The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, May 19, 1922, Image 6

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In Touch With Ths Outsit!3 World
one-eleven cigarettes
‘T h r e e F r ir m U y
l it t l e
W iL L ie ’î
RADIO w o n . * ?
FO « T H È F IR S T T T A ^ r '
O /lt O r
C- lilt, by UcClurs Ntvip.ycr Syndtcsl«-
M A'
r i g h t
c it y
. /
In a new package that fits the pocket —
A t a p rice that fits the pocket-book —
The sam e unm atched blend o f
T u r k i s h . V i r g i n i a and B u r l e y Tobaccos
* j f i r i t i » , ave .
You Can Paint—
Ask us how to renew th e b ea u ty of
th e c h a ir or ta b le t h a t ’s in t h e a t t ic
A IN TIN G home thing* i* easy
an<l fascinating. You can do it
a* well a* anyone with a few
aitopic direction* which we will gi«e
Yon may have furniture in the attic
which i* old only ou the outfthle. It
will be as good a* new wheu re-
Or perhaps there are floors, wood­
work and other things shout the homo
that need beautifying. It’s fun to do
it and a big saving, too.
Our “ Home Service Paint Depart­
m ent" was organized especially to
help you make a success of the work.
W ritr us today, telling what you want
to refiuish and what effects you want
to get.
Our expert* will answer promptly,
giving you explicit directions cover­
ing every phase of the work. Ju st
follow the-c simple direct lout and
you’ll get excellent results.
We make special paints, varnishes,
enam el*, wall finishes and stains for
you to use. They are the finest maters
ials of their kind that we know. Wo
have been making these product* for
73 years.
T ake advantage of F uller's Freo
Advice and F u ller’s Products and
vou'll be surprised and delighted with
tlie wonderful transform ations you can
make in your home.
Silk cn w h ite E n am el
Silkenwhit« E n a m • 1
nrodu< <•# i rich, l'«uli-
lul bnlah on woodwork
and f um tt ur*. Kiowa
out smoothly ami does
not show brush mark
Produce« a minor smooth
surface. Stays white and
wears Ion*, irloas whits,
seini (loss whits sod 8
Ws also make IV« <»ret
Varnish Stains. All Pur
p«»«e Vsmishes. Rubber*
"**""*— ■ -L
( '.m in t Floor Paint,
W a «liable Wall Flush, Fifteen for Kbrnrs Var-
nluh. Fuller**» a> Varnish. Floor H«», Auto
Kjwniel, Fuller's llot Watei Wall Finish (kal-
a tie). For. h and Step i’aiut, and 1’lONk.k.R
U 111 i E LEAD.
11 è r e
S e H c c P fiin tj
V s r n is h s s - I s a m r l a - S t a i n #
M a n u fa ctu re d by W . P . F u lle r A C o ., D e p t. 4 0 , S a n F ra n c is c o
B ia n c h e » in 1 9 C itta» in th e W e s t
r x M E s m m m TJILTO»«
Fuller » Momr S c n k r " l ’aiata are sold b> the follow lug In your city.
P e rk in s F 'h arm acy
HIS is just what you need, madam.
women who were troubled with indigestion, a
sallow, muddy skin, indicating biliousness and
habitual constipation, have been permanently cured
by the use o f Chamberlain’s Tablets. Before using
these tablets they felt miserable and despondent.
Now they arc cheerful and happy and relish their
meals. T ry them. They only cost a quarter.
Chamberlain's Tablets
¡ 3 ome Time
You will be in need of
printing of some kind.
Whether it be letter-
beads, statements wed-
ng i h n v i t a t i o n s or
iblic sale bills, re­
member we can turn
out the work at the
lowest cost consistent
with good work.
We Are
Always Ready
to serve vou with good
printing. N o matter what
the nature o f the job may
be w e are ready to do it
at a price that will be
No debutante was ever more ex­
i A N ’ L IS T E N TO
cited over h<*r coming-out tea than Mrs.
k t h e w in d /
Penley Bradley « a * the afleruoou
Ix P L O w w / c ;
shortly after her (uurrlage to Penley
Bradley, when she undertook to intro­
duce Mr. Brudley's tweuty-yenr-old
daughter to a tittle group of her own
particular friends whom she thought
it would he desirable for her to kuow.
To understand the confusion one must
understand the Penley Hrudley m e
uuge. It wus located in un upartinent
hotel—the apartment was the sume
thut .Mrs. ItrHdley hud once occupied
before her second marriage. It had
been ebunged only by the addition of
a hundred of the books thut Penley
lirudley could not he purted from, a
pipe or so, a new chiffonier containing
his raiment and, on occasions, Penley
Bradley himself. He hud hoped thut
wheu he married the brilliant and effi­
cient Mrs. Duane be would persuade
her to give up her work at Burton’s broad-shouldered figure bent dowu »•> w flt disapproval. hue hud "not ex­
idle tea equipment. '"It was a simple
and the $15,0U0 a year that went kiss Alice very reverently, hut she pected him, but as lier longtime bind
matter," said Mr. Bradley, luughtng.
with It.
pushed him off. “Time for that later,"
ness associate she could not full ?» "The thing was all cooked up. We
lirudley had dreamed of a house In she said. “Something has gone wrong
greet him cordially.
He took his knew what sort of service you'd get
the suburbs, gardens and luwns, und in the pantry.
The refreshments | chair, his tall, broad form balancing at this hotel. I got In touch with Mor­
room enough for a thousand books in­ haven't come. There’s not enough
rather grotesquely on a small gilt ton and we ordered the things from
stead of the hundred that seemed to butter on the sandwiches. Mother ts
chair of the apartment hotel variety. the club chef this morning. Morton
crowd each other In the living room at In a stew. She says you're a genius,
In the group of guests over which went over in a taxi to get them, nnd I
the apartmeut hotel where they lived so go to It und prove you can get the
Mrs. Bradley presided.
Presently telephoned the steward here to stop
needfuls for tea inside of ten min­ Alice stood beside her stepmother.
operations on the tea order here. I
And now the new Mrs. Penley Brad­ utes."
"I am going to tell you something, wanted your little tea party to be a
ley was giving a little tea to introduce
The door closed silently. Alice ap­ before all of your guests," Alice t>«^
her new daughter to some “worth peared cuJm and unruffled in the re-
Mrs. Bradley's eyes filled with tenrs.
while people.” She was frank about 1 ception room and refused to uuswer gan, at first timidly and then with
more courage. "Morton Gray ami I "Penley,” she said huskily, "now that
It and Alice, the daughter, cume back 1 any of the signaled Inquiries from
quite as frankly. They did not In the her distraught stepmother. She sim­ are engaged. We thought it would be [ It Is all settled for Alice. I—I think
a nice little surprise to announce It I'll give up this sort of life nnd the
least dislike each other.
ply urge«) the guests who hud sug-
"And now, Alice," Mrs. lirudley gested leaving to wait a few minutes ' now at your party. You and Morton job at Burton’s. I'd like to settle
are such old friends, I know you will j down In the suburbs somewhere—
called from her room where she was for teu. It had been a little delayed,
with plenty of room for your hooks
hurriedly dressing ufter speeding she said. Then the hell rang ever ro be delighted.”
And Mrs. Bradley really wits. She and pipes and tldngs. You see, I
home from Burton’s, while Alice wa.l j lightly und Alice sped down the hall
forgot ail uhout Unger, Tom nnd thought that Alice would have a bet­
arranging flowers in the reception | again.
Immediately she returned
room beyond, “now, Alice, I expect with an enormous troy—u lacquered Harry, looking rather Insignificant ter chance In the city. I knew she
you to fall lit love with and captivate reed tray that had not come from the I and Inefficient In the proximity of the loved Morton, hut I never thought he
«aie of the three men 1 have picked hotel kitchen. It contained u spirit j presence of Morion. Then she rose cared for her. That's why I got Roger
out as eligible for you. They will he lamp with hot water ready to be re­ front her chulr and before Morton i and Tom and that Balnbridge individ­
here this afternoon.
Roger Steele lighted, a silver dish of chopped Ice j couhl rise from his chulr she planted ual here tiffs nftemoon.”
wuld give you all the money you and shaved butter, Inimitable light a kiss on Ills cheek by way of mother­
could dreum of. and he Is quite a nice i biscuits, dishes of Juni, and neatly ly congratulation.
Then Penley Bradley himself ap­
sort of stay-at-home, flreslde-lovlng plied sandwiches of a dozen different
peared and the guests delayed depart­
creature besides. Tom Greene hasn't j mixtures.
ure until longer, for Mr. Bradley hud
a cent In the bank—never has, but
Come in and
Five minutes later, when tea drlnk-
he makes a lot nnd he's brilliant. ! Ing was In full swing and there were brought still more delicacies that suf­
renew it next
You’ve read his plays. And there Is expressions of praise front the guests ficed for an Informal supper.
It was after Morton had departed
time you are
Hurry Bulubrldge—awfully Knglish, at the delicious refreshments, Morton
and Alice had gone to bed that Mrs.
over here studying silk worms or to­ Gray strode quietly In*
in town
Bradley thought to Inquire ns to the
bacco, or sailboats or something. I
Mrs. Penley Brmdlr
mlrnctiJous appearance of Morton and
don’t remember, but I've heard all
about him. He's quite a catch If you
can Impress him, and—” Mrs. Penley
Bradley looked at her watch and In­
terrupted Alice, who had framed a
protest. “What «lo you suppose lias
happened to that maid? I told them
Effective M ay 8, 1922, the E xcise T a x on United States T ires for pas­
to send her up by half past three. The
lemons aren't cut, and I don't believe
senger cars, both casings and tubes is absorbed hy the makers and not add­
there Is any sugnr. They were going
ed to the selling price.
U n ited S ta te s R ubber C o m p an y .
to send the things up from down­
stairs, but dear knows what's hap­
“I wish you hnd J«*t me get things
ready this morning, mamma.” scold-al
Alice. “I knew It would he too much
for you.”
“I couldn't let you he worried."
Mrs. Bradley w h s trying to get a le’r
plume connection with the pantry In
the hotel dining room below stairs.
“It really Is an awful Job getting up
n tea,” and then, to the steward down
below: “I wish you would send up
some other sandwiches.
I ordered
watercress and they sent lettuce, and
HEN the “Usco” Tire announced
there Isn't any butter on them and—
nnd will you hurry that maid along?
its new price of $10.90 it carried
Our guests w UI be coming soon. There
understood contract with the
will he uhout twenty.”
When her stepmother wus through
telephoning Alice summoned courage
to say:
"You didn’t send cards to Morton
A price reduction made in pood fa it h -
Gray, did you—mother?"
all the U . S. advanced art of tire mak-
“Of course not," came back frankly.
only to get the price down, but to
"Morton Isn't In a class with the
people I’m asking today. He's nice
keep the quality up.
enough In u way—Alice you don’t
Today $10.90 is not the uncommon
mean to tell me you cure about him?"
The frankness of this query rather
price it was last November.
took Allee's breath away. She was
But the “ Usco” Tire is still the
not as frank In her rejoinder. "I only
thought he was an old friend. It wus
uncommon tire value it always
through him that you and papa met.
has been.
We ought at leust to feel grateful."
"Oh, If that's all—I won’t argue
Because in carrying out
with you. But you see lie's Just gen
eral business manager at Burton's. In
in good faith, we learned
a business way lie may be a genius,
but the people I’m asking this after
something about raw-
V .*Y^
main are different. They are the
ing the quality, too.
sS r I
people I want you to know."
"Would you be ashamed to Intro
duce him to these people— linger
United States Tires
Steele. Tom Greene and the llaln
an Good Tires
bridge Individual. 1 mean?"
"IHm’t follow me up so," came nas­
tily from Mrs. Bradley. "Don't you
see that I’m all upset over the re
freahinents? They haven't sent the
maid and there Isn’t a speck of but­
ter on those sandwiches. No, you
can’t go and get things; the guests
will he here any time and you must
he ready with me to receive them."
A half an hour later the guests hail
Some had even spoken cf
But still n«i refreshments
had appeared. There wa* tea service
United States 0 Rubber Company
1« one end of the r> on hut > ■ t...
water had been sent up with which
to make It. And no maid had come
Mr». Bradley did not send her com
plaint to the pantry again, for the
teJephoug was locate»! In the general
reception room.
The hall door rang and Alice ra;
down the short hall, expe. ting, a
Mrs. Bradley thought. to admit th.
delayed maid snd the nees'fuls for tl
te* service.
But U was not (be maid. A tali.
H as Y our
E x p ire d ?
No W a r Tax
lb the Purchasers of
a 3ox3^
Usco for $10.90
United States Tines
W here You
C an fíuy
U. S. Tires:
Graham & Son, Monmouth