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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1922)
Ira C. r owell P re sid e n t J . B. V, B uiier F. E. C h am b ers V ice P re sid e n t C lares C. P ow ell, Asst. C ash ier CssKier Build permanently First National Bank Build with fireproof OF W e H a v e A d d e d to O u r B anking Savings B u s in e s s the Department R e t u r n L im it Central Clay Products Co. W h i c h R e c e iv e s D e p o s it s F r o m $ 1 . 0 0 U p , to W h i c h is Added DR. F. R. BO W ER SO X S em i-an n u al Interest at the Rate MONMOUTH Portland Brick or Building Tile M O N M O U T H , OREGON Fishback of Salem w ere Wednesday there was a good prospect for ducks and Thursday evening visiters at and he thought to try his luck. the old home place here. With a grudge to settle J. V. made Frank Lefever was a business ready the muzzle loader foi his rel ative. Onto an extra large charge visitor in Monmouth Monday. of powder he rammed down hard the wads. The u.icle never shot a to second time for the recoil of the R -r-re v e n g e first shot almost dislocated his J . V. Webber says holidays re shoulder and tore a gash in his minds him of one that he didn't cheek from chin to ear. The uncle take. He wanted to go hunting was a very mean man J. V. asserts and return ducks hut his uncle said "No” , by way of extenuation. SALE DATES there being work in the barn where | he had to clean from under and The Herald wishes correspondents Friday, S a tu r in neighboring communities. For i clean off fifteen mules. The uncle day & Sunday was no hunter hut a little later particulars apply at this office. W hen you build ONLY $3.10 P H Y S I C I A N U SI R C ,E O S of P H O N E Four percent perA nnum Y o u r s a v in g s a c c o u n t t o - g e th e r w ith c o m m e r c ia l business in vite d . 3303 3303 B. F. B U T L E R D e n tis t Po*t office bldg. Capital.......................................... $30,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $34,000.00 M onm outh I ^ ASK A G E N T A B O U T 15 DAY AND SEASON FARES N O S . O F F IC E H O U SE Tuesday fol- lowing sale dates Frequent Service at Convenient Hours with all modern travel comforts. F ur f u r th e r p a r tic u la r s a sk a g e n t* Southern Pacific Lines J ohn O regon M. S c o t t , G en eral P a s se n g e r A g e n t MONMOUTH H E IG H T S A. M A R A N T Mr. and Mrs. Dow Hamar made F ire Insurance, R e a l E s ta te a business trip to Corvallis one day Directors a n d S u re ty B onds last week. J. B. V. Butler, Chairman I. M. Simpson Mrs. Lillie Johnson and sons Farl R elia b le Service Wm. Riddell Robert Steele Ira C. Powell and Raymond of Elkins visited her W o o d S a w i n g per cord sister Ina and brother Pearl at the Hard wood. twice cut, 90c Fishback home Thursday and Fri .5HSaSHS2SÏSSSHSHSHS2SHSESESESa5HSZSZ5HS2SaSZ5ÏSHSHS2SZ5^52SÏSl “ 3 times in two $1.15 day. Fir, twice in two80c; 3 cuts $1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alderman of near Dallas were last week end S . H . H in k le , Phone 2411 guests of relatives here. George Swearingen and son Merle J . O. M A TTH IS hauled George Chesebro's grain'to W e b a k e e v e r y t h i n g w e sell. Physician and Surgeon Monmouth last week. P h o n e 573 House 867W Riddell Brothers started their Office: 409-10 P.ank of Commerce Bldg, threshing machine Monday. S alem Ore. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shipley were up to Monroe on business last Fri M onm outh a n d In d e p e n d e n c e day. A uto-B us Schedule L c a v e a M o n m o u th L a a v w In d e p e n d e n c e Sam Muhleman of Talmadge saw 7.10 a. m. North Bound 7.38 a. m. ed wood for A. J. Shipley one day j 1.50 p. m. “ 2.22 p. m. B a k e r y and Tea S hop last week. 5.10 “ “ “ 5.38 “ j 10.00 a. m. South Bound 10.25 a. m. "Pap” Lorence of Cochrane is 3.15 p .m . 3.18 p. m. threshing grain in this vicinity this 6.45 •* 7.15 “ Three doors east of post office. Light Lunch Served week. RAYMOND E DERBY Proprietor Mr. and Mrs. C. C. and Wm. -.25a5H5Z5a5E5Z5H5H5H5?-SZ?HSPt^5H5H525HSZ5a5H5Z5a5H5a5H5HS25HjHSH52SE5Z£ P h o n e 1504 F.LL your dealer you want to see a Fisk Yire beside any other he offers you. H e has it in stock or can ¿et it. See for yourself what the Fisk Tire has to offer in extra size and strength, how its resiliency compares w hen you flex the tire under your hand, how the depth of the non-skid tread looks beside other treads. This is the way to buy tires! T T h e ra ’s a Fisk T ire o f e x tr a va lu e in every size, fo r car, truck o r speed w a g o n T im « to R . U f t T i B l u u y . F Fla M I JÎÎ25ESE5HSH52SM2SÎ5Î5E5ZSÎ5Ï5ZSÎ5HS; A Home Institution « — ■u I w t * w ^ à m “Fresh Every Day” “The Sign o f the Rose” “ E. B. A R N O L D Bishop’s Bargain Day Sale FOR 3 DAYS, Thursday, Friday, Saturday $55.00 $50.00 $45.00 $40.00 Things are sure going to hum around this store for the next three days. It is only once a year that we have bargain days and you can believe us there sure is a lot of real values waiting for you. We are sacrificing on over a thousand suits to make this the greatest selling event of the year. Investigate this offer right now. It will mean money saved for you. We have all sizes 32 up in all the new and desirable shades. $27.95 Suits - $43.95 $35.00 Suits $23.95 $39.95 Suits $30.00 Suits $ 1 9 .9 5 $35.95 Suits $25.00 Suits $15.95 $ 3 1 .9 5 Suits $20.00 Suits Three D a ys O nly Shirt Sale 9 5 0 E ach 3 for $2.75 SPECIAL $ 24.50 Broken Lot Suits, But A ll Sizes Values $30, $35, $40, $45 D o n ’t w ait until it i* too late. Thi* of p o rtu n ity will last only a* th e Suit» do 0 ¥ J f" \C C J i i v y L j A t G r e a tl y R e d u c e d P r ic e s . Y o u r F a ll S u p p l y N o w . S e le c t Light weight Union Suits, short sleeves, ankle length, value $1.50 now S u it Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers VaWie $ 1 . 50 . $ 2.00 and $2 50 Madras, Percales, Crepes in shirts from our regular siock Three D a ys O nly Lot 1. $ 5 . 0 0 vaiue«upto$9 All Sizes Lot 2. $ 7 . 5 0 value* up to $12 80c suit Salem W oolen Mills Store O p e n u n t i l 9 P. M. o n S a t u r d a y 136 N . C O M M E R C IA L S T R E E T . S A L E M , OREGON \ H i.