300 miles' She started at 4:30
in the morning and arrived at 6:30
in the evening, having driven the
entire distance without relief or
without a stop a t’noon. ^On the
way are two bad detours with a
total of fifteen miles over very bad
roads. The MacDonalds visited in
San Francisco and took in the sight
there including Golden Gate Park,
and also visited Luthpr Burbank’s
experiment farm at Santa Rosa.
Miss Beth Godbold, who.has been
instructor in Public Speaking and
English during the past two years,
has been granted a year's leave of
absence. Miss Godbold plans to
spend the yearjin advanced study at
the Cumnock School in Northwest­
ern University. Friends will wish
Miss Neta Harvey returned home
her a very pleasant year and assure
her a most ^cordial welcome on her Wednesday from a three week’s va­
cation which she spent visiting rela
tives and friends in Portland, St
Clatskanie, Seaside and
T h e city of C oqullle, C oos co u n ty , Helens,
has la u n ch e d a p ro je c t fo r a m u n icip al Mist. *The latter place is near her
w a te r sy ste m Involving c o n stru c tio n old home, which she had not seen
Of R ink cre e k sto ra g e re s e rv o ir, w hich, for twelve years. She went all the
to g e th e r w ith R ink c re e k w ould fu rn ­
way by bus and thinks the highway
ish th e n e c e s s a ry w a te r fo r tk e city .
A d v ertisin g sig n s a lo n g th e rig h t-
of-way of O reg o n h ig h w a y s w ill be re ­
H. E. White, Chares Bennett and
m oved a t on ce, a n d sig n s on p riv a te
p ro p e rty rem o v ed w h e n e v e r p e rm is­ Mr. Kibbe returned this week from
sion ca n be gain ed , a c c o rd in g to a a two weeks trip through south­
d ecisio n by th e s ta te h ig h w a y co m ­ western Oregon. They went by
m issio n .
auto and visited Coos county and
R. H. T h o m a s, fo r fo u rte e n y e a rs
where they investigated the
school c le rk in P o rtla n d d is tric t and
mining venture of the
fo r fo u rte e n y e a rs p rio r to th a t a
p rin c ip a l in th e schools of P o rtla n d , Inman Company on the Sixes River.
n o tified m em b e rs of th e school b o ard This company was working in a
th a t he w ill n o t be a c a n d id a te for pocket of rich material at the time
the local people were there and
T rip le ta , th e a g g re g a te w e ig h t of
were washing gravel that yielded a
w hich w as e ig h te e n and th re e -q u a rte rs
pounds, w as bo rn to Mr. a n d Mrs. dollar’s worth of ore to each shovel-
C arl F. P a lm e r of C o tta g e G rove a t ful. It is rumored the Monrr.ojth
th e hom e of Mrs. P a lm e r's p a re n ts . men bought a mining claim in that
Mr. an d M rs. A dam D eer. 791 G ran d v'cinity as a specultive venture.
A venue, P o rtla n d .
They stopped a day or two at Ban-
se rv ic e
c o m m issio n
g ra n te d a u th o rity to E. G Ish am , don enroute.
o p e ra tin g th e Isham tr a n s f e r a t G ra n ts
Mrs. Beckley has just returned
Paaa and vicin ity . A p e rm it w as g r a n t­
ed to W. A. C ornell of New b erg , a u th ­ from a trip of several weeks to
o risin g him to c o n d u ct a fre ig h t t r a n s ­ Eastern
While in
p o rta tio n b u sin e ss a t N ew b erg an d
Spokane she accompanied relatives
v icin ity .
C a n n e ry m e n . fish e rm e n and c ltix en s on a camping trip to Northern
of A sto ria w ere ju b ila n t o v e r th e a n ­ Idaho.
n o u n c e m e n t from th e W a sh in g to n
s ta te fis h e rie s d e p a rtm e n t th a t n o
In the ’ast statement of highway
p u rse se in e rs had been lice n se d to fish conditions in the sta’e which the
in sid e th e th r e e m ile lim it an d th a t office of the highway commission
th e fish co m m issio n w ould n o t ta k e
i issues weekly, for the first time in
euch actio n .
R eporta of fric tio n b e tw e e n th e com- over a year traffic is directe! to
m ercln l fish e rie s b u re a u s of O regon pro:eed south from Monmouth to
an d W a sh in g to n o v e r o p e ra tio n s of the Benton county line. In the in­
fish e rm e n a t th e m outh of th e Col­ terval travel has been diverted by
um bia riv e r a re w ith o u t tr u th , a c c o rd ­
way of Independence and Suver.
in g to C arl D S h o e m a k e r, m a s te r
statement is made that the
fish w a rd e n of th e O regon s ta te flab
road is gravel and dirt in fair con­
com m isa ton.
T h e M arion-Polk C o u n ty R ealto r* dition. The graveling of the high­
a ss o c ia tio n , a t a m e e tin g in S alem way south of here is being conclud­
decided to s ta r t an in v e s tig a tio n to
ed this week.
d e te rm in e w h e th e r o r n o t an oil p ro ­
je c t a t S t P au l, se v e ra l m iles e a s t
Mayor and Mra Wolverton motor­
of Salem , la b ein g h o n e stly c o n d u c te d
an d th e m oney of in v e s to rs is b ein g ed to Portland and spent the day
there Monday.
used In sin k in g th e w ell.
New Homes Follow
Sale of Two Farms
The largest and most important
real estate transfer that has taken
place in many a day was concluded
Monday when the Moreland and
Kelsay tracts of land in the western
part of the city, passed into the
hands of J. B. Stump. The price
paid for each tract was $4,00<i
The first farm, Mrs. Martha More­
land owner, consists of 10 acres of
land more or less, and at present is
occupied by Mrs. Moreland and
her son Ed. It is equipped with
ordinary farm buildings.
second tract, belonging to Mrs. T.
F. Kelsay, consists of 8J acres. A
good residence, located on Main
street is a part of this property and
the land is also well located, corner­
ing on Main and Whitman streets.
Mr. Stump, the new owner, plans
to open up a new subdivision, to
extend Clay street westward, plat
the new property opened up and
build houses upon it or sell lots.
He will start in by building two
small bungalows this fall. There
is a big demand for this sort of
thing for sale'or rent in Monmouth.
It is estimated that twenty five
small modern houses could find
tenants without difficulty.
G. T. Boothby will manage this
new enterprise for Mr. Stump.
They are prepared to build houses
to suit the requirements of prospec­
tive tenants. This new subdivision
is bound to prove popular for it has
sufficient elevation to insure good
drainage and is reasonably close to
the Normal and business district.
Having sold her home, Mrs. Kel­
say promptly bought the Minnie
Wilson property on College stieet,
the premises being at present occu­
pied by T. J . Wedekind. Consid­
eration $1550.
Miss Amy Steinberg leaves Satur­
day morning f ir lobtland, where
she’w'H again teach in one of the
city schools. Miss Steinberg and
her sister Fannie spent the fore
part of the summer in Seattle where
they took a six weeks term at the
University of Washington.
G. S Wolverton of Calgary, Can­
ada visited at O. A. Wolverton'» this
week. He was on his way to Ixs
Angeles to visit with a son.
B uys M onm outh H om e
Students Consider
Attorney B. F. Swope of Indepen­
city attorney of Indepen-
Attraction for Main ; dence,
Housing Problems
deuce and Munmouth, has bought
, G. W. Chesebro’s residence on East
Since last Saturday morninv pa­ ‘ Main street and will become a resi­
As a final booster meeting for
trons of the bank who sought them dent of thij city. He also has the present school year, the Normal
at the old stand have had to come leased a suite of rooms in the post student body held a meeting after
to the new building in orrltr to do office block and will open a law chapel Thursday morning to which
Friday evening the ¡office here. With his son, Cecil the faculty was incited. The stu­
heavy safe was transferred from | Swope, he plans to maintain 'offices dent body through representatives,
the vault of the old building to the j in independence and Monmouth.
j brought forward the idea that the
vualt of the new and Saturday
housing accommodations provided
morning the office equipment of
Im p ro vem en ts
for students should be subject to an
the new building was used for the
The Dennis Company has made organized survey and classification.
first time. From one to three in short work of the addition to the Heretofore but one price has pre­
tiie afternoon and from seven to paving north of Independence and vailed in each of the different de­
nine in the evening the bank has it about completed. This adds partments of rooming, boarding and
officially received its patrons.
a little over a mile to the paved road housekeeping rooms. This price
I A string of people constantly from Independence to Brunk’s cor­ has been set by arrangement be­
kept directors and officials busy ners making our shortest route to tween representatives of the Nor­
showing them the manner and Salem that much easier to travel. mal and local "householders” and
moans with’which a modern country The paving reaches nearly to the regardless of convenience of location
bank does business. It is estimat­ Oak Point school house.
The or of house equipment the price
ed that a thousand people called county’s portion of the expense of has [been the same. One of the
during the day an evening. Con­ this paving is being taken from the speakers suggested that the avail­
spicuous amohg the decorations market road fund.
able quarters in the city be listed
were two baskets of splendid but
and classified in four divisions so
Mark Conklin will teach school prospective students could be in­
familiar flowers sent in for tne oc­
casion by Portland correspondents this coming year, starting Septem­ telligently directed when they apply
ber 11 near Pilot Rock"
of the bank.
for accommodations.
The directors’ room, community
Miss Dorcas Conklin has returned
Another suggested that a joint
room and the main room were also from her^ Eastern .trip and is now meeting of faculty, student body
decorated with dahlias, sweet peas visiting with a cousin at Vernonia. and commercial club representa­
and other flowers. In the commun­ She will be home next week and tives be held to thresh over the
ity room, Mrs. Powell and the plans to re-enter the university at situation and arrive at some equit­
Misses Butler acted as hostesses Eugene this fall.
able basis. Committees of five from
and a trio ot local young ladies
student body and faculty were
served punch to the guests.
named to act in this matter. Rep­
Owing to the disorganized condi­ F e a r I* C hief O b sta cle to P rog- resentatives of the faculty were
tion of railroad transportation the
re** of M an k in d
named to act in this matter. Rep­
safety deposit boxes have not as yet
J . S. K nox o t C leveland, le c tu re r resentatives of the faculty are Prof.
been received. During the course and w rite r on p erso n al efficiency, In Dodds, to look into sanitary condi­
of the day the bank officials received discussing sa le sm a n sh ip re cen tly , d e ­ tions, the domestic science teacher
many compliments relative to their clared
“You hnve Ju st th re e tilin g s to otter to pass on cooking equipment and
new business home.
to th e w orld— b ra in s, c h a ra c te r and Miss Taylor of the physical depart­
m uscle. W hich a re you going to o f­ ment to look after general welfare.
fer? i f you offer b rain s, you a re a
The Woman’s Home Missionary ‘chlu-upiter.* If you offer n o th in g hut
A Greater Normal was also boost­
Society of the Methodist Church has muscle, you ^ rc a ‘chin-dow ner.’ W lmt ed through addresses made by fac­
dreamed for years of a beautiful can you sell fo r u price— y o u r best, ulty and students and President
second b est, o r y o u r w o rst?
home for th< aged at Salem, Oregon, your
R raln s com e high, b u t u n less you have Landers, who has been making
in place of the old wooden structure som ething b e tte r to offer th a n m ere comparisons with Normal conditions
that has proved so inadequate and b ra in s you a re bonded s tra ig h t fo r the in other states. Idaho with less
p e n iten tiary . C h a ra c te r, In com bina­
now this dream is about to be real­ tion
w ith b rain s, c o rrectly tra in e d . Is than half our population ia spending
ized. On Wednesday, September the beet-paid p ro d u c t In th e w orld."
a half again as much for Normal
“W h a t do you re g a rd ns th e ch ief training. Arizona with one third
6, at 2:30 P. M., the corner stone
of the new Old Peoples’ Home will o b stacle to su ccess?" he w a s asked.
our population is spending three
“F e a r ! “ he exclaim ed em p h atically .
b e laid, with Bishop Sheppard " F e a r an d Ignorance. F e a r Is th e times as much for state normal
making the principal address. It is g re a t foe of th e race. It robs us of schools. Montana with half our
expected that many ^friends from the best th e re Is In life. If w e subm it population spends four times as
to fe a r, It will hold us dow n In pover­
all over Oregon will be present at ty, m isery, d e sp a ir.
much as Oregon does on her Nor­
that time to witness the ceremonies.
“ K now ledge Is th e n n tld o te fo r fear, ms!. Washington with twice our
as su re ly as lig h t Is th e n n tld o te fo r population spends six times as
d ark n ess. C ourage nnd self-ro n tld en ce
The city water department recent­ a re th e re s u lts of know ledge. Success much to train her common school
ly took up another thousand dollars is not so m ueb a m a tte r o f b ra in a* teachers. California which has
Is of g e ttin g th e rig h t fuct* and three and a half times our. popula­
in waterjbonds, making $3500 which It le arn
in g how to use them . T h e re la
has been taken up thus far.
no aucli th in g In life ns an o |*jsirtunlty tion attends twelve times as much
for an y m an u n less he Is re ad y fo r It. for state normal schools.
New Bank Opening
You ci;n c re a te n|i|H >rtunltles by devel­
oping your n a tiv e pow ers, hy g a th er-
ing p ra ctical Info rm atio n an d Ideas.
"A m erica's g re a te s t tra g e d y an d
g reatest le ss Is du e to lack o f ed u c a ­
tion. If u man doubled th e use o f his
b ra in pow er the w orld w ould lie tre ­
m endously benefited, ns well as the
m an him self.
T h e g re a t A m erican
d e se rt Is not located w est o f th e Mis­
sissippi river, b u t tinder the h a t of
the av erag e m an, because lie uses only
a sm all p e rcen tag e o f his n a tiv e ta l­
e n t.”- L eslie's.
T c ta l
P o p u latio n in U n ited
Now 36.398.9SS.
S tate*
W a sh in g to n , D. C.— T h e to ta l whit*
p o p u latio n of th e co u n try , fo reig n born
o r w ith one o r both p a re n t* foreign
b o rn on J a n u a r y 1. 1920, wa* 36.39S,
95H. th e d e p a rtm e n t of co m m e rc e h a t
an n o u n ced i n ' a co m p ilatio n of th*
1920 cen su s fig u res. T h is waa an in
c re a s e in th e "fo reig n w h ite sto c k '
of th e n atio n '* p o p u latio n from 1910
of 4,165.57«. c r 12.9 p e r cen t.
T h is 1920 to ta l Includes, it w at
sh ew n . 13,713,754 Im m ig ra n ts and 22.
634.204 p e rso n s born in th is c o u n try
one o r both of w hose p a re n t* war*
Im m ig .an U .
TTnder a law fo r th e p u rp o se. S ec­
re ta ry of S ta te Sam A K o ser has ap­
p o rtio n ed to th e th irty -six cou n ties of
th e s ta te a to ta l of 161.040.21 for 1922
In su p p o rt of fair*, land product show s,
liv esto ck e x h ib itio n s for prem ium s an d
a im lla r purp o ses. T he m oney Is rais­
ed by th e levy of a tax of one-tw en­
tie th of a m ill upon the taxable p ro p ­
e rty of th e s ta te as last equalised by
tb e state tax com m isvixa.
Why It Is Improbable T hat Mankind
Will Ever ■« Able te See
a Molecule.
Hhall we ever he ab le to get n ml-
croecope so pow erful th a t It w ill abow
us a m olecule? Science believe* not.
W hile th e u ltra-m icro sco p e enables us
to d etec t an object ns sm all a s n flve-
m llllonth p a rt of an Inch In diam eter
—th a t Is, th e 2ft-m llllon-inllllonth of n
s q u a r e in ch —a m olecule of hydrogen
Is only o n e-tlilrtlefh o f this.
T h e p rin cip le of the ultra-mlcro-
ecope Is sim ply th a t. Inatead of direct­
ing a pow erful beam o f light Into the
m icroscope th ro u g h th e liquid to be
exam ined. It la sen t h o riso n tally Into
the liquid a t rig h t an g les to th e line o f
vision— from th e aide. T hen, If th#
liquid Is o p tically em p ty — If It h as no
floating p article» — th e re la n o th in g to
reflect th e light, an d th e Held of vision
ap pear* q u ite d ark .
If. on th e o th e r h and, tiny p article*
a re p re se n t In th e liquid, th e light la
reflected, and th e m in u te p oln ti of
lUclit sta n d out a g a in s t th e d a rk b ack ­
ground. m aking th e p a rtic le s vlathle.
’ T he favorite “bad road" leading Into
Bclo Is balng graded nnd rockod by
th* county court
Thl* rood, known
ns th s cem etery hill rood, w as
sable during tbe rainy season
year, m aking rentdent* tw o mil**
of Bclo go nearly six m ilea oat o f
their w ay to com# to town.
After faithfully
perform ing bar
du ties as ch ief operator for the Can by
Mutual Telphone com pany for th* loot
IfV* years. Mr*. R Sopor o f Cnnby
boa tendered bar resignation, t#
affect la tw o m onths
w ill go to N ew berg. whera aba la t*
m «ke her home with bar s o n * _______