The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, September 30, 1921, Image 5

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and I do hereby declare that the
! following is a full, clear and exact
c-script r. f the construction eacd
operation o f the same.
' The nature of my invention con-
• struct: r.g a machine
whereby reading matter may be
printed on paper, either by letters
or phonographic characters, by one
movement, without the use o f mov­
able types or printirg press.
Benjamin Franklin
was one o f the greatest thinkers
that America has ever produced.
His maxims are household words
today. In advising young fellows
he said
"Save, young man. and become
respectable and respected. It is
the surest way.”
We pass his advice along to you
with the invitation to open your
account at
First National Bank
"1 call my invention a ‘ printing
and writing machine'.”
Fr m the description and illustra­
tions o f this “printing and writing
machine” it must have borne little
resemblance to the typewriter of
There are nine diagrams
illustrating the various parts o f the
machine. It is operated by means
o f chords ar.d pulleys which control
the position of a steel type plate on
which the characiers are engraved,
and also operates a hinged block
connected with a lever and pin
which presses the type plate against
the paper. The
characters— o f
which there are 81, including cap­
itals and small letters, figures,
punctuation marks and " t h ” , " o f " ,
to” , “ in” , “ tl" "H ” and "is ” — are
represented on a table in exactly
the same arrangement as they ap­
pear on the type plate. The invent­
or describes the operation o f the
machine as follows:
"I place the type plate on its bed
and the paper to be printed on its
holder, with transfer paper above
the sheet to be printed.
1 then
place a finger in the thimble and
bring the desired letter on the type
plate immediately under the pin on
ceived the patent papers, which she , the level. At the same time the
had obtained from the United States chord attached to the hinged block
patent office less than a year ago.
presses said block down upon the
The document bears the date Au­ screw upon the end of said lever
gust 14, 1866, and contains the pat­ and hereby presses the pin firmly
Dr. J. M. Powell o f Monmouth ent number 57,182. On the head­ upon the character on the type
has just received a copy o f the pat- i ing it is called "a machine for writ­ plate which I desire to print and
ent papers o f the first tpyewriter. ing and printing” . It begins:
which is always the same as I am
invented by his uncle, Abner Peel­
"To whom it may concern:
pointing at on the table by my
er, shortly before the civil war. A
"Be it known that I, Abner Peel­ movement o f the thimble. By these
short time ago Dr. Powell, who is er o f Webster City, in the county means the character desired is trans­
compiling a family history, wrote of Hamilton and state o f Iowa, ferred to the paper. Eve^y move­
to an aunt in Nebraska for informa­ have invented a new and valuable ment o f the thimble downward upon
tion concerning the inventor and re- machine for writing and printing; a letter on the table raises the
He Invented
The Typewriter
hinged block and thereby moves the
ratchet and pawl and the paper side
wise the distance occupied by one
character on the type plate.”
The paper holder w as operated by
a sliding beam and was supplied
with a device for spacing between
mes. The method of spacing be­
tween words was described as fol­
lows: "In making spaces between
words I sometimes move the sliding
beam by the hand, placing a finger
on the end thereof for that purpose;
but I usually prefer to accomplish
that result by dropping the thimble
toward the table over a capital let
ter, but I do not in that case feme
the same down sufficiently hard to
an impression on the
There is no intimation as to what
speed could be attained, but it
would probably not cause any envy
among stenographers at the present
Abner Peeler, the inventor, was
bom in Illinois, January 31, 1836.
His father was a Christian minister
and a man who was ahead of his
time in many way s. Abner showed
unusual mechanical ability when
quite small and in later years be­
came well known for his inventive
genius. The invention o f the type­
writer was accomplished before the
civil war. Peeler served in the war
and as soon as it was over journey­
ed to Washington and obtained the
patent. Later he sold his rights
for $1000. He joined the Christian
church at the age o f 15. He died
in Lehigh, la., November 2, 1S95.
The follow ing notice was clipped
from an Iowa paper: "H e posesess-
ed great inventive genius, pro­
nounced the greatest in this state.
He invented the modern typewriter
making the first seven with his own
hands. While others have made im­
mense fortunes from his inventions
— the typewriter, air brush and
others— he did not get the rewards
he deserved. In other words, he
succeeded in blessing the world more
than in getting a large share o f its
goods. He was a true benefactor
o f his race.” Mrs. L. Jane Powell,
a sister o f the inventor, lives in
Monmouth. She is 91 years old.—
F. W . L E O N A R D
the boot and shoe maker has re­
ceived 5 0 0 P a ir s o f
A r m y Tan S h oes
worn but in good repair
$ 1.00
and up, per pair. The cheapest shoe
for work that can be bought. Shop one
door south o f Independence National
bank. Independence. Ore.
All kinda o f shoe repairing. Men’s,
women's, children's
Monmouth and Independence
Auto-Bus Schedule
L c a v t s M c n m o u tk
Clothes do' not make the man but
they do help him in achieving suc­
The first impression that you
give anyone is the basis upon which
admiration or criticism is made.
Our Hart Shaffner and Marx suits
help to give you that successful look.
Let us show them to you. We are
always glad to have the opportun­
ity of serving you.
Salem Woolen Mills Store
C. P. Bishop, Prop.
The Home of Oregon Made Virgin W o o l Products
le a v e s In d e p e n d e n t e
North Bound
7.00 a. m.
• a
1.60 p. m.
• a
5.10 "
10.00 a m.
South Bound
3.15 p. m.
6.30 "
T j ' a. m
2.25 p. m.
10.28 a. m.
3.51 p. m
7.02 “
P r o p r ie t o r
I'N O N B 1404
DR. F. R. B O W E R S O X
33# 1
Physician and Surgeon
P rone 673
House 867W
Office: 409-10 Bank o f Commerce Bldg,
S alem
The Herald wishes correspondent*
' in neighboring communities. For
particulars apply at this office.
Notice to Crediton
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appoint­
ed executrix o f the estate o f John
H. Moran, deceased, by the county
court o f the State o f Oregon for
Polk County, and has qualified.
All persons having claims against
said, estate are hereby notified to
present the same duly verified, to­
gether with the proper vouchers
therefor, to the undersigned execu­
trix at her residence in the city of
Monmouth, in said County, within
six months from the date of this
Dated and first published, Sep­
tember 23rd. 1921.
Mary A. Stine,
executrix o f the estate
o f John H. Moran,
B. F. Swope, Attorney.
How’# Thi*?
vexed and laid out over and serose
said property, which is more par-
for any can, c l Catarrh that ca ca it ha ticularly
described as follows—
cured by H all a Catarrh M tv l..a t
Beginning at the point where a
H a.: a Catarrh MrJ. a , ra j t ,« a l a i n
Sy catarrh auRrmr* for t h , part thrrty-
ine parallel to the center line o f
S»* yrara aaU fan h o c .'»* ha ws as th ,
tst.-at rrP.afc '• remedy for Catarrh
Hall > the said street and SO feet distant
Catarrh M tdione arta thru thn H d a therefrom,
measured Easterly at
th* Mucous su rfs.*e aa solliaf tho Poi­
intersects the North
son from tho Blood and hsaUnf th* <ia-
boundary o f said lot 2. which is also
tiM -l portion.
A fter y ou h a v e ta b e s H all * C atarrh
the South boundary o f s»id block
V ie! ice fo r a sh ort lim e you wtU see a
16. said point being distant 173.5
tr e a t
im p rov em en t
your c e n tra l
health S tart :a a n f Hall , C atarrh Me ‘
feet more or less, measure»! Easter-
cine at on. e ar.d get rid o f c a ta rrh Send
ter t M t io r n a ll t r e ,
y from the Northwest com er o f
F J C H I N ET * CO . Toledo. O h ».
said kit 2, and 19 feet more or less,
Sold by all Crugctats. IV
measured Westerly fr»>m the South­
east corner o f said lot 6;
Thence Westerly along the sait1
In the Circuit Court o f the State
South boundary of said Block 16. a
o f Oregon for Polk County.
Irene Smith. Ida M. Goodnight, distance o f 63.5 feet more or less
Edwin M Smith, Myra 1. Noble to the middle point o f the South
Rosa E. Smith and Hoy M. Smith, boundary of said lot 6 ir. said block
Jennie Davis-Shreves, — ----------
Thence Northerly along the East
Shreves, her husband, Eldon Davis, boundary o f the West half of said
and the unknown heirs o f K. M. lot 6 in said Block 16, 7.1 feet
Davis, deceased, also, the unknown more or less, to a line parallel to
heirs of Aaron Chamberlain, de­ the center line of said highway
ceased. and also, all other persons a ’id 30 fret distant therefrom,
or parties, unknown, claiming any measured Westerly at right angles;
right, title, estate, lien, or interest
Themre South 27 degrees 50 ntin..
in the real estate described in the W. parallel to the center line of
complaint herein. Defendants.
said highway, a distance o f 243
To Jennie D a v is -S h re v e s.------ fret, more or less, to the West
Shreves, Eldon Davis, and the un­ boundary o f sa<d lot 2; which is
known heirs o f F. M. Davis, de­ also the east line o f a road or
ceased. also the unknown heirs of | street;
Aaron Chamberlain, deceased, and j Thence Southerly along the said
also, all other persons or parties, West b»»undary of said lot 2. a dis­
unknown, claiming any right, title, tance o f 129.3 fret, more or less,
estate or interest in the real estate to the S. W. corner o f said lot 2.
described herein, the above named
Thence Easterly along the South
boundary o f said lot 2, which is
IN THE NAME OF THE STATE also the North line o f a road or
OF OREGON : You are hereby re­ street, a distance o f 14.6 fret,
quired to appear and answer the more or less, to a line parallel to
complaint filed against you in the the center line of the said Highway
above entitled suit and court, with­ Street and 30 feet distant there,
in six weeks from the date o f the from, measured Easterly along the
first publication o f this sumngins. radius of a curve in the said center
to-wit:— on or before the first day line:
o f October, 1921, and if you fail so
Thence Northeasterly along a
to answer the said complaint, for curve of 447.5 fret radius, to the
want thereof the plaintiffs will ap­ right, parallel to the center line of
ply to said court for the relief in the said proposed street or high­
said complaint demanded, viz: That way. a distance o f 102.5 fret, more
all adverse claims of defendants be or less, to the point o f beginning
determined by a decree o f said o f the said curve;
court; that the defendants have no
Thence North 27 deg. 50 min.
claim or estate in said premises, and
that the plaintiffs are the owners in East, parallel to the center line of
fee simple o f said premises, and the said street, a distance o f 272.1
that the defendants be forever en­ feet, more or less, to the point of
joined from asserting any claim to beginning; and containing 0.436 of
said premises adverse to plaintiffs, one acre, more or less.
Also, all that part of the proper­
and that plaintiffs have such other
and different relief as to equity ty o f the Lucy Foster-Leonard es­
seemethjust: that defendants be tate in lots 1, 6. and 7 in Block 16
required to set forth the nature of in the city o f Monmouth, Polk
their claims in their answer to said county. Oregon, included within a
complaint: that said premises in strip of land 60 feet wide, being 30
said complaint described, are de­ fret on each side of the center line
scribed as follows therein to-wit:— of the prop»»se»l “ Highway Street” ,
Beginning at the S. E. corner o f as surveyed over and across said
lot 1 in block 11 in the Town o f property which is more particular­
Monmouth. Polk county, Oregon; ly described as follows,, to-wit—
Beginning at a point where a line
tnd running thence North 24 feet;
thence West 821 feet; thence South parallel to the center line of the
24 feet; then*»' East 82J feet to the said Highway street and 20 feet
place o f beginning.
distant therefrom, measure»! West­
This Sun mons, by order o f the erly along the radius o f a curve in
Hon. H. H. Belt, Judge o f the the said center line, intersects the
above entitled Court, made and dat­ East boundary o f said lot 1 in said
ed at Chambers in the city o f Dal­ blo»*k 16, which is alst> the West
las. Oregon, on the 17th day o f line o f Knox street said point being
August, 1921, is servt?d upon you distant 97.2 feet, more or l«*ss,
by publication thereof for a period measured Southerly from the N. E.
of six consecutive weeks prior to corner o f said lot 1;
the 1st day o f October, 1921, in the
Then»*e Southwesterly a'ong a
Monmouth ^Herald, a'wrekly news­ curve of 447.5 feet radius, to the
paper o f general circulation, pub- right, iwrallel to the center line of
li>hed at Monmouth in said Polk said Highway street, a distance of
153.8 feet, more or l»*ss. to the end
The date o f the first publication of the said curve:
Thence South 27 deg. 50 min.
of this Summons is August 19,
1921. The date of the last pub­ W ., a distance o f 88.1 fret, more
lication will be Septemlier 30th, or li'ss, parallel to the center line
o f said proposed Highway street,
to the West boundary o f the East
B. F. Swope
half o f asid lot 6 in said block 16;
Attorney for Plaintiffs,
Thence Southerly along the said
Independence, Oregon.
West boundary o f the East half of
Notice of Appointment of View­ Aid lot 6 in said bltx*k 16. seven
and one tenth f»'et, more or less to
Notice is hereby given that the the South boundary of said lot 6;
Thence Easterly along said South
common council of the city o f Mon­
mouth, Oregon, did, on the 20th boundary of saidjlot 6,'infuiid block
lay of Septemlier, 1921, duly ap­ 16, 63.5 feet, more or less, to a
point J. L. Murdock, J. S. Fuller line iwrallel to the center line of
and G. T. Boothby, three disinter­ said Highway street and 30 feet
ested freeholders of the city o f Mon­ distant therefrom, measure»! East­
mouth, as Viewers to make an as- erly at right angles, to the point of
«essroent o f the damages and bene­ intersection being 19 fret distant,
fits to the premises over which the more or less, measured Westerly
proposed new street, to be known from the S. E. corner o f said lot 6;
and designated
as "Highway”
Thence North 27 deg. 60 mm.
street, and to determine how much E. a distance o f 43 feet, more or
less valuable, if any, the lands and less, parallel to the center line of
premises over which the same is to said Highway street, to the East
be Isid out and established will be boundary o f said lot 6 in block 16,
rendered by reason o f the establish­
Thence nor;herly along the east
ment o f said new street, and for boundary o f said block 16 which if
that purpose said viewers will meet also the West line of Knox street,
on Saturday the 22nd day o f Octo­ a distance o f 194.3 feet more or
ber, 1921, at 9 o ’clock in the fbre- leas, to the point o f beginning,
noon o f said day, and for such .other and containing 0.177 o f one acre,
duties as may devolve upon them as more or leas.
such viewers: That the following is
Notice ia further given to all
the description o f said proposed persons claiming damages by rea­
street as the same will be establish­ son o f th«* appropriation o f sai»i
ed and laid out on the premises of prop»rty for said new street, to file
A. A C. M. Parker in Lot 2 Bent­ their claim or claims prior to Octo­
ley Addition to the city o f Mon­ ber 22nd, 1921, being the time ap­
mouth. Polk county. Oregon, to- pointed as aforesaid for the meet­
w it:- All that part of the pmperty
ing o f said viewers.
of A. A C M. Parker in said lot
Done by order o f th* Common
No. 2, and lot 6, Block 16 in said
city of Monmouth, included within Council.
J. J. Williams, City Recorder.
a strip o f land 60 feet wide, being
30 feet on each side o f the center Monmouth, Oregon, Sept. 20. 1921
line o f "Highway Street” as sur-
w # g l i r |)M
A rt