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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1922)
Ira C. Powell Proidenl J. B. V. Butler F. E. Chamber* Vic* President Claret C. Powell, A ttl Corkier Ctihicr First National Bank OF MONMOUTH, OREGON fooem % & UNCLE J O ( H N For Sale Cheap- Good Bennett piano, range, heater, k tchen cabinet. Call after 4 p. m. ( has. Severson 4 block south o f Morlan’ s store. 2tp. Furnished cottage for rent. On Main street. $20 per m onth.' Phone 304. T h e re ’s many a pu zzlin’ problem that attacks a fe ller’s mind, when discoursin' to a Public, of a m ighty various kind, a. m a T h e re ’s some w ill differ with ye, and there's others that applaud— an’ some that w on't believe ye on y er oath, so help ye G o d ! W hich brings the solemn query into this here humble s o n g : Can anything be honest— y et re main, dead w rong? I'v e allers heard that H onesty was fust am ong the things, that took a man to H eaven, on the shiniest o f w in g s ; that a man that w uzzent honest, had m ighty nigh as w ell, consult the ticket agent fer the slowest train to hell- So, a little sober thinktn’ w ill arouse the question strong,— Can any man be honest— yet, remain dead w ron g? . 1 try to toiler reason in the ideas 1 evolve— an’ I some tim es pray fer guidance, when I ’ve got a thing to solve. . . . I ’ve catered more t. jedgement, than to tolerance ur taste, in these days o f much palaver ntax goes to waste. y w here the sintax / _ ,. . . L e t me e cast this humbly pebble in the nestv is rcsky— in _________ S s — T h at H onestv * * l' fthc bosom o f a i F o o l! t For t'ale— Oak, ash and fir wood, rick wood. C. J. Lehman, Phone 1210 . HONESTY W e H a v e A d d e d to O u r B anking Savings B u s in e s s the Department W h i c h R e c e iv e s D e p o s it s F r o m $ 1 . 0 0 U p , to W h i c h is Added S em i-annual Interest at the Rate of F o u r per cent per A n n u m Y ou rsaving s a c c o u n tto - gether with c o m m e rc ia l ed and no visit is complete that does not include the rounds. O f the two hotels we were close to the one known as Camp Curry. Its guests Capital..................................... $30,000.00 and such campers as desire to attend Surplus and Undivided Profits $24,000.00 are entertained each evening with a vaudeville and musical perfor mance. There are several school Director* men in the valley in the employ J. B. V. Butler, Chairman I. M. Simpson ment o f the government who are Wm. Riddell Robert Steele Ira C. Powell accustomed to invite people to open air strolls. Sometimes they go among the trees o f the valley floor, pointing out and discussing the kinds o f trees and identifying the 3B5ZSH5H5c!SZScL5ZS2SH5HSH5H5B5HSHSES?52S2SE5HSEreSES?SHSHSH5H525E52S25Z£r; woodland birds. The robin, the jay, the flicker, share with the yel low and sugar pine, the cascara, the laurel, the interest o f the moment, or perhaps snakes and insects ap pear to invite attention. Sometimes the nature guides W e b a k e e v e r y t h i n g w e sell. prepare fo ra climb, perhaps ascend ing to Glacier Poinr, climbing the short path o f two miles and descend ing the long route o f four miles, the round trip taking all day. The valley floor is 4,000 feet above sea level and Glacier Point is 3,200 feet above it. On the trip the guide discusses geology. These trips are free o f cost as the government does not charge for such services. A t one o f the entertainments Three doors east of post office. Light Lunch Served given at Camp Curry one o f these ,S2S2SHSHSHSZSE5HSHSHS?SHra5H‘e5HSZSZ5ESHS2Sa5HSH5iiSHSESHS2SaSiSHSHS guides discussed snakes, native to I f you have pride in the farm that gives you a home and a the valley. As he spoke o f the living why not show it by naming the farm and doing your different sort o f snakes he pulled a corresponding on printed stationery? Ask us about it. specimen out o f a pocket and talked about the velvet smoothness o f its tongue, its habits and characteristics There was usually a moving pic ture film at the close o f the enter tainment givin g scenes from the park which extends beyond the val ley and embraces several hundred square miles. Read your own Herald ,20y°.r A Home Institution “Fresh Every Day” “The Sign of the Rose” E. / B. and Tea Shop A R N O L D headache 10USANDS OF WOMEN suffer miserably from periodic attacks of headache, never dreaming that a permanent cure may be had. Headache nearly always results from some disorder of the stomach, liver or bcwcls. Take Chamberlain's Tablets. They will correct these :r: and there will be no more headache. Ma:: j been permanently cured by Chamberlain’s Table'-. Chamb Successful Graduates Are the Best Recommendation of O. A. C. jj* 2*8 if i'r _ Th is Institution offer* a thorough, practical, and standard edu cation at a coat within reach o f the high school graduate. It offers training for collegiate degrees in: Agriculture Mines Commerce , Pharmacy Engineering and Mechanical Arts Vocational Education Forestry Chemical Engineering Home Economics Military Science and Tactics It offers training also in: The school o f Music, Physical Edu cation, Industrial Joumaliam. •p « *i f>* Fall Term Open* September IS For circulars of information and illustrated booklet write to The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon For any thing you want or don’t want try our bargain column. It will buy or soil for you. For Sale 7 room house, 1J acres o f land, splendid orchard, good location. Price $2200. 7/ jSSKIjiwtfc. bu si ne s s i n v i t e d . Bakery Want to trade, good Salem resi dence property for place in Man- mouth. What have you? See A . C . Powers, Agent S. P. Co. 2t As a final touch to the Camp Curry entertainments they have the "fire falls” . A man stationed on the rocks above them has had a huge fire burning all evening. A t the end o f the program the fire has burned to coals and at a signal given by a call from below the man above starts to shovel the coals over the cliff. It falls in a shower o f red coals which lasts fo r several minutes and ia beautiful beyond description. drops over 2400 feet. Since the falls of Niagara are but 175 feet high, it is easy to draw comparison. These falls resemble the falls along the Columbia highway, have the same misty effects and sway with the lightest breeze. The Nevada falls which si pictur ed on the calendar given by the Monmouth business men last Jan uary, is to be seen only after a climb upwards o f two miles. It is the main source o f the Merced river and has the largest volume o f water. About a mile from the Nevada falls the waters take anoth er plunge, known as the Vernal falls. Mirror lake is something no vis itor misses. It is formed by a depression in the course o f the M er ced. Visitors repair to M irror lake to watch the effect o f the sunrise. It was a still morning that we visit ed it. The only ripples on the lake were such as started from the leap ing o f small trout. The first sun rays came through a notch in the rock wall at the east end o f the val ley. The rocky walls on the right and left o f us grew lighter with the illumination. The lake with its clear water and dark bottom became like a painting with its reflected beauty. Especially fine was the reflection o f the pine and fir faces at the base o f the rock. Their green, pointed tops se'emed floating in space, upside down. The flat perpendicular walls o f the valley at times gave peculiar sensations. Traveling along the roads it seemed as if you must be in the open country. O f a sudden you entered a shadow. Without glancing up you had the sensation o f thunder clouds arising on a clear afternoon. Then you recall yourself and remember the rocky walls. O f.E l Capitan* the giant boulder which rears 'i t s form straight up fo r over two ’thousand feet, the visitors are invited to fin ! the crouching lion suggested by creases in the rock. O f course we 'a ll found it but whether any two found it in the same place was hard to determine. Dozens o f other forms were likewise to be found on Jits smooth surface only the imagination being required to direct the eye in its discoveries. O f course the big attractions of the valley are the falls which have been frequently described. The highest falls in the world is the Yosemite falls which in two plunges For Sale—A No. 1 hog and cow feed; one half wheat, one half oats, at Monmouth warehouse $32.00 per ton, clear o f the sacks. Cash only to M r. McClellan. A . H. Craven. 9 acres o f land, 6 room house and barn, near Rickreall. Price $500. W ill trade for Monmouth property. 4 lots, 4 room house, barn and fru it. 3* blocks from Normal school. Price $000. 7 Hoorn house, lot 82i by 330 feet, fru it for fam ily use. barn and chicken house and park. Price $1800. One o f the best business corners in the city, paying big rent. Come in and let me teil you about it. 4 room house and lot. Fruit and berries. Close in. Price $850. 8-roopi house, 14 acres o f land, located on East Main street. Curb ing and concrete walk. Price $3000, terms. Say— I have one o f the easiest and surest money makers in the city. Come in and let me put you wise. D R . F. R. B O W E R S O X PHYSICIAN U SURGEON PHONE NOS O FFICE HOUSE 3JM 9MI B. F. BUTLER Dentist Post office bid* Monmouth Oregon A. M ARANT Fire Insurance, Real Estate and Surety Bonds Reliable Service W o o d Sawing per cord Hard wood, twice cut, 9Qe " 3 times in two $1.15 Fir. twice in two80c; 3 cuts $1.00 Phone 2411 S. H. Hinkle, J. O . M A T T H I S Physician and Surgeon P hone 573 House 867W Office: 409-10 Bank o f Commerce Bldg, S alem Ore. H. W . MORLAN Notary Public Blank Deeds, Mortgage*. Etc. Monmouth and Independence Auto-Bus Schedule kggyg* Igde^eadaaca Leaves M< 7.10 a. m. 1.60 p. m. G. T. Boothbv. 5.10 “ 10.00 a. m. H E M STITC H IN G — Leave orders 3.15 p. m. with Mrs. Cornelius, Millinery 6.46 “ North Bound " ** " “ South Bound “ " store. Mail orders promptly filled. RAYM OND E DERBY Mrs. Barnell, Independence, Ore P hon a ISM gon. Phone 4321. D*"y Oak wood $7 a cord. Phone 705 J .W . I .cask. Let me mend your furniture or file your saws. J. W. H ow ell. 4t The Monmouth Cooperative Ship ping Association w ill save farm er’s money in the sale o f livestock. Ship with us and cut out middleman's profit. 11 you have stock to ship notify W. J. Stockholm, M gr. tf . 7.98 a. m. 122 p. m. 6.3* •• 10.26 a. m. 9.18 p. m. 7.16 When you build Build permanently Build with firep ro o f Brick or Building Tile Central Clay Products Co. ONLY $3.10 MONMOUTH to We Stand or Fall By This Test Have a letter written on any o f the standard makes o f typewriters. Then have the same letter written on a Woodstock. Ask any competent critic to pick out the neatest let ter. The reason is built in the machine. (Ask for Demonstration) W oodstock T y p ew riter Co. 33 N orth Dearborn Street Chicago, U. S. A Portland L and return SALE DATES. Friday, Satur day A Sunday R eturn L imit Tuesday fol lowing sale dates ASK AGENT ABOUT 15 DAY AN D SEASON FARES Frequent Service at Convenient Hour* with all modem travel comfort/. P a r fu r t h - r p * r t i r a l * e « * * k ■ * • * « • Southern Pacific Lines J ohn M. S cott , O-nanl P**< ’ A r— t The Herald wishes correspondents in neighboring communities. For particulars apply at this office. E d ito r'« N o t « : R rv M atthew « I« • Prv«- erii* Minuto« i* th«. Pirat Church at I t attl«. With. rrshvti kern one of the greatest forc> liberty, education, and evangelism America has ever had. I think. It T Q was the tMthor of ■ s m m a r u modern repre«en- tative Republican T C D I A V C government J L K I A is O I t'in k Amer ica owes much of her government to the Presbyterian t^surch She has been one o f this government’s greatest examples and nvat power ful defender. In the old days“ the Presbyterian church’ s adherence to doctrines and principles, added to the stre. gth. character, and integ rity of American cittaenship. in , these latter days, it seems to me, •he has conté upon perilous times. F IR S T . — T h e Presbyterian Church commit* a folly and sin if she permits infamous here tics who deny the deity of Chrst and the infallibility of the B'btr to I stay in her ranks and to occupy her PRESBY“ 'ty Rev M. A MotlhewytV K_____R P LA P it pulpits. I insist she has no right to a f t '» Stich enertHe» of God. of home, and of government to carry Her name. I think a Presbyterian minister who denies the deity of Christ or the infallible Word of God and continues to occupy a Presbyterian pulpit is drawing his money under false pretenses. W e have all taken oath to teach the deity of Christ and the infalli bility of God's Word, and for that we receive position and compensa tion S E C O N D — T h e Preibyterian Church commits a folly when she becomes a meal ticket for faddists and place-hunters who constantly devise schemes and plans and or ganizations to increase their power, patronage and patrimony. They live and work exclusively that they may subsist upon such efforts. THIRD — T h e Presbyterian Church commits a folly when she permits her tnemies to begin to build machinery and centralize her government, thereby detracting from her power. I don't believe Presbyterian* will submit to centralized power nor to dictation by agents and machines. They crushed that kind of power once. I hope they will crush it again. It must be crushed in gov ernments aud it must be crushed in the church. The Presbyterian Church should return to the sovereignity and power and supremacy of her Pres byterian government and to Iks control by her presbyteries. Hear my plea' Awak-. grand old Church of liberty, righteosi*ne*a and evangelism.