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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1922)
pr^sgnszszszszszsaszsgszszszsBsaszszsMís^EcLScScsasasaszsESBsasiEíSí Oregon Fir and Hemlock L u m b e r î Lath, M o u l d i n g s , Fruit and Butter Boxes, Slabwood, green & dry, 12 & 16 in. Stovewood, Cement, Wall Planter, Lime, Shingles, Com position Roofing, Build ing paper, Doors, Win dows, Security Silos. Tested and Proven There is a Heap o f Solace in Be Republican Candidate ing Able to Depend upon a Nomination to Congress. Well-Earned Reputation For months Monmouth readers have seen the constant expression o f praise for Doan’s Kidney Pills, and read about the good work they jfl have done in this locality. What 3 other remedy ever produced such q | convincing proof of merit? 1 = A. A. Crowder, plasterer, 203 K Ash St., Dallas, Ore., says: “ I at- $ ways recommend Doan’s Kidney Gj Pills for I know one can depend on Hi them. I had kidney complaint for some time and suffered with pains ir. my back which hurt me to stoop. My kidneys were irregular, too. I read o f Doan’s Kidney Pills and used some. Doan’s were just what 1 needed and put my kidneys ingood shape.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’ t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Do .in’s Kidney P ills -th e same that Mr. Crowder had. Foster-Milburn Co., M frs., Buffalo, N. Y. Monmouth Lumber Company L. Is your Tractor ready for Spring work? Webber’s Garage U N IO N G ASOLINE I If you want Polk County represent ed by a man who was one of the leaders of the House during the past term, and who is working for Polk County all the time, V ote for ' for Re- Base Ball and Tennis Representative Haw ley Should be Renom inated Because He is a Hardworking, Capable, Successful, Trustworthy and Faith ful Public servant; He Remains at his Post o f Duty Attending to the Needs o f his Con stituency and o f the Saatc of Ore gon; He is a Native o f Oregon wno is L oyafto and Familiar with Every Interest o f the State o f Oregon; No detail is too Small or Task too Large to Demand his Best Ffforts, for Any Person in Every Worthy Cause; Me ¡8 R ig h t, n the Great [Ques- tions o f th„ Day and ^ Record is one <>f Increasing Prestige, Steady Achievement and Successful Service. Reid his Record o f Service in FOUNDATION OF ALL SUCCESS ! the Candidates Pamphlet issued by • W h y It Is Im p e ra tiv e T h a t Y o u th the Secretary o f State. S h all F u lly R ealize th e Neces (Information furnished by R. C. s ity fo r T h r if t . Glover et al ) , (Pd. Adv.) The young man who Is ambitious f r sueceiui lu bUMineKM should understand 0r»t o f all the value of thrift. It U jiot through the Hash o f jreniiiH or the magic o f good luck that permanent ond substantial success Is brought about, llut rather there Is a combi Lri nation of elements of which thrift Is W . W aller, M a n a g er the fundamental and most important. Delve ns deeply as we may Into the Phene 202 annals of any notable and permanent business success, and we shall find 252525HS3SHS2SH525ZSMHS?SHSZSH52SH5Z5c!S25ZnSHS?52S2S2S2ir_j2S2SZS2SZ5? that thrift Is the framework of the structure, writes 8. W. Strauss, presi dent of the American Society of Thrift. This Is a lesson that every young man In America today who Is striving to (tet ahead In a business way should learn. He must have courage. Initia tive and a restless aggressiveness. He must have go<«l Judgment, equilibrium and patlenee. He must have the qual ity o f hard work and the fortitude to stand knocks uud blows. And at the very heart and core of ull his activi S e e m e . A ll w o r k g u a r a n t e e d . ties there must Is? thrift.— The Thrift Magazine. OILS AN D Pi pJ t/y nJ HON. W.* C. HAWLEY Citation Equipment and Supplies MORLAN & SON Monmouth's largest and most complete Confectionery and Book Store C . E. F E T Z E R P ap er H an g e r and D e c o ra to r Leave orders at Morlan’s or 1. N. Prime’s, West Main St. B. F. BUTLER Dentist !.*»*•• Monmouth 7.10 a. m. 1.50 p. m. 5.10 " 10.00 a. m. 3.15 p . m. 6.45 ’** Indcpcndcn , North Bound 7.38 a. m. ** ” 2.22 p. m. “ “ 6.38 “ South Bound 10.25 a. m. “ “ 3.18 p . m. *' 7.15 “ RAYM O N D E. DERBY Post office bldg. Monmouth Monmouth and Independence Auto-Bus Schedule Proprietor P h o n e ISO* Oregon Groceries & Provisions In the County Court of the State o f Oregon for Polk County. In the matter o f the estate o f John H. Moran, - Citation, deceased. To Thomas Kelley, Thomas Mo-' ran, Katherine Boatman, * Ellen thorp, Lucy Gladys Rassmussen, Henry C. Moran, and Mary A. Stine, and all others unknown, if any there be, and all persons inter ested in said estate, heirs and de C o r o n a visers o f said deceased, John H. i Moran: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby! commanded and cited to appear be Ask me to show it to you, fore the County Court o f the State of Oregon, for Polk Ccunty, sitting for the transaction o f probate busi ness, in the County Court room in I G. the County Court House at the city | of Dallas, Oregon, on the 18th day of M a y ,1922 at the hour o f 10 o ’clock in the forenoon o f said day, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why an order o f sale should not be made therein, direct ing and authorizing sale for cash in hand, the following described real j property, to-w it:— All the right, ti Leave order* at Garage tie, interest and estate o f said John Call Phone 2003 i H. Moran, deceased, at the time j o f his death, and all the title and £ C OF F IN & E G L E S T O N estate which his heirs at law and fe252SH5SSaSc!SZ5H5Z5E5E52S2Si!5eSZSESE52Sii5H52SZ525 devisees have since acquired there in, in and to the following describ ed premises, namely: —An undivid ed i interest in and to the follow | ing described real property, to-wit: Beginning at the S. W. corner of the D. L. C. o f D. J. Whittaker, Not-No-2‘269, Claim No. 66 in Township S. S. R. 5 West o f the P o u l t r y S u p p lie s B O N E, S H E L L a n d C R 1T Will. Mer. in Polk County, Oregon; and running thence north 33.80 chains; thence East 42.50 chains to the center o f the county road; thence South 6 deg. 35 min. West along the center o f said road 34.50 chains to the South line o f said D. !.. (' ; thence W m I 18 B8 chains to the place o f beginning, and con taining 135 acres, more or less, ex cepting therefrom the railroad right o f way o f the Oregonian Rail road Company as deeded to it; also, except the right o f way given the Willamette Valley Co , to set poles along the south line o f said prem '3rS2S25252SH5anS252S2SHSaS2S2S2S2S«saS2Sa5HS2S2S25asZSES252SZ5ZS2SZS2! ises, and alone the East line o f the above railroad right o f way; also, excepting therefrom 84 acres off from the south and sold and con veyed to C. S. Chamberlain, leav ing 50.43 acres, situate in Polk county, Oregon. This citation is published in the Monmouth Herald for a period o f 4 consecutive weeks, beginning April 7th, 1922, and end ing with the issue thereof o f May th, 1922, a weekly newspaper pub lished at Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon, chosen by the executrix for such publication, published at Monmouth, Polk Coun ty, Oregon, and having a general circulation therein, by e d e r o f th« Hon. Asa B. Robinson, County Judge o f said County, dated and en tered <>n the 4th day o f April, IM S W itness my hand and the seal of said Court affixed this 4th day of G i v e m e an o r d e r a n d b e c o n v in c e d . April, 1922. Floyd D. Moore, County Clerk of Polk County. Oregon and ex officio clerk of said County Court. Good Goods and Fair Treatment C. C. M u l k e y & Son The Compact and Portable Typewriter WALTER BROWN M ONM OUTH TRANSFER Transferring by auto truck and by team, within the city or out of town. H ighest M arket Price Paid for Poultry and Veal Calves Bran, Mill Run and Corn Thos. Boulden i * \ v f .« „ Ï r i ,. r « j ■m ; w \ ' *. > MONMOUTH MARKET Magazines, Periodicals Books, Stationery Candy and Cigars P. H. JOHNSON “ The Normal Book Store’ Guaranteed work, Cleaning, Pressing D. E. F letch er Republican Candidate for Representative from Polk County. Primary election, Friday, May 19. P aid a d v Fletcher for Representative Club. R M . W alker. Chairman Men’s Suits, Overcoats, Sweaters Ladies’ Suits, Dresses, Sweaters T. J. WEDEKIND rfH E M e rch a n ts who advertise in this paper will give yon best valnes (or your money. Monmouth Ore. Milk and Cream of Quality YOUNG BROS. DAIRY PHONE 503 Monmouth Ave.