V, PORTLAND O FFER S A M A R K E T FOR YOUR PRODUCE Portland. Orw'on V A U D E V IL L E P H O T O -P L A Y S Complete Chan*« Saturday. Adult*. 2«le: Everinm. 3Uc. Contiauou* 1 to It p. m. thi-Jran 10 cent* all time*. Som ething to Think slb o u t E * * D T I W S 0 A r x Waterproofed 1 GIRLHOOD U * : FROM TO WOMANHOOD S C H O O L DAI ] S 1 Wom an Relied Upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound By F. A . WALKER ARE YOU W ORTHY? A COMMON and frequent complaint * * nowadays among self esteemed young men and women is that they are not making satisfactory progress. C E M E N T With more or less petulance they declare that their incomes are not HEMSTITt HLNt; AND PLEATING. Buttonho n , - B u tto n . - P la itin g _ T u c k in g and C h atn stltchtn f sufficient to keep them in the style c " L . cat ci ui J anc* ana prom prom pt pt attem ¿ V l» L ^ >r* 3 « ^ . 5 lv-ei cii re^u Attention in whkh they want to live. —______ ______________ ELITE SHOP, 1281 Teeth peer Washington. Instead o f being compelled to de­ place to Eat and Lire Weh. pend on popular shops for their [*hl* * Q ~ iti* ;heon at noon. ----------— _________ ____________________________________Open 7 a. m . f t a. a . it* Stark St. clothes, they yearn to he in position to patronize high-priced tullors and W'e Pay Highest Price* for dressmakers, and thus in their false HIDES. PELTS. W O O L MOHAIR. estimation keep step with the rich 1H UNION AVtNUf NORTH PQRTlANI, QKIQOM. CASCA RA BARK. Write for Fncesand Shipping Taas Address Department B by making repeuted shows o f fine feathers. The plehian atmosphere In which The Phonograph Known for Tone these hapless mortals are surrounded Agents wanted. Order direct from factory. 330 Eaat Morrison St.. Portland. Oregon. I is most displeasing. re* STR A D IV A R A PH O NOG RAPH CO. Any real effort to Improve their j mental qualifications is apart from the question, and contrary to their inmost wishes. n S ' / O T / f l N O t * ie W / C l . l A * h A a n - W O O D - L A R K " Though apostles of laxity, devotees (• T A ik .< lH M (h T o f empty pleasures and devout dis­ Grand A . m w at V.mh.U ciples at the shrine of prodigality, PO R TLAN D . ORE. P R IC E S : these disgruntled young men und j Quart. 75c: half women openly blame the world for gallon. $1.25; EXPERT their Imagined plight, often condemn­ gallon. $ LOO. ing their employers for holding them Order fr o m down, when as a matter o f fact their your dealer. If he hasn't it. employers have nothing whatever to ___ j we'll send you EXCELLENT SERVICE a gallon, charge* paid, for $2.00. Postage stamp* do with it. By Parcel Post Return Postage Paid. Write for accepted. The man or woman who Is really Circulars and Prices. Clarke, Woodward Drug Co., desirous of rising to the surface “A t Your B eck and Call” where he or site can swim with head PORTLAND. OREGON' above water must pull n hard, con­ If your R A D IA TO R heats or tinuous stroke, quite regardless of leaks, send it to us what others are doing. Armstrong Auto Radiator Co., It is the only way to keep at the 67 Burn ode street. Portland, Oregon top and keep moving ahead. E x p e rt a d vice on any Drifting is perilous to everybody incom e tux problems. PLEATING SPECIAL S everal y e a rs ’ actual who indulges in It, certain In the end Cut. seam, hem and machine OC « exp erien ce in G overn - L C ilL E to lead to disaster by wrecking the D D f l D I C I I Q n i e n t Bureaus is offered pleat skirt* ready for band. Hemstitching, Etc. r n U D L L I v l O t h o s e unable to v is it our fondest hopes and highest aspirations. EASTERN N O V E L T Y MFG. CO. office. S ta te your troubles b rie fly and Portland. Ore send in w ith $1 and w e w ill g iv e you hon­ 8 W Fifth st. In spite o f our vaunted pride of est to goodness advice. It w ill pay you to B R A Z IN G , W E L D IN G A C U T T IN G progress, drifting is becoming a na­ get In touch w ith us now. E. J. Curtin, N o rth w est W s id in g & Supply Co 1st St Room 806 L e w is Bldg., Portland, Oregon. C L E A N IN G A N D D Y E IN G tional habit, particularly among the F o r reliable C lean in g and puny-minded who bend their knee to D y e in g service send parcels to Fire Proof and Modern us. W e pay retu rn postage. the god of gold rather than to the In form ation and prices given god of wisdom. upon request. livery good thing in life Is meas­ PARK A N D M ORniSON STS. E N K tt’8 C IT Y D Y E W O R K S ured by such persons with the tape P Depot Morrison Cars direct to Hotel. Popular T stab lish ed lssu bearing the dollar mark and Its deci­ Price*. Center Shopping and Theater district. C U T F L O W E R S A F L C R A L D E S I& N S ^ mals, even morality, friendship and C larke Llius, Fluriots, 287 M orrison s>L__ F R A N K A. CLARK. Prop., formerly with Clyde Hotel. f o u n d r y a n d m a c h in e w o r k s love. C om m ercial Iron W orks, 7th A Madison. Yet alas! these handlers of this Mol.UK BARBER C ILLEGE Teach«, trade in S week.. Some pay w hile learn­ iniquitous tnpe line perversely la­ R A IN IE R H O T E L ing. Positions secured. Write for caulogua ment their position in life and condemn Fairs $1 00 asd op. 128 N.6 * S l FWrM. Or» 204 Burnside street. Portland, Ore. Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all the Irresponsible for faults and fail­ M O N U M E N T S — E. 3d and P in e Sts. Depot*, and one block from main Postoflke r ite * M arb le W o rk a ures that are their own. PERSONAL To make yourself worthy in any M arry If L o n e ly ; m ost successful "H o m e M a k e r "; hundreds rich ; con fiden tia l; calling it is necessary to prove your reliab le; y e a rs exp erien ce; d escription * worthiness. free. "T h e Successful C lu b ." M r*. Nash, Sox 556, Oakland. C alifo rn ia. __ And this cannot he done except by S A N IT A R Y B E A U T Y P A R L O R L ocated Sixth and H o y t honest endeavor, long hours of hard W e help the ap pearan ce o f women. S tric tly F ire p ro o f and M odern. N e a r T w e n ty -tw o Inch sw itch o r tran sfo rm a­ work and a manifest willingness tion, valu e $7 60 , p rice 32 15. both depots and con ven ien t car service always to put personal industry above 400 to 412 P ek u m Bldg. to all parts o f city. personal Indulgence. S H O E R E P A IR IN G IN P O R T L A N D * * * 3 Emporia, Kansas.— “ I began using Lydia E. Pwkhain’s medicines years ago m be* I was a girl. For several years I had severe pains at menstrual periods, m a k in g me v e r y weak and interfering with my regular du­ ties. 1 tried several remedies without ob­ taining relief. I was induced to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege­ table Compound t>y friends and i t r e ­ stored me to normal health. I often have occasion and do recommend your Vegetable Compound to my friends who have troubles similar to my own. You may u-ie these facts a3 a testimonial. E v a A l d r i c h , 218 Union St., Emporia, Kansas. There are many women who first used our Vegetable Compound during their girlhood days. They f >und it a valuable help during trying periods. In later years they use it whenever they feel those annoying symptoms which women often have. Lydia E. Pinkham’ s Vegetable Com­ pound is a woman's medicine. It is pre­ pared carefully front the best quality o f medicinal plants, whose properties are especially adapted tocorrect the troubles women nave. wil1 I " “ 1“ S ll°*- Granarlo... L a jo m o n t., «-to W atar- proof. Rotproor, Rutp M edusa ortlan d i Cem ent li Is k I * W 7 atorp SS ro o fod ... W h ite I P wrliana em ent tiie best fo r Stucco flu s te r on outside for fu n ffa - lo w »— D oes not stain and d irt can be hosed o ff W nt* for Literature. Sold by A. M cM ILLAN A CO.. East Ankeny Street, Corner Secor.d. BAB’S r e s t a u r a n t é â PORTLAND HIDE & WOOL CO. Si RADI PLIES F L E E R EPELLEN T Dyeing & Cleaning INFORMATION DEPARTMENT.. □ INCOME TAX R ITZ HOTEL H otel @ H oyt USED TRUCK BARGAINS 1 to 5 ton GMC, Republics, Whites, eti Send for our Li*t. WENTWORTH & IRWIN. Inc.. M odel Shoe R e p a ir. 272 XV a.snington 8L V E T E R I N A R I A N —-Cattle a S pecialty Dr., C has M A n . . ' i\ t land. W ed d ing 8 uqueta and Fu neral P ie c e . la ib n tn u ^ jri^ u isb c^ J H i^ lk irrlscn ^ S t^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Out for the Championship. An actor with a decided thrift strain O regon D istributors fo r G M C T rucks loo Second St., Cor. T a y lo r P ortlan d, Oi was told by a Broadway hotel mani­ cure girl that a certain fellow In town was called the champion tightwad be­ cause he only tipped her a dime. F IS T U L A ,F IS S U R E , Itch ­ “ W ell," said the actor, " I ’m going to in g and all o th er rectal conditions exc e p t Cancel take the championship away from perm anently cured w ith ­ him.” out a surgical operation P I LE S M y m ethod o f treatm en t saves the tissue instead of d estroyin g it. It is p ain ­ less, requ ires no an es­ th etic and is permanent. T h e re is no con fin em en t ___ to bed. no in terferen ce w ith business or social engagem ents. I ru a ra n tee a cure or w ill refund your fee. Call or w rite for b o o k le t M ention this paper when w ritin g. Bew are Falls. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating,” said the man who believes in the old maxims. “ Yes,” agreed the one who makes up news ones as he goes along, "and the higher the proof the better the eating.”— American Le­ Second and M orrison S t... P ortlan d, O r*. gion Weekly. DR. C. J. D E A N WAS INVENTION OF THE EVIL ONE F ork W a s So Considered in 1050 and W om an W ho Used One Incurred Heaven's W rath. Him was her vanity, and His wrath was made manifest unto her. so that, brandishing over her head the blade o f divine Justice, He straightway Investigations made as to the ex­ caused every part of her body to rot act period when people gave up eating away." with their fingers and resorted to All this for the heinous crime of forks have failed to give definite re­ using a fo rk ! As a matter of sober sults. fact, the doge's daughter-ln law nun It Is known, however, that. In the j year 1050, In Constantinople, the her husband were carried off In the daughter-in-law of Orseleoln, doge of great plagne o f 1OG0 among the vic­ Venice, used a fork to convey food tims of which. It may safely he said, fro m pUte t « mouth and therehj were many o f the faithful who ate with their fingers. greatly scanda'ized the faithful who appear to have censidered this inno­ Palmistry Note. vation as an invention of the evil one. I sax* Le Petit I ’arlsien, Paris. (Trans- | I f a girl’s hand Is as soft and white as a baby’s her stories o f doing a lot lated for the Kansas City Stnr.) Saint Peter Damien relates the af- ; o f housework are untrue.— Atchison fair with cons.dernble pious Indigr.a- Globe. tlon and, after explaining how tlie | Venetian print ess n.tnle use of a lit­ Poison. tle gold fork Instead of eating with i I f it Is absolutely necessary hat you her fingers, adds: have bottles In your medicine eale "But the Almighty Father made inet that contain poison ycu should known to this woman how odious to . plainly mark them “ rolson.” PAGE CALLS KING “OLD BEAN” To his horror th# secretary ad­ Uadr.d.— “ Would yon have the kind­ ness to nsk the nee ret ary to speak on dressed the person who had rung up the telephone?" This message, re­ as “ your majesty.” Shortly afterward a message came ceived by s pace st the Military club o f Madrid, so astounded him by its that the page wlls to go to the palace. politeness that he thought one of the There the king received him and gave other boys was having a joke on him. him a lflO-pe*eta note, saying laugh­ ingly, "There you are. old henn,” and H e therefore replied: “ Hold the line, old hean (or the invited him to pass the rest o f the aft- Spanish equivalent), and I’ll give him 1 emoon at the palace with the royal tfh.ldrem. to yon.” R IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL 5 IDDIES SIX I Sv Will M. Maupin | a iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiim iiit iiiiiiiim iiir A F T E R W H IL E E AHK going to “ cut the mus­ tard.” Afterwhile. Likewise he "all to the custard," Afterwhile. But today we're In poor fettle. So we’ll let our feelings settle; But we're going to show our mettle Afterwhile. W W e will wipe out all Injustice Afterwhile. We'll do lots Of big things— trust us— Afterwhile. But today is full of pleasure And Its golden hours w ell treasure; But we ll start on some grout measure Afterwhile. It’s the greatest country ever— Afterwlille. Anil to reach it’s our endeuvor, Afterwlille. But today we'll spend In dreaming, Wasting hours o f golden gleaming; And await n glad dawn s beaming Afterwhile. (C o p yrigh t by <) ----------------- Uncommon Sense By------------ JOHN Bl A k t BE A GOOO LOSER I T W E all liked to lose, this would ^ be a shiftless and an ambitlonlesa life. It is natural to want to win In any competition, business or athletic. Any self-respecting man would like to feel that he can outstrip the other fellow In any race he enters. He feels chagrined when he loses. But If he amounts to anything he does not show It. To whine, to lose yonr temper, to invent excuses, to show Jealousy If you lose. Is poor s|>ortsmnnship and poAr Judgment. You may feel badly because you have lost, and you ought to, but re­ member that you, and no one else, are responsible. For If the competition was one In which yon had no chance of winning you shouldn't have entered it. I f you did have a chance, it was yonr fault that you did not Improve It. Be a good loser, therefore, and gen­ erous to your opponent. But don't lose too often. Don’t he so little concerned shout losing that you never try to win. Don't feel that It mnkes no differ­ ence how the race goes. When It Is over have a quiet little conversation with yourself, and give general In­ structions not to let the same thing happen again. There is such a thing ss being so good a loser that you like to lose And there are no competition« run off In this world which you can afford to enter merely for the pleasure of letting some other man win. .You are perfectly justified In feel­ ing had when you have logt. You are Justified In taking yourself Into a corner for a lecture on the folly of los'ng. The continual loser will in the end have to part with his »e lf respect and Ms courage, and become a mere cumherer o f the earth. T ry to win aa hard as yo'i can. I f you lose next time make up yonr mind that you will win the next. D * temtine that you will win ofrener t! an you lose and that you will win as nearly 100 per cent as possible. Then when you do lose, you can beer It with a better grace, for you wilt 7 • • w tin t such a thing i not going to happe-i very frequently, fC o p yrigh t by John B U kc) W ill M M aupin.) -------- O------- (® , 1322, by McClura N>w*pap*r Syndicate ) ---------------- = Mothers CooR Dook T h is w o rld '» need is men and women g re a t enough to be sm all enough to be used. D CUING days a the mid-summer sultry cool drink, Ice, or frozen cream Is always acceptable. Date Sandw ich Cookies. Take one packnge of dutes. stone and chop; mix with one cupful of orange marmalade, one cupful of chopped nuts, l ’repare a white cookie mixture, roll out very thin, plaee a spoonful of the mixture In the center and cover with another cookie; sprinkle with sugar und hake In n moderate oven. These cookies may he cut In fancy shapes, baked and then he put together with the filling, if one so desires. Lemon Cske. Ynke three-fourths of a cupful of butter, cream It, adding two cupfuls of sugar gradually. Beat the whites of seven eggs and add to the creamed butter and sugar a spoonful at a time. Beat well, add three cupfuls of sifted flour, four tenspoonfuls of baking pow­ der, the grated peel of one lemon alternately with one cupful o f milk. Fold In the whites at the last. Bake In three layer pans. B ak ed + % % w w w %w w w w w w w %w w w %» w w w %%« j THE FRIENDLY PATH By W A L T E R I. ROBINSON 44\1I7K - AHK not especially * * concerned about how you feel when you enter our store, but we are exteremely anxious to know how you feel when you leave." This sign greets the eyes of customers entering one o f the big. successful stores In un eastern city. It Is an Indication of the new attitude many en­ gaged in commercial business are assuming. * There was a period followdng lhi‘ armistice when In virtually all Mg cities many of those en­ gaged in selling found business so brisk (hat they did not deem it necessary to keep the patrons smiling while they separated them from tiieir money. Too many of the customers, in fuct, did find enjoyment In spending, ami they may he partially blamed for the indifference of merchants to please. But, with the drop In business und profits, it is encouraging to find a re­ birth of the oid-fashloned regard for courteous ami square deal­ ing. Such sentlnfent as that ex­ pressed in tlie quotation given ubove is evidence that, willingly or unwillingly, those engugt‘d In business desire to re-estahllsh old-time friendly relations with those who triule with them. With the changed attitude there Is certain to come a hlgh«T regard for principle, upon which In large iimnsure the happiness of business people Is dependent. There shouhl, therefore. 1«? no wide regrets among those who have to retluce prices to such an extent that profits decreased rea- sonatdy below the peak level. Not alone because of the greater happiness which results from honest principles In business, hut also due to the satisfaction «if gr< a ter volume In business, as­ sured through the law of dimin­ ishing returns, should business people he thankful that they and their customers are canning to meet again on more friendly term*. I.et everyone remember these words «>f Skelton: “ Our principles nre the springs of our action; our actions, the springs of «>ur happiness or mis­ ery. T« hi much rare, therefore, cannot he taken In forming our principles.” ((0 by th « W h M ifr Syndicate, Inc ) --------o -------- A pplet. xv.*«»-n V » w « : « * * r V »a.) ‘ Documental Vessel.'* This term is applied to a vessel car­ rying official documents to establish her identity and her rights In trade. In tho case -of a vessel trading with foreign countries and eugaging in the whale fisheries, this document Is call­ ed a certificate of registry. T o H S v e a C le a r Sweet Skin. Touch pimple», redness, roughness or itching, If any, with Cuticura Oint­ ment, then bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Itinse, dry gently and dust on a little Cuticura Talcum to leave a fascinating fragrunce on skin. Everywhere l!5c each.— Adv. Some Risk in Everything. While It may he true that the man who risks nothing gains nothing, it is also true'that gain does not depend on risk alone. In all business there is an element of risk, but In business this element ìb smaller than It Is In specu­ lation. “Colleen” and ‘ M avourneen." In Ireland a girl is called a “ col­ leen.” "Mavourneen” Is the Irish term of endearment for a girl or woman, In other words, the Irish for "sweetheart.” H a s the R ig h t Idea. A clever traveling man studies his customer and you can’t blame him for regarding a stubborn man as a puzzle to be worked out as well as a human being. T he H orse In Painting. No real Interest Is taken I n 'th e horse until Van Dyke's time, he and Rubens doing more for it than a ll the previous painters put together. Rubens w as a good rider, and rode nearly every day.— Ruskin. F irst P aisle y H andkerchiefs. A H isto rical Exam ple. The first Instance of disquieting overhead was probably the sword of Damocles.— Boston Herald. R ave n * M ate fo r Life. Ravens pair for life, and use the same nest year after year. R e d C i o ss B A L L l " I - V !/ j / * FROMISI.NO. a y f T~ grass widow to a gran» » M o w e r to- m Li i , j - (fY r B LU E . I Introduced 'i> > anything come o f It? C an 't toll. They W ill exchanged refer- j»!l Shot making Is one of the few in­ dustries that have hardly changed in more than 100 years. Molten lead ia still poured from the top of a shot tower. Small sizes require a drop of 100 feet, tho larger r«>qulre a longer full of nearly double that height. The first paisley handkerchief was made In 1743. Handkerchiefs wrought and edged with gold used to be worn by Elizabethan gentlemen In their hats as favors from ladles, their cash value being small. Green Peas Franca!*«. (• Shot M a k in g Is Unchanged. ONte IttN O ltfH Core and peel go.nl flavored apples. Place on a round of bread that has been buttered. Fill the cavity o f -the apple with sugar and butter creamed together, "adding a hit of ginger, pine­ apple or other fruit If desired. Bake In a alow oven, hasting the apples often with melted hotter and sugar and with the Juice from the apple. Serve hot on the rounds o f bread which by this time are well soaked with the luscious syrup. I'cars and peaches may be prepare«! In this same manner. Wash the peas before aliening, then shell the peas and put the po«H on to cook for fifteen minutes or longer In enough cold water to Just k«-ep from •Torching. Use this water, hot, to put the freshly shcllwil pens on to cook. a«ld two green onions, a sprig of parsley, and a head of lettw e well washed and dry; there should be added two tahlespoonful* of bulter and cover the kettle closely. Cook slowly one hour. This Is a «lellclmis dlsb and one which will b« often served after ««ice testing. Ladies Keep Your Skin Clear, Sweet, Healthy W ith Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Talcum m enceat Afe Yw Satisfied? ■ the hlgg'st. most perfectly Rulla la the iorth- T fram ra in in g 8rh«ot I Fit y o u r s d f fo r a higher position I - w ith m ore m oney P er le sal p s«ta ns assured our H ra d u atra W r it * fo r r a t e ò « — Fourth and Yi Por (land IH. --------------------- P. N. U. No. *3, 1922