fj # Iw M i */' . 4 ' y . j y y 1 $ % I % f } g 1 » & é~£ ‘ W j Ë É _. x Œ11 il #1 ¿ü Ï '& ì s p $. 4 ^ \ ¿ v i.^ [CZZZLJLQI------->] California Sunshine and Oranges appeal to countless thousands each year While it is always in order to d > your Christmas shopping early W ho not g o to C alilornia’s Sunny Southland th is w inter? there is still a day and a half for T here you w ill eu joy th e w arm th o f an unclouded sun, the last minute shopper. th e b ath in g b each es, outd oor sp o rts, and th e frag ra n ce o f flo w ers and o ran ges. We are waiting for some one to propnse a holidiyof Christmases for five years, < n the plea that it will save expenses, reduce the an­ Observation and Dining Cars nual worry and enable one at the \ V ia end of the period to prepare a really worthwhile Christmas. 1 his is a The Scenic Shasta Route proposition tirac would till all the childrei with gl*e and is a subject P rovide all th e com forts o f m odern travel T h e rail jou rn ey affords for one of those "When a Feller an opp ortun ity o f seein g m any in te re stin g p laces a lo n g th e w ay Needs a Friend” cartoons. Round Trip Excursion Tickets Investigation into the alleged are on sa le to army scandals have yielded only Santa Barbara—Los Angeles—San Diego more illustrations of the fact that authority 1 reeds tjranny. Give au­ F or fa res, train sch ed u les, d escrip tiv e fold ers or sleep in g thority to a man who is a bully by car reserv a tio n s, ask T ic k e t A g e n ts, or w rite nature or whose instincts are cruel or brutal, and his worst character­ istics are accentuated. This is a part of war. J o h n M . S co tt G eneral P a ssen g er A g e n t A Brit'sh journal ofastrohgv has discovered that Mars and Mereurv will he in conjunction in 1926 and Is more Catarrh In this section prophesies the world that year will of There DR. F. R. »OWERSOX the country than all other diseases together, and for years tt w as sup­ be. taken by the neck and shaken put to be Incurable. Doctors prescribed PHYSICIAN U SURGEON ioeal remedies, and by constantly failing until its gizzard rattles. Armaged­ posed to cuie with local treatm ent, pronounced PH O NE NOS don is to take place six years later greatly it Incurable. Catarrh Is a local disease, OFFICE - 3303 Influenced by constitutional con­ in the final conflict of Mohammed­ ditions and therefore requires constitu­ HOUSE 3302 tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi­ anism versus the Anglo-Saxcn cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Co.. Toledo. Ohio, Is a constitutional world. The end will find so few remedy, B. F. BUTLER is taken Internally and acts Blood on the Mucous Surfaces people ready to take advantage ot of thru the the System. One Hundred Dollars re­ D en tist the universal peace that the world ward is offered for any case that Hull's' Catarrh Medicine fails to cute. Send for Po»l office bldg. will he a lonely place for some time. virculars and testim onials. F. J. CHKNKY CO, Toledo. Ohio. The oild part of it is there will lie Sold by Druggists, 75c. lonmouth Oregon plenty of people to accept the H all’s Fam ily Bills for Gonatlpatlon. story and arrange their affairs ac­ J. O. MATTHIS DOES YOUR BACKACHE? cordingly. Physician and Surgeon It’s usually a sign of sick kidneys, P h o n e 573 House K67W There area number of drawbacks especially if the kidney action is dis­ O ffice: 409-10 Hank o f C om m erce B ldg, ordered, passages scanty or too fre­ to the | reposition of taxing gasoline Salem Ore. Don’t wait for more ser­ for the benefit of the 1925 exposi­ quent. ious troubles. Begin using Doan’s tion. In the fir.-.t place it is dodg­ Kidney Fills. Bead this man’s Annual Bank Meeting ing the issue. It will he said it is testimony. The annual meeting of the share­ done to roach the vote of a large H. B. Tripp, 516 N. 15th St., holders of the First National Bank population who pay taxse hut who Corvallis, Ore., says: "Doan’s Kid­ of Monmouth, Oregon, for the pur pose of electing directors for the do not buy gasoline. Such a pro­ ney Pills are the best remedy 1 have ensuing and the fransaction of ever used and 1 cannot say too much posal as that does not place the for what they have done for me. any other year, business may proper­ proposition before the public My kidneys were in had condition ly come before the that meeting, will he squarely on its merits. The propo­ and I had such backaches that I held at the hanking house in Mon­ sition also violates the principals of couldn't bend or do any lifting. My mouth, on January 10th, 1922, at hospitality and policy. It is assert­ hack was so weak and lame I could the hour of 1:30 F. M. not do a day’s work and my kidneys Ira C. Powell, President. ed the increase in the gasoline tax acted irregularly and unnaturally. during the exposition year will cre­ I used Doan’s Notice to Creditors Fills and the ate an excess in the tax money col­ rid n>e of the Kidney aches and pains and Notice is hereby given that the lected that will pay the amount made my backwell and strong." undersigned have been duly ap­ which is thought model for the ex­ Frice 60c, at all dealers. Don’t pointed guardians of the estate of Bessie Alderman, incompetent, by position. In other words, the simply ask for a kidney remedy get the county court of the Stale of Doan’s Kidney Fills the same that proposal is to tax our visitors Mr. Tripp had. Foster Milhurn Oregon for Folk County, and have through a mild extortion to pay for Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. qualified. our show. Such an idea is worthy All persons having claims against of Connecticut, hut not of Oregon. said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, to­ The average visit r who comes in a with proper vouchers there­ Glasses Fitted gether car will soon forgot the real at­ for, to the undersigned guardians tractions we have to show him, hut at the residence of Ketta Hamar, L enses a c c u ra te ly dt p 'ic a te d may always h<* depended upon to near Monmouth, Oregon, within six O p tical re p a irs ca re fu lly an d relate when Oregon is mentioned, months from date of this notice. p ro m p tly m ad e. tiiat it is the state whore he fad to All credits or accounts hereafter extended to said ward must tie pry two cents extra for his gasoline. made hv and through the under­ It will thus give a black eye to D r . W . C . G e h m a p , O p t o m e t r is t signed guardians. advertising benefits the state should S a le m , Oregon Dated and first published Novem- get from the fair. If the fair idea l.. r 2•">th, 1921. has stability it will staid upon it. Reduced Rates in Belle Sullivan Why should the legislators handle it Farm Mutual Fire Insurance Ketta Hamar as though it is a hot potato. Ap- I have taken the agency for the Gustrdians aforesaid. parently’most of them are afraid to Farmers’ Fire Belief Association of B. F. Swope, Attorney. Buttevi'.le, Oregon, a farmers’ mu­ Notice of Final Settlement decile for it or against it. It tual company which ac­ Notice is hereby given that the seems to us the people who have cept.- insurance no city risl In vrporated undersigned administratrix of the thus far carried forwarLthe idea and has been doing sjis business for 28 of Iaura Colby Price, de­ are entitled to have the matter, years. This company has always estate ceased, has filed her final account without quibbling, placed before paid its losses promptly and Janua­ in the st*te for Polk ry first has assets deposited in sev­ County, and of that Oregon the voters. I et it st ind or fall on en Monday the 23rd different hanks of $49,000.00 day of January, 1922. at the hour its own merits. To join co.-U $1 and 25 cents per of 10 A. M. thereof in the county |1 1)0 for dwellings and contents; 30 court room of said court, in the per $100 for barns, school city of Dallas, Oregon, has been ap­ M onm outh and Independence cents houses and contents. The applicant pointed by said court as the time Auto-Bus Schedule is then entitled to insurance sub­ L eave« M o n m o v lh L eave« In d e p e n d e n c e ject to such assessments as are nec­ and place for the hearing of object­ 7.00 a. m . N orth Hound 7.28 a. m essary to cover losses and expens­ ions to the said final account and 1.50 p. m. ” ” 2.25 p. m. es. A rnemlier can withdraw at any the settlement thereof. 5.10 ** “ ** 5.3» •• time. The company has on its books Dated and first published, De­ (P(.0O a. m South Bound 10.2a a. m $7,995,934 insurance and paid out cember 23rd, 1921. 3.15 p. m . “ ’* 3.51 p. in luring 1920 losses amounting to Nettie S. Boche, 0 30 " '• 7.02 “ $10,940.27. For particulars inquire Administratrix of the estate of R A YM O ND E DERBY Prapriala» of G. W . C h e s e b r o agent, I aura Colby Price, deceased. I’HU'IK IDS Monmouth, Ore. B. F. Swope, Attorn?y. Through Sleeping Cars EDWIN T. MEREDITH L/Yi Monmouth Meditations former Secretary of Agriculture, is as familiar with the needs and prob­ lems of people in our rural com­ munities as anyone in America to­ day. He says, “ If we save consistently we will have done the thing most needed to establish our prosperity.” You can lay the foundation of your prosperity by starting a bank account at First National Bank Southern Pacific Lines MONMOUTH, OREGON  VC?OMAN WHO KNOWS I IFF Mncr-*\-r) HE'D FIN'D. t l C i 1 PHUNOGHAPH ! I'i • . I W ISH I K N EW ¿ D H L ,. TO PU T T H E M ' ’ &. tk > ï MAYBE THERE'S A PLACE UPSTAIRS. I'VE G O T TO HIDE THEM WHERE H E'LL NOT RUN ACROSS THEM !? I VE G O T IT ! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF TH 'S BEFORE? I'LL PUT’ THEM IN HIS DRESSER DRAWER * Eyes Tested w yi “Eat More bread Holsum Bread Mr . B ar ne s, U. S. W h e a t D ir e c t o r Says: And r e d u c e the;hi«h cost of living. ’ IS T H E C H E A P E S T AS W E L L AS T H E M O S T W H O L E S O M E F O O D ON T H E M A R K E T . BUY THAT EXTRA LOAF Cherry City Baking Co. Y o u r G r o c e r has it ; ,w je C * o, • Hartman Bros. I**: J € W /M