o WORLD HAPPENINGS fc OF CURRENT WEEK S. R E JE C T S IN V ITA T IO N art in New Economic Conference at The Hague. Declined. Washington, D. C.— The state de­ FRANCE PLEADS FOR I). S. PARTICIPATION partment made public Monday night Child at Genoa declining the Invlta Daily News Items. tlon to participate in the new Euro­ pean economic conference at Appeal Made Through Ameri- can Ambassador. The Hague. "This government,” the American communication said, “ is unable to conclude that It can helpfully partici­ pate in «he meeting at The Hague, as this would appear to be the contin­ French, With America Represented. Events o f Noted I’eople, Governments uance under a different nomenclature Would Agree to Russia’ s Pres­ and I'acific Northwest, and Other of the Genoa conference and destined to encounter the same difficulties if ence on Commission. Things Worth Knowing. the attitude disclosed In the Russian memorandum of May 11 remains un- COMPILED FOR GENO A IN YOU Á [ SCHOOL DAIjS J A .............................................................................. Cottage Grove. — The prediction la being freely made that more money the text of a message to Ambassador Brief Resume Most Important : STATE N EW S L IN B R IE F » O DEADLOCK will be spent this year in develop­ ment of property in the Bohemia gold mining district, out from here, than has been spent in ten years past. Salem.— There was one fatality In Oregon due to industrial accidents In the week ending May 11, according to a report issued by the state industrial accident commission. The victim was J. P. Adams, timber worker of Myrtle Point. Astoria.— By a deed filed for record Friday the Yerrek Logging company sells to the Inman-Poulsen Lumber company of Portland 320 acres of tim Genoa.— Prance has appealed to the ber laud in the southeast part of Clat The Croats have proclaimed an in­ (hanged. "The inescapable and ultimate ques- | sop county, the consideration being dependent republic of Croatia and tlon.” the American note said, "would j United States t0 Participate in the $95,000. named a ministry, says a dispatch to appear to be the restoration of pro- proposed international commission to Bend.—New assurance of the re­ Home Tuesday from Bari, an Italian ductlvlty in Russia, the essential coo-j Investigate the Russian situation. The sea coast town on the Adriatic. M. dltlons of whieh are still to be se American ambassador, Richard Wash turning prosperity was given Saturday Reditch was named as president. cured and must in the nature of things burn Child, informed the Associated in the monthly report of the home Press Sunday night that such a pro- service section of the Bend Red Cross The civil ceremony uniting in mar­ be provided within Russia herself." The state department’s communlca- posai had been submitted to him by chapter, which showed that no new ap­ riage Miss Sally Beecher, niece of plications for civilian relief had been tlon said the American government the French delegation. Hugh C. Wallace of Tacoma, Wash.. The ambassador understood that the received in more than 30 days. "has always been ready" to Join other ex-American ambassador to France, French proposal suggests that the Elgin.— A black bear weighing about and Count Jean Bertrand de Luppe, governments in an inquiry by experts United States, if the invitation is ac 400 pounds and measuring 6 feet 3 into the economic situation in Russia took place In Paris Wednesday after­ and the necessary remedy. Such an cepted, would have a dominant voice inches, was shot by Frank Hallgrath noon. jjiiiiimiiimiiiiimmimiiiiiiimmiimiL! inquiry, it was added, could deal ap­ in the action of the commission, but on the west side of the foothills west Tears came to the eyes of "Uncle propriately "with the economic pre- would not be bound by her acceptance of town. The skin he brought in, but Joe" Cannon In the house Monday as requisites” for restoration of Russiun 4° anY decision of the commission he was compelled to leave most of*the members, referring to his 86th birth­ production, without which a sound i which she did not approve. If the meat, being unable to carry it to town « day, told of the regret occasioned in basis for credits would be lacking. United States accepts, France would Eugene. — Injunction proceedings congress by his retirement next JOHN BIAKC In conclusion the American com­ agree to the Russians being repre­ W ill M . M aupin ¡ against the Lane county court are March. munication renewed the offer to gtve sented In the commission threatened by a number of residents Premier Lloyd George and M. Bar- ñ iiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTi Two hundred residents of West Dal­ serious attention to any "proposals thou were in private conference for of Cottage Grove if the court pro­ MARK Y “ FOR K E E P S ’ Issuing from a Genoa conference or W A N T E D — A NAME las, Texas, abandoned their homes two hours, apparently without reach ceeds to expend any more money from ’ ANTED -A name for the baby; Tuesday and took refuge on near-by any later conference,” but added that lug an agreement for solving the the market road fund on the Pacific T F YOU have a capital of a thousand w That sweet little mite of a hillsides from the waters of the rapid­ the suggestions for the meeting at dollars, and only u thousand dol­ Anglo-French deadlock on the plans highway, according to word received miss, ly rising Trinity river, which had The Hague, in view of the Russian by the court from Cottage Grove Fri­ lars, you are likely to be a little par­ With pink hands and feet, nnd puck­ memorandum of May 11, lacked “ the to continue the discussion of the Rus­ reached a stage of 40.9 feet. ticular about Investing it. day. ering Ups sweet definiteness which would make possi­ sian problem. The sub-commission on Y'et you Invest your capital of hap­ Held up for n fond pnrent's kiss. The senate went on an eight-hour Salem.— Dr. W. H. Lytle, state vet Russian affairs also met and argued ble the concurrence of this govern­ piness, which is all you have, and all Rosie, or Josie, or Mary; basis Tuesday in Its struggle with the for more than three hours without erinarian, has returned here from you ever will have, on the tirst pretty ment in the proposed plan.” Or Margaret, Lilly, or May; tariff bill, and word was sent around Pendleton and other eastern Oregon face you liappeu to see. definite results. ITIscilla or True— does any suit you? by the republican leaders that there A fter the meeting of the sub-com- cities where he passed a few days in­ The average youth devotes more We’ve Just got to i*une her today. would be night sessions also. The I mission Sir Edward Grigg, secretary vestigating livestock conditions. Dr. care to the selection of a suit of plan Is for the senate to meet at 11 [ to the British prime minister, said Lytle said the sheep raisers of the clothes than he does to the selection Wanted—A name for the baby A. M. and remain in session until 10 That's nestling there fast asleep; : there had been progress but gave no eastern Oregon country are optimistic of a wife. When Ids marriage turns out unhap­ A precious wee uiite on her pillow of or 11 P. M. definite explanation of its uature. The and are looking ahead to a prosperous pily, lie wonders why he happened to white French and British delegations, he as­ season. The oldest living apple tree In the have hard luck, or cynically observes God gave us to guard and to keep. Project training cr giving disabled serted, were well on the road to an west and possibly the oldest in the Salem.— Teachers In any district that you never enn trust n woman. Annie, or Carrie, or H azel; United States, now 96 years old, Is in war veterans a start on their own agreement but nothing definite was where the schools are closed because About IM) per cent of the labor and Or Annabel, Oral of Jo; land, a new way of rehabilitation, is reached. Accounts of the meeting by of contagious disease must be paid sal­ expense o f the divorce courts could Annette or Sue—does any suit you? full bloom again. This old tree la In the lower part of Vancouver barracks. proving very popular among former members of other delegations, how­ aries in compliance with their con­ be avoided If young men nnd women W e've just got to name her, you know. A wire fence has been built around it service men and women this spring ever, give little indication that a com­ tracts, according to a legal opinion would expend a little serious thought about the most serious business of to keep out persons who might clip and promises to be the most success­ promise is any nearer. given by I. H. Van Winkle, attorney- their lives, which Is getting married. Wanted—A name for the baby, ful means of making Injured veterans The Russians have announced that general. The opinion was sought by oft limbs for souvenirs. Neither men nor women can ao That little pink image of love economically Independent, according they will not accept any plan exclud­ J. A. Churchill, superintendent of Constance Talmadge, motion picture skillfully disguise their true natures That came with the year with a to L. C. Jesseph, northwest district ing them from the discussions. On schools. as to deceive anybody who Is really tmtpsage o f cheer. actress, filed In the superior court at manager of the Veterans’ Bureau. one thing all the delegations agree— Straight down from the mansions Monmouth.— The Davis & Weber In earnest about Investing bis capital I .os Angeles Tuesday a suit for di­ A total of more than 200 veterans the Inviting powers, the little entente above. mill near Airlie started operations of happiness where It will pay divi­ vorce from John J. Tialoglou, "a na­ have already taken up work on their and the Baltic entente as well as the dends for all time. Maggie, or Katie or Flora ; Tuesday after being closed for several tive of Turkey, a subject of Greece and own projects. Over 600 of the 3300 neutrals— namely, that somehow the Or Amethyst, Kittle or Bess; Nobody ever falls so hend-over- months. The mill has a 40.000-foot a cigarette manufacturer of New trainees in this district are training to United States must be induced to par­ enrslnlove at ftrst sight that lie hasn't All good, I suppose— but dear good­ capacity and employs from 18 to 20 York," according to the complaint. ness knows time to think over the seriousness of follow agricultural pursuits. It was an­ ticipate in the mixed commission. men In the woods. The company has picking a wife before he sends for She charges "cruel and Inhuman We'll ^ust call her "Sister," I guess, nounced. Compensation of $80 to France is still unwilling to have (Copyright.) experienced difficulty in obtaining the best juan and engages the minis­ treatment.” $100 a month paid project trainees as­ Russians sit with the mixed commis­ -------- O-------- • loggers. The wages paid are $3.50 ter. Twenty-eight thoroughbreds valued sists them materially in paying for sion discussing Russian finances, but There Is no source of unhappiness at about $250,000 were burned to their land and establishing themselves | suggestions have been made that a and $4 a day. MTTHow to Read Y o ur Salem.— The world war veterans’ In the world so prolific ns marriage, death In a fire which destroyed the on small farms. Training of this kind special commission of Russian experts j J Characteristic* raring stable owned by ex-Senator Is especially fitted for middle-aged state aid commission, at a meeting chiefly because nobody ever appenrs U A M H be formed which may be called in by to think that It should he entered In i l r t l l L / in d Tendencies — the Johnson N. Camden and J. C. Milan, people, veterans with little education here Saturday, authorized the issu­ the mixed commission when it desires any way save by accident. Capabilities or W e a k ­ prominent breeder, at the Lexington and men with large families. ance of ten warrants covering loan ap­ Information. I f the reformers who cry out against nesses T hat M ak e fo r Success o r plications aggregating $25.300. The race track Tuesday night. The fire The new hospital for tubercular vet­ divorce, when It is too late, would Again the Russians declare they will F ailu re as Sh ow n in Y o u r P a lm is believed to have been caused by erans of the Pacific Northwest was not accept any such plan, as that commission also approved 468 applica­ spend the same amount of time and lightning. op<*hed at Walla Walla, Wash., May would not be dealing with them on an tions for cash bonuses totaling $170.- energy trying to teach people to find T H E H A N D O F A M US I C I AN 000, and 73 applications for loans the right kind of mates, there would What are believed to be fragments 10. Instructions have been received equality basis, and it is difficult for amounting to $176,700. % be less divorce, less scandal and more at Seattle district office that 50 vet­ the delegations to find any plan ap­ of a mastodon's bones have been un­ room In the newspapers for instruc­ T N TH E hand of a person who Is earthed by oil drillers In Gray County, erans be hospitalized at the Walla pealing to both the French and British Salem.— The state irrigation securi­ tive news. talented in music, the skin is very according to reports at Wichita $>1118, Walla institution before June 1. Vet­ an*! >et not offensive to the Russians. ties commission Friday certified to You can't tell a man anything he smooth and soft. This indicates a re­ Tex. The fragments were found im­ erans of Portland first objected to bonds in the amount of $20,000 for doesn't know about the mistake of an fined, sensitive nature, with a great bedded In dry sand and are said to having their tubercular patients re- Q U E E N O F R U M A N I A M A Y the Wallowa valley improvement dis­ unhappy marriage If he already has dislike for anything that is cAarse or be large enough to indicate they were muted to Walla Walla but this matter V I S I T A M E R I C A SOON trict No. 1. Bonds in the amount of made the mistake. You can tell him unrefined. As a musician, of either sex, must pay attention to details, the part of a skeleton of a pre historic has been settled to the satisfaction of Bucharest.— Queen Marie of Ru­ $125.000 previously were certified for a good deal about if beforehand. fingers must bo long In proportion to Some day preachers and editors and all concerned and Portland veterans mania may forego her coronation this this district. The project Includes ap­ monster. educators will organize Instruction In the rest of the hand. suffering from the disease will soon fall, In order to visit the United proximately 9000 acres of land and is matrimony ; parents will devote a lit­ Plans for “ Chicago's City Temple," In the hands of many musician«, the States. Since the signing of the arm­ located in Wallowa .county. as the colossal structure to be erected be transferred to Walla Walla. tle time to talking to children about thumb, at Its outer angle or Joint, is Official announcement was made istice, the queen has been planning by the Methodist faith in the heart Mount Angel.— About .500 persons It, and as a result there will he nbout quite pointed. This is held to show a that the veterans' hospitals of the to go to the United States, but press­ 50 per cent more happiness In the good lde-i of time or rhythm. A sense of the city's great loop is railed, go attended the Community club dance of tune Is sometimes seen in a point on apace. This unusual downtown north« est district. Including Cushiuan ing affairs in her own country and the at the cannery Thursday, the occasion world. (C o p y rig h t.) or protuberance on the outside o f the and the I expenses of the long land and ocean place of worship will be built on the at Tacoma. Portland No. being the formal opening o f the new thumb, below the joint. ruins of the old Ftrst Methodist Epis­ Boise hospital, have been transferred ■ journey have deterred her. Now in- cannery. The floor of the warehouse, The mount of Venus shoiiM he K i r i j t f copal church, wrecking of which will from the U. S. Public Health depart j vitations from friends and petitions measuring 56 by 100 feet, was none I strong and high, to show melody, and ment to the Veterans' Bureau. from Women's clubs and civic socie­ begin soon, it Is announced. this characteristic is seen also in a too large for the crowd. The Mount ties are pouring in on her so fast that good mount of Saturn at the base o f Angel band and Darby orchestra gave I In a detailed statement concerning White Swans Fly North. she finds it difficult to resist them. the middle finger. When there are a the music for the occasion. IS T H E R E SAND the prosecution of war fraud cases, Portland.— A flock of white swans good mount of Apollo at the base o f While the queen has not received T H E S E A S H O R E prepared at the request of the presl- flying low along the river northward the third or ring finger, and a good Stayton.— Articles of Incorporation an official Invitation from President dent and transmitted Tuesday to the j W aveHey golf course Sunday after Harding, it is known that the Ameri­ were filed Tuesday with the state cor­ mount of the moon near the wrist, a #T* HE presence of the sand which houae, Attorney General Daugherty noon presented a sight that was much decided sense of harmony is shown. can government would welcome and poration department for the new Stay- F m a k e s beaches and drifts into ( C o p y r i g h t .) declared that examinations ao far com­ admired by players at the club. The ton canning company. The Incorpora­ dunes along the edge of the sea dates entertain her. The Rumanian govern- --------o ------- pleted disclosed In each Instance "suf­ birds were scarcely 200 feet above ment. however, would prefer that the tors are John Dozier. J. W. Mayo, back originally to the formation of the The Hands of His Friends. ficient Indication that a crime has the river. sa:d one who saw them, and queen receive a formal invitation George Keech. George A. Smith and earth itself. At this time, millions of “ Your enemies call you a spotlight been committed to warrant submitting years ago, the land and rooks which grabber.” their white feathers shining in the from the White House in order that Henry Fan groan. J. W. Mayo has now form what we know as "the crust them to a grand jury.” "I in not," protested Senator Sor­ sun made a striking picture. , there might be no mistake concerning been appointed purchasing and sell­ o f the earth,” was a molten mass, in ghum. “ 1 simply undertake to leave With the announced purpose of "g iv ­ White swans are said to be very her status. Marie has not yet set any ing agent of the corporation. which was a large proportion o f the the spotlight apparatus In the hands ing the motor busses some real com­ rare in the vicinity of Portland. Sun­ date for her departure, but her friends Bend.— Increase of general prosper­ element known to science as "silicon." of those who will aim it In my direc­ petition.” the Great Northern railway day's flock, easily counted, numbered are urging her to postpone her cor­ ity in Bend is more noticeable this This silicon was burned and. In con­ tion." has purchased four gasoline motor $5. The birds flew like geese, tn the onation with King Ferdinand which ia month than at any time during the junction with the oxv gen which sur­ --------O------- car«, one or more of which will be form of an arrow, and their appear­ set to take place in Transylvania, and past year. Following the issuance of rounded everything, produced the sub­ put Into operation on its branch lines ance in th« sky was regarded as com­ start for New York, after she has ful­ the semimonthly payroll this week stance known as "silica” or "burned out of Spokane. Wash , it is announced plete assurance of the passing of win­ filled a few European court engage­ merchants report that the condition of silicon." A large portion of this was deposited on the surface o f the earth The cars have each a capacity of 45 ter. ments. their credit books ie mm h more satis­ end. when the world cooled. It formed I™? jo btskivl.my passed- rs. he said, and trailers being factory than for many months, and a sort of crust or granular deposit, to built will have a capacity of 60 pas­ Beauty Aida Enrage Dad. krigkt jkmintf lidkt Lincoln Nominator eftad. which the name of "sandstone" has that customers are paying their bills sengers additional. he,n applied. Tiehtkt, bvjk«l cT skyness more readily. t'hlcago.— Bobbed hair and rouge Spokane. W ash—One o f Lincoln's When the oceans were formed, the is k id , In urging adoption of th« senate were ao hateful to Joseph Tagliari that nominators, John W. Souther, former­ Brownsville. — Smart youngsters action of the water In cmstantlv wenr- ■5o I $o»>ip tJonç w itk resolution calling for an investigation when his 17-year-old daughter ex­ ly of Corvallis, Or., died here Sunday. who touched o ff the big blast that |ng away this sandstone broke It up of the alleged political activities of pressed a desire to adopt them as 87 years old. shook the town on the night of April into tiny particles and formed the sand mvfmnd. Inner 3e]P, th « motion picture Industry, Rev. S beauty aids he broke her nose and He was a delegate from Oregon to 22. may have had considerable fun oat ss we see It today. The reason that L iko lik rxu j Avreiiv/3 Patterson Todd o f Milwaukee, W ls . blackened her eye. "W hat is your Idea the national republican conventual in o f It, hut that dews not repair the t! '« appear« 1« large quantities on the did. declared Tuesday before a senate Ju-j of a perfect daughter?" "One w h o1 Baltimore in 1864. when Lincoln was damage occasioned by the tug noise edge o f the is c in la because the ro