O i O FIRE PREVENTION Week A pril 16 th to 22nd Loughary, Mrs. Paul Black, Miss j Roxie Crook and Raymond Way al Our P.ictnu st t , and one of the i so attended the church that even proprietors of th • t-tore, is enjoying ing. a vacation with the mumps. The one hundredth anniversary of Miss Dottie Wo out was operated on Thursday evening at the Dallas Grant's birthday, Thursday. April hospital for appendicitis. Her 27th, will be observed by the Elkins mother, Mrs. Hex Womcr, is slay Community at the School house by ing w ith her whiie she is recover appropriate exercises. An outside speaker, and also a member of the ing her strength. G. A. R. have been secured for Bishop Hiel of Pennsylvania addresses. In addition, several of preached htre Tuesday evening to our home folks are scheduled for a large congregtation. The Bish- speeches. Music will assist in mak \ op came west to attend the Oregon ing the program attractive. The exercises commence at 1:30 P. M. Evangelical Conference. The public is cordially invited. William Toedtemeier, accompan- 1 ied by Mrs. Hex Womer and daugh Tne Young People of the Sunday . ter, Letha, were callers in Dallas School are planning on attending Friday. the Christian Church of Dallas Sun day morning. They will take their Frank Williamson and Glen Had- : ley were home from Valsetz for dinner and eat in the basement of the church. j the week end. The Sunday School gave an Eas Eben Davis and son Ijiwrence | motored to Portland Friday on ter program last Sunday morning. This space donated by The Maximum Class sang two business, returning Sunday. songs, Mrs. I. H. Loughary and Mrs. Maurice Young was shop Miss Sada Jacobs sang a duet, and ping in Independence Monday. Mr and Mrs. Roy Miller and Frank G. A Conn, who has been in Loughary gave two instrumental Portland for some time, returned OF pieces, Miss Jacobs told the Easter home for a few days, Monday. story and Dr. Lockridge of Salem MONMOUTH, OREGON Mrs. Conn is taking treatments delivered the sermon. Quite a in Portland, and has been there for large number attended the pro gram. some time. A. M ARANT T. P. Ogleslee was a business The Co-operative Thrashing Co. T h e r e Is m o re C a t a r r h In th i s se c tio n Insurance, Real Estate o p f u t tu to x g e c th o u e r n , tr y a n d t h a f o n r a y ll e a r o s th It e r w d a is s e s a u s e p s visitor in Independence, Monday. are having their engine overhauled and repaired for fall thrashing. p o se d to be In c u ra b le . D o c to rs p re s c rib e d AIRLIE The woods are our rec reation grounds. The care less camper, smoker or motorist who sets fire to them destroys the pleasure of his own return as well as ours First National Bank Fire and Surety Bonds Reliable Service DR. F. R. B O W ER SO X P H Y S I C I A N & S U R G E O r\ PH O N E NOS. OFFICE HOUSE 3313 3302 Eyes Tested W ALTER G. BROW N Glasses Fitted “ P E N N S Y L V A N IA ” F ir e I n s u r a n c e C o. L enses a c c u ra te ly d u p licated O p tical re p a irs carefu lly a n d p ro m p tly m ade. Hartman Bros. D r . W . C. G e h m a n , S alem , lo c a l re m e d ie s, a n d b y c o n s ta n tly fa llin g to c u : e w ith lo c a l tr e a t m e n t , p ro n o u n c e d It In c u ra b le C a t a r r h Is a lo c a l d is e a s e g r e a t l y In flu en ce d b y c o n s titu tio n a l c o n d itio n s a n d t h e i e f o r e r e q u ire s c o n s t it u tio n a l t r e a tm e n t. H a l l 's C a t a r r h M e d i cine, m a n u f a c tu r e d *»y F . J . C h e n e y A C o.. T o led o . O hio, Is a c o n s titu tio n a l re m e d y , Is t a k e n I n te r n a lly a n d a c ts t h r u th e B lood o n th e M u c o u s S u rf a c e s o f th e S y ste m . O n e H u n d r e d D o lla r s r e w a r d is o ffered f o r a n y c a s e t h a t H a ll s ' C a t a r r h M e d icin e f a ils to c u re . S e n d fo r c ir c u la r s a n d te s tim o n ia ls . F . J . C H E N E Y A CO ., T o le d o , O hio. S o ld by D r u g g is ts . 7Sc. H a l l 's F a m ily r i l l s f o r c o n s tip a tio n . O p to m e tria t Oregon Flowers for All Occasions Local representative of Salem and Portland Florists ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED A. L. KEENEY PHONES 9821 AND 9822 Independence, Ore. Reduced Rates in Farm Mutual Fire Insurance Representing the of Philadelphia N o t a r y Public Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Etc. Our Bargain Column For Sale—2 fresh cows, a 4 year old colt, 20 cords of 4 foot oak wood, a No. 12 separator and a 3J inch Bain wagon. L. W. Cody. 2t ELK INS The High School had their an nual nine w eeks exams Monday and Tuesday. Cecil Price is hauling wtod with his truck and is unloading it at the side track at I.uckiamute station. Dr. Lythe, the state veteranarian, visited the Luckiamute Farm Tues day. Mrs. Ch'oe A. Seymour made a business trip to Salem Saturday, re turning Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller and Frank A. Loughary gave two in strumental selections, “ The Rosary” and “ Polish Sung’’, at the Christian Church of Dallas Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs S. M. Ray, Mrs. Frank Political Advertising I am a candidate for Joint Repre sentative of Lincoln and Polk Coun ties subject to the will of the Re publican electors at the primary election in May 1922. R. F. Jones. For Sale—A Red Jacket Meyers force pump and 20 feet of pipe for To the Voters of Polk County: $10. 240 pounds of rape seed On the basis of my service in the while it lasts at 10 cents a pound. last session of the legislature I am J. L. Van Loan. 4t32 ' announcing myself as a candidate — For Sale—20 Angora goats, $1 for re-election to the office of Rep resentative for Polk County. each. Geo. Niggli. P. O. Powell. Dry Oak wood $7 a cord. I hereby announce my candidacy J.W . Leask. for Representative for Polk County, For Sale—Pure bred R. I. Red subject to the will of the Republi eggs. Winter laying strain. $1 for can voters at the Primary election, 15. $6 per 100. Setting hens $1.75. May 19th, 1922. Mrs. V. E. Silcott, E. Main St. No Interest to Serve but the HEMSTITCHING—Leave orders People’s Interest. with Mrs. Cornelius, Millinery D. E. Fletcher. store. Mail orders promptly filled. Mrs. Barnell, Independence, Ore gon. Phone 4321. 1 have taken the agency for the Farmers’ Fire Relief Association of Butteville, Oregon, a farmers’ mu tual insurance company which ac- cepts*no'city risks, is incorporated and has been doing business for 28 years. This company has always Let me mend your furniture or paid its losses promptly and Janua file your saws. J. W. How»ll. 4t ry first has assets deposited in sev The Monmouth Cooperative S lip en different banks of $49,000.00. To join costs $1 and 25 cents per ping Association will save farmer’s $100 for dwellings and contents; 30 money in the sale of livestock. Ship cents per $100 for barns, school | with us and cut out middleman’s houses and contents. The applicant profit. It you have stock to ship tf is then entitled to insurance sub notify W. J. Stockholm. Mgr. ject to such assessments as are nec For Sale essary to cover losses and expens 2 of the finest lots in the city on es. A member can withdraw at any time. The company has on its books paved street. Concrete walk and $7,995,934 insurance and paid out curb. Price $200 each. during 1920 losses amounting to 7 Room house, lot 82i by 330 $10,840.27. For particulars inquire feet, fruit for family use, barn an 1 of G. W . C h e s e b r o agent, chicken house and park. Price Monmouth, Ore. $1800, Large house, two lots, right close in. Price $1200. 7 room house, good orchard, elec e farmer pays taxes on the tric lights and city water, toilet. that produces little as well as Price $2500, Terms. G. T Boothby. 4 room house and lot. Fruit and nd that yields good crops. The berries. Close in. Price $850. •ns from the two kinds of land Have a letter written on 8-room house, 1} acres of land, ar different. Why not bring located on Fast Main street. Curb any of the standard makes land up to where it will yield ing and concrete walk. Price of typewriters. Then have the same letter lends by draining it through $3tR)0, terms. written on a Woodstock. er tiling. Through drainage 21 acres. All in cultivation. Ask any competent critic >oorest acres on the farm be- 6-Room house, hot and cold water, to pick out the neatest let oet it and bath. Bam 32x48. 2 • the best. ter. • horses, 2 cows and all farm machin The reason is built in the B u ild in g T ile ery. Located 1 mile north east of machine. he most economical material Monmouth. Price $6,500. For Sale or Rent—5 acres of land (Ask for Demone trat ion) • is. Light, durable and fire 5 room house, good aairy barn. 15 f Both kinds of tile made in minutes walk to city. Rent $15.00 Woodstock Typewriter Co. mouth. See us for prices. *1 N o rth D c tr tv m S t a r t per month. Chicago, U. S. A. G. T. Boothbv. ntral Clay Products Co. Drain Tile A. Tedrow, returning to her school the garden plants are available for in Salem Sunday afternoon. them. This can be done by broad The program given by the High casting poison bran mash over the School at the Parent Teachers meet garden plot as soon as the soil is ing last Friday evening was very much enjoyed by all those present. thoroughly prepared for planting. Dell Tedrow spent the week-end The standard cutworm formula is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. bran 15 pounds, calcium arsenate Z. Tedrow. or lead arsenate four ounces, salt four ounces, molasses or syrup two Our most injurious garden cut quarts, and water to .make a coarse worms pass the winter partially Violet Tedrow spent the week-end grown caterpillars in garden soil. crumbly mash.—0 . A. C. Experi with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Destroy the cutworm crop before ment station. More than 1300 New Customers This Year W E are now extending the benefits of mod ern electric service to more than 1300 new customers each year. To reach and serve them requires a large amount of new property con struction. IN ORDER TO OBTAIN NEW CAPITAL for the extensions and improvements required by the public, the company pays a reasonable rate of return to investors. AN INVESTMENT in our 8 Percent Gold Notes I is one of the best investments you c^n make. It means a dependable income, as regularly as the seasons, four times a year. W e Stand or Fall By This Test ^ m For Cash or Partial Paym ents MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY By lies by E n g in eerin g & M a n a g e m en t C o rp o ra tio n E n g in eers and M a n a g ers Invest Direct in your C om m unity’» G rowth. R a; a s c a r s e ¡er^x, ¿rfcara t