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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1922)
T he M onmouth H erald - Vol. XIV Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon, Friday, May 5. 1922 - — No. 35 There is No Land Like Oregon and Only One Willamette Valley living. I^iura, my elJest daughter, mer session are extremely anxious is the mother of Judge L. T. Harris, that the parents of children in the . .. . . .j | * 1 who is on the supreme bench. district may decide promptly to en I Walter, my eldt.-t son, is dead. Mv roll their children in the six-w'eks' ¡next child, Martha Alice Craig, seision. The cost to the district lives at 324 Broadway. My son Just to prove that his name of Co Junior Week-End, including the for the school will be practically The local Odd Fellows have now j Mrs. A. A. Cattron, a pioneer of Edgar is in business at Spokane, lumbus Hooker Howell is not acci May Day celebration, is the chief nothing, thus making it possible rceeived the plans and specifications Oregon and long a resident of Mon- Eugene, my next son, is in business dental that gentleman is starting at Seattle Bertha, my baby, now topic of conversation at the Normal for these centers to have six weeks their building and they ha\ei mouth, was buried in this citv Mrs. Clodfelter, lives on the east this week on a voyage of exploration this week and all members of the more school than they would other- been submitt-d to a number of; Tuesday. She died April 29 at the side. I have eight grandchildren into Eastern Oregon where he goes committees are directing earnest wise have, and that too, at little or oontr»ctors with the result that the . home of her daughter in Portland, and three great grandchildren. to exploit a recent invention of his. efforts toward making those festiv no cost. It is planned to have the decisive figures are to be presented The Cattrons were familiar figures “ I had hard sledding after my The machine is known as a weed ities the success they have always session open at 8:00 o’clock in the and bids opened on Saturday May in the early history of Monmouth, husband’s death, but 1 determined killer, an indispensiblo article in a been in the past. The program morning and close at 12:00 for the ; 13. a street in this city as well as a to give all my children an education country where half of the land lies and I worked early and late to do The plans call for a two story subdivision bears the family name. will begin with the Junior Frolic day, with two short intermissions it. 1 spent the most of my married fallow each year. In the dry reach structure with ground dimensions Although the first home of the fam to be given in the chapel Friday ! between. life at Monmouth. 1 met Dr. es of the Inland Empire it is neces eighty by eighty feet. The floor is ily was at Yamhill, they lived in Campbell there and learned to res evening at 8:15. The exact nature The June promotion will be made to have room for two or three store Monmouth for many years and the pect and admire him. His son is sary to conserve moisture and if of t^is entertainment is a deep se cret which may only be discovered and the class work will begin in the buildings as may appear to best ad- husband, Jonathan Cattron, died president of the University of Ore weeds were allowed to grow on the in the chapel or. the appointed even summer school where it would oth- vantage. The upper floor is to be here. About two years ago Mrs. gon and is very much like his fallow land the purpose of the rest father.” given the land would be defeated. ing. On Saturday the May Day begin in September, Those devoted to a lodgeroom, sixty by Cattron sold her reisdence here and To kill the weeds it is the custom children who remain in the Training forty five feet and a banquet room will be celebrated on the campus went to live in Portland. S on o f R ev. G oode D e a d to work the land with a razor like centers for four or five years of 0f the same length but 33 feet with the following program, which In the course .of his journeyings contrivance which skims the top The following from the Oregon their school course will make up a wide. The banquet room is to have will begin promptly at nine o’clock. up and down the state Fred Lockley soil without loosening it, which ian will interest many Monmouth year without any forcing at all. a kitchen at the rear and ante 9:00 Procession of the Queen of the Portland Journal once upon would allow it to dry out. people. Rev. John A. Goode was A meeting will be called some ( rooms and a lounging room will be Assembling of the Classes a time interviewed Mrs. Cattron as The common instrument with at one time Evangelical minister in afternoon this week in the Training at the rear of the lodge room. Crowning of the Queen follows: which Eastern Oregon farmers bar this city and his children were ed School building in Monmouth to ------------------------- 9:30 The Junior Pageant “The first money I earned in Or ber their fallow fields is open to consider the matter more fully Robert W. Crawford, plant mar.- ucated here. egon was for taking care of Mrs. 10:30 May Pole Winding the objection that it is not adjust with the parents of the children ager for the Willamette Valley Flax “ As a result of being gassed Ransome Clark’s sick baby. 1 took 11:00 Volley Ball care of it every day all day long able and while at times it gives a who are now attending the Training and Hemp Growers Cooperative as- at the front while fighting against 12:00 to 1:00 Intermission for three months. This was in the the Germans in 1918, Dr. Earle bum shave and leaves a weeks sociation has resigned. No reason School. 1:00 Tennis and Quoits for the resignation has been made winter of 1846. She gave me four Goode, 27, died at the home of his growth of stubble on the chin of 1:30 Base Ball— O. N. S. vs. Al yards of calico for a dress, in pay public other than it was for busi ment for my winter’s work” . Mrs. parents, the Rev. and Mrs. John A. Nature, ut other times the blade B u n d le D a y bany College May 24th will be Bundle Day ness reasons. Mr. Crawford is a na Jonathan Cattron, who was speak Goode, 7412 Fifty-fifth avenue digs in with a vigor difficult to dis 2:00 Folk Dancing for Near East Relief throughout tive of Belfast, Ireland, near which ing, leaned forward and said: “The Southeast, yesterday afternoon. courage and getting down below 2:15 Original Drills women of today don’t know what 3:30 Base Ball (Women); Relay the United States. Last year Amer city three fourths.of the world’s hard times are. The first winter Dr. Goode was a member of the the roots of the weed pests, makes linen is produced. He was trained ica sent 1,000 tons of clothing to Race (Men) we were in Oregon my father split state legislature from Multnomah them more thrifty and encourages in the flax industry in the Emerald the Near East. President Maesan- rails for Jordan Hembree in pay county in 1917, being one of the a rank growth rather than slaugh Awarding of Trophy Isle and has lived in Canada. He ment for two hogs. These two youngest men ever elected to su-'h tering them for which purpose the agian of the Armenian Republic Beginning about 1:30 P. M., and says that one fifth of the present was formery manager of the peni hogs, with boiled wheat and frozen a position in Oregon. work is done. At times the weeds during the other events, the Nor population of that section have been tentiary state flax plant. The as potatoes, were all we had to eat When the war broke out, he en gather and accumulate before the mal men will play a baseball game clothed in cast off American gar sociation is the one which has that winter. listed and was soon at the front. blade, causing perplexity, perspira “ No, I wasn’t born in Oregon, with the Albany College team. ments during the year. New cloth bought the Rickreall mill and re but I have lived in Oregon for the Since his injury he had been a vic tion and profanity before the blade The exercises on the campus will ing wears out fast enough, the sup cently let the contract to a Dallas past 75 years, so I can pretty nearly tim of the lingering illness. is cleared and started to working close with the awarding of the tro ply of half worn garments is now man f ° r tearing down the same. qualify as a pioneer. I was born Dr. Goode is survived by his par a;ain. in Missouri on September 18, 1837, ents, a brother, Hubert A. Goode, phy to the winning class by Presi completely exhausted. Number This work is now in progress. The heeps of weeds left from so I have reached the age of four secretary to Commissioner Mann, these shearings are not only un dent landers. The judges chosen less men, women and children are score and four years and I am sup A S tr a w V o te for the fcont*. t events a - Wft-s. J. destitute of cloth/ng and thousands posed to be old, but as a matter of and a sister, Mrs. H erlert R. Tyler,” sightly but are a nuisance when the A. Churchill and Superintendent have no covering whatever save At the meeting of the Social fact I am not really old. When time comes to put in a crop. Hug, both of Salem, and Miss Flor the thinnest rags. Inside the Near Hour Club with Mrs. Ackerman people get old they live in the past H a p p y H a rm o n y Q u a r te tte Hooker’s machine, which has been ence Alder of the Department of East Relief orphanages much of last Tuesday afternoon a straw vote and lose interest in what is happen patented and a specimen of which The visit of the Happy Harmony ing today and what is going to hap Physical Training in the U. of O. the clothing in manufactured by was taken of favorites for the office pen tomorrow. 1 regard the de Quartette to Monmouth was surely has recently l>een turned out by the A dancing party in honor of the j the children themselves under the of governor which resulted as fol bates in congress and all the polit a happy event and all who heard Multnomah Iron works has two Juniors will be given by the Sen direction of the relief workers, but lows: Lee 3, Olcott 9, Patterson ical news in the papers much more them were delighted with their blades, one back of the other, each iors in the gymnasium on Saturday the majority of them and almost 11, White 1, Starkweather 2, Bean carefully than do my children or beautiful singing. Saturday even of which can be raised or lowered at will. One blade works at a time evening. Local friends on the Nor the entire.population of Armenia 3, and one lady evidently thought grandchildren. ing they were greeted by a large "Do 1 remember coming across and when it fouls, it is raised and mal social list are invited to this will have to dress in American sec- McNary was a candidate and gave audience at the Christian Church the plains in 1846? 1 should say 1 ond hand clothes again next year. a vo*e- Mesdames Staats, J. do. 1 was 9 years old, and as I when they presented an interesting the other lowered by lever which party. Approximately eighty percent B. V. Butler and Mingus assisted think back to our trip it seems as program of quartettes, duets, solos saves time, keeps the work in mo A most cordial invitation to at of the hand looms have been des- •^r8, Ackerman in entertaining. fresh as if we had made the trip and readings. The program made tion and allows the accumulation tend these festivities is extended My mother, an effective appeal on account of to be spread out as the machine troyed during the war; famine and ^ ere be just one more meet- this past summer. to all friends in the community. whose maiden name was Lavina proceeds. With its system of levers invasion hawe scattered the women 'nK c*u^ bef°r<? the summer the liberal sprinkling of popular The Misses Ruth Jenkins and and airls who formerly operated '»ration and that will be held with ' fille r. met my father, Zebedee ana giris wno iormeriy opersiea Shelton, who was bom in Tennes- numbers, and the humorous num the blades are readily adjustable to Jane Gunn, who were elected to j them; and the flocks of sheep which wr- aiadls-___________ __ meet land conditions and a first see, at her birthplace in Missouri. bers were very cleverly done. represent the Normal at the Stu in former days furnished the wool class shave is guaranteed each time They were married there. With Miss Sylvia Gilfilen, the soprano dent Volunteer Conference at Eu have been killed for food or stolen B o o st fo r B ill theirjnine children they started for of the quartette, is assistant in the fallow land is barbered. Lucy and Susan took gene last week-end, brought ba-k by invaders. Mr. Howell has spent the winter Wm. Riddell, J r. for county com Oregon. scarlet fever and died before they structor in vocal music at E. B. U. reports of a most enthusiastic and missioner deserves the support of got to St. Joseph, where the em and the other three members, Viv at Valsetz. He has been at work inspiring meeting. They gave ex the entire area of Polk county just igrants were to assemble. My old- ian Whistler, soprano, Helen Good on this machine for the past four HIGH SCHOOL cellent reports at the chapel hour The high school greatly enjoyed as a matter of policy. In our pri- est sister was America Minerva, win, alto, and Alice Brunk, contral teen years and it embodies many on Tuesday morning. the address given Monday morning mary system in too many instances ■''he married Mr. Bidwell. The next to, are students of the school of ideas he accumulated during a long apprenticeship in the fields of Dean John Straub of U. of O. by Dean Straub of the University the man who seeks the office is too {*'***• John w - aa a farmer in \ am- music. They have practiced togeth type best qual.fied to Jamw c bpcame a doctor and er ^ t for . nearly two years and have Eastern Washington and Oregon. visited the Normal on Monday and of Oregon. Hia theme was. Value often not the conduct public business. In Mr. tied at Salem. 1 was the next child. attained a perfect blend of the gave an address to'the students and of an Education” . It will nf intt>ro«t tn all Rth!» Riadell we have a man who was Nancy came next. She married Dr. voices that is delightful to listen faculty at the chapel hour. Mr. drafted into th . service because his E. W * . Thodtaa. the n , » to. The voices are also excellent New Church for Fairview Straub’s long association with «»‘ individually and the solos and dueta young men and women has made tie n o n th e Old Testament will be " '¡« hbOT» H v . conMemt. in him p^ " nV ' e " * " K Alter holding services in the him particularly skillful in the ex given at nine o’clock Friday, and a r‘ know that he will make a cap- the baby of the family. were greatly enjoyed. The pro Fairview school house for some busy and .... . , pression of concrete, vivid stcle- on the New Testament at one able public ... servant. , His , . . , It took us six months to a day gram was made doubly interesting time the members of the Raptist prosperous life speaks for his char- lo cr0M the the p|aina- ments which especially appeal to o’clock. plains We rame by by their sparkling personalities, and church in that vicinity are antici acter and offers positive evidence way of the newly opened Barlow all agree that they are well named pating with pleasure the dedication young people and his speech w e b , A baseball game is scheduled certainly one of the best heard from with Dallas, Friday evening. May that he will be exactly the kind of trail. Oris Brown was captain of "Happy Harmony” . of the new church. These services a man Polk county needs as countv train. His mother, Tabitha the chapel platform this year. Sunday they sang at Sunday will occur Sunday, May 14, and 5. The game will be played on the commissioner. She started I Brown, was with him. the school at Forest Grove that be- School, Endeavor and church ser plans have lieen formulated for Students and faculty were es Dallas field. ~~ came Pacific university. We stop- vices, and on Monday gave six se making it a big community affair. There will be a regular meeting pecially fortunate on Monday in At the council meeting last Tues-; ped at Absolom Hembree’s place lections at the chapel exercises at Services will start in the morn hearing also the members of the of the school borrd Friday evening. day night the auto bus ordinance i ne,r till father could look the Norm el. Their presence in the ing promptly at 10:30 o’clock and Happy Harmony Quartet, a musical The Polk County Track and Field ^vas passed a and __i at . the l . . , around Bnd , pick out a farm. We city for the three days {was an in same time by . the dedication sermon will be deliv 3 1 met my uncle. Dr. Janies McBride, organization of the Eugene Bible meet is to be held at Independence, \ote of the council i > cents per at Oregon City. He got in a few spiration and when they return ered by Dr. Wright of Portland. School who sang several selections. on May 20. day was made the official license 1 days after we did. They had been tiiey may be asaured of a hearty At the hour of noon a basket din The Baccalaureate sermon for the fee for the Salem-Monmouth bus. just one wagon train behind us all welcome. The summer session of the Ore ner will be served to which all at gon Normal School will inaugurate graduates of the high school will E. N. Keeney appeared before the the way *croM the plains. tending the services are invited to ’Father took up a place just The band boys have secured the participate. one new feature this summer. It be held Sunday evening, June 4, in council asking that curbs be order Dr. Milliken of across the Yamhill river, three is now under consideration that a the Evangelical church. Reverend ed in along Broad street but this miles west of where Carlton was services of Rev. V.#E. Lewis as Salem, will deliver a sermon in the matter was laid over for further ater located. W. L. Adams was lesder and at the last meeting of afternoon and evangelistic services summer practice school be organized Lewis will deliver the sermon. > The Commencement exercises of investigation. in Monmouth, Independence and my first teacher / My next was the Odd Fellows the boys were will t e held in the evening. Matthew P. Deady and then came granted the use of the lodge room Mountain View. The demand for the high school will be held in t h e ------------------------- - The Fairview Baptist church is Judge Cowles. on Tuesday evenings for practice. located about 10 miles from Dal practice work by teachers who are high school assemblv, June 9. Pro- class production, regularly employed during the rest fesacr Du Bach, of the Oregon Ag-! The cast includes Carl Tether- wa’ ^ old when I mar- Rev. I,ewis is an accomplished mu las on the Luckiamute river. Rev. of the year making this feature riclutural College, will deliver the ow. Dorothy Clark, Hugh Van Loan 'T *- M> .uncle* McBrtde, sician and a good instructor and the mAtirnmn ’ »wiLiwi, whose son is now on the supreme boys are nappy in the prospect of J. C. Tihbits of Salem holds ser very necessary now. It is the next *" vices semi-monthly to good sized ' ’*'arn,ce Stewart, Adair Hooding, bench of Oregon, married us. My forward movement for the Normal ¿The high school play “ Between Mary Bowersox and Horace Butler, husband, Jonathan Cattron, came making musical progress. congregations who are quite en- School. State normal schools else Acts" will be given the week end of W atch for announceme nts aud to O'««0« the year M u re. We There will he no regular meeting j thusiastic in the good work they where have had summer practice the twelfth and thirteenth. The | plan to be present at the appear lwer* married The new May 28, 1853. My of the Woman’s Relief Corps in In- are accomplishing. huaband died five days tefore schools for the past two or three cast has been faithfully rehearsing ! ance of this ’All S tar” east. church has just been completed and Bertha, our seventh child, was’dependence this week nn l the next years. Those in charge of the sum- and hopes to be able to give a first |cost about$1700. Silver Philips. born. Fivelof our children are still regular meeting will be on May 20. Items of Interest At Oregon Normal Rumored, Reported Pioneer Resident Dies in ortlanu Concocted, Collected Howell Would Help The Inland Empire