The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, April 21, 1922, Image 2

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all Diplom atic K rlstion * to IW Rc-c»-
tiM ó k n l
t r i I V r lt m l Disloyal.
1 RÍ 1 FR Til
fs T A T E
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G e n o a — A treaty betw een Germany
gwcUSO.* «
Redmond. — T h e F arm er*' W are­ I
and Russia was signed at Kapallo Sun­
house A Milling company stockholders „
;,¡v U m h n g
day, tha aigAdtortea being tha foreign
have virtually decided to rebuild the
r» *<*T o g*«ti
m inister* of tha two countries. George
Brief Resume Most Important TchItohertn for Russia and Dr W alter Definite Yesor-No Anrwer Is warehouse destroyed by fire Christm as ssa wosst a rv « « cuv
„««et« Oust va
Kathenau for Germany.
Daily News Items.
Seasid e.— A movement la on foot
The signing of the treaty between
among the resid ents of Seasid e and
Germany and R ussia, which nullifies
G earhart to build a bridge across the
the R e st-U to ta h treaty , cancels all
mouth of the Necanicum riv er con­
war claim * arising from the nationalt
necting the two cities.
laatlon of property, and re-establishes
full diplom atic relations between these
Salem .— C. Stanfield , employed for
two countries on a basis ot equality,
■ the past few m onths on a ranch five
K«cnt* o f N ulo) I'o 'p lr, lt« iN im u a li ha* caused profound astonishm ent and IJo v d George Announce« That A il
m iles east of Salem , was killed Satu r­
resentm ent among the allied delcga
and I 'a c ifr Northwest. am U H Im
Is to Form F a rt Betw een St
day while repairing a woodsaw. There
were no eyew itn esses to the tragedy.
N ation* Hr p m -r a led.
Thing» Worth Knowing.
T he m inisters of the power* which
Astoria.*— W ith the h ill* on both
convened the conference decided at a
sides of th e riv er covered with snow
m eeting held Monday night to have a
J F Hy»|e. J u l i e t of the peace of com m ittee of exp ert* exam ine this
Genoa.— The R ussian d elegates were to a depth of from s is inches to a foot,
Blaine, W u h , who rut hta throat treaty , to determ ine whether it con­ told Saturday to answ er definitely yes many of the logging camps have been
compelled to suspend operations tem ­
when ha fall on an ax Monday morn flicts with the Cannes resolution or
or no as to w hether they will put Into porarily.
in f. died T n ra Ja y .
the treaty ot V ersailles.
practice the conditions of the Cannes
Subsequently the convening powers
S a le m — W hen the tim e fo r filing
Thraa soldier* were killed and ulna
resolution and the guarantees submit
d eclarations of candidacy for the pri-
seriously burned when pyrotechnics will meet with Poland. C tech o Slova-
to the London exp erts' report, ac- m»rv elections to be held May I f . ex
exploded tn a pit during an exhibition kia Roumania and Ju g o s la v ia to a*-
at Camp Built*. north of San Anton o. certa ia the view* of the lesser power* ' cording to a French communique is­ pired Friday night, seven republicans '
and deal with the report of the ex ­ sued subsequent to the adjournm ent and four d em ocrats had entered the |
Tax , Monday night
pert*. T h e B ritish and French dele­
gubernatorial con tests
Tha nomination ot W illiam Henry gates declared that they considered of a lengthy m eeting Detween the a!
Hay to ha a bn g ad icrg v n eral ot cav- the signature of the treaty a disloyal ! lied leaders and the R ussians.
Monmouth — The W illam ette Valley
It seemed im possible, said the
airy a a* aaat to tha aenata Tueedky art. Apparently it may imperil the
Flax and Hemp Growers' Co-operative
i French statem ent, to get anything
Kdmund W it!am 1er n a a nominated aa conference.
tangible from th e soviet delegates, association has purchased three acres
a brigad iergeu rral ot Infantry.
It is stated that the signing of the
on the w est aide highway a t R ick __
who astonished the allied rep resenta­
A police patrol on special assign- treaty, which took place at Rappalo tives fcy demanding 50,OOti,000.000 gold
was unknown to the allied leaders,
m eat M » e n Amagh and Charlem ont.
! rubies as the am ount dug R ussia be
when D elegate* llarthou Soba user and
Random— T h e m achinery of the Ban
Ireland, a a a amhuahed Sunday and Theunye met to consider the reply cause of foreign intervention. T h is
is two and a h a lt tim es g reater than don W oolen M ills plant form erly oper-
two tn tha patrol ware wounded l-a te r
which the Russians might m ake to the
: the amount the allies claim from ated here has been sold to the Browns-
Dungannon polira aearrhed tha die
W ill M . M a u p in §
condition* imposed on that country,
i Russia.
| rifle W oolen M ills ot Brow nsv-Jle. Or..
trtrt and arrested flea men.
but as soon as the d elegates learned
An Italian statem ent regarding the and is now being packed fo r shipment r* i 1111111111111111111111111111111111 i 1111 i 1111 i i I :r
Reduced rate* on egg* from S ea ttle of the treaty , th eir program ■
. . .
' m eeting was more optim istic. It point- under th e direction of J . Cordingley. i
and r trinity to Chicago and surround­ changed, and the situation, which is
. . . . . .
. . . . , __ .
ed out that the su b jects d.scussed are m aster m echanic.
ing territory will ha efterttv e May 25, consid'tvM extrem ely grave, was
. ,
Y TA c*n m ake th' finest kite
more vast m scope than was dreamed
It was announced Tuesday h r the v lK tN ilV
At any fe lle r filed :
___ .
. . .
. . .
of when the Genoa conference origin-
Northern I'a c.r.c rallrond
T h e old
M Rarthou. head of the French del-1
of the Squaw creek irrigation district T V cross stick* balanced up Jus' right
was bought Monday by Guy E D ob-, An' tail all fixed and tied,
rata was $3 .'ÎV, per 1M pound*, egation. is seeking fu rther instruction
"T h is ." says the statem en t, "is an
son for the F irs t National bank o f , *At la my pa he says be can.
from his gvvvcrnment a t F a r ia and
which w .1 ha reduced to 1 2 M l
attem pt to bring about th e co e x ie t-
Redmond. T h e price paid was 94. the
» J “*' » h m *oro«bow
A rapid spread ot tha coal strik e
ence in the world o f finance, economy
highest m ark reached here by i r t i g a - t ^ 1 * * * * * Um* 1
him to
tnto nonunion stronghold* was ad­ R ussians tn sem i-official m eetings
¡and com m erce two opposite regim es—
He Bay*. “I'm busy now .'
tion bond* tn several years.
m itted Tuesday at headquarters * ot
capitalism and com munism.
T his
tha hitnmlnou* operator*' association most prominent d elegate* are re s e rv -! morning the exp ert* were struggling
Engento.— Rad w eather during the My pa can take a w ilier stick
An* trim It nice an' clean.
"T h e enemy Is gaining ground much tag th e ir opinion until a fte r the ex in a kingdom of figures and In the last week has been responsible for idle-
taste r than we anticipated.* said tha pert* exam ine th e new document, aft ernoon the allied leaders took the ness in th e county bridge and road- T i en make a v h j i e Jus' as slick
A* any feller's seen.
prosldeat of a D eans; Ivani* company. which is generally regarded in allied discussion hack into tke kmgdoza of building departm ents. It has been im-
'At !a my pa be says he can—
circ le * a s an infringem ent of the Gen- '
possible to work the roads or to start
He can. too. bet a dime—
Tha Chicago, Rock Island 1 1'acifV o* agenda, because it has to do with '
Frontier U oyd George of G reat B rit- on new p ro je ct* and the bridge crews B ut when I l i t t' make me one
Railway company, tn tt* annual report reparation*
a ffe c t*
a n ha* announced that his aim at the have been unable to haul the m aterials
He say a *1 haven't tim e.”
tor tha year ended D ecem ber S I, 1921. tre a ties
Genoa conference is to bring into be- from the saw m ills
made public Tuesday, showed a b a l­
My pn c*n catch th ’ mostest fish
mg a pact among the 34 n a t.o cs rep
ance ot Income available for dividends
Bend —County Com m issioner Knick-
O f any man I knew.
; resented, agreeing net to invade one
ot ».V7*0.2*9.21. of which f3.5dT.CM
* caught an awful lot. I guess;
another'* territories.
It would be
was applied te the pay m eat ot full
At least b e * told me so.
sim ilar to the four-power pact nego- sta te highway com m ission to accept
iC c rfrifh t )
dividends on tha preferred stork
the bid of 245.440 for the com pletion
o— —
i listed at W ashington.
C hicago - Twenty-one person* w ere
B r.ta in is against a p act with m ils of 25 m iles of road on the Redmond-
Charges that the war departm ent
known to have been killed, more than tary sanctions, it w a* declared, be­ S stcrs and S iste> highways
baa sold property and t* selling prop­
10b injured and thousand* made borne- j cause sanction* belong to the order
*“ *1
» n * * ? AS
KH1* a . t Deschute» county will
erty at "rldK-uiosaly and crim inally
to *
b , tornadoes and flood w a te r * , * ^
u end es vor is being have 312.549 to pay.
lew pHc*» te favored custom er*, con­
._ .
I wwat it asst of me that I plucked s
cealing from congress and d eliberate­ whieh swept over the central w s s t ! ^ M ^
X y s s * — L arge acreages Wi.l be
a s * planted s flower where I
• I m s would mens a new gywwptng of planted to potatoes and other crops thought a flewwr would grow — lanosi*,
ly m the facta." were
, un (« -« res The m ilitary holiday idea in t h a v icinity
made In tha hom e Tuesday by R epre­
A crop survey made
sentative Johnson. rrpuh.ican. South of Illinois and Indiana town* Home* ■ is not practical
hy the X y s s * C. rr.c e rv ia ] club shows
were demolished, telephone and te le ­
plantings as follows T o potatoes. 293 A '
: «
graph service to the stricken d istrict* man fo r the B ritish said that Mr 1
a cre *
to lettu ce 94 acre»
fo w ,r.g g «1
ch w;.. :i
O a* ran tor* for the Chicago Grand
crippled and l .v - c s i .^ k il le d
George * M ** resem bled Tresi- e s c a re s : other vegetables. 23 acre*
new. but worth remembering, should
Opera company will have to stand an
Throncbowt thè a re * In*W ' "•* 1 “ A a n V U n f u lip r 't > As* * os *• sen v* - vow
red clover S«T be served often :
assessm ent of "not more than
hM thè e ss i to K ansas and Nebraska on dent Harding's idea for an association. g r» ;n . ; * g 7 a cre *
Lu c a n a* E j ; s ,
at th e outside." tor tha defk-it t * thè west heavy rains swclled strvam * whtch it was hoped would bring dw- nlfalfA 2195.1
Break macaroni in one-inch pieces
arm am ent or a big re d a c t..« of arm a­
curved by the company tn tha two already ont o í tb eir band* and tnun-
Fü g en c —T h e law probibiting the and cook in boiling salted w ater until
ment in Its wake.
weeks lost concluded la ÿU* P r u dated thevusands of a cre* of neh f a r »
of allow ng camp fire* to tend er; drain and pour over a cupful
Lloyd George received a cable m es­
( i s m It was slated fcy Selby C Oppan land in s M t M to vast traete already
of cold water There should be a cup-
ain burning in the fo rest* will be
sage from S e n a tcr Josep h 1. F ran ce rem
fwl r< cooked maoanwú O reas* a
helm who had charge of tha ap p ear under w ater.
z.t ^
f<Jt teto lt ,
of Maryland, saying he was about to st-vctly enforced th.s year acconi ng ^
area here
W hile snow and sleet ccvered C olo propose a resolutioa in the Am erican to X F McDuff supervisor of the macaroni ; cover with a layer of rich
V -ch arl H W alsh 74. horticu ltu rist rado. K ansas and N ebraska. Miseour, sen ate asking that Am erica be repre­ Cascade national fo re st Mr McDnff whit# sauce, prepared by cooking to­
tatcm attaaaL y known a* the or.g i and l o » * n ere pelted « II. heavy hail sented at the ooaferenoe
n s ,4 th at two docec or more f.res in getber two tablesqvxmfuj* of butter
ns tor ot the Ram bler ro se * died at sto m i* whK-h smashed Windows and
T b e m essage was referred to th *
Cascade forest were started from w ith tw o o f Hour, and when w ell Mend­
ed add one cu p fu l o f m . . t s«e*s.voed
ki* borne tn Woods M ole Masa M.v» | kanvsged cw p * S evera! tnche* ofsnow secretary-general of th e con feretro*
Tire* last year
with anchovy and «vni.m Ju :ce. Add five
Any r » h t
T V la d y Gay and thè «erre reponed frtun Denver.
Tbe Bntvwh attitwde wa* described ss
S t a y t o * —T h e eotìook ter h sv.rg a hard-cooked egg* s.i.-ed. seas.® highly
V t.r o b s h s weev m m bV e creati.-ms
YVe sto m i was bellev-ed te bave being th a t the B ritish grvem m ent
with salt and cayenne cover with but­
evwlvwd by bVa
TVty bronght b a r beea tbe s a n e wbicb lanhed severa'. oonld not intarfere with tbe affa.-» eanrery ready t c operate h < rv by thè
tered cracker crumbs and hake until
nnd a v w d s by npcictien tn t k l i j t t v i a In M R lM lt M k K m m finadxy of another nation
the crumbs are hiwwn.
rooncry and sbrewd.
ntgbv kiiling severa! pe r son «, tb ea
beea m anager of tbe cannery there for
; Jsmped ov-ec M tssonn te reappew*
S tu p e d Baked 4 * r t it e r s
N.-re* O v e*-5 *.i» c- c m ,
sev era! years w ili be tbe factory man-
M or day ta soutbeew IÌHno v
Wash *nd bake three g\»vd-* long
Washtngtcm. D C — A hearty r r t e agre b ere T b e cost of tb e plant and p .ya: ,«-*; bake until dene, tbew cut po-
At Trv ingtoc tb e rw tsier *w <pt a
p a li 23 xrniev* long and 154 vard* « ice snbsc-.pekm se tbe new treasnry iss a * tbe m attee et financing ita erectxm .* Inre halve* lengthwise. p-vv«vp
out the potato and put throng- * si- ve
center o f tb e vfUnge. b .l) o f J t * per cent nix m octh* certifScnres e tr_ are under discnssion
any cir-
Add te a saucepan a tabiewoocafnl ,vf
t'crsoi s
More Av* bal
Baietr. — T b e w.vrld w *r veterans barter and tbe p > :»r(v s M.x a cap­
of tbe
a in tb e ceanxsuntty were est rate» sin ce 3917 was
state md cwmmission. at a ful e f (♦• w ed ow-ked m eat, m r tn-
M a te s Mi Ms claim s 9 *r pay- ¡
destw yed B s b f i t M . ID . was alm ost SaluTviay t.g h t by Secrecarv MrlWm. b e li bere Saturday. apprevsd 394 ap Me*p>ww ful each of chopped vw.i.« aod
f c o m * id tb e A m erican arm y
rrtCixattary reports, be ss>¿ indicate
s t iM s e k ls t
There *p- cre»n Sea « -a t d w~:ti sx ' l
oat u m Mi G e r m a n y
that tbe trCa! sebswrtption* w~flD tg - p liratio n * fo r cash b o r e *
A fter Tisijtn# many rntwvis
and a v e r butter and p e rce r a *d:ng a little gravy
g -e c ste m.vre tban 2S(K <>04 OS# for tb e
if at band. I'll! tbe sl>es * with tbe
M advance* fee ign the sem ad c i.mped inte Indiar.*
^ issue w hick w a* ter a to m ll»A.b<dL.- a g e f 27>C eacfc T b e com m issiot alar minced meat and pipe tb e seas. : e i
resgock parpóse* a t e t e big H i d i K t a sm all wilagv |
. , 4M AR tb e fsdeenl r ese r ve discn. tv pnssed npot 23 app'v-*TKvn* for Ioana pecat# areond tbe edges.
M was s a s M iw s f M m w estern part c f tbe state, snr'y
be sa>d bave reported c r e u b s c n p The»? agg-w«»isd 22v ' A0S The loan
«* ftt wnca c a iw c s t t m aftevrvKwm
T e s bowrs lane** spprev-ed a'-eraged 22504
Cav. * r w t - iw B arte*.
r f tbedr Qnctas
T ta tr ita ti ma ri ita
ta p é ta
tbe pisce b a t tim e a* rrcev-e-
tNwA canlittowor notti oeorîy A-ce ;
OfeiltarikHk t'* ‘V <vO ia M (V | » t a l .
divide tolte « o s i! ba n che» ; dip
ÌA u K a • ' 6 ta»
A W 1" »«vovts »e h e M
J r n . r . n J t a ; M m
I n x a i M L -—Lad * k x k rw red ty < tote a fritte r batter and fry la deep
i t ; .ta f
T e tta . %4t\ ta f , r i a l
T e make the b etter nso eoe
C inese.' —5 .x t h e s M s i tcsitatat* 9Ì 2 M cK ee at ] iadrpsmdeatT which wtvn b i
mk > MNl l i l è t a pT#ta M
i t
D » w* '•»** K iiin
D rag o a p a r tm e r l h etrers ta! ta r u » th r best re c a rd to r a Jecaey row kept beare* egg sod ewe capful o f to w .
_• « v . d w a
by th e i n r r c u Jr r s r v Caroto claK estehalf cwpfnl of milk, a pio. h of « a l.
: » g f it r .- s -
p le d g e d t t a t a f f
>v. > , ■ »1
Tvx — r a pan .1 G S t.
t m
— NtokA -m- •
pnvdar«ed 14« 7 9« pounds e f b o n e-fat and ce » tabl e « » » * fa! e f eil re iv i
■ 4 •Mki w dW1,
■M W Ja m es G ' ohne. i. a
Bent weil end 1er ««and to a cvwd pU.-e
tre th r year which
a « 3 4 Any. am
$S> tta u w m i to la »V
m t r vtaM
• b a a KeRy fksM Max a m . a to
for aa b eer
Serve gs m l shed w
C »q*irnii t HW ot the re co rd
H r I t a > y x i «f n u r“i H ü f u m ! w s v k iS e * b e Stand*V w ber the nlr to p»y ta rrea se d
th is week le Mr M cKee T h a
The m rrt.n g tata»
i f t w i t a %-»» » i n a cad M.-mdny »y pint* It * ! J tb ( - W < «• radine
hy 7 94 powaâs the j m V e »
R e ta te a •* $ c e d Wwttae
O d d M ien s tt the m (M l INl pc A itata, tata«» tate a aesa Afee m a b ea rti of a beat • M etoos s f the Tftatatat»
a w ood e f mashed*
said that U »lk ilH W,
ptaTt (C tb f
" "lee; tr>« fe
*• a pterrer. ewr-waad wAh elk-vs of
ad l«r
t a a d h e f ) t a l HÌlOKtJl each vM Ctaütai
T b s wresdsa t w i e n t d
rew t manon that bave beea , mrneced
to w »5 ataMA. Mutata tores i t a
a » landtag f<eèd s a i M
to tbe gravy wttfc oo*ea Jateo, bnrrer.
about a v i o r s f *
th» i r u t t n a w a M S» n a t «
*( t : 'e v T ,n ^ mir.-od p a-s r>
S r -s l* tbe
"uadisif (s ta ta ta Hg wbea th» p la»» Arraa»»t
T h e to'fM%¿ ¿»ta
te F"»vy rvov the meat a fte r taytog n
lie petare
*»ea created >> f p r r » •kite H M r
to i s a w s M
tose >«'4ir-t:«br pe-
S r « * e c Mato -a
e* at the M a ni >♦ a'!m ¿ tk»
toe» a to r e e K oorh o f r e t a t o * «r*tm
to the r a t t e i Mti t as a n tap
« bv am
; s - »r
. n rv i
thyragd taranta
O s t «a l» ». eh«-«* to eoe*-. ' » e t a mooli b *:: et
iQT Ihf m m
w «h F
er a v»r>« «atoed out AI m w A«
ri ta a y / v
t e f n a h ita tta 1
* * ' **w» r « e m a rvm toh hw the try
trarrà I t a n r * at C h is a ita n e
" f b o ere w aA i co o d y
D A I}s
B v ---------------------
jom n
\\ A S T E R S
r p H E g«.tleinan who comes Into
^ your office, when b e knows you
are busy, and sits w « x fo r a friend­
ly little chat, must be g t rid <->L
I f he Is intelligent, you can get
rid of him without hurting Ins feelings.
I f he is stupid, it will be necessary
to hurt his fee lit. gs.
B u t get rid of him you must,
whether his feelings are hurt or n o t
Efficiency experts could figure, no
doubt, that many thoasands of word­
ing hours go to w aste every year be­
cause busy people are too good na-
tured to invite idiers to get out of
th eir offices.
M o « of the precautions taken by the
“hard to get to” bu-:L,ess men are n<<
due to their haught nesa, hut to
knowledge of the value of time.
I f every saiait business man could
surrv-ui.d li Lase.f with it-oer and ot-'T-e
guards, to keep j o t * from bv<heri3g
him. be might s e c cease to t e a small
bust Dess man. aDd lecocne a b.g ooe.
In most offices tbe clerical force
and the general employees are nc< to
be seen during business hours. It re­
quires a very intrusive person te get
by the boys at tbe gate.
B ut tbe boss or tbe m anager has
always some friend be b ates to of­
fend w bo will drop tn during busi­
ness hours, and cm-sume several dol­
lars' worth of tim e without a blush.
The victim of these pec Hemes would
fa r rather they would come te bis
bouse uninvited, and consume his
food uninvited, than to come ur..netted
to his office, and coosume Las most
valuable Commodity which is time.
It may be that yon are erne of ttxoe
who «rill lean back in y e w chair and
listen to business-hour vtadtor* who
bring no business to talk a boat, rath er
than ask them to call ewt o f b_s ne*s
hou rs I f you are. l-rrwk yourwef at
tb e habit.
Don't depend oc. sign« saving. “This
Is My Busy D a y .' or "F iv e Mintrte*
Is L e t Enough fo r One OoLvers*-
tlc a .” They never take those to them­
Tell tbetn as k.ndly a« yea can *bst
yew are busy, and ask theta to r
I f they get offer-led. tb eir fnen fist-p
is d m w enh having
And If vow happen to t e ewe at tbe
tim e wasters— well, break roerwelf , i
t!-e fcaML before yocr fire, mgs are
DC ES * k ~ E = - wb C c =
A : . C v S E se s '
C N AM’. NAT7 'N - : Uve ir a ihe.» v •
» the back *d a d ark i*
ccvered w U show that tbeor *.-»
l 'i t i e i 04 that they e r r i t i i * th r
“ w way that tó rg-e* are placed m
ea a roof i t scalee <m the body tt a
fish. A od the pwrjvme <t Ito* ewer-
»F4rn* -s the asme as la the case i f
:li* stjkgto* ce the o ra **— la m u s t
w *:er serpdag through and ca a s-ig iO-
I * addato* ta tíos j o w o t l 1» grea t ;
e f feather*, the dark baa a form rtf
varsr-easorsoc» to the shape at a t
e»iy secretwm which a f.e-med hy the
fto a d * at the bare at th *
wheel preñ e * ; c * the
tbenm ivo», ri n ilss li» s
ty wwrocprtwg sad aepsew oos to >»
By ;R * rnaldaoTlia at
leathers and sdk th * dark
ts asoc-od that a s w otre * 4 8 get
threw* » t.:» Sr<v
th e isa du M ie
*t his os' g sods «b -toM ceasm xo f e r *
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