a5252SZ5Z52SES2Sc52reS25252S2äc52St. 52£¿ j cSLJilátL.'? jfíZSZSIjSa t 725? The Herald C « i« r « d as sac-s>.a-cuus m attar S arta m oar« laus a lh a r«a t .iffcro - t V nm outh t>r*—o«t. andar tSa A rt a i March L U tlX RICHARD B. SWENSON Editor 4k Publisher MON MOUTH. OREGON ISSI tD E V U I KK!DAY FRIDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1021 Subscription lumber yard and given a job on the O Polo grounds that virtually amounts to a subsidy. Christie Mathewson, another great pitcher who is now battling with tuberculosis in a New York sanatorium, had his room wires! with special apparatus to en able him to keep track of the big games as they are played; at the expense of the New York manage ment. I o Stationery, Notions Everything for Student’s Use Rates In the complexities of modern E l e c t r i c L i g h t B u lb s business we make a living by help and fixtures $1.00 ing others to make a living. We 75 cts cannot expect to continue long to prosper if there are sexeral million men out c f employment in the I’ nit- ed States. When all are working Monmouth's largest and most complete Confectionery and Book Store 30L i and buying we all prosper. When this unemployment comes because a most important group of citizens. 25HS25Z5HS25il5a5HS men who have been accus- ¡3 ATWATER BROS. _________________ I tomed to working through money, |B{ |t - l Oi *1 | are dissatisfied and are withdrawing jj] -------------------------------------------------- from activity or in other words, [3 In Eastern Oregon they are find- have gone on a strike, we realize jj First Class W ork Guaranteed ; ing water in »e l's for irrigating 1 the power of the weapon they hold. 15Q In Boulden Building purposes where it was not expected For years the fact that certain of "3 water supply existed. W ith a lit- our «itizens were acquiring great! Qj Monmouth Oregon | tie 4 a hot air large areas in j wealth has been considered a men the eastern part of the state might ace «• from time to time remedies I become densely populated. have been advocated that would equalize the chances for success of After Congress has got our rev- j the man who has wealth behind enue troubles adjusted it might | him and the man who has only his ! turn attention to the formulation of strength and intelligence. The 1 a law that w ould make it easier to : strugg e to pay debts arising from ■ get up at six o.clock these morn - 1 the world war has at last given a mgs. weapon that was expected to bring The accounts of the baseball so called wealth up short to a Sud an pi. r- up ft-ries as submitted den halt. This was through the in-1 by Grantland Rice f r the Oregon- come taxes that under several class- lan come close to being genuine lit- ifications took from certain incomes CORONA cratiirg. The mystic fire of inspir- as much as three fourths of their ation is rather rare in the surging annual amount. As enacted the fiood of printed words that keeps revenue law was both hasty and The portable typewriter. Carry it the average reader just about sub- .experimental and many odd situs-1 with you. A perfect machine for the . rged ar.d when encountered if i tions have resulted from it. Fcr has all the refreshing glow of un one thing it is doing the country an Home Office or Student. expected discovery. People who injury in that it is falling more don’ t know baseball from dominoes heavily on producing wealth than WALTER G. BROWN must enjoy Rice's accounts of the inherited wealth. The men whom we class as financial kings are es- battles on Manhattan is’and. capir.g in a large measure because The commercial rlub o f Missoula, M O N M O U TH TRANSFER they are investing in tax exempt ¡ W Montana, had a happy inspiration Transferring by securities. The men who are es- i -3 recently. It caused the moving S sential to prosperity, who employ | uj auto truck and by picture houses of the city to adver labor, who develop inventions, who jj] team, within the tise that they would accept mail exploit mines, are being hit and|f3 city or out of town. order catalogues as tickets of ad this so radically that they have had L eav e order» a t G a r a j a mission. They even offered prizes: to travel new and strange seas in Csll Phone 2003 I .* prize for the oldest catalogue, a order to finance themselves ard COFFIN 4. EGLESTON prize for the newest catalogue, a keep going. There is no business, ■ orne for the most used catalogue, farmers, the retailers, or the j etc. It must have been a novel the manufacturers, that has a fat year sight to see the spectators at the every >ear. The times when good -hows coming, each with a large i crops and good markets come to catalogue under his arm and th e! gether are exceedingly rare. The nen who collected tickets must ‘ manufacturer who has had a num nave had a few busy moments. It Bran, Mill Run and Com ber of lean years and then finds took several bon fires to dispose cf th ngs come his way for a twelve P o u ltry Supplies B O N E , S H E L L and G R IT : •* co •: - a t si! or m oath ar.d has the government take der houses are appealing to the fed ' three fourths of his earnings with* eral trade commission for re’ ief j out any reference to previous years, from th.»t sort of treatment. feels about it just about the same ^ >ç5HrESî5c5iF2SH5252Scr2S2s23ESZ5B52S2S252S2SE5H5HS2SHSZS2S2S25HS2S25E5i An F. -te.-i iecturer :s puxslirg way a sma ier operator would do ir. O >ver t i . r e- f » ■ > pe , ir-1 the same circumstanse- Thus we u. e. .v nee : r< - ever convinced , get some idea of the problems that £ ,bjrarg.ing it is assumed there confront the law makers at present, j jfl Whole some and Sanitary must be s me mental kick or re- How to curb accumulated wealth a-: :: at ? > ig*it. Arguing and at the*same time encourage the ' £ P a s s e d by in s p e c t i o n Oct. II differences , f polit y's or re'igt.r. r s.ness of the country to proceed 3 is our idea of zero ss s pastime. j is s problem over which a greet TÍ W». o . m u öl o o n One year Six months Three months * * 2,00 M ORLAN There Love and Happiness A re Supreme & SON Monmouth Meditations^« * A Home o f Ycur Very Ou'n A Home that you have buit and paid for with your own hart! earned money a Home that emboiiels all your own ideas altout how a real heuse should be built— that's the only Real Home. You owe such a Home to the wife, the kiddies and yourself it breeds Love, Happiness, Contentment and Better Health. Nothing to worry about and a nice little sum tucked away in the bark each month that otherwise wiuld go to the landlord! And it is easy to own such a Home you’ll le surprised to learn how cheaply it can le built, Fee us about plans mater als an I preies. It wil 1 le one thing that you will always be glad you did. Monmouth Lumber Company L. W. Waller, Manager Electric Shoe Shop Groceries & Provisions Good Goods and Fair Treatment C. C. M ulkey GOOD | / ^ F U R N IT U R E ['fi? 3 IS YOUR D U T Y \T V e TO Y O U R HOM E, l&ror the Cozy H om e Life In the home revolves about the It is the meeting place and resting place of the family It is the heart of the home. For furniture in. keeping with this duty cf the living room we have chosen v from the best work cf the best manufacturers. Call ar.d see our Kl i f r om. F u rn itu re fo r C o m fo rt The easiest cf easy chairs— Morris chairs cf generous sire — all await your Inspection. There are rockers here fcr m.-V’ ex v 'c a sh; sews and la*grr rockers fcr mother she rv We h. e also a 1~1 h e the mar.» p eers, some d coratve and soire u-e'uL that hrlp to gvr the hon elike individual touche*. Be an©rg the first to so eot from th s ccl.ect.oo. ot Good Furniture Is Our Pledge to You MONMOUTH' HARDWARE J. E. Winegar. Proprietor i wji Buy Your Second Hand Furniture It VOU have anv thing in th .> u ne t! at v ou w i<ti to disiviso ot see me at t; . E le: trie Shoe Shop to M Chas. Atwater ■ Biliousness Highest Market Price Paid for Poultry and Veal Calves Thos. Boulden j MONMOUTH MARKET \ Fresh and Cured M eats [ Thus Fouldtn asserts that what wc know as vetch is known in Eng- ? sr i a> tart > s r i ; < ok x y si td to the weed that :s known in x r .p t-r c by the aar e name. He says! that wKer the «cci c f vetch ard wheat get mixed no average farmer has the macii nery that will sepa -, rate them. WhiV either grain can be marketed M?paratelj. the mix-; ture ts waited by no one. He has found that by plac.rg the mixed I seed where cfcicke'is car get at it they will pick cut the wheat and .cave the vetch, thus mas.ng a new iue for chickens that haa not here to f. re beer, re.-agn .ed. oi HEN you have a bilious attack W tout lircr fails to perform its function*. \ ou becom e con stipated. The food vou cut ferments in your J stomach instead of ¿icesting. This inrlamcs the stomach and causes r.a..>ex. Yomiting and a terrible headache. Take k hamberlain s Tablets. They will ^tone up your liver, clean out your stomach and you will soon he as sreli as erer. There is nothing hettc: * ¡Chamberlain's Tablets & Son ‘ Mugsy” Vc7raw. manager t-w bal :can kn-wa as tac Nrw | V r t Giatt- has a r«K.tatx>a as a . gam «: ta xar -as ra o œ to r? j w.tn ?wz ar,i other * .»*d pr :>ss oe*. r.a t there r ether sa 5e tx us char w ter may b inferre! a thxt •w > be d* -gbts to be * « plsyrrs whe nave n- /a rarri we « the battle of J»t*»es M atre. the r * wtx» erga* ■srd the G*cta. was recette pa.-r • x e the rista perai-ca bet. Am i R*se. tee p tc£:-g hrr: .1 a gene? I at age. was rereet y ______ a fi.itM » job a Vertere a. ' nard V . r s ~~g is :•* " g i r e . J. B. Hill & Son -F 2 Sc 5 ZSi 525 E£ 2 SHS 252 £Z 5 u E S 25 Z ¿ 25252 £ü 5 ¡L 5 ZS 2515 HS 2525 Z 525 ZSZSZ 5 ZSHS 2 SZ! W ant Something? Magazines, Periodicals Books, Stationery Advertise for it in these columns Candy and Cigars P. H. JOHNSON teda Jotos ubsft BEISS HkT '»vYl-.TVE V.X-LR. IT IS t i m e ’ fO COM PLAIN ^ ------------— n tvœ : _____/ A. M ARANT Fire Insurance. Real Estate and Surety Bond* Reliable Service m j S. N o r a is e in pric es at present H. Hinkle, Phone 2411 R. L. Kullander STEVENS & CO. G eneral C ontracting for Second Hand Goods WALTER G BROWN ___ Reprrasnting tbs “ PENNSYLVANIA* Fire Insurance Co. Estim ates prom ptly furnished independence, Oregon • o Independence ^ ________ : W ork PHONE. M 2111 D e a le r s in C St. Concrete i tram e I am here to saw wood * I I of nuiaWpbM •Vofory Pubnc B ar* Ovada. Mong*gw. Etr. i