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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1922)
BUY IT IN POLK COUNTY Dallas Merchants Offer Page of Attractions Special Bargain Days A. J. Mott & Son The Quality Store of Polk County Fifty per cent off Without good quality there can be neither lading satisfaction or real economy. So w e say in all sincerity that w e are giving the biggeáf value in town with these splendid hand tailored, all wool Millinery Goods 316-18-20 Main Sr New and Second-hand Goods June 16 and 17 W e invite you to come in and try on the very lateé! models in the Spring and Summer étyles. Special on Dishes and Cooking Utensils THE BEE HIVE STORE, Dallas Rich & Ellis PRE SUMMER SALE Why go out of the county to get your work clone? We guar antee our work to be as good as you can get anywhere and the price is right. Call us or write us and w e will gladly give you an estimate free. 512 M ain St. Dallas MRS. B. TONER, Milliner O f D r y G o o d s , G r o c e r i e s , S h oes. F u r n i s h i n g s a n d N o t i o n s . T h e f o l l o w i n g p r i c e s a r e a f e w o f m a n y m o n e y s a v e r s . R e a d th e li st c a r e f u l l y . W e a l w a y s sell f o r less. Groceries Crown and Olympia flour, sk. $2.30 Pink Salmon, 1 lb, tall, 9 cans 1.00 Standard tom atoes No. 2J cans, 7 for 1.00 Ghiridella Chocolate, 1 lb cans 30c Federal m ilk, 1 lb cans, 10 fo r 90c Borden’s, Oregon or C arnation, 10 cans, $1.00 M. J . B., Hills or[Golden West Coffee, lb can 39c Dress gingham , yard, 17c Japanese C repe, yard, 39c Percale, light or d ark, yd.. 19c Ladies B uster Brown hose in black, brown or white, R egular 25c Dr. sale 6 prs. $1.00 R egular 50c p r., 3 prs. $1.00 Ladies P a t. L eather pumps 2 strap , rub b er heel. $3.69 Ladies O xfords Blk. or brown, $3.48 1-adies H iking boots, 15in. top, w orth $8.50, sale. $5.85 M en’s oxfords, sale. $«.85 Men’s O u tin g shoes, blk. only $2.39 PEOPLE’S C A SH STORE, Groceries E x tra Special! Black pep|ier in 2 oz shaker too cans, re g u la r 10c cans, sale price 5c lim it 2 cans to custom er. 4 2 6 M ain St., and Harness Goods in Polk County From coaift to coast the J. C. Penney Company values are known. Savings afforded have won a country wide popular ity. These out-of-the-ordinary values are not limited to cer tain lines of goods. They are plentiful in every department. “Looking around” in our store will unfold savings you have not suspected. Try it. hand-m ade harness. A ls o w h ip s, robes, gloves a n d all a c c e s s o r i e s . Clayton's Grocery It is not what you earn that counts: it’s what you save. Today’s Prices $ 2.00 58c $1.90 $1.30 80c Lard 10a - - - $1.60 C rystal W hite Soap, 20 bars $1 00 Polar W hite Soap 22 bars - $1.00 Royal W hite Soap 25 bars - $1.00 Creme Oil and Palm Olive soap 3 bars fo r 25c It Pays to pay cash at Phone 323 C lâ y tO n S O p e n 6 a. m. to 8 p. m. Model Meat Market Guthrie & Moser A ll k i n d s o f f r e s h and cured m eats C o u n t r y tra d e solicited H i g h e s t price paid fo r g o o d beef cattle veal a n d h o g s 402 Main St., Dallas It will be worth Your while The Needlecraft Shop Stam ped Bedspreads and all k i n d s o f s t a m p e d g o o d s . D. M . C . f l o s s a n d c r o c h e t cotton. H e m s t ic h in g . Friday and Sa tu rd a y S p e c i a l L u n c h e o n sets, c l o t h a n d 4 n a p k i n s $1.15. 6 0 6 C o u rt Street to get figures Phil Begin D a li..- O reg o n Cleaning, Preaaing, Repairing • Dyeing. A ll k i n d s o f Pleatings, H a t s c le a n ed a n d b l o c k e d . O r d e r s f o r E d V. P r i c e a n d K a h n suits m ad e to m e a s u r e , Mail order work returned postage prepaid. Expert dress making by lady attendant Ü from the Sterling Furniture Co. Our £tock is the be& outside of Portland at prices exceptionally low. W e deliver at your door. , Phone 2329 Postage prepaid in D a l l a s Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wear Clothing Furnishings & Shoes Dallas, “ A Nation-Wide Institution” Oregon Dallas Hard w heat flour sk. Rolled O ats 9 lb sk. Criaco, 9 lb can Crisco 6 lb cans Lard 5s w hen you are J. C. P E N N E Y COM PANY, Inc. J. D. O xley 302 Main St. G i v e u s a trial D a lla s POPULAR SAVINGS are Plentiful Here W e c a r r y a c o m p l e t e line The Rex Cafe Am erican Sardines, oil 10 cans 48c Koyal Bkg. Powder, 2J lb cans, sale 39c Camel C ig arettes, p k g ., 15c C arton $1.42 Good g rad e Q uality Coffee in bulk. 4 i lbs $1.00 Buy your Harness of During the month of June w e are making a reduction of fifty per percent on nil millinery goods in the ¿tore. This includes some of the latent ¿tyles and patterns. W hen in Dallas call and see the beautiful display. Kuppenheimer Suits at $35.00 The house of a thousand bargains. Phone 4 52 on all Mrs. GREGORY’S TOGGERY SHOP Specialty Shop for Ladies’ Coats, Suits, Dresses and Millinery Save money by buying your clothes in a ladies’ specialty shop at home and be pleased with the quality, ¿tyle and fit of your garment. Mrs. G R E G O R Y ’S T O G G E R Y Dallas, Oregon SHOP Diamonds Watches Jewelry "Gift* that I aim V ’ fo r the June Bride We can *upftly your want* in a ttj pattern or and manufac ture Wm. C. Retzcr Jeweler and Optician Phone JSJ k l i M<&n St. Italia*, Ore. V ISITO liS WELCOME