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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1922)
o V- Ira C. Powell J. B. V. Butler P re s id e n t F. E. Chambers V ic e P re s id e n t C a s h ie r First National Bank 1 B u t l ter N u t C U r e s C . P o w e ll, A s s t C a s h ie r . — - ...... — - f and o f MONMOUTH, OREGON Remember! Basket Social at E L K IN S t the school house. May 13th. It has been decided definitely | that the Basket Social w ill be held . Saturday evening. May 13th. I t | A go nily number o f the vousg ta -s* has been reported that it would be people walked to Lewisville friday evening and enjoyed a delicious held the 12th, which was thought j chicken pie supper and a good pro o f, hut the date is May 13th. Don’t ! gram given by the Lewisville K. L. fo rg e t! An excellent program is C E. being prepared which w ill be worth T h i s b a n k is o w n e d a n d m a n Mr. F. L. lubandt and son, Win fred, motored to Salem Tuesday while. a g e d by p e o p l e y o u k n o w a n d and sp» nt the day transacting busi Prof. Brandt, Prof. Coleman and ness. and trust, and w h o are c o n three o*her college men were at the Misses Cora and Louise Toedte- c e r n e d in t h e d e v e l o p m e n t a n d Luckiamute Farm Saturday looking miere and brother Norman were in over the herd. Independence [Saturday having den g r o w t h o f t hi s c o m m u n i t y , f i r s t Mrs. A . E. Tetherow, Miss Mil tal work done. o f all. Miss Winnogene Peterson was at dred Tetherow and John W illiams her home in Parker over Saturday attended the plate social at Fair- and Sunday. view Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oren Bagley of C o rn e liu s , P r o p . Several o f the young people o f Suver were .Sunday, guests at the the community attended the chick- home o f Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Ogles- enpie supper at Lew isville Friday bee. W o o d Saw ing per cord evening. J. O. MATTHIS Capital..................................... $30,000.00 Miss Maud McDaniel spent the Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Ray, Mr. Hard wood, twice cut, 90c Surplus and Undivided Profits $25,000.00 week-end at her home in Albany. Physician and Surgeon and Mrs. Roy M iller, Mildred M il ” :: times in two $1.15 P h o n e 573 H o u se 867W The Ladies Aid Society is plan ler and Frank A . Loughary spent Office; 409-10 Bank of Commerce BKig, Fir, twice in two80c: 3 cuts $1.00 ning on giving a program at the Directors Sunday at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. S alem Ore. S. H. Hinkle, Phone 2411 school house. Wednesday evening. I. M. Simpson J. B. V. Butler, Chairman Frank Brown o f Dallas. May 3. The proceeds w ill go for Ira C. Powell VVm. Riddell Robert Steele I. H. Loughary attended a meet payment on the fixtures in the ing o f St. Mawes And Rinda Lad church. breeders o f the state in McMinnville Several people from Fair View REPUBLICAN NOMINEE Monday. They are planning on ad M ARAN! were Sunday callers at the home of FOR vertising this line o f stock all over Representing the Fire Insurance, Real Estate Otto Fleischman. “P E N N S Y L V A N IA ” the United States. and Surety Bonds W. H.Carney was a business visi Miss Florence Enschede spent Fire Insurance Co. Reliable Service tor in Dallas, Independence and last week end in Monmouth. of Philadelphia at the primaries Friday, M a y 19. Monmouth, Saturday. The Student Teachers to begin Miss Lillian Thurston, who has H e is a man of rare personality and their practice teaching here next Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Etc. p r o v e d e x e c u t i v e ability. Here, been spending several weeks with week visited school Monday a fter briefly, is bis story: Isaac L e e Pat* her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T . terson was born in Benton County, noon. O r eg on , in 1859. A tt en d ed country B. Oglesbee, returned to her home 1 P H O N E NO S. sc h oola and work ed bis way through A truck load o f slab wood from in Suver. Friday. 33*3 O F F IC E Christian C olle ge, Monmouth. Be- For Sale— Fresh Jersey cow, 4 Monmouth arrived at the school 3502 HOUSE c a m e n s u c c e s s f u l m e r c h a n t in Frank Williamson, who has em years old. Frank Robison. Salem. In 1894 was elected State house Monday afternoon. ployment at Camp I sjient the week Senator from Marion County. In Clell Kerber spent the week-eod 1898 was ap pointed C olle c tor of F o r Sale end at his home here. C m to m s at Portland, b y President at his home near Foster. 1 pure bred Percheron mare com- M c K in le y ; re-appointed by President Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dodson were Mr. and Mrs. A . E. Tetherow shopping in Salem one day last week. R oo sevelt in 1902. ' ing 4 years old. 1 gelding half Clyde, half Percheron blood, com- and daughters Ruth and Mildred. Mrs. Lottie B^nd and son Arthur i ing 4 years cld. Well matched and Maud McFIdowney and M r. and L e n . e . accurately duplicated o f Newherg spent the latter part o f will make 3000 pound team. Optical repairs carefully and T W T H I L E be was collector, the business o f Mr. Patter- Mrs. G. B. Jones and sons were 25 fir electric light or telephone the week with Mrs. Bond’s sister promptly made. t! son’ s offic e practically doubled yet he reduced the poles, 30 and 40 ft e t long, peeled Sunday guests o f Clarence Tedrow and fam ily, Mrs. A . E. Calkins. cost o f running his office by $6,380 a year. Since 1906 has been .» suet cssful f ar mer at Eola, P olk Coun ty. In and fam ily. and seasoned, $1.50 |9|9 anti 1921 served ns St«.te Senator from Polk Coun ty. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Williams and 2t A . H . Craven. Dr. W . C. Gehman, Optometrist A s chniiman of Senate Finance C om m itte e led the fight baby visited at the home o f Mr. and P o litic a l A d v e rtis in g against wholesale salary increase bills and defeated most Salem , Oregon For Sale— Seven Fresh Cows and of them. In 1921 voted increasing G o v e r n o r ’ s 1 am a candidate fo r Joint Repre Mrs. K. L. Williams, Sunday. salary. a White Boar. L. E. Olden. 3t sentative o f Lincoln and Polk Coun Miss Dottie Womer, who was ties subject to the w ill o f the Re operated on at the Dallas Hospital For Sale— 2 fresh cows, a 4 year publican electors at the primary Since 1913 State taxes have increased 748.7 p e r c e n tl a few weeks ago, returned to her old colt, 20 cords o f 4 foot oak election in May 1022. Thi s gross extr avagance must be stopped! Mr. P atte r wood, a No. 12 separator and a 3J B. F. Jones. home here last week. She is rapid son has pledged that when elected he will make a sub inch Bain wagon. L . W. Cody. 2t stantial decrease in you r stave taxes by efficient and e c o ly recovering. nomical administration. A vote for Senator Patterson ia T o the V o tc n o f Polk County: Emmet Turner was transacting a vote for clean, economical business-like government. For Sale— A Red Jacket Meyers On the basis o f my service in the Local representative of Salem force pump and 20 feet o f pipe for last session o f the legislature I am business in Albany, Monday. PATTERSON CAMPAIGN C O M M I T T E E and Portland Florists $10. 240 pounds o f rape seed , announcing m yself as a candidate 201 Imperisi Hotel Portland, Oregoa Some o f the young people were Paid Adv. while it lasts at 10 cents a pound. | for re-election to the office o f Rep ORDERS PROM PTLY FILLED seeking (? ) pleasure in Independ J. L . Van Loan. 4t32 resentative fo r Polk County. ence Friday evening instead o f en M A K E O R E G O N S A F E FOR T H E R E P U B L IC A N PARTY ___________ > _ P . O. Powell. joying a luscious chicken pie at Dry Oak wood $7 a cord. PHONES 9821 AND 9822 J .W . Leask. 1 hereby announce my candidacy I^ewisville. Independence, Ore. for Representative fo r Polk County, For Sale— Pure bred R. I . Red subject tc the w ill o f the Republi eggs. Winter laying strain. $1 for can voters at the Prim ary election. Reduced Rates in 15. $6 per 100. Setting hens $1.75. May 19th, 1922. Farm Mutual Fire Insurance Mrs. V. E. Silcott. E. .Main St. Is Polk County grateful to the N o Interest to Serve but the I have taken the agency fo r the man who has done more for it than People’s Interest. H E M STITC H IN G — Leave orders Farmers’ Fire R elief Association o f any other public man? Certainly. D. E. Fletcher. Cornelius, M illinery Butteville, Oregon, a farm ers’ mu with Mrs. The Eastern portion owes to his tual insurance comps ny which ac store. Mail orders promptly filled. efforts the State Normal School, cepts" no city risks, is incurporated Mrs. Barnell, Independence, Ore the biggest Institution in the Coun and has been doing business fo r 28 gon. Phone 4321. ty and the only one in the State. years. This company has always Let me mend your furniture or He also introduced a bill while paid its losses promptly and Janua file your saws. J. W . How«*ll. 4t in the Senate for the location o f the ry first has assets deposited in sev Mute School on Eola H ills. en different banks o f $49,000.00. The Monmouth Cooperative S lip To join costs $1 and 25 cents per ping Association w ill save farm er’s The remainder o f the County has $100 fo r dwellings and contents; 30 money in the sale o f livestock. Ship b ;en developed by the narrow rents per $100 fo r barns, school gauge system o f railroads, now with us and cut out middleman's houses and contents. The applicant standardized, which he won in one profit. It you have stock to ship j is then entitled to insurance sub o f the hottest fights ever witnessed notify W. J. Stockholm. M gr. tf ject to such assessments as are nec in the Senate. The Governor ve essary to cover losses and expens toed it and he triumphantly carried For Sale es. A member can withdraw at any it over the veto. The Only Westerner Ever Elected Vice Chairman o f the Republican 2 o f the finest lots in the city on time. The company has on its books A t the last session he was a true National Committee paved street. Concrete walk and $7,995,934 insurance and paid out friend to the County. during 1920 losses amounting to curb. Price $200 each. None o f these victories were pur $10,840.27. For particulars inquire 7 Room house, lot 821 by 330 suant to pre-election promises. He o f G. W . C h e s e b r o agent. feet, fru it fo r fam ily use, barn and saw the opportunities and embraced The Republican National Committee consists o f one member from each chicken house and park. Price Monmouth, Ore. them. elate in the Union and ia the political organization o f the party. $1800. Lee delivers the gtods. In June, 1921, at the Committee’s first meeting after the inaugura Large house, two lots, right What has any other candidate tion o f President Warren G. Harding, every state cast its vote for Ralph close in. Price $1200. for Governor done for Polk County ? E. Williams o f Oregon fo r vice-chairman o f the Committee, recogniz 7 room house, good orchard, elec Besides he ia the ablest and most ing by their unanimous vote his fitness and ability as a leader to fill tbia tric lights and city water, toilet. d.stinguished man in the field, the responsible position. P rice $2500. Terms. G. T Boothby. only native son o f the County. A vote fo r Ralph E. Williams for Republican National Committeeman 4 room house and lot. Fruit and It is the first and perhaps the on will confirm the action o f the forty-eight states in electing him vice berries. Close in. Price $850. Have a letter written oi. ly opportunity o f the County to so chairman o f the Republican National Committee, a position never before 8-room house, 11 acres o f land, any o f the standard makes Build w ith f ir e p r o o f honor one o f her sons. held by a Western man. * located on East Main street. Curb o f typewriters. Jli^ vigorous and honorable cam ing and concrete walk. Price Ralph K. Williams o f Oregon, as vice-chairman o f the Republican N®* Then have the same letter paign iff bringing him many friends $3000, terms. tional Committee, is directly in line to become National chairman, the written on a Woodstock. throughout the State. He is a past highest position attainable in the Republican organization. Ask any competent critic 21 acres. A ll in cultivation. master at marshalling the silent, to pick out the neatest let 6-Room house, hot and cold water, A National Committeeman on the National Committee doea not make thoughtful vote. ter. oet it ano bath. Barn 32x1s . 3 He ia the only candidate N orth ' or execute the laws, hut carries out the policies and platform o f the The reason is built in the horses. 2 cows and all farm machin party adopted by the delegatee at • ach previous National Convention. o fS a le m . machine. ery. I-oca ted 1 mile nor^i east o f Mr. Williams is n a M member o f the National Committee. Seniority Last election he rereived in Mult Monmouth. Price $6,500. nomah County 54,365 votes, the in this committee gives one the same power as seniority in the U. S. (Ask for Demonstration) For Sale or Rent— 5 acres o f land Senate. largest o f sny Representative, 5 room house, good dairy barn. 15 i Do the right and proper thing minutes walk to city. Kent $15.00 t ' North fNurhorw S t m t I and vote fo r the man o f m erit, your per month. ^friend. (Paid A d v.) 1 P i S aS*. by O a n l M at R w ibU ctw . C L Starr. S m j . «17 Bawd at TraS* DM , . Portland. Oral AIRLIE .Our Own Community First III A AJI. A A A breads at the M ONM OUTH BA K E R Y Mrs. M. Beet IKE P ATTERSON A. WALTER G. BROWN DR. F. R. BOWERSOX PHYSICIAN V SURGEON GOVERNOR Notary Public Our Bargain Column Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted A Record of Achievement Hartman Bros. Vote for Patterson and Stop this WasteI Flowers for All Occasions A. L. KEENEY RE-ELECT J. D. Lee for Governor RALPH E. WILLIAMS Rebubiican National Committeeman Keep The W est in Power We Stand or Fall By This Test When you build Build permanently Brick or Building Tile Central Clay Products Co. G. T. Boothbv. Woodstock Typewriter Co. Chicago, U. S. A. Vote to Keep Him There