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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1922)
IN V IT E S OREGON WORLD uD> *N OFFERS A M ARKET FOR YOUR PRODUCE PORTLAND W .» WILD BIRDS DESTROY. INJURIOUS INSECTS THE TURKEYS LAY THREE LITTERS Portland, Or«|OD V A U D E V IL L E P H O T O -P L A Y S Complete Change Sun and Thurs. Matinee Daily. Tw ice Nightly Saturday, Sunday, Holidays, Continuous H IW S d r ò M Poult* Hatched Later Than dune Do Not Develop for Thanksgiving Markets, Y O U C A N E A S I L Y L E A R N TO F L Y and become a Pilot by taking the course of instruction we offer. The cost— but 1200.00— used to be $500.00— and takes but ten wreeks For Information address O R E G O N - W ASH I N G T O N A. ID A H O A IR P L A N E CO. 214 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Ore. Pi SPRAYER, M aw 1 J — e t . c: Soon after matirg turkey hens be gin to look for riestli i; places and usually commence laying In from a week to 10 days after the first mating One mating Is sufficient to fertilize all the eggs of one litter, but the bens ordinarily mate three or four times be fore beginning to lay. All turkey hens, o f course, do not beglu laying at the same time, and In a tlm k of about 1? It may he six weeks or more from the time the first hen begins to lay until the last begins. Pullets usually com mence laying a little earlier than yearlings or older hens, say poultry FOR EVERY NEED MADE IN OREGON POW ER (Prepared by th, Ualt.d state, D.partm.m of Agriculture) SPRAYERS fr o m $150 to $400 Trade in Your Old One. Write for Catalog. QUALITY SPRAYER MEG. CO.. 245 Grand Av... Portland. Or, A - m W aterD rO O Iea « i l l make Silos, Granaries, ll.isements, etc, W a te r- proof, Hotproof. Katproof and Fireproof Medusa W aterproof, ,i W hite Portland Cement la ,,ie best ior stucco Plaster on outtude for nunca Does not stain and dirt can be hosed off. W rite for Literature. Sold by M c M IL L A N A CO., 120 Union Ave. N, Portland C E M E N T r HEMSTITCHING AND PLEATING . Buttonhollne — Holtons — Plaiting — Tucking and Chalnstitching A il Mail Orders given careful and prompt attentRin Elite Shop, 384 Morrison St. BAB’S RESTAURANT I S S à m t ü & Son 10 fo r 5c Sugiir jacket just “melts in your mouth,’ then you get the delec table gum center. We Pay Highest Prices for H1DLS. PELTS. WOOL. MOHAIR. CASCARA BARK. Address Department B 1 to 5 ton GMC, Republics, Whites, etc. Overhauled—Guaranteed. Grand Avenu. .1 Y.mhill PORTLAND. ORE. W E N T W O R T H & I R W I N , Inc. Oregon Distributors for G M C Trucks 200 Second St., Cor. Taylor Portland, Oregon EXPERT Dyeing & Cleaning F ir e P r o o l a n d M o d e r n *VTH « QA STRH» ©«TLANO. 0 * 10 » EXCELLENT SERVICE Write for “At Your Beck and Call” MARKING R IT Z H O T E L P A R K A N D M O R R IS O N S TS. Depot Morrison Cars direct to Hotel. Popular Prices. Center Shopping and Theater district. PRANK A. CLARK. Prop., formerly with Clyde Hotel. Radio Outfts T h e Sets Com plete or Parts. y u t e / r i s s s f the Offiée'* b'ctlSwry ii K Xpert advice on any income tax problem:« Several years’ actual I HA experience in Govern- DD H Q I C U Q ’«lent B ile a u s la offered r n U D L L l Y l U t unable to visit our office. State your troubles briefly and send In with f l and we will Rive you hon est to goodness advice. It will pay you to get In touch with us now. E. J. Curtin, Room 806 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Oregon. III P f i l i e in U U m L TRW W rite for prices. MYERS BLACKW ELL CO. 4<i! Hawthorn. Ave.. PORTLAND. OKJC IN F O R M A T IO N D E PA R T M E NT ,, A G R IC U L T U R A L IM P L E M E N T S Farm Implements— N ew and second hand, special prices. P. E. Ksbenshade, 360-366 E. Morrison St. East HI. _____ B R A Z IN G , W E L D IN G & C U T T IN G Northwest Welding & Supply Co. 88 1st St C L E A N I N G A N D D Y E IN G For reliable Cleaning and Dyeing service send parcels to us W e pay return postage. S.b.SIOO,Mra 12*8 « Sc NnbM. Or. Information and prices given Very Centrally Located. Convenient to all upon request. Depot*, and one block from main Postoflke ____ i : \ K K S C IT Y D Y E W O R K S »0________________ Foi Fire Proof and Modern C U T F L O W E R S A. F L O R A L D E S IG N S | Clarke b io s , Florists, 287 Morrison St.___ F O U N D R Y A N D M A C H IN E W O R K S A. K. Holcombe. Manager Commercial Iron W orks, 7lh & Madison. W eekly Kates to Permanent Guests Sixth and Everett Streets, Three Blocks D R U G L E S S P H Y S IC IA N from N ew Postoffice, Four Blocks from Chronic diseases u specialty. Dr. W . N Union Depot. Portland, Ore. Allen *10 Fieldner building.________ _____________ R A IN IE R _ HOTEL N E W H O U S T O N HOTEL ~DR. ¿7 E. WATTS 212 Oregonian Building. PORTLAND. OREGON "SPECIALIST Female and Rectal Troubles and GLAND TRANSPLANTATIONS Chicken House Sash, 67c Write for prices on doors and windows. Men tion this aid. We manufacture. HE ACOCK SASH & DOOR CO.. 214 1st St.. Portland Ore FO R D O W N E R S Mr Ford Owner— Do you want to In crease your mileage 25 to 5D per cent? If so, buy a Stransky Vaporiser and Decar bonizer. Good live Agents wanted. Auto Specialty Co.. 548 Peyton bldg , Spokane, H O R SES. M U L E S B O U G H T . S O LD U. S STABL.C.S. 3fc5 Union Ave. D raft horses boug ht and sold.___________________ M A C H IN E R Y Send us your Inquiries for anything In Iron or W oodv'orking Machinery, bogging, t, l.oco- sawm ill. jContractors’ Kquiprnurt, motives, Boilers, Engine*. aine«, Crushers, Crushers Rail, Burke M ach ln ery C o , i CaDte, Belting, etc. B j 628 Railway Exchange Bldg , Cortland, Or. ________ ' ._ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r " HOLER RARBI GB Teaches trade in »weeks, bom« pay while Warn- We can »howyou how to turn your patentable iiw Po»,ti...„ eecured Wr.te for catalog»*. fdeaa into caah. Oregon Lire n »ad Me. hanlcal 243 Burnside » Portland. Ore _____ Eninnw. THOMAS B1LYKU. M i Steven, M O N U M E N T S — E. 3d and Pin* Sts. Building. Portland. Ore I Otto Schumann Granite Ac M arble W orks PATENT ATTORNEY “ A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit’* HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St , at East Sixth, the Principal East Side Hotel. 5 minutes from Shopping District Four blocks from S. P. East Side Station. s h ip us It’ s a D O U B L E treat — Pepperm int Jacket over Pep perm int gum tîST USED TRUCK BARGAINS thirty for WRKLEY 5 ? 4 §íSk fj> Forty Years in the Same Location. Write for Prices and Shipping Tags "Every- o f Agriculture. ) The work o f wild birds lu the de struction of Injurious Insects Is worth at least $4*10,000,000 annually to the American farmer and horticulturist, and In recognition of their valuable aid anti charm, and to encourage their presence, the establishment of commu nity bird refuges throughout the coun try, on farms, bird preserves, and else where, is Increasing. Useful sugges tions for the establishment and main tenance of community bird refuges ure contained in Farmers’ llulletln 1239, Issued by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture, a copy of which Write us for prices and market conditions on P O R 1 T 0S L U A NIO N D H ID E & W OOL CO. N AVENUE NORTH. PCRTIAHI, OREGON. tLBBEP STAMPS and DEVICES. (Prepared by the Untt.d States Department Ve*L Hogs, Petrtry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc. Portland, Oregon By Parcel Pott. Return Postage Paid. Circulars and Prices. Establishment of Community Refu ges Throughout Country Is on In. crease— Useful Suggestions Given in Bulletin. Sixth street opposite The Oregonian and A l der street opposite Meir & Frank’s. The Best Eating place in the City. The Finest Coffee and Pastry a Specialty. ï L Cafeteria Page Worth at Least $400.000 Annu ally to Farmers. y o u i T w o o l W ool cleaning and carding Wool bats and mattresses made to order W e do custom carding W rite for prices Crystal Springs W oolen Mills Established In 1805 Main Office and Factory, ?6«J Um atilla Ave., Portland. PILES FI8T U L.A ,F IS SU R E . Itch- ing ¿nd all other rectal conditions except Cancer permanently cured w ith out a surgical operation. My method of treatment saves the tissue instead of destroying it It ts pain less, requires no anes thetic and is permanent. There is no confinement __ t 'i bed, no interference with b ».tineas or social engagements I uarantee a cure or will refund your fee ail or write for booklet. Mention this paper when writing G DR. C. J. D E A N tacend and Morrison Sts.. Portland, Ora. PERSONAL | Marry If Lonely: moat successful "H om e t Maker” ; hundreds rich. confidential: I reliable; years experience; descriptions i free. "T h e Successful C lub," Mrs. Nash, Box 656, Oakland, C alifornia. P IP E R E P A IR IN G a P I P I T C r epaired by experts K m m . I 1 * 1 • P R U N E T R E E S !! P R U N E T R E E S !!! Before buying elsewhere aee ue Columbia | f'ureery C o , 1480 I'nlon A v e , Portland. s a n it a r y beauty parlor W e help the appearance of women. T w en ty-tw o Ini h switch or transform a tion, value $7 60 , price $2 45 4*1*1 to 412 Dekum Bldg SH O E R E P A IR IN G IN P O R T L A N D __ Model Shoe Repair, 272 VV ashington St. - B r ew . A m e n . an A n d w ith W rip ley’ s three old standbys also »(ford in g friendly aid to teeth, throat, breath, ap petite and digestion. Bronze Turkey Hen. specialists In the United States De partment of Agriculture. The average number of eggs In the first litter Is about 18, although In Individual hens it may vary from 12 to 30. liens that do not have to be set can be broken up on becoming broody and made to lay a second or a third litter. The number of eggs laid In the second litter averages about 12, and In the third about 10, although there ts considerable variation in the egg pro- luction of different hens. Some turkey hens can be made to lay four or five litters, but tills Is not usually advisable, as poults hatched later than June do not have a chance to develop for the Thanksgiving and Christinas markets and are not sufli clently mature by the following spring to be used as breeders. A hen that be gins laying In the iplddle of Murch will usually finish laying her first Utter early In April, her second litter about the third week In May, depending up on the number of eggs she lays and the promptness with which she Is broken up on becoming broody. Hens that are allowed to hatch and raise a brood of poults after laying their first Utter often begin laying again in the fall, but |>oults hatched at that time are of little value except for broilers, as they require too much care and attention to carry them through the winter. Fall-hatched pal lets begin laying late the following spring, hut they are Immature at thnt time and poults hatched from their eggs do not develop Into large, strong birds as do poults from mature stock. BEST FLOORS IN HEN HOUSE Disagreeable Condition for Fowls Is Caused by Moisture Coming to Surface. The floor In any poultry house of fers ninny problems. A In rice percent age of the moisture In a poultry house comes about through the floor. The moisture rises to the surface of the ground and evaporates. In many In stances causing n disagreeable con dition for the birds. The best floor In a poultry house Is built with first a layer of gravel or cinders. In fact any open material thnt hns large air spaces, then a layer of hollow block tile, next a very thin layer of cement. A good practical floor can be con structed as follows; Six to eight inches crushed rock, then a layer of tar paper and follow that with about I three Inches of cement. Soothing, thirst-quenching. M a k in g th e n ex t cigar taste better. The Blackbird’s Coign of Vantage. may be obtained free from the depart ment at Washington, I>. C. “ On the average there are in the United States only about two birds to the acre, but where they are pro tected and encouraged It has been demonstrated that a very great In crease over the normal bird population can he secured. No fewer than r>9 pairs to the acre Is the number reached In the most successful of these attempts reported. Valuing the services of birds at 10 cents eneh— an estimate ridiculously low, but used to Insure a safe minimum— the birds of the United Stntes prevent an Increase In the unnual damage done by Insects of more than $100,000,000. “ A particular farm may not have so large a bird population ns It should, and therefore mny not he deriving the benefit which Is Its due. The most effective monns o f increasing the num ber of birds Is protection, anil protee- tlon In Its best sense Is afforded by the establishment of bird refuges.” A bird refuge may lie established In a small way on a farm or through a co-operative bird preserve" In the lat ter case, the plan bus proved popu lar and successful as a means of es tablishing colonies of game birds, such as pheasants. “ In creating a useful bird refuge." says the bulletin, “ the first step Is to Insure adequate protection ngalnst all bird enemies; the second, to see that plenty of nesting sites suited to the needs o f the various birds are avail able; and tlie third, to Improve food and water supplies. If necessary." Bird refuges also mny be e-tnhltshed along roadways snd right-of-ways, with particularly attractive and bene ficial results. "Hardly an agricultural pest escapes the attacks of birds,” says the bulletin. “ The alfalfa weevil lias 45 different bird enemies; the army worm, 43; blllbugs, 07; cotton boll-weevil, flfl; brown-tall moth, 31; chestnut weevils, 64; chinch bug, 24; clover-root borers, 85; clover weevil, 25; codling moth, 30; cotton worm. 41; cutworms, 98; forest tent caterpillar, 32; gipsy moth, 46; horseflies, 49; loaf-hoppers, 120; orchard tent caterpillar, 43; potato beetle, 25; rice weevil, 21; seventeen- year locust, 38; twelve-spotted cucum ber beetle, 28; white grubs, 67, and wlreworms, 168.” C30 Must Keep Credit Good. Lots of men do business on other people's money. Those who succeed learn that it's not how much business they do but 'bow good they maintain their credit. The man who can bor row when he needs money is the man whose conduct of business is ap proved.— Exchange. Less Costly Dealing. “ The portrait painter charged me $1,000 to do mo In oil,” said the man who had Just cleaned up In the stock market. "You got o ff cheap,” replied the inan who had been on tho losing side. “ In the future I think I'll have my dealings with a painter instead of a broker.” Horned Owl Is Powerful. Saturday Note. The great horned owl, a typical woodland bird, Is, says the American Forestry Magazine, the most powerful of them all, only Inferior In strength and fierceness to the eagle. “ Tommy, dear,” said the stern mother, bh her son came in from play ing; "this is bath night, you know.” “ Then I think,” answered the boy, "I'll go out and get a little dirtier.” Rarebit as a Means to Riches. “ Diamonds found In a dream.” runs a headline. If the story can be proved, Its author can realize u haudsome sum by disclosing what he ate before he went to bed.— Boston Transcript. Poet Worthy of Honor. I think, and think 1 think rightly, the laurel appointed for triumphant captains doth worthily, of all other learnings, honor the poet's triumph. — Sidney. TWELVE YEARS AGO AND N O W I f you were a user o f automobile tires twelve years ago, you know how true these things are. G o o d year T ires , you w ill re member, were good tires even then. Eut they gave hardly half the mileage that Goodyear users are reporting to us todey. Good as they were, they could not compare in size or strength or lasting qualities with Goodyear Tires now. PREPARE SOIL FOR GARDENS S lo-m ak e ra, tOS 4th St. _______________________________ V E T E RI N A R IA N —Cattle a Specialty Dr. Chas M Anderson. Kenton. Portland W a n t e d — a g e n t s ^ Crystal radio outfits. Immediate ship ment Detroit, retail $10 and $35 H ead quarters, Acme Products Co 21* Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon^__________ Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Pieces Lubllner Florists. 348 Morrison St. -___ i t ‘ -J. ■ i" — , ___i Jud T l Or Jud Tunkins says he believes th* world is getting better, and any im pression to the contrary is due to the Tact that Satan is doing more adver tising thi.n be used to. AROUND THE WORLD Ub.nese have lacquered fans for sale, A perfect preserve«! carcass o f a ut use a cheap bamboo and paper mammoth was found frozen in the ten in Siberia in 1963. ontrfvance themselves. Bohemia proposes to coin a small The gh^be fish, an Inhabitant of trop urrency o f glass. The new coins ic*! waters, ts said to be the only mem rill be much chesper to manufacture ber o f the tinny tribe that swims on ' Its hsek. han the present metal currency. The new chancellor of Syracuse unl- The ares of Egypt proper Is about erslty. Rev. Charles W. Flint. Is the 4*10.000 square miles, hut only 12,978 nn. the grandson and the great grand- j square miles are fertile and Inhabited I by a settled population. nn of Methodist local preachers. Work Should Begin as Soon as Con ditions W ill Permit—Cultivate to Conaerva Moisture. In older to have a good garden It Disinfectants are cheaper than dis la well to prepare the land as soon as ease. • • the soli conditions will penult, hy first Keep pure, fresh water always with plowing the entire area to a depth o f 8 to 10 Inches, applying «table manure in reach. a a a broadcast and -harrowing thoroughly Never feed your fowls musty grain until a perfect seedbed Is formed. The surface of the unplonte«! ns of any' kind. • • • well as the planted land should be Fowls, In confinement, to do well, cultivated In order to conserve mois ture. • need a variety of food. • • • Crowding Induces disease and low ALSIKE CLOVER FOR FORAGE ers the vitality o f fowls. • • • The early hatched pullet Is the one that begins to lay early In the (nil. w hen eggs are high in price. a * * With proper care and food come plenty of eggs. Remember that “ any thing worth doing at all Is worth do ing welL” • • • I f cats or rats bothered you last year, plan to outwit them this season. Use plenty of lnch-mesh wire netting It does not take many lost chicks to pay for quits a piece of netting. Crop la Particularly Well Adapted for Low, Poorly Drained Soil— -It Add* Variety. Alette riover la especially well Adapted for low, poorly drained land on which common red clover refuses to grow to advantage. It does not yield as much forage as red clover «>n soils that are well adapted for the latter, and, therefore, should not be grown In such placet. It should, how ever, enter into every pasture mixture If for no other reason than to add variety. . Goodyear Tires were low priced then. But they are far lower priced now. They sell today at prices that represent an average decrease o f more than 60% from the level o f 1910. The proof is in the Goodyear prices quoted below. The proof o f better quality in Goodyear Tires today is furnished by the finer and abler perform ance o f Goodyear Tires all over the world. Your Goodyear Service Station here in now offers you the utmost in Goodyear Tire value at the lowest Goodyear prices ever listed. See him today. 30 t e r o » Rib Fabric ................ 30 I 1 j $10.95 TÜd&rt:We,thw... $25.50 -4, g « gm m» E¿dC&W“ “" . $32.40 M tídTT??. . $ 18.00 cid1“ " " ... $33.40 ' i>. '. i fabric .$ 1 4 -7 5 frlA A/u/ite/oi tmrtr't fg« «zfr« 'Weslarn Made lai Wassara T i l d i "