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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1922)
ft#«#*##########################« HOW V K A 7 ’. i VAUKY V O TW EK H *#A«K 1>/*T TMKIK U V W . —I»»*rti * «li»; fi-r 4M*ro)ìtij| ri * W | * i af w an lurfiHji U a i M r n i t la Irj M - • a a ^ risia ta -ln r Som e E very-D ay Prices a<v<>rri‘a * ta Jot* F'aai«• of B" » t l ' r ítk,a «4kj tl *f r.'** of • The Mother* Club m eeting »hieb wa* to ha*« been held Friday r i thia weak haa teen p itponed to Friday. May 12. I M. Simpson of Portland »a* h»r* Saturday vo attend tb« track director» m eeting. A moving picture man from P ort land is to film feature-» of the May Day program a t the Normal th it year. flat «rtaj tr«<t </f trm tu r; or»* rt<1f <t»*rr«iil'« to th* lwtl vi4 RaJ« » Ito go I<ff«r* lltiu *"I*v»f b n il» ; a pit- tut»- of lk>- two ai<W of human Mttir«,** sai'J Mr. Ktaiituo. “It »t ow» >m wi» tklt 111 » I'«'») fha twnuM/ul atai ifc* true. mini» uo *bt « Isau'l It t)»pli'U th» tb<-af >)n|ilral/l« trait io human If; molf-aliri*-»». For In »tali'», ........ ...... 18c trt.» ,f fli» r»; «on» mli>- tno*f of fl.» vo;a*»ra In Dt-atii trail«; Clam s ___________ 18c t« gri»f )■ h»a .. .*» *li»; Thoae wishing to have their cannot find mat»« kult*. Tlitr» eye* examined and glasses Solid pack to m a to e s ................... - 20c at* rn»n mini knot* «¡i»r» tli»** fitted should arrange to do mat»r !«/)»■ ar» istti mho ha»* •o on this vi»tt, aa D r. Thompson rlla<ov»r»d fl.»rn and »«» who Large can P e a c h e s ........._............ 21C <• contem plating attending the Op n o i *l;r ■ to pt’iat tl.» wa; to to m etrist Convention to be held in f! » oj Hut aft»r th»»» r»ai hw Pork and Beans. Van C a m p s___ 12c L/j» Angele* in the early p art of man belli#» ha«» g<<n* to all the June; thia will delay him some trouble of »rto-tln* th» algo», puttlna >llr»<tlona or. th*m aa Small can grated P in e a p p le ___ 17c w hat in m aking hi* next regular vi- h»»t tl»»; n u , th* a*-lfi4li trav- sit. Consult him W edoesdsy, Ma> »l»ra coca* a Iona and. n»»di»if 2t i 17. b cal Hotel alt day. Large can fancy sliced pineapple 29c th»- » .-na for flr»*i»*d, d* *tro; George Benson o f Corvallis wa» a them. “Ju»t for th» aatl»fa<tlon of visitor last Thurdaay a t Fred H u Richland Sw eet c o m ................... 15c a tnotnenl, th* utlllt; that b er’». com»» from a klndlina Hr« Sardines in oil ________________ 5C mbb'li could *<» built with a lit Mr. and Mr». Niamey o f Silver- tl» mor» effort If the parti»» tori, Miss Helen Idlemari of Kugene w»r» to M-arr li f..r tb» flr»m<»u«l W esson oil, q t s . _____ _________ 55c and Dr. Lloyd of Salem •rltltout u»lng tb» (uld»po»ta. aoln» |j»opl» Jiopardl»» th» II»»» were Sunday guests a t D. M. Oregon Milk _________________ 11c of tbo»» mini follow tli»m. Ham pton’» and Fred H uber'». That 1» ib» »tor; of I*»atli tail»;. The Salem Woman7» Club Chorus Darigold Milk ............................. 10c Tli* |>la»» ha» man; traa<ill»a to will give a concert a t the Normal It» record but ona-half If not mor» of fb»m could ha»» !>«*«» I Chapel on Sunday, May 7, a t 3 D arim ade Milk .............. 10c av»rt»<< If human nature had o'clock. The proceed» will be given kept lt»»lf In control; If aelflah- ' to the W. C. T. U. Orphanage at M arshmallow syrup, No. 10 tin . 95c n»«» m »re not au< b a atrong Corvallis. Admission will be 35 trait. Iieath »all»; Un't half cents. 2t ao >lan«»raaua to mankind »a ( G olden syrup, N j . 10 t i n ........... 78c C. A. J o h n ^ n who traded job» a n .” with J. S. Prim e did not hold down the local S. P. job irn g . He is now located a t C arlton, startin g the Woman Sits on Captive first of the month and Burton Thur- in Shoplifting Chase. her. a su b stitu te man, is a t present New Yiwk.--t'arloa Terr*« of depot m atter of Monmouth. 14 West Klirht;-fourth «treat, K. C. Cole has started work on wetcrriiMNl the arrival of IMrtar- live Joseph I'helan on the »Id» his new residence which is to be walk outalda of Ma<;'a ilepnrt- located on the site form erly occupi meiit «tore. When I’hHan ar- ed by the B aptist church. rlverl Ml»« Ktta Kerwln, ■ «tore deter-the, who hat) been »IIIIn« Alvin D. Wick, assistant trav el on Ter»«, got up «nd Ter»« ing passenger agent for the S. P , walked to llie West Thirtieth ■tre»l alirllon. was her» Wednesday m aking arra Ml«» Kerwln »«Id »he »aw ngem ents for a siecial train at Mr. H arrington o f the A irlia Ter»» pick up four card <«»»« C. W. Leonard who is in P o rt commencement time. valued at I I I .7*1 and atart out schools was a visitor in this city land taking medical tre a tm e n t without paying Khe run after Mr. T riers, who lives next to the Saturday. him, caught him at tlia curb, w rites th a t he is im proving nicely Herald office, exhibited an egg ti e whirled him around and knockad Mrs. Anna Robbins and dau g h ter and expects to be home about Dec him down with a »maahlng rigid other day th at measured six inches Dante, Salem teachers, w ere visit o ratio n day. He w rites th a t the hnok Then »be »at on the cap a t its sm allest circum ference and ing Mrs. Singleton and her m other, m jth e r of W. H . Cam pbell, fo r th e and mhUtled for a police- seven and a half inches at its larg Mrs. D e W itt Sunday. man. In Jefferaon Market court m erly of th is city , is seriously sick Ten*» was held In SI.Auu hall est circum ference which is a large an d not expected to recover. for a|te<-tal aeaalona. * e{g for a busy l.eghorn hen to |r o M rs. Sadie Singleton w ent to d-ice. P o rtland Monday on a business trip . M r. K aufm an, who has been laid up with rheum atism for some tim e, is able to be o u t again. B ap tist Church •’C h rist’s Man” , and “ The G reat-1 M rs. Daniels of Philom ath was a est Text in the Bible, are th e » ab visitor th is week with friends in ject« for the serm ons S unday. th is city. Special music. At the m»*eting of the Odd Fel W u b a k e e v e r y t h i n g we sell. I lows C ounty Visiting Association C h ris tia n C h u rc h a t McCoy la s t Saturday n ig h t it Subject of m orning serm on i was decided to have the annual pic " A fte r Pentacost W hat?” nic on the * econd S aturday of June Kvening sermon " C o io n c f in the R ickrenll park. Sin” . Illustrated by f.he Parable G. T. Boothby has been doing of the Prodigal Son. ju ry service In Dallas th is week. Miss Gweneth T avis, soprano i o s h o w th e c o s t o f liv in g is n o t h igh in M o n m o u th & Karo syrup, No. 10 t i n ................. 69C Karo light syrup, No. 10 t i n ----- 76C Large roll crepe toilet paper Citrus w ashing p o w d e r ............... Arm A Home Institution “Fresh Every Day” “The Sign of the Bakery and Rose” soloist, service. S h o p T e a will ring a t the morning ARNO L D C h ris'.ia’i Science Sunday School at 10 a. m. T h r e e d o o r» e a s t o f p o st o ffic e . L ig h t L u n c h S e rv e d \5ednesd.'»y evening m eeting a t .?S?SVSaWS¿Sa5?5¿SÍ5í5^5¿SZS?5ZS25e5íS2SZS2S2SZSHS252SZS252S2S25ZS2í o ’clock. Sunday m orning service at 11 o ’clock. svN oesis o r t h i a n n u a l i t a t i m i n t o r t h i S ubject for Sunday May 7. Star Eagle S tar A British Dominion* Inaurane« C o., Ltd. of tn t h * K i n g d o m o f O r a n ! B r i t a i n o n th*» t h i r t y f ' r n t d a y "Adam a r d Fallen Man” . o f IW« m i h r r ! * • ! . m a d * t o t h » I n a u r a t i « « t ' o m m i M l o n t r o f t h « H i n t « of p u r s u a n t t o la w A m o u n t « I <4#pa«lt c a p i t a l C A P ITA L ---- 9 §10.000 00 INCOM B N«»t p r e m i u m * r«f «ltrf< t d u r t n v t h # y # n r ___ |n t**r #a t <|tvM#iut« r r n t s r r « # t v r d «turiti* I h # y # « r lne««m# fr««m «»th#r #«>ur«## N e t l v n l d u r i n e t h # r # n r ___ T o ta l inc«m # --- --------- lr- - r t,-, - — - D lO B U P IlM B N T t N « l Inaaea p a id •Karin« th # F # # r Im lu .ltn # #«1)u#t •*P Invia«» fui» palai on a-«pll«l Ma ark •ttirlo* the y e a r t4 i n i u * 41 >42 J01 116 f-»! 49 94 tTl.?44 ft i n « m it Wow« 1,41».I l l SI IM ««• *| • n « •»- « «• ! sw #rt## p# td dttPll k th# v a a r T o t # # ll f f n a t a a n d f#*# p a id d u r in g th # jr#nr A m o u n t o f all id h # r # i p « n d t t u r r a ■■ , ____ »» «vo rrsoi T » * « l • .» « a a e i v 'v a A s ia rs V*lw» »nin» ; r**aJ a p l a t # nIrraval I m r l r l v a l u . ) _________ fcaaiaal» a<«n» 4 l m « r k - l r t l u r ) n n* r i i s f i i anal a ••lini *r*l. »Ir . . . ------------- banka *“ ■ ■»> k»n4 . I,ur»a- o f < • » • * • r a t t a n MIM« I r v i i a tn lu m a iil» r » » it t ai «nal r» n < « l u * «nal »a a r u v l JT T »la l N .n » at« « Wa and »a ta n in »,! ilra -M '« » In a* (.ar »•••«• 1*11 - ■’ ■ f .p a in *«-’ i*sU e .N i M LM UABiuiTiaa a * * f n « a a . — pr»maaaan» Am ount ol |>U» fa’» n m m l H l a i « « » 4 A ll ••(har l i » b i i l n « » _ _ T » * » i lianaiala»» M, 1*4*5 (H - M *11 aaul« • » • ) * • • '» • •* » » ri« « l U M * I ITt.tTtM S.S4Î.IJS M It.MB «* U M lll »V* i.«»«« » B U SIN SB » IN 0 R 8 0 0 N rO R T H I V I A R tu rm a lh« r«**r______ - —■ f t II— - palai alai a i u Ih» a a*«r - | . . . . • Tn****r»4 -turata« Ih» »»aa ...................._ . . r.A <»iJi aT A R a r r i t i u m d o m i n i o n s i n h c h a n c e cv » r r * 4 a Jan*»« A «V». t nilaO « ta ir a M aua«, a. «S «lu I.>r» ni a ll. ina» (or a. a vIrr pm i | Or«—may«», s u i , tksf#aR4* M.TM.SS 44.101*4 4T.SS0 I » I.T D walk— ■ E v an g elical C hurch "T he Homelike Church*' 11 A. M. "T he Sound of th e T tu m p r t" 7:45 P . M. "T he Crown o f Thorns” 10 A. M. Sunday School. The | W oman's Bible Class extends sn in vitation to all the women of Mon{ m outh to atten d tb eir class. It «rill he w orth your w hile. 0 45 P . M. C hristian Fjideavi r? Two classes, Uigh School and N t r- m al. Wednesday, k?:30 P. M P ra y a r M reting9 Homelik« Society W ednesday a f ternoon at the home of Mrs. W hite. 1 adies Aid Thursd ay afterao o a at i the chu»ch, \ ou are welcome to all our *er- | vice». Come earlj GOT ITS NAME FROM STREAM H o w New Yo* h '« Fa m ou « ••M«ld«n L a n «” R e c«lv* 4 N om anclatur« T h a t I« W o rld Fam ou«. Malden lane, the home of the Jew- e lry and diam ond bustneas In New T u rk , and know n over the w orld for that fact, received Its name before It waa a atreet. took It from a very pretty little attcani that ran «cross that purt of the city. It was the cus tom In that i l l ) « before tbe time of wringers and w .ishlng machines, for the young w om en to do the fam ily washing T h e clothes w e re carried here and the day s|irnt to Cleansing them In what Is ilesa-rlbe J as a rippling hr.»>k. Si'ine of the men who have dug Into N e w Y o rk 's e a rly history ptefeas to have discovered tha l It was also a place where the ;<wmg men of the time repaired, being p retty certain of getting a chance to tirjk w ith the g lrla T h e stream wits oufslde the city as It existed at that tim e. m «»t of It be Ing behind the hht woatden wall that Peter Stuyvesant had built, so that In order t.* get to M sIdVn lane It waa neeessar; to go out th ro n g * *he gnte with the fa m ily wash T h m e Is noth ing to show that M onalsj was then washday w ith families, aa Uie popular p* It la now and was la t* ». But It la likely the D utch began to get things to rights early In the week, anil It probably was Mamday that »aw the greatest gathering of m tlden»« along the little stream, w ashing and rinsing clothes. 9® O ld Dutch C le a n s e r ................... Q uaker C om Flakes ................... Farina, 10 lb, sack ....................... 72c G olden W est or M. J. B. coffee 44c Royal C lub coffee ___________ 44C Macaroni ---------------------------- Bulk Cocoa — ............................. 10° Laundry Soap ...............- .............. ®C G ood Broom .................................. 7oC Be£t patent F lo u r........................ $2.50 OREGON (^H5E5H5H525?5H5HSESZ5E5HS25Z52525E5ZSHS2SZSES'Z52SeSH525252S2S2SHSH5HS? s a a a a I a a a fl a Children’s Oxfords & Sandals Work and dress shoes foi men Complete Line of Harnesses 1 4MV 01WCDDM5 29C Hammer Soda ................. MONMOUTH rc ClfUUCII 5C r .iiuniniiiimiiiiHiitiinwtiinit]iiuuiinifHmii¡iniiiiiitmi¡;iiiiNiiitiuiiintitiHnmnm!i ft;r» and supplies. A rm y Harness, $ 4 7 a set O ils, P olish es, S h o estrin g s, E tc. F irst C lass Repairing Charles M. A tw ater '.£ZSH5HS2SS5ZSaSZ5ES2S25H5HSZSZ52S2S2SZSZ525ZSHS252SaSSSH5a To th e V o ters of Polk C ounty A fter announcing m yself as a candidate for the Republic an nom ination for County Commissioner, I feel th at the peo ple are en titled to know for w hat 1 stand and w hat they can expect should 1 received the nom ination and am elected. I earnestly believe in and will support the following: Will work for a good economic business adm inistration. Will endeavor to reduce the tax levy w ithout sacrificing necessary essentials and, as a heavy tax payer. I am keenly interested in this grave necessity and I believe th at the en actm ent of the proposed S tate income tax m easure will be a long step in.this direction. Will endeavor to tre a t all people in all parts of the County ju stly and im partially. Will stand for County em ploye's wages being placed on the same basis as other wages th roughout the country and keep the num ber of employes to the m inim um . Will stand for each road di«trict g ettin g the seventy per cent tax levy, as by law provided, and the balance of the road money, or the o th er th irty per cent will be equitably d istrib u ted . In d istrib u tin g m arket road funds, I will always keep in mind the intention of the law and will seek to locate m arket roads where most needed to the benefit of the producers. Will have certain days and re g u lar hours a t the County C ourt House to hear the suggestions and troubles of the people. Will be governed by the wishes of the people at the tax budget m eetings so far as is practicable to keep within the bounds of the law. Will stand for b etter roads and protection of w hat we al ready have through m aintenance. Will work a t all tim es for harmony with the other m em ber* of the C ourt b u t will use my own judgm ent in decid- ng m atters before m e. If it is the w ill'of the voters of this County th a t I serve them as county commissioner, I shall use all my influence to enforce the above platform . Paid adv. W illia m Riddell, Jr. 4