■asmmtiwfliD'nmfHiiitiwamntiiuaitHMaHn Cold Cream and Face Lotions Mrs. Achsah Zink is taking a few week’* vacation from her duties at the Hotel Beaver in Independence. Work at excavating fo r the Evan gelical ohurch or. thetr Monmouth Avenue lot started Thursday. M r. and Mrs. Charles N ott have been at Stayton visiting a brother o f Mr. N ott's. Kodaks and Films Perkins’ Pharmacy I f we haven't go t it w e ’ ll g e t it. Ask us. |gVH Q M iET'A^ PHILOSOPHY utocaster The be«t way t* ent-.rtain a man is nut tu entertain him at all. Don't make )u u r»clf a four-flusher by ing him a better dinner than you always have iiut give him what you have cheerfully. Then, too, your guest knows you’ ve got to work for a living ami have lots o f things to <!<>, so go an’ do them, tell* ii g your fr end to do exactly what most pleases him till you get fin. ished. Don’t be afraid to say what you think and don't agree if you d o t't agree, hut don’t expect your gue t to agree with you because you’re iitertainin’ him. Just widen out. Let love an' tolerance be King •ml Queen of the home while the r» .t with you, and then tnayhr >>u won't he able to throw them out after he's gone. GOSSARD J. W . Pember is building a four car garage on his property on the corner o f Broad and Jackson streets F R O N T C O R S E T Mrs. Blanche Sloan and two daughters returned Sunday from a two week’s outing at Newport. rP H E price is the only resemblance * between these models and the or dinary $2.00 corsets. Morlan & Son have started work o.i the new building at Monmouth Avenue and Main street which they plan to erect next year. They Dorsey Edwards left Monday for Curry county where he w ill have charge o f the grades in the school at Wedderburn. L. A . Robinson and fam ily have moved out o f their Broad street house to the recently purchased W estfall house on Cattron street. Mr. Hoskins o f McMinnville was here this week making arrangements fo r small repairs to be made to our Main street paving. This is the final year covered by the maintenance bond. IEN TIMES BI6GEST CIRCUS Will SOON BE WITH US L A C I N G are designed made to safeguard and faultlessly Gossard leader ship. They had to be the be& and w e sell them with our guarantee of your satisfaction. Modal 202 A very modern corset fash ioned for the slight to medium figures. The low top eurves under the bust to m slightly higher support at the back. The skirt slopes to medium length over hips and thighs to give long graceful lines and graduates to a medium length unusually flat back. M ade of a dainty pink fancy batiste. Modal 200 A truly remarkable eornet for the average to stout flgurts. The comfortable top gradu ates to a slightly higher back to care for ex cesa flesh at the shoulder blades. The medium length skirt has ample full ness to insure comfort through hips and thighs and is charac terised by those very flat back lines every fashionable woman seeks today. Made o f pink or white coutil. If you have never worn a Gossard Corset, $2.00 is surely a small sum to find out a becoming style and grace ful comfort such as you never have known before. If you have thought this gentlewom an’s corset co& more than you cared to pay, you now are offered the op portunity to know its refinements at a Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Day draws near and with it price heretofore unthought of for gar will come a vast circus o f ’ ’ ten ments of such superior qualify. thousand wonders" to exhibit in Salem August 26, 1922. This mam moth amusement enterprise o f 1922 has been officially recorded as ’ ’ Am erica’s ten times greatest cir cus” . It is a third bigger than it was^in 1921. For, in addition to the many innovations offered then, the present season's program num bers ten more trained wild-animal displays—making twenty in all — and the most superb trained horse acts that Europe has yet produced The wild-animal and equine displays o f 1921 were introduced merely that the Ringling Brothers might judge o f their popularity. So en- thuisastically were these numbers uiutmuinniiniiHiintiiuiiijmiiiiimi H inu m m iiiiiH iuuiiiin iiiH iiiinuiiiitnuiH iH iiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiuiiiiüti’ii u iin itu iiiiim iiH iiiiiiiiiiu u tiiiic iiiiiiiiiiN tiiiiiiiitiiu u iir received that the famous showmen immediately arranged for the pur The special revival services under chase o f the world's finest acts o f the big white tent on Public Square this kind. An entire equine circus U ntil further notice the Herald Miss Ina Fishbsck is spending are co n tin u in g another week with was bought outright and brought is givin g with each paid in advance to this country last winter. And two weeks visiting relatives and a deepening interest. The sermops subscription an order on F. C. while the Ringling Brothers and friendi in Yamhill and Washington on Sunday afternoon and evehing Davidson for a fine.enlarged photo Barnum A Bailey agents were se counties. L «n ,c ( accurately duplicated were greatly appreceiated, and Rev. graph o f the bearer. By a special curing this and the trained tiger, Optical repair* carefully end Dow Hamar and fam ily were Ow en is hopeful fo r splendid results process in which a powerful electric polar bear, lion, leopard and jaguar promptly mede. groups, they had orders to engage guests o f his parents, Mr. And Mrs. The Misses M eggers o f Salem have |ight is used these enlarged por- the foremost men and women per Hamar o f Hillsboro last week. assisted with their duets ard have traits sre made from the same neg- formers of the European capitals. M r. and Mrs. C. C. Yeater and been made a great blessing from ntive used in making smaller photo Dr. W. C. Gchmjtr Optometriat And these stars from city and jun daughter Helen o f Monmouth were tim e to time. Mrs. W ell« o f Salem, Kr8P^®- The quality o f the work S a l e m , gle are all to be seen with this won O re g o n may be judged from samples dis der circus o f 1922. Everything, guests o f Mr. and Mrs. John Yeater w ife o f Aaron W ells who is pastor played in the Herald office. there and doing a good work for the including the great double menag last Thursday. erie o f more than a thousand ani city in the way o f liftin g the stand William Hill o f Rickreall finished mals and exhibiting such rareties as ard o f morals and religion, is con hauling gravel on our road Wednes a mite o f a baby hippopotamus and ducting some o f the afternoon serv its three-ton mother, is to be seen day. ices and is well liked by the people. for the price o f one admission ti ck- Tom Marks o f Canby was visiting R ev. Ingler sings the gospel with et. And by "everyth in g” is meant relatives here this week. not only the wild animal and equine clearness and pathos, and impresses Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M iller o f the audiences that God still lives displays, but the entire circus. Round T rip Fares affprd great savings More than 700 men and women, West Salem were Saturday a fte r \frs. Mattie Crawford, woman and loves, and is longing to deliver in travel costs this year embracing the w orld’s foremost noon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. evangelist sometimes called the Fe- the people from the bondage o f sin. ■ ale Kills Sunday, ha* launched a arenie stars, take part;. There are Jess Emerson. to i.»mpais"i designed to bring salvation On Monday night he preached on 100 clowns. Aside from the fero T illa m o ok C ounty Beaches N e tv p o rt By-the-Sea t>< lh> tl..p'*er “ The little fla,>pcrs »re A number from here attended the Christian Perfection as taught by cious beasts, the program includes C ra te r Lake N a tio n a l Park O re g o n Caves Nat l Monument Happing thcr souls away," she says. forty trained elephants. There are Ford caravan at Independence last the Savior and the apostles and lived *' I he» ii u i send them to the laundry O reg on s F o rest. Lake. R is e r and M ou n ta in Resorts five companies o f trained seals, Tuesday. of the l.oid. and let their hair grow. Shasta M ou n ta in R e s o rts - Y osem ite National Park in the world by fu lly consecrated Tin- tins niosfcm Dcli'aht are having many dogs, beats, monkeys, pigs believers. The message wrs full Clarence Grund o f Monmouth was I tables ii'lltd 'the tlnpprr h it and pigeons. It ie the biggest cir I - i hi S iisiigU * v i t a UK loss cus program the world has ever seen a business caller at the Ed Rogers’ o f sunshine and pep and fell on the u livi . .. given under the largest tent. ears o f an appreciative audience. home Wedaesday afternoon. Serv ces w ill continue through the Fred Cody ia assisting George week at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. and ÍHSHS2SZS1 Heck in remodeling his house. close on Sunday night. • The tent Lloyd Swearingen is working for ki then w ill be shipped to Salem for Q Young Brothers o f Monmouth this another campaign on the west side. , week. £ Rev. Owen w ill teach in the North Guaranteed to be all leather M r. and Mrs. J. E. Allen were Q west Naxarene College at Nampa, and to I shoppers in Monmouth last Wednes I Idaho, the coming semester and day. All kinds. Call and look them over and ask ptices. take some advanced «o r k as well. Clay Guthndgc and ton W illiam Rev. Ingler expects to continue in of Falls City passed over the evangelism * in Ncrth Lakota |nd ^ ^ 4 Don't fall tp see our „ % H l g l 4 Wednesday, " f * * (California during the autumn and John Doughty o f Monmouth was winter, and join his partner next seen in this vicinity Tuesday. summer n a campaign in the south Oraeofi Out M California for thr tourtet" and othar brauUful Ed Moreland o f Monmouth is ern and middle states. Their work f o l t o « t il bo mat tod PRE S on rrqumt hauling his w inter’s wood from is genuire, sound, and above cen Pee farm reif e r r a t o * am) other p a rtir. 1er. aak here this week. Oils, Polishes, Shoestrings, Etc. sure. and as ministers they aie Mra. Frank Bell o f Idaho has held in esteem by mqpy people o f First Class Repairing moved into out midst recently. prominence in the different denom J ohn M . S c o t t . Mrs. Ward and two small sons o f inations. Blessings on them.— The General Passenger Agr.it Salem were first o f the week v is it Committee. ors with Mr. and Mra. Fred Cody. SAVE FLAPPERS’ SOULS MONMOUTH HEIGHTS Yoar Portrait Free Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted Hartman Bros. IT ’S TRAVEL TIME San Francisco— Dress and Work Shoes High-top Shoes for Winter Charles M. Atwater Los Angeles —San Diego BACK EAST CITIES Through California "Thi Way to See \fo re of the U. S. A ." SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES