O O O O News Of Our Neighborhood MONMOUTH HEIGHTS ELKINS Grant Heffiey of Monmouth haul­ A special?program for the benefit ed his winter’s wood from here the of the°piano fund was put on at El­ past week. kins ¿ehool house last Saturdaj e v e n ­ Mrs. Alice Walker and grand ing. Tne feature of the program daughters, Helen and Jeannette was a.comedy entitled “ Pa’s New Marks were visitors in Salem Sun. Housekeeper’ . It was so successful day morning. that it’ is being ¡repeated ti night at Air lie. * Harmon Scott of Lynden Wash CAST OF CHARACTERS ington visited with his nephew and niece. Pearl and Ina Fishback last James Jackson, (“ P a'’) Carl B. Tetherow week. *, Jimmie Jackson, (Pa’s son) M. M. Harvey north of Monmouth Frank McEldowney brought a calf out to pasture here Mattie Jackson, (Jimmie’s sister) list Thursday. t i e n e Hail Mr. and Mrs. Cris Marks were Jack Brown, (Jimmie’s chum) Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John - Frank Loughary Walker. Molly Holbrook, (Jimmie’s fiance) Aibert Alderman and family of Ruth Tetherow _ Monmouth spent several days of the past week with Mrs. Alderman’s s ster, Mrs. Retta Hamar and fam­ ily. A. J.JShipley has the lumber on PEGGY WANTS MILLION the grounds for the remodeling of FROM LUMBER HUBBY his house. Elmer Allen has charge of the work. (Continued from Page I) market road. The other cm ract provided for the improvement of the highway between Homles Gap and th • Luck- iainute and the Benton county line, and the completion of the Salem - Dallas highway. I'he [estimated cost to the county i- SI 18,000. it was agreed that the stat- highway Commission would advance the funds, theeounty to re­ pay the state in equal installments on or before four years, together with interest at 5J per cenP. It was further agreed that the county in order to meet its obligations should levy a tax or vote bonds. In pursuance with the agreement the state highway [commission hss |et the cont ract for grading tie Monmeuth-Luckiamute section to W. N. Trent and the contract for grading the Holmes Gap-Riekreall section to H. J. Hildeburn and the contract for grading the Luckia- mute-Benton county line section to Frazier & Samuels. All of the con- tractsors are made defendants, to­ gether with the members of the state highway commission and tie judge and commissioners of Polk Len B. Fishback will graduate from the State University at Eugene this week. Len is a Monmouth Heights boy as he was born and raised here. Clare Eggleston of Monmouth visited with friends here Sunday. H ow è / L am ps W arn Have you tried the new 10c package? Dealers now carry both; 10 for 10c, 20 for 20c. M in e rs . T h e staiulu rd ty p e of m in er’s lam p h a s been Improved by a n A u strian m ining e ng inee r so t h a t It acts as an Infallible d e te c to r of tb e presence of Inflamm able gases In th e a tm o sp h ere and gives w a rn in g by em ittin g a loud singing note. T h e action of th e de­ vice Is dejiendent upon th e fact th a t a gas flame. Inclosed w ithin a tube, both e n d s o f which a r e open, will “ flu tter” an d em it a high-pitched c o te If th e gas Is fed In too g re a t q u an tities. T h e feed In th e new la m p la so reg u lated t h a t th e supply o f g as Is held Just be lusv the point a t which singing would occur. Should th e a tm o sp h e re su d ­ denly become ch arg ed w ith inflam m a­ ble gases, th ese will e n te r th e tu b e of th e la m p and, burning, c au se th e flame to flu tte r an d sing.— P o p u la r M echan­ ics Mnitnzine. It’s toasted. Peggy Hopkins Joyce, oft m a r ­ ried stage beauty and wife of mil­ lionaires, says slie m arried huh.-md num ber three, J Stanley Joyce, well-known lumberman of : I.c W est, to "get rid of him.” S ’ \ when the Chicago man stie'l ' - divorce, charging interna:., n: , imi­ tations and bigamy. P ig g y ! to fight l ack and says it is going to cost him “a million or more lo get rid of her.” This first picture was taken wben ll Chi-, '"»"o to contest the*suit — IM M M KlIi T H R IF T — W IT H A SM ILE HE p e o p l e in the cities, towns and di^tridls served by the Mountain States Power Company have dem­ onstrated their thriftiness by in­ venting a large total in our 8 per cent Gold Notes. A considerable part of this sound investment has been made on the con­ venient partial payment plan. H a v e y o u s e e n o u r b o o k l e t 'Thrift-With a Smile?” It may give you a new idea of ac­ quiring financial independence. Thousands have found it interesting and helpful. You may have a copy free upon request. Saving is only one &ep towards the protection of your future. Idle money, like idle men, does no ‘good for any one. Your savings mud be invented where they will grow and be safe, OUR PARTIAL PAYM ENT PLAN is free of red tape is simple and convenient. Your investments earn interest from the ¿fart. W hy not get the facts? A » S a fe H p e r l e n t I n v e s t m e n t fo r H o m e P eo p le Mountain States Power Company H. M. BYLLESBY & COMPANY Fiscal Agents BYLLESBY ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT CORPORATION O STEW ART MOTOR CO. FORDS and Sales and Service I n d e p e n d e n c e , O regon county. T h f r « I* m o r e C . t . r r h In t h l a . » c t l o n | |) U P U H O W F R S O Y o f th e c o u n try th n n a ll o th e r F . I V . D W YY t l \ 3 U A It is alleged that the contracts p u t t o s e t h e r . a n d f o r y e a r s It w a s s u p - . x.'ctr'l a KT a j c r r a r r / Y V b e I n c u r a b le . D o c to r s p r e s c r i b e d t H I O o l/n G c U n between the state highway commis­ p lo n c a » l J r to e m a d le s . a n d b y c o n s t a n t l y f a l l i n e P H O N E NOS lo c u r s w ith lo c a l t r e a t n i a n t . p r o n o u n c e d sion and the Polk county court are It I n c u r a b le . C a t a r r h ta a l o c a l d la e a s e . OFFICE • 3313 ultra vires and made without au­ B r e s t l y In f lu e n c e d b y c o n s t i t u t i o n a l c o n ­ d itio n s a n d t h e r e f o r e r e q u i r e s c o n s t i t u ­ thority. It is further alleged that tio n a l t r e a l m e n t . H a l l ’s C a t a r r h M a til­ HOUSE . 3392 a * m a n u fa c tu re d b y F . J . C h en e y « the ¡MU,000 market road money d C o., T o le d o . O h io , Is a c o n s titu tio n a l n a lly a n d a c ts cannot be applied on a sr c o n s t i p a t i o n . the county court. B. F . B U TLER The Herald wishes correspondents The plan evidenced by the con in neighboring communities. For tract, pretending to designate the D e n tis t road from Monmouth south a mar­ particulars apply at this office. Post o ffice b ld f. ket road, it is alleged, is a fraud on Notiee of Annual School Meeting Monmouth Oregon the law. It is charged that the true Notice is hereby given to the le­ gal voters of School District No. 13, intention is to divert the county market road fund to the building of Polk County, State of Oregon, Monmouth and Independence that the annual school meeting of of a part of the west side Pacific said district will be held at Mon­ Auto-Bua Schedule D i m M o n m o u th L e e , , , la d o e o n d o n o o highway. mouth High School; to begin at the 7.45 a. m. North Bound 8.15 a. m. Further allegation is made that hour of eight o’clock p. m. on the 1 .5 0 p . m. 2 . 2 6 p. m. the ageement to pay the state third Monday of June being the 20th 5.16 “ “ " 6.43 ** $118,000 in four years is void, be­ day of June A. D. 1921. This 10.00 a. m. South Bound 10.33 a. m. meeting is'called for the purjaise of " " 3.61 p. m. cause it is a contract creating an electing a director and a district 3.15 p. m. • 7.12 ** indebtedness of more than $5000 clerk, and the transaction of busi­ 6.40 •• R A Y M O N D E . D E R B Y P ro p rie to r and extending over one more than ness usual at such meeting. I ’HONK 1*04 one year, and without the levy of Dated this 3rd day of June, 1921. O. A. Wolvertor, any taxes to pay the indebtdedness Uie the Phone Chairman of Board of Directors and without the vote of the people. 4602 is the number of the Herald Attest: Mina Cornelius, It is further claimed that neither telephone and 4603 the house phone. District’Clerk. of the contracts is authorized by The rings sound at both places and you will have no trouble in getting the law pertaining to the borrowing J. O. MATTHIS an answer at any time of the day or of money by a county from the evening. Use the phone when you Physician and Surg^in highway commission to use in the think of news items about yourself P h o n e 573 House 596 preparation and construction of Office: 409-10 Hank of Commerce Bldg, or your neighbors. The assistance grades, culverts and bridges. of all in this way is greatly appre­ Sale m Ore . ciated. It is contended that if the law passed by the legislature permitting counties to borrow from the state highway commission is to be con­ strued to authorizes contract creat­ ing an indebtedness by the county for more than $5000 it is unconsti­ Now’s the time to plan a visit hack east to your old home town, oi an tutional, as opposed to provisions of outing to your favorite resort by the seashore or in the mountains. sections 10 and 11 of Article XI. It is further claimed that the act B ack E a st N e w E a s tb o u n d of the state highway commission in Low Round T rip T icket* O ne-w ay fa re s TH R O U G H THROUGH ; constructing a line from Salem to Dallas is void as against public policy California California Each of the plaintiffs in the suit a re now on sale a t w ill be In effect R e d u c e d F a re ! owns farm land lying on the road J u n e 10 a n d d a ily , t h e r e a f te r between Independence and the Ben­ F in a l r e tu r n lim it round tr i p tic k e ts, th re e m o n th s fro m sa le d a ta n o t s c r e d in e O ctober 3lat. S to p o v e rs p e rm itte d and choice of routes. ton county line. They are repre­ sented by D. E. Fletcher of Indepen­ On your beck s e a t trip , see C ra te r L ake. L a k e Tahoe. Y oaem ite, Sequoia N a tio n a l P a rk . C arriao G orge—a s ta n d an d hig h ly colored ta n y o n aeen fro m th e c a r w in d o w s dence and Pipes & Pipes of Portland. Vacation Trips or th e A p ach e T rail and R ooaevelt Dam. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the un lersigned administratrix of the estaite of William H. Mack, deceas- ; ed, has filed her final account in said ' estate with the county clerk of Polk County, Oregon, and that Saturday, the 16th day of July, 1921, at ten ! o’clock a. m., at the court house in Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place by the county court of Polk County. Oregon, for the hearing of objec­ tions to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published this 17th day of June,1921. MINNIE K. MACK. Administratrix of the es­ tate of William H. Mack, deceased. BROWN & HELGERSON. Attorneys for the estate. W e e k E n d a n d S e a s o n E x c u rs io n T ic k e ts a re now on aale to: Tillamook County Beaches Newport A p a rtic u la rly a ttr a c tiv e trip acm e* th e Coa*t R a n e e M 'in tain* T h e re beeches Include R o rk a a a y and G a ri­ baldi Heach R esort* N e ah -K a h Nie. M anxanita a n d Bay Ocean. A d e lig h tfu l aeanhare re s o rt on T a ­ q u in a bay an d th e P a c ific O cean. An ideal p ie c e for th e fam ily L a rg e a a ta - tn rh im and a a lt w a te r b a t h e - v arious form a of a m u se m e n t. D a ily T ra m i— S fï le a v e s P o rtla n d Union S ta tio n 4 IS A M D aily T r a i a S e rv is « S p e c i a l W a s h s o d ». a le leaves P ort- S a tu rd a y 12 46 la m i U n io n S ta tio n P M “ O ra g e booklet g ra p h ic a lly describ es t h s fev en t re s o rts ln W in c lu d e s hotel end Info Copy fre e on re q u e st K lar trie tra in leaves P o rtla n d 4th and S ta rk S tree ts. 1 15 P M c o n n e c tin g w ith w eek end tra in a t Hiliidboro No beg g a g a handled on e le ctric tra in . dif Mountain and Oth*r Resorts D e tro it iB re ite n b u * h H ot S p rir.g r Mt J e 'e rs o n C o u n try ) —T ic k e ts now o a sale. M eC re d ie H e t S prings Jo se p h in e C a a a tjr C ava« T ic k e ts now on se e. T ic k e ts now on «ale. C ra te r L ak e