S2S2525ES2S252EH^cSHSÜ2SZSZrei?SH5252SZS25Z $ \n m t _ 0 o o á ií% urtane* w - « * i The Herald SnUrad u M cond-«lu« matlar l*Qfc. a Lh* paat o A n at MonmoulX. Oreroa. under th . A c t a t M a rc h L m RICHARD B, SWENSON E d ito r A P u b lis h e r MONMOUTH, OREGON ~ FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1921 Our Earnest Wishes to A ll for a Hearty Old Fashioned Christmas Season with Health and Prosperity throughout the New Year Monmouth Lumber Company L. W . Waller, Manager ZSZSZS2SZS2S2SZS252SHS2SB52S25HS25HSÎS2SHS2SESZ52S2S2525C. A Straight Tip From Headquarters The things the lady prizes moát are to be found in oui hardware and furniture es­ tablishment. We have an especial offer in Indestructible Aluminum Or let us show you some of these Community Silverware, a new Range, Kitchen Utensils, Rugs, Furniture, etc. A well equipped kitchen and home makes living more attractive. M ONM OUTH H A R D W A R E J. E. W inegar, Proprietor Guaranteed work, Cleaning, Pressing Men’s Suits, Overcoats, Sweaters Ladies’ Suits, Dresr.es, Sweaters Give me an order aftid be convinced. T. J. WEDEKIND Monmouth Ore. One year Six months Three months • FARMERS’ W E E K Corvallis, Or., Dec. 26— 31, 1921 Winter Short Courses ISSUED EVEHY FRIDAY S u bscription working class as well as the finan­ cial interest o f the corporations. At any rate civilization owes this much to China. (Continued Next Week) Rates *2,00 $ 1.00 75 eta Interpreting China By Rev. L. V. Lewis Put Science into barm Practice Fruit ana Vegetable Course Dec. 3 - 1 7 , ’21 Tractor Mechanics Course Jan. 2— Mar. 18, ’ 22 Dairy Manufacture Course Jan. 2—Mar. 18 ’ 22 Agriculture Course Jan. 2- Mar. 18, ’22 Dairy Herdsmen’s Course Jan. 2—June 18, ’22 Grain Grading Course Jan. 9—21, N IRRITABLE, A Candle sticks, Christmas candy 22c to $1.00 lb. MORLAN fault finding disposition is often A man with good digestion is nearly always good natured. A great many have been perm inrntly cured o f stom­ ach troubles by C hamberlain’s Tablets after years « f suffering. These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable it to perforin its functions naturally. T h ey only cost a quarter. «Shamberrairïs Tablets & SON Monmouth’s largest and most complete Confectionery and Book Store (( >22 ATWATER BROS. Electric Shoe Shop First Class Work Guaranteed In Boulden Building Monmouth Oregon Groceries & Provisions Good Goods and Fair Treatment C. C. M u l k e y WANTS & Son A Practical Present M O N M O U TH TR AN SFER Transferring by auto truck and by team, within the city or out of town. The Monmouth Cooperative Slip- fjj number o f people requried for the L ea ve ord ers at G a ra ge transportation o f goods the largtr ping Association will save farmer’s 3 Call Phone 2003 will be the number left for pro­ money in the sale o f livestock. Ship Gj COFFIN A EGLESTON duction. About two thirds o f with us and cut out middleman s the goods in the interior o f Chira profit. II you base stock to ship tf are transported by human lalor. notify W. J. Stockholm. Mgr. i Steamships and railways are now Let me mend your furniture or cirrying the largest proportion of file your saws. J. VV . Howell. 4t goods along the coasts and up and For Sale 'down the large rivers and canals. 21 acres. All in cultivation. Carts and camels also have their 6-Room house, hot and cold water, share o f this transortation. But all toilet and bath. Barn 32x48. 2 Poul t r y S u p p l i e s B O N E , S H E L L and C R I T through the central, southern and horses, 2 cows and all farm machin­ western regions human labor, using ery. Located 1 mile north east of wheelbarrows and carrying poles, Monmouth. Price |6,500. 50 acres o f land 2} miles north of i is the chief method o f transporta­ paved highway. tion o f goods. Probably some Monmouth on Price $60 per acre. j}fl fifteen to twenty per cent of the 8-room house, lot 150x186 feet, [j] labor o f Chinese men is engaged in close is*» in A ll n uvlprn (»nnvpnionpoc in. All modern conveniences | transportation. This is entirely Price $2500. too high as compared with other 6- Room House, Fireplace, toilet !S nations and if by applying steam bath and lavatory. 2 Lots. Price S P a sse d by i nspec t i on O ct. II jffl and electric power there can be a $1600. Terms. 7- Room house in Independence. rQ release o f ten per cent o f labor o from the present terrific strain in Close in. All modern conveniences. Price $1500. Ï525HSH525HS2SH5H5 transporting goods and transf- r this 20 acres o f land at Rickreall. All labor to producing goods it w ill add in cultivation. Two paved roads. j much to the productive capacity of Right near school house and store. Price $4000. $1000 cash. $3000— i the nation. But while we recognize the im­ 9 years time at 6 per cent interest For Sale o r Rent — 5 acres o f land for the children perative need for the introduction 5 room house, good dairy barn. 15 o f steam and electricity, we must minutes walk to city. Lent $15.00 bear in mind the danger o f turning per month. lover ten per cent o f the laboring G. T. Boothbv class out o f employment without I first providing other methor’s whereby they cin earn a living. By building the railways where they — - —> can tap the coal and iron fields, it IF A FELLCW 'C A L L S A. M A R A N T will not only provide employmei t W A Ö0UR6BXS BE Fire Insurance, Real Estate for this number but it will als>open GLAD, NEARLY EVERY­ N o r a is e in pr ic e s and Surety Bonds up these vast resources o f the na­ BODY to at present BE ONE tion. While this would require Reliable Service Phone 2411 larger capital than the mere b id d ­ ing of a railroad would require, yet it will eventually prove profitable D e a l e r s in t> Capital not only from ad rect re­ General C ontracting for munerative view point but the in­ creased efficiency among the labor­ C St.» I n d e p e n d e n c e ing class will prevent the revolution which always fallows radical indus­ WALTER G. BROWN trial changes. Surely, statesman­ Representing the ship and a wise regard for perma­ Estimates p ro m p tly nent returns on investments, to say furnished nothing o f the humanitarian consid­ of Philadelphia erations, will demand that the Highest Market Price Paid for Poultry and Veal Calves Bran, Mill Run and Corn Thos. Boulden 3 M ONM OUTH M A R K E T F resh and Cured M ea ts Wholesome and Sanitary J. B. Hill & S on T oy s & G am es Books, Stationery, Toi­ let Articles, Candy, Tobacco, Etc. P. H. JOHNSON "The Normal Book Store” I am here to saw’ wood S. H. Hinkle, R. L. Kullander due to a disordered stomach. T ry them. A Fountain Pen An Eversharp Pencil Box of Stationery, a Flashlight, Fancy Candles Beekeeping Course Jan. 30— Feb. 2SZ£a5H5H5125H525H5Z52SSS25HS25HFH5Z525ZSH5t5H5H.'iH5aS2SHSH5Z5HSH5H5HSZ' _ Everyone who is at all familiar ü 25. ’22 ¡R] D with China will at one recognize the Homemakers' tionference Mar. 20 j 3 - 2 5 , '22