' r w ar -x. ' - x . tt .SZ. i' ~ w ',1 ^ J - g '■: T U p H s ^ à l d <5^0: - a £ t { n*-. *. And what hut courte* y *~ to — with prize fight ;n g” ” tay* do IVmpaey. V A L U E OF CREDIT e ic h a k d b B a p tis t C h u rc h sw exson Ldw r A Pi»bb«Sar M O NM O U TH T A checking •ccount is the first step toward establishing credit with a bank And credit today is a real asset. Y et it is w hat you make it. The nght credit at the nght tune at the right bank may be worth more to you than a batch of letters presented by you as » stranger ju ly 6. m i *2. CIO snao 75 et* ¡w ill k* cleared off and the land | turned to practical agr.cultural use«. County aasoc at.on* o f some sort should be formed U take over the Rickreall or Luckiamute grounds and fit them up fo r picnic and camping purpose*. Since Memorial Day and Arm is­ tice Day and F ag Day have appear­ ed to share in the work of provid­ ing outlet to the national patriotic spirit, -he Fourth of July is losing some o f its old tim e pep and g in - : ger. M O N M O U T H . OREGON F. E. Chambers VtC« PlMMital tiling, M r. Dawes and his profan- ity have already ide a nt with the American public and he stands a chance o f becoming a popular idol. Farm Mutual Fire Insurance le .":..1 j o i j | Monmouth Meditations [<-------I Q I " ~~Jj One o f the reasons advanced as the cause o f the barn fire Friday is that it might have been from a firecracker carelessly thrown by a small boy. Whether this is true or not, the fire cracker has long been recognized as an all around nui aance. No one begrudges the young, the joy they have out o f the noise and excitement that the fire cracker produces, but there is no reason why it should not be confin­ ed to the Fourth o f July. The cus­ tom o f starting to celebrate a month in advance and keeping a constant racket and fire menace through the whole time ia one that shouid be distinctly discourage'!. 4602 is the number o f the Herald telephone and 4603 the house phone. The rings sound at both places and you will have no trouble in getting an answer at any time o f the day or evening. Use the phone when you There are many natural parks in think o f news items about yourself Polk county at present but this is or your neighbors. The assistance c f all in this way is greatly appre­ no proof that such w ill always be ciated. the case. Sooner or later the tree* j52S2S2S2S2S2S?S2S2SES2S25*SZSZ52SZS?S2S2S2S2S2S25HSZSESZSESES2S25Z^7 S' K A Place in the Heart of Everyone «I Homes have l»een truly termed ' The Hulwsrk o f the Na­ tion ." Their poasesaion makes for better citizenship, and add* immeasurably to the sum total o f human happiness. : n.o*t complete Confectionery and Book Store --SE£c52~ScSÎSZSE5ESc5ES2SZSEScSïr2SHSESEJ£7cS25E52SSS2S25ESEEE£25E5E5p= A T W A T E R BR O S. := s i •r -r > Electric Shoe First C lass W o r k Shop G uaran teed In B oulden B uild in g timf- O regon it JîSîicrîSHSîSSEînfïbcSciHSîSJîïSHSHSZSîSZSîSZSZSZSîSîSîSîSîSîSHSîS (C o lu m n for ^ ar*. or 136 00 * w« * k f t time. Experience unnecessary, \Arite International Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. - Groceries & Provisions Good Goods and Fair Treatment C . C. M u l k e y & Son CORONA The portable typewriter. C arry it w ¡th you. A perfect machine for the Highest Market Price Paid for Poultry and Veal Calves Thos. Boulden M O NM O UTH M A R K E T j The Monmouth Cooperative Ship­ the unpopular plug ugly who did not have manners enough to get ping Association will save farm er’s licked when the embattled fan-dom money in the sale o f livestock. Ship with us and cut out middleman’s profit. Il you have stock to ship notify W. J. Stockholm. M gr. tf tocle -Jetas rJbsfo ft IVI B E T T IN G ^ T H E fO L D ( W O M A N IN T H E . SHOE W A S H A P P Y BECAUSE ’S H E . HAD y 30 M A N Y .. T H IN G S .TO DO FRESH A N D CURED M EATS Pork Sausage; a n d J. B. Hill & Son /tome Owning is hosier Than You M a y I hint? for with lumber now the lowest cost construction material Fit Y o u r E y e s Our Bills, Y o u r Purse Hartman Bros. J ew elers an d Opticians S alem . Oregon G u t h r i e B ldg. Former place of City Market ^ E^ Z tr2^SHS2SHSE52£ÏSH52SHSES252S2S2SHSeS2S2SZS2SESZ52S2525ZS2SZS2S2çi Big Cut Price on Fire Insurance for Monmouth. Reliable Compan­ ies. E. E. Tripp. Phone Main 1621 i Independence, Ore. 36 8t For Sale 5 Room house, Land 82J x 330 feet, 3 blocks from Normal school. Price $1100; terms. Magazines, Periodicals Books, Stationery Candy and Cigars P. H. JOHNSON 14 acres o f land, close in. Price reduc'd from $140 to $12' per acre. 20 acres o f land, 15 in cultvation, | 5 acres in pasture, 260 prune trees, G e n e r a l C o n t r a c t i n g f o r fruit and berries o f all kinds. 9 - 1 room house, good harn, 1 milk c o w ,! horse, harness. 1 wagon, 2 buggies, all farm implements. Price $5000. | W ill take desirable dwelling prop­ erty in part exchange. 8 f acres o f land in the city. Fair E stim ates promptly^ house and ham, chicken house and furnished park, fru it and berries o f all kinds. I An ideal farm home right in the Independence, O regon PHONE M 2111 d t y . Price $4000, terms. R. L. Kullander Our G la sse s Pickles Let me mend your furniture or file your saws. J. W. How*dl. 4t 7 Room house. 2 lots, fruit and! berries. Price $1000. $500 cash.) balance $10 per month. 20 acres o f land; 8 acres in cul-1 E D W . J. H IM E S tivation, 1 acre in mixed fru it; 4 room house, tarn, chicken house. I Civil E n gin eer and berries o f all kinds; team, wagon and harness; |>h w, harrow, *24 Su rveyor chickens; 55 ricks o f wood; all for ' Phone 403 558 Lèvent St Dallas $1500. “ No matter how humble, there's no place like hom e"— these lines have ever rung true, and find an echo in every human heart. L. W . W aller, Manager Q y f B a r g a in ~~ and it should he the purpose o f everyone to become pos­ sessed o f a place of shelter that they can call their own. M o n m o u th L u m b er Co. SON M ONM OUTH TRANSFER Ou'n A Home of your Very Own Build $Cou -$uilJ With Wood Mo- •• ou’.b's largest i & boycott business and politician* Er gsge your W aterhouse cherries Home, Office or Student. who do not fall in with their views o f G. T. Boothby and pick them w ill, without a doubt, fall equally | yourself, W ALTER G. BROW N shfftt in actual performance. HEM STITCHING and Picoting Attachments, $2.00. Buttonhole Governor Sproule showed some attachment $9.85. Fits any Sew- regard fo r the fitness o f things jing Machine. Needle Threader 25 when he declined an invitation o f cents. Self-threading needles 25 T ran sferrin g by the governor o f New Jersey to at­ cents.package. Personal checks 10 cents extra. Lights Mail Order auto truck and by tend the big prize fight. It ap­ House, Box 127, Birmingham A!a. g team , w ith in the pears to us that i f the senators and For Sale— Cedar chest, 1 bed, K other public officials listed as at­ city or out of to w n . U » » t order* «1 Gar e ft tended had shown a like conception leather rocker, 3 small rockers, din- K ing room table, buffet, quarter oak “ ] Call Phone 2003 o f their official dignity, they would chiffonier, kitchen Yar.ge, 8 day S at least have gone incog. C O F F IN A E G L E S T O N clock, baby walker, fru it jars and ^525Z5 c SE5£5Z52£2SHS25 c SH5 c 5H5?F25H5E5Z525E52S2S2525HS25H5Z5ZS2! glasses. | nts, a A combination o f farm er grower* 22 rifle ana a pair high rubber to market their pr '»duct comes the- boots. L. P. Gilmore. closest to givin g them the same Pony for Sale— Nice fo r driving chance the manufacturer has, o f r riding. Accustomed to ladies, naming his price, o f any scheme Mrs. J. L . Van Loan. vet devised. We hope it w ill have . . , _ „ To Swap Good buggy for sow i B ran , M ill Run and C o m a thorough trial. The severest test an(j R. Dodson. will come from the farmers them- -------------— ----------------- P o u ltry Supplies B O N E, S H E L L a n d G R I T W ood fo r Sale selves. I f they can learn to think Wood fo r Sale in lengths from 12 in mass as a unit they will win in inches to 4 feet. Oak or fir. De- the end. I livered to any part o f town. Cur­ >?SHS2525H525?j^)t5tS7S2SZSZS2SZSHSH5E52SZSÏS252SHS«lS25252SîS2SïS2S2SaSr rent market prices. J. W. Leask. In fu A new mug in the lobby o f fame — I ru another^candidate fo r the academy $1,000:to 1'ian on good leal es- In o f im m ortas. Long live Dempse>•. **** security. Inquire X this office. * There ia nothing that adds a greater interest to life and brings a feeling o f independence more so than to in the world today, it is not a difficult matter to M O R L A N M onm outh For Sale - Broccoli and kale Best quality. Prices The whiskey parade in New York plants. Ctp city attracted about '*ne twentieth reasonable. Leslie Young. the proportions tnat had been ad­ For Sale A Century refrigera vertised fo r it and the proposal to tor. Mrs. A. J. Haley 2t is filled by an inherent love o f home. Th«- thought of home and its improvement is a most nat­ ural instinct, and it is the development o f that thought that was productive o f the present day civilization. . E aadai m rriirig at 11. A ll live progres­ sive people should hear this serson. Sunday night at 7:30 the sir- rr. r. topic » : be. Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread?” Another lively C. E. service is promised fo r 6:30. T-.t ne* .hoir and orchestra di­ rect--r promises a good musical pro­ gram for both services. S. J. Reid, D. D ., o f Portland, superintendent o f evangelism for Oregon, has promised to open the la., campaign with two or three weeks ¡r. Monmouth beginning the first Sunday in October. I f the hay crop < f 1921 could SLAB WOOD REDUCED — Price have been harvested in 1919 there S '.25 delivered or 14.50 on the ¡would have been more profit in it cars. Monmouth L urn ter Co. f j t the harvester. W A N TE D — Men or women to ■ take orders among friends and M r. D a *e * goes about the task ., - .. * neighbors for the genuine guar- ? o f effecting national economy with a. . .. h hosiery, full line for men. ail the enthusiasm o f one who real- » men and children. Eliminate* ly thinks l e can aeccrr.p'ifcii some- darnirg. We pay Toe. an hour First National Bank Use the Phone . On« j «-nr Six month« Turn* month* This bank will be glad to meet you and s e n e you. It is a pleasure, as well as good business, to have young men grow with us at r id a y Subscription gate* W e seek grow ing accounts of grow ­ ing business m en -m en who will come to us for advice, and who will want the friendship of a strong bank when credit is needed. I have taken the agency for the Farmers’ Fire R elief Association o f Butlevi ie, C^regon, a farm ers’ mu­ tual insurance company which ac­ cepts no city risks, is inc rporated and hat been doing bu.>meas fo r 28 years. This company has always paid it* losses prompt ly arid Janua­ ry first has asset* deposited in sev­ en different hank* $46,7t>4.70. To join costs $1 and 40 cents per 1100 for dwelling* and contents; 50 cents per $100 for bams, school houses and contents. Ih e applicant i* then entitled to insurance sub­ ject to such assessments a* are nec­ essary to cover losses and expens­ es. A member can withdraw at any time. The company has on its books $7,995,934 insurance and paid out during 1920 losses amounting to $10,840.27. For particulars inquire o f G . W . C h e s e b r o agent. Monmouth, Ore. at the 0 . A . C., the other day. The remeciy for this »1 1 be presented by Paftor Pace in hit address: “ A * ------0 J. B. V. Butler • s ' • tcp" — said Dean Shalier M ftthews OREGON" Concrete W o rk G. T. Boothby. I am here to s a w w o o d N o r a i s e in pr ic e s at present S. H. H inkle, Phone 2411 S T E V E N S & CO. D e a l e r s in Second H a n d G oods C St. Independence W ALTER G BfeOW N Representing the “P E N N S Y L V A N IA ” F ire In su ran ce Co. of Philadelphia Notary Public Blank Deeds, Mortgages. Etc.