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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1922)
» n r / 4 A U I N V I T E S T H E WM W O R L D lij / O F [«[Irl V / k R L U ir 11 çH? • n ^ 1 « J im \. -mi ’ *!» OFFERS A M A R K E T FO R Y O U R P R O D U C E PORTLAND Portland. O r«fM V A U D EV ILLE PHOTO PLAYS Complet«* Chan*« Saturday. Adulta. Mannt*«. ¿Oc: Fvening«. SOc. Continuous l to 11 p. m. ChiUlrvn 10 cent« all times. M E D U S A Waterproofed CE M E N T _ . W a te r w ill m ake Silos, G ranaries, Basem ents, _ etc proof, K otproof, Hat proof and F irep ro of M edusa W a terp ro o fed W h ite P ortlan d Cem ent Is the t e s t fo r Stucco P la s te r on outside fo r B u nga lows— L>u»s not stain and d irt can be hosed o ff Write for Literature. Sold by A M cM ILLAN Jk CO.. 340-360 Fast Ankeny Street Corner Second. OFFERS WATER TROUGHS BEEKEEPING BIG OPPORTUNITIES EASY TO BUILD Good Plan to Select Well Drained Site to Prevent Stock From Making Mud Holes. ALSO PACK AND LEVEL LAND Cement Wash Can Be Applied With Brush or Broom and Makes Smooth Surface and Also Ire sure« Water-Tightness. Clover Region Particularly Adapt ed to Industry. I Few Places in Which It Is Not Possi ble to Keep Honey Gatherers With Good Profit Under Proper Management. (F r*i»«re d I b j tbff l 'u l> 1 S ta te« ot Agriculture.) lK pa rttn en t The clover region of the United States oilers splemlld opportunities for beekeeping. These possibilities, to ___ ELITE SHOP, 128J Tenth near Washington. gether with the requirements neces sary for the success of the undertak (B y XV. O. K aiser, A gricu ltu ral Engineer.) ing, are discussed lu a recent publica The construction of a concrete trough tion of the United States Department like that shown in the drawing Is of Agriculture, Farmer«' Bulletin 1215, We Fay Highest Prices for HIDES. FELTS. WOOL. MuHAlK. not a difficult task and any furuier can Beekeeping In the Clover lieglou, by 109 V M M tvlNUi NOflTH. PO RTIA«#, OftCBON. CASCARA HARK. Write tor Prices and Shipping Tags Address Dei*artment B build It. K. F. Phillips and George S. Demuth A watering trough should be pluced of the division of Bee-Culture Investi on well drained ground, because under gations. While not all purts of the the best of conditions the livestock will clover region are equally good, there in time make mud holes unless u plat are few places. It is |<oiuted out. In /r a m - W O O D - L A R K " O f l i N O « / C l t A H i N O form Is built, or the holes around the which it Is not possible to keep bees CSTAJftM SM M SM T trough are filled In as soon as they with profit under proper management. Crsrd Avenue at Yamhill are made. Sometimes It Is udvlsuble The typical clover region occupies PO RTLAN D . ORE. PR IC ES: Quart. 73c; half to put the trough on a small knoll in the northeastern part of the United order that the wuter will quickly States, extending west Into Minnesota galioa. #1 25; EXPERT druin away. anil south approximately to the Ohio ga llo n . f!.00. The ground under the trough should river and Mason and Dixon's line. It Order fr o m your dealer. If not only be druiued but also leveled appears on the west coast In Wash __ he . hasn't it, and packed. EXCELLENT SERVICE ington and Oregon. In both east and we’ ll send you Outside Form of Trough. west the region extends Into Canada, By Parçfcl Post. Return Postage Paid. Write ior a gallon, charges paid, for $2.uu. Postage stamps accepted. * Circulars and Prices. The outside forms of the trough are " A t Your and Call ” Clarke, Woodward Drug Co., made o f one Inch boards and 2 by 4- lneh pieces as shown in the drawing. PORTLAND. OREGON F.xpert a d vice on any After these forms have been securely Incom e tax problems. I f y o u r R A D I A T O R h eats ot S everal y e a rs ’ actual braced, the concrete can be deposited experien ce in G overn - leaks, s en d it to ua. In the bottom to hulf the depth o f the m ent Bureaus is o ffered Ith -»e ui 11 > 1 e to \ isit our floor. Reinforcement consisting of \k o ffic e S ta te your trout>les b rie fly and A r m s tr o n g A u to R a d ia to r Co., inch round rods are then placed on aend in w ith f l and w e w ill g iv e you hon est goodness advice. It w ill pay you to ' 57 burnside street.___________ Portland. Oregon the partly constructed floor. These g e t Ip touch with us now E. J. Curtin, rods are bent In “ U" shape so that Room 806 L e w i s Bldg. , Port l and, Oregon. We can show* you how to turn your patentable the ends will project up Into the sides ?■ Fire Proof and M o d e rn ! ideas into cash. Oregon Licensed Meehan trad Engineer. THOMAS iilL Y E U . tM Stevens and reinforce the walls. A ll the rods Building. Portland. Ore. are bent to the proper shape before any concrete work Is started, so that P A R K A N D M O R R IS O N STS. they can be quickly put In and the re Depot Morrison Cars direct to Hotel. Popular ; mainder of the concrete floor pluced Prides. Center Shopping and 1 heater district. without delay or making any Joints. T R A N K A. CLARK. Prop., formerly with Clyde Hotel. The Inside form which has been Cut. seam, hem and machine Q C r p n fc made previous to mixing any of the pleat skirts realv for hand. 0\J l. C ilia concrete Is then quickly lowered In R a in ie r h o t e l Hemstitching. Etc. E A S T E R N N O V E L T Y M F G . CO. proper place and fastened to the out R.k>ri OOud*. 128 N. «6 Si IVtlasi Ore 85 Mi Fifth St._______ _ Portland O n Very Centrally Located Convenient to all side forms with clumps as shown in B R A Z I N G , W E L D I N G A. C U T T I N G Depots, and one block from main Postoffice N o rth w s at W eld in g »v Supply Co 85 1st St the drawing. Speed Is necessary In CLEAN IN G AND DYEING order that the walls can quickly be F o r reliable C lean in g and at-**- D yein g aervieb send parcels to pluced so there will be a strong bond Beekeeper Should Take Pains to Get us. W e pay retu rn poalq^e. between walls and floors. Best Strain«. Fruit tn*o<r budded from bearing sr**h- In form ation and prices given arda. Apple. Tear. CLerry, Peach. Plum. Insure Water-Tightness. upon request. Frune. Apricot, Quince. Grape Vinsa __ EN’ K E ’ S C IT Y D Y E W O R K S In order to Insure water-tightness a some of the best portions being lo SF rubbery, l ’lants. Eaapbem«;*. PlacM- 1 ______________ herrles, Logans. Dewberries. Asparagus 1 :2:3 mixture of concrete Is recom cated north of the national boundary. Rhubarb, Flowering Khrol*. K *m. C U T F L O W E R S <t F L O R A L D E S I G N S ▼toes, Hedr«, Nut tad 8h«<1s Trsea. mended. This means 1 sack of cement Limited areas o f less value are found Carriage paid. Satbf action guarautesdL | C la rke Bros., Florists, 287 M orrison rft.___ to 2 cubic feet of sand and 3 cubic outside these boundaries. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS W A S H IN Q T O N N U R S E R Y C Q C »mmercial Iro n W o r k » , 7th Jk M ad ison.__ The opportunities for beekeeping In T op p en lsh . W a a h ln gto n . MOl i It BARBER ( OLI l 1 • E this region, are not being utilized as | Salesmen everywhere. Mure wanted. l Teaches trad« in 8 weeks. Some pay while learn- completely os in some other beekeep I ing. Positions secured. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnside street. Portland. Ore. __ _ ing regions of the country. There ure ' M O N U M E N T S — E. 3d and P i n t Sts. vast areus of the clover region not ad U tto humann (. ~ W orka. equately covered by bees, and also PERSONAL M arry if L o n e ly ; m ost successful “ Hom e many pluces where, because of the Locat ed Si xth and H o y t M ak er” ; hundreds rich; con fiden tia l; reliab le; years exp erien ce; descriptions | methods of beekeeping practiced, the S tric tly F ire p ro o f and M odern. N ear free. T h e Successful Club,” Mrs. Nash, beekeepers are falling to produce the •Loth depots and convenient car service I Box 556, Oakl and, C a l i f o r n i a . ________ I best possible crops. to all parts o f city. INTELLIGENT PRi >1)1 Beekeeping to he profitable In this MARKETING region must he conducted with all pos-. Y o u w ill g e t h igh er returns for your | slide skill. Better methods, It Is be I produce if you w ill use our new methods ! b efo re shipping an y product to market. lieved, will result In a greater devel W r i t e U s at Once. 1 to a ton GMC, Republics. V\ hites, etc. opment of the Industry, Because of W e Wi l l Be Pleased to Tel l Y o u H o w Send for our List. the presence o f European foulbrood in some parts of the clover region, and es P O R T L A N D , ORE. pecially because o f the superior qual O regon D istributors fo r O M C T ru ck * When You Get This Tank Finished It ity of the Italian race of bees, the bee SA NITA RY B E A U TY PARLOR 2 Second S|.r C or T a y lo r Portland. Oi W e help the appearar u e o f women. Will Last as Long as You'll Probably keeper of this region will find It great T w e n ty -tw o inch sw itch or tra n sfo rm a Ever Need It. tion, value $7 60, price $2 15. ly to his advantage to keep this va 400 to 412 L'ekum Bldg. Italian bees ure able, under S H O E R E P A I R I N G IN P O R T L A N D feet o f pebbles or crushed rock. riety. M Kiel Shot He pair, 272 Vv ashing ton 8t. F IS T C f.A ,F IS S U R E . Itch- The aggregates should he free from good management, to clean out the in g and all pther rectal D avis Bros , A m erican Shoemakers, sticks, soil or foreign material. Only larvae dead o f European foulbrood. conditions except C a n ter 108 4th S t . _________________ ______________ perm an en tly cured w ith enough clean water should be used Not all strains of this race are equal V E T E R I N A R I A N — Cat t e a Speci al ty out a surgical operation. Dr. Chas M. Anderson, K en ton . Portland In mixing to make concrete o f a Jelly- ly good for this purpose, and the bee M y m ethod o f treatm en t keeper should take pains to get the saves the tissue instead of We d d i n g Bouquets and F uner al Pieces like consistency. d estroyin g it It is p ain Lublin* r Kli.nsis, 2.48 M oirison St._________ As the concrete Is placed it should best. less, requires no anes Copies o f the bulletin may be had th etic and is perm anent. he spaded next to the forms In order Historic Date. T h e re is no con fin em en t free upon addressing a request to the to force the larger rocks hack Into the __ to beiL no in terferen ce I w ith business or social engagem ents. I | On June 2, 1875, while experiment mass and let the mortar work out Department of Agriculture, Washing gu arantee a cure or w ill refund your fee. , ing on his harmonic telegraph, Alex against the forms, resulting In a ton, D. C. C all or w rite for booklet M ention this ander Graham Bell made the discov smooth, dense surface. paper when w ritin g. ery that led to the construction of the As soon as the concrete has hard PROPER BALANCE TO MANURE first telephone. ened sufficiently to he self-sustaining, Second and M orrison Sts., Portland, Ore. the Inside form Is removed and the Some Farmers Try Llltle Experiment on Small Piece of Land to interior of the trough given a cement Find Condition. wash made by mixing cement and wa ter until it Is about as thick as cream. It Is a pretty good id ea , and one fol This wash can l»e put on with an or dinary brush or broom. The wash will lowed by a lot of hard headed, prac tical farmers, to balance the barnyard Few Persons Know Real Meaning of demon. To mind one's I"s and Q's: A make a smooth surface and Insure manure a little with either rock or the Words They A rt Mak reference to the pints and quarts water-tightness. acid phosphate. Barnyard manure Is ing Use Of. The Inside of the trough is given a chalked up In country public houses ri a * slop« outward toward the top. Tills Is a balunced ration when It comes to against credit customers. Th'prt» arc'ninny expressions made Important because If water freezes In plant foods for some crops. That la use of by pepsnns every day who little the tank, the pressure will lift the why some farmers try a little exiterl- Habits of Land CraL*. know the real meaning of the words lee and thereby prevent the formation ment on a half acre or so of ground The land crabs are found all over Just to see what their land lacks. they are making use of. Why, for of crack In the walls. the world. Those in the West Indies About forty or fifty pounds o f add instance, does A 1 mean "first rate?” For a trough o f the size shown In are fond of sugar cane. A remark phosphate per ton of manure, or 4**1 and why does "first rate" moan some the drawing, the following materials to 500 pounds per acre, may be applied thing o f the highest degree of ex able pilgrimage is made, on the less w 111 t«e needed: frequented o f tnese islands, by these to a small part o f the field, and the cellence? A 1 is derived from the sytn- j Materials Required for Tank. They live for the results will show whether It will pay hoi denoting ships In the U-st conill- purple crabs. Outside dimensions ......... I ft. 2 in. by 2 fL greater part o f the year upon the W a lls .................................. 2 ft. 2 In. high to put the fertilizer on the whole field. tion in "Lloyd’s Registry of Shipping,” j t In. thick It makes the add phosphate easy to and "first rate* Is an allusion to a 1 high lands several miles from the Flo o rs ................................. C on crete M ixture ............ 1 2.1 apply simply to spread It evenly on warship of the highest class. To have sea; hut once a year, in May or June, Volum e o f Concrete ........ I k eu. yd. they leave their holes and move at the top of each spreader load of nn n g f to grind la f r o « the American Materials Required. night In vast columns, often three manure so that each ton o f the backwoodsmen's practice of catling at P ortlan d cem ent ............. » sucks manure will carry with It the above houses ostensibly to grind an axe, but miles long and 2*») feet wide, to the Sand ....................................k cu. yd. sea. No obstacle stands In the way P ebbles o r broken atone . 1 cu. yd. mentioned amount of the phosphate. in reality to obtain a drink. Bogus: j From Borchese, a swindler who about o f this remarkable army on Its march la-in. round steel rods ... 215 ft. <3SH lb.) For each additional foot o f length to the sea. 1S.TT in Boston passed worthless so- I ALFALFA SEEDED IN SUMMER add to the foregoing quantities: cnrltles. To take the enke: Allusion to P ortlan d cem ent ..............1 aack Nature Note. the prize of a cake id negro cake- Sand ....................................2 cu. fL Considerable Succees Attained at Uni In a diplomatic family the new baby j Pebblea or broken stone . 2 cu. ft. walking contests, flue deuce: From versity of Illinois In Rotation 1%-in. round steel rods . . . 2 2 ft. (3% lb ) always resembles the relative with the German "das da us,", l ’ossibly con- With Corn. b ,. ted with the Cel tie "dill,” a wood the most money. HEMSTITCHING AND PLEATING . Buttonholing: — Buttons — P la itin g — T u ck in g and Chainstltchtng A ll M ail O rders g iv en carefu l and prom pt atten tion BAB’S RESTA URANJ _1 I s - f S a PORTLAND HIDE & WOOL CO. i FLE E PELLENT Dyeing & Cleaning Beck INCOME TAX □ PROBLEMS PATENT ATTORNEY R IT Z H O T E L IN F O R M A T IO N D E P A R SPECIAL T M E N T ., PLEATING COULD HARDLY STAND AT TIMES Hips, Back and Legs Would Have That Tired Ache Everett, Waahington. — “ For several years 1 have had trouble with the lowest par . o f my back and CLEAN EGGS ARE ESSENTIAL my hips and my legs would ache with that Change of Nesting Material Whenever tired ache. 1 could hardly stand on my Dirty Will Help— Have Plenty feet at times. 1 was Fresh Litter. always able to do my work although 1 did Poultrymen need not be at the nest not feel good. 1 saw to wipe Mrs. Biddy's feet before she Lydia E. 1’inkham’s enters to mnke her dally contribution V e g e t a b le C o m to Ihelr profits, hut If the hen house pound advertised and having heard several Is so arranged that her feet will be praise it 1 decided to clean and will not dirty the egg, It try i t I feel first-rate at the present will mean added profit for him. time. It has done wonders for me and Dirty eggs are n second-rate product 1 keep it in the house right along, I on any market; so are washed eggs. always recommend it to others who are This means that the egg must he pro sick and ailing.” - Mrs. J. M. S ib u lk t , duced clean, which further means 4032 High St., Everett, Washington. To do any kind o f work, or to play for clean nests and clean feet. Clean nests are easy—comparative that matter, is next to impossible if you ly. A change o f nesting material are suffering from some form o f female trouble. It may cause your back or your whenever It gets dirty will do away legs to ache, it may make you nervous with the danger o f soiling from this and irritable. You may be able to keep source, and special care must be taken up and around, but you do not feel good. to see that the hints do not rc«»st on Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Com the edge of the nests at night. pound is a medicine for women. It is Keeping the birds’ feet clean Is a especially adapted to relieve the cause much more difficult proposition. First of the trouble and then these annoying of all It Is most essential to have a pains, aches and “ no good ” feelings disappear. clean doormat In the shape of fresh It has done this for many, many wo litter nnd plenty of It on the floor at men; why not give it a fair trial—now. all times; secondly, do not let the birds out on muddy days when their feet are bound to get daubed up. Most Important of all, keop the dropping boards clean. Dally scrap ings are preferable, but If n poultry mnn feels that he has not the time foi this, they should he cleaned at least Ointm ent.TnL’ um .*«- everyw h ere For e»r»>i.Tae C a tie a r * L e b o r e t e i le e D e p t X. M wideu.ldass twice a week. A cage of one inch or one nnd one-half Inch poultry wire tacked under the perches and over the dropping hoards will prevent the birds from walking on the boards, nnd In cidentally will catch any eggs that are Strike Rockefeller In the rocketbnok. dropped In the night. Huy Our Franklin Our— u m I cmm gm»- oline. give* better mileage and ride» Even with this extra care, the poul- easier than any oar you ever »aw. trynian must expect some dirty egg-*, The full elliptic »i>ringa taken the bump» out and a word of advice on how to clean of the road you arrive at your d**«tination them might he timely. The so-called fresh ax a (laitty at minimum coat. You can buy another car with the amount you will plain dirties, those soiled by dirty nave in tire» anti gasolene if you run a Frank feet and dirty nests, are easily cleaned lin long enough. with a soft, damp cloth, which should IlarRain at $650 Ca*h he used only on dirty spots. Be care- Keep Your Skin-Pores Active and Healthy With Cuticura Soap USED FRANKLIN FOR SALE AM E RIC AN NE W SPAPE R ASSOCIATION 420 U. S. Nut'l Hank Hltlg., Hit Business Secret. "Kindly Inform tho court how you managed to keep your credit open,” was demanded during a trial for bank ruptcy. "Certainly," replied the de fendant. "but allow me to suggest that I Impart this Information behind closed doors. There are several o f my com petitors present, and I have no desire to teach them the secret.” H otel H oyt c /; Duty's Call Imperative. USED TRUCK BARGAINS Duty 1» a power that rises with us In the morning and goes to rest with us at night. It is co-extensive with the action of our Intelligence. It is the shadow that cleaves to us, go where we will.— W. E. Gladstone. WENTWORTH & IRWIN, Inc., RUBY & COMPANY, 169 FRONT ST. P I L E S DR. C. J. D EAN EXPLAIN SOME OLD EXPRESSIONS HELD UP ON WAY TO DOCTOR Negro Bandit Inflicts Scalp Wound in Struggle With Blind Victim in New York. New Tork.— Walter. A.’ Green, six ty-one years old. accidentally used Iodine on his eyes instead of an eye wash and was temporarily blinded. He put on a few clothes and was hurry ing to the doctor’s when a negro MILDEW WIPED OFF LEATHER Damp Cloth or 8oap and Warm Wa ter Will Be Found Satisfactory — Then Oil Lightly. stopped him and hit him on the head. Inflicting a scalp wound. Green fonght. The police say he I When mildew has developed on polled a revolver and fire*! one shot j leather goods It should 1» wiped off during the struggle. Then, they any, with a damp cloth or washed off with the negro took the pistol from him | soap and warm water, and the and ran away with It. Green and hie I leather oiled lightly with castor or w ife say he had only an imitation re-1 neat's-foot oil and well dried after volver. which was a perfume sprayer. wards. These simple methods for pre Green’s head and **}*•» were treated in I venting and removing mold are satis a hospital. j factory and safe. Portland. Oregon Well Selected and Graded Eggs for Market. Another Impending Apology. ful not to rub them dry. hut to allow Western Paper— The officers of the them to dry by standing In the air. It Is very Important that the gelatinous Young Women s club are to be painted coating which seals tin- egg should not and put In commission for the season. he sooked off, ns this covering Is germ- — Boston Transcript. proof and serves as a natural means of keeping the eggs fresh. His Woes. A bachelor has his troubles. Every time he meets a family Into which he would like to marry he discovers Seven Excellent Rules Suggested by there's no daughter. Missouri College to Increase Profits on Eggs. Cuticura Comforts Baby's Skin Here are seven rules suggested by When red, rough nnd itching with hot the Missouri College of Agriculture 1 baths of Cuticura Soap and touches of Also make use that will Increase the profits from the Cuticura Ointment. now nnd then of that exquisitely scent summer flock: I ’roduce Infertile eggs by removing ed dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum, the roosters from the flock in the one o f the Indispensable Cuticura Toilet Trio.— Adv. summer time. Provide clean nests and keep eggs clean. “ Luck.” I>o not wash eggs. Luck is generally described as some Gather eggs twice dally during the summer to prevent them from being thing that happens seemingly by chance. It may be an event, either heated by the hen. Keep them In a cool dry place, j good or evil, which affects the Inter away from the flies. ests or happenings of an Individual, Market them at least twice each but this happening Is entirely casual. week. ! "Lucky," however, carries the Idea of Insist that they he bought on a j good luck only. quality, graded basis. MONEY FROM SUMMER FLOCKS The Right Word. Taxes are "Imposed” and they are i generally considered an imposition.— Boston Transcript. Bell surplus cockerels as soon as Daily Thought. marketable. s e e Trust that man in nothing who has Keep growing chirks and laying not a conscience In everything.— hens separate throughout the summer. Sterne. • • • Remember that little chickens do not require feeding until they are Considerable success has been at forty-eight hours old. • • • tained in seeding alfalfa on the dairy Home folks occasionally take the farm at the University of Illinois th e fin e « ! p r o d u c t o f it« k m .I ir where a rotation o f corn for silage roosts down and wash them with boil w h o h u u sed w o r ld . E v e ry w n m en and nIf»lfa for hay av* the principal ing soapsuds to kill all lice. b e tie r . ■ i t n o w , ih ia e u I r m e li, l o e • e crops. Fall wheat Is town after the Give your hens careful attention corn is cut for the silo. The next year the wheat stubble Is plowed as early during the molting season, nnd you as possible and a very thorough seed will get many m»re eggs next winter. Is the biggest, most perfectly equipped Business Training Sr bool In the N orth • • • l>ed prepared. The alfalfa Is seeded west. n t yen reelf for a higher position liens to be marketed are those fhjt with more m nay permanent positions as soon as there Is sufficient rain. our (iraduatea. About the 28th of Kepteniher wheat Is ha ve a decidedly crooked breast-bone, assured tv rit* for catalog—Fourth and T ana MU. scaly legs or l«»ng toe nails, or are j Portland. drilled. This gives a crop o f wheat ind two cuttings of alfalfa the next "broken down" behind, or hare abdo P. N. U. No. 31, 1922 mens that are fat and hard. fear. R ■ i# ■ ■ t e d C r o s s 6LUI fh* B « Are Vo* SatuM? K M r & B a ' I