G 0 © the home o f L . N . Boyer Monday evening. Mr. Boyer is leaving for his farm near LaComb. a a S tó ¿ax » ¿ v VJB ia George Washington (P rfb S e r ^ itr é fo fo fie David Riley o f Dallas has bought the tract o f land on Main street in Dallas next to the Penney store and may build a garage on it. J F lo w e r B a ita H op« I Z o d ia c S ig n Scorpio “ IwMaarata «W * m «/orfane Jia/’ee*. “Bw m II goundary o f said lot 2; which is also the east line o f a road or street; Thence Southerly along the said West boundary o f said lot 2, a dis­ tance o f 129.3 feet, more or less, to the S. W. corner o f said lot 2, Thence Easterly along the South boundary o f said lot 2, which is also the North line o f a road or street, a distance o f 14.6 feet, more or less, to a line parallel to the center line o f the said Highway Street and 30 feet distant there, from, measured Easterly along the radius o f a curve in the said center line; Thence Northeasterly along a curve o f 447.5 feet radius, to the right, parallel to the center line of the said proposed street or high­ way, a distance o f 102.5 feet, more or less, to the point o f loginning o f the said curve; Thence North 27 deg. 50 min. East, parallel to the center line of the said street, a distance of 272.1 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; and containing 0.436 of one acre, more or less. Also, all that part of the proper­ ty o f the Lucy Foster-Leonard es­ tate in lots 1, 6, and 7 in Block 16 in the city of Monmouth, Polk county. Oregon, included within a strip o f land 60 feet wide, being 30 feet on each side o f the center line o f the proposed "H ighw ay Street” , as surveyed over and across said Mary McNeil property which is more particular­ Administratrix o f the estate of ly described as follows,, to-wit— Dennis C. McNeil, deceased. Beginning at a point where a line B. F. Swope, Attorney. Notice to Creditors J Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed executrix of the estate of Charles woin but in good repair E. Herren, deceased, by the County $ 1.00 Court of the S ta te ' o f Oregon for and up. per pair. The cheapest shoe Polk County, and has qualified. for work that ran be bought. Shop one All persons having claims against loor south o f Independence National said estate are hereby notified to bank. Independence. Ore. present the same duly verified, to­ A ll kinds o f shoe repairing. Men's, gether with the proper vouchers women’s, children's therefor, to the undersigned execu­ trix at her residence in Monmouth, Monmouth and Independence in said County, within six months from the date of this notice. Auto-Bus Schedule Dated and first published Octo­ 1-carH Monmouth L«a*«a Independence 7.00 a. m. North Bound 7.28 a. m. ber 7th, 1921. Anna Herren, Executrix of the estate of Charles E. Herren, deceased. B. F. Swope, Attorney. parallel to the center line of the H ighw ay street and 20 feet distant therefrom, measured West­ erly along the radius o f a curve in the said center line, intersects the East boundary o f said lot 1 in said block 16, which is also the West line o f Knox street said point being distant 97.2 feet, more or less, measured Southerly from the N . E. corner o f said lot 1; said Thence Southwesterly along a curve o f 447.6 feet radius, to the right, parallel to the center line of said Highway street, a distance of 153.8 feet, more or less, to the end of the said curve; Thence South 27 deg. 50 min. W ., a distance of 88.1 feet, more or less, parallel to the center line of said proposed Highway street, to the West boundary of the East half of asid lot 6 in said block 16; Thence Southerly along the said West boundary o f the East half of i said lot 6 in said block 16, seven i and one tenth feet, more or less to Notice is hereby given that the DR. F. R. B O W E R S O X Ì the South boundary of said lot 6; t common council o f the city o f Mon­ a PHYSICIAN (J SURGEON Thence Easterly along said South mouth, Oregon, did, on the 20th I day of September, 1921, duly ap­ boundary of said lot 6, in said block PHONE NOS i point J. L . Murdock, J. S. Fuller 16, 63.5 feet, more or less, to a O FFIC E 3M3 Ì and G . T. Boothby, three disinter­ tine parallel to the center line o f H O I'S F 33#i i ested freeholders o f the city o f Mon­ said Highway street and 30 feet i mouth, as Viewers to make an as­ distant therefrom, measured East­ i sessment o f the damages and bene­ erly at right angles, to the point of Physician and Surgeon fits to the premises over which the intersection being 19 feet distant, P hone 573 House 867W proposed new street, to lie known more or less, measured Westerly Office: 409-10 Bank o f Commerce Bldg, and designated as “ H ighway’’ from the S. E, corner o f said lot 6; Thence North 27 deg. 50 min. street, and to determine how much S a le m O re. less valuable, if any, the lands and E. a distance o f 43 feet, more or premises over which the same is to less, parallel to the center line of Notice to Creditors said Highway street, to the East Notice is hereby given that ftle be laid out and established will lie boundary of said lot 6 in block 16, rendered by reason of the establish­ undersigned has been duly appoint­ Thence nor;herly along the east ed executrix of the estate o f John ment of said new street, and for H. Moran, deceased, by the county that purpose said viewers will meet boundary o f said block 16 which is court of the State o f Oregon for on Saturday the 22nd day o f Octo­ also the West line of Knox street, ber, 1921, at 9 o’clock in the fore­ a distance o f 194.3 feet more or Polk County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against noon of said day, and for such other less, to the point of beginning, •aid estate are hereby notified to duties as may devolve upon them as and containing 0.177 o f one acre, present the same duly verified, to- such view er«: That the following ia more or less. Notice is further given to a]l gjther with the proper vouchers the description o f said proposer! therefor, to the undersigned execu­ street as the same will be establish­ persons claiming damages by rea­ trix at her residence in the city of ed and laid c u t on the premises of son of the appropriation of said Monmouth, in said County, within A. A C. M. Parker in I.ot 2 Bent­ property for said new street, to file six months from the date o f this ley Addition to the city of Mon­ their claim or claims prior to Octo­ mouth, P olk county, Oregon, to- ber 22nd, 1921, being the time ap­ Notice. w it:- All that part o f the property pointed as aforesaid for the meet­ Dated and first publish«^, Sep­ of A. & C. M . Parker in said lot ing o f said viewera. tember 23rd, 1921. N o ^ 2 , and lot ft, Block 18 in said Done by order of the Common Mary A. Stifle, city o f Monmouth, include^ within executrix o f the estate a strip o f land 60 feet wide, being Council.® J. J. Williams, City Recorder. of John H . Moran, 30 feet on ea ch aide o f the center Monmouth, Oregon, Sept. 20, 1921 deceased. line o f “ H igh w ay Street” as sur £ . F. Swope, Attorney. P rop rietor P hon « ISO« See them today—now. Post office bldg. Arm y Tan Shoes R A Y M O N D E DERBY Prices S20 to S50 B. F. BUTLER Dentist Hartman Bros. Do You Need a New Overcoat? You will find it hard to equal them Independence, O regon veyed and laid out over and across said property, which is more par­ ticularly described as follows— Beginning at the point where a line parallel to the center line o f the said street and 30 feet distant therefrom, measured Easterly at right angles, intersects the North boundary o f said lot 2, which is also the South boundary o f s«id block 18, said point being distant 173.5 feet more or less, measured Easter­ ly from the Northwest corner o f said lot 2, and 19 feet more or less, measured Westerly from the South­ east corner o f said lot 8; Thence Westerly along the said South boundary o f said Block 16, a distance o f 83.5 feet more or less to the middle point o f the South boundary o f said lot 6 ir. said block 16; J. O. MATTHIS Notice of Appointment of View­ ers