The Herald way of keeping in practice the po- tatoei were dropped in emulation I u H ^ d u ,m » .t r r Sc-pi«mb«r*. mi. *>( the center fielder who has taught { n th* pn«t office *t Munmouth. Orc-un. uruj.r thi a fly |,g|| and then with a 01 Ignifi- Act of March 3 . 1 K 7 ». ! cent throw tries to nip a run at the KU'HAKD B, SWENSON home plate. While it developed Editor & Publisher . . . . . ■ excellent marKmanbhip, considering MONMOUTH, OREGON still the rows have a wavy appear ance that is at pleasing and ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY restful to the eye. Stop Two Leaks One In Your Health and One In Your Pune ì m Bad eyes or poor glasses make it impossible to (five good, whole hearted attention to your work. Headaches, bad nerves and etomach disorders come from the eyes. FRIDAY, JUNE 10. 1921 S u b scrip tion r \ Y One year - Six month* - Three months • Buying glasses solely from the price is expensive too. Even >1.00 is expensive if the glasses are not properly fitted. Our glasses are guaranteed to be right and stay right. Our complete lens edge grinding plant and equipment for makii g glars s assurea most reasonable prices for our work. J A Rates - -, - >2,CO $1.00 75 et» ■JOL HARTMAN BROS. C O . Monmouth Meditations Jeweler* and Opticians SALEM, OREGON ^ B [fJ ‘ m aä'ät■ * m m iim i -v ® ® IJ W M <?.9S S ä 3 Agricultural and domestic duties alike engage the attention o f the residents o f the 'neighbmhood at pre.ent. A philanthropist with a patent rig for cleaning rugs has created quite a little interest in our midst recently. He puts in the soap and water and cleansing agents, turns on the electricity and sain presto - the rug has renewed To Swap—Good buggy for sow its youth. Next in order is a ma R. Dodson. chine for renewing the youth of and pigs. our citizens arid when it comes it Wanted a girl to learn sewing. Mrs. Boche. may look for plentv o f contracts. W e seek growing accounts of grow ing business m en -m en who will come to us for advice, and who will want the friendship of a strong bank when credit is needed. Tr.7~^"Ziic5Z5252£2S2S2525H52525H5H5HS'25252£252525H5j] I a ATW ATER BROS. Good Goods and Fair Treatment C. For Sale— Good riding pony. Gentle, high life, tcu,'h. easy keep er, good gait. Will sell cheap <>r trade for small work horse that will work sing'e. A. C. Canterbury, Monmouth. C. M u l k e y & Son CORONA The portable typewriter. For Kent— A furnished house for Neighbor Boche has for the p.'tt Summer, no children. Inquire at year been the envy o f the neigh- Herald office. b irhood with two patent mowing LOST Somewhere on Wo t Ma n machines. They have the attrac street, a pair o f gold rimmed tive qualities that they are self ad glasses in black case. Finder rt- justing and automatic, working cs turn to W'. A . Lange and be readily over an uneven surface as | rewarded. i A Monmouth’s largest a: i most complete Confectionery and Book Store Groceries & Provisions Our Biirgam Column Harvest season is now the order o f the dav in our corner. Neigh bor Powell has mowed his south forty and reports a very heavy crop o f hay with the quality excellent. & SON Electric Shoe Shop, Kwality Corner Field Notes • MORLAN Notice Notice is hereby given that the provisions of City Ordinance No. F irst C lass W o r k Guaranteed 168 will hereafter be rigidly en In B ou lden Building forced. This provides the sprink ling hours for the city are from 6 M on m ou th Oregon to 8, morning and evening. Pat- jM rons are requested to take due n< - r 1S25H, U. 32 S I ^■¿S?'7LIeS2SaJ25ZSZ5S5ZSHSa5HSSS252SES2SZSBSZS2S25ZS2S2SZS2* tiee and regulate themselves a - cording!) as violations will be pro;- ecuted. C E. Stewart, City Marshal. V A chocking account is the first stop toward establishing credit with a bank. And credit today is a real asset. Y et it is what you make it. The right credit at th : right time, at the right bank may be worth more to you than a batch of letters presented by you as a stranger. T his bank will be glad to meet you and serve you. It is a pleasure, as well as good business, to have young men grow witli us. h o e Neighbor Boulden, who is one of the youngest and spryeut o f the j citizens of the neighloihood, in order to get his work accomplished this year, worked out a double shift, attending to his feed store in, the day time and putting in his | crops at night. By working in the j moonlight and taking the right phase of the moon, his corn and potat -s arc cening tit o f the ground with amazing rapidity and are the envy of the neighborhood, jjjj E VALUE OF C R E D IT ® v Carry it with you. A perfect machine for the 1 Iome, Office or Student.' W A L T E R G. B R O W N n n n n n r 71SaSB5HSZ5ZS25ZS2SHS25ÏL5H5H5Z52525ZSZ ZSZ 5 H 52 SHSHS 25 HS Í2SH5ES25 r o K Wanted—A housekeeper. Apply K 1 to Mrs. J. W'. Pen her. Transferring by I K i W ood for Sale auto truck and by K ! Wood for Sale in lengths from 12 team, within the K inches to -1 feet. Oak or fir. De-j K livered to any part o f town. Cur- city or out of town. a Neighbor Graven was distressed rent market prices. J. W. I task. K Leave order* at Garage MONMOUTH, OREGON 0 this spring because his family gar-1 » , k™ . 7T , . Call Phone 2003 J f $l,0 0 0 :to loan on good teal es- K den spot was ill and did not yield security. Inquire X this office. Ir» C. Powell J. B. V, Butler F. E. Chamber» COFFIN A E G L E S T O N $ SZ52SESHS2Fa5H5£5Z5HS25HSaSE52SH5HSHSaS25Z5HSaS2SZSZSZSZ525ZS»ZSZi to home treatment. So he called —~ r~ ,, Pra.ident V ic« President Cashier r, e ii i i n e » The Monmouth Cooperati e Ship- in Dr. Sam Hinkle. Dr. Sam s 1 ping Association will save f rmer’s practice has extended over a long ! money in the sale o f livestock. Ship period o f time and several states. sûnfirtfc ;or£:Sì:tf’ aramòfi a i He sion diagnosed the case and set with us and cut out middleman's ' profit, ll you have stock to ship about applying the remedy. Fric i notify W. J. Stockholm, Mgr. tf tion applications and plenty o f i Bran, Mill Run and Com Cord Wood For Sale Map’e and them, he announced, was what was M r. B a r n e s , U. S. W h e a t D i r e c t o r S a y s : P oultry Supplies B O N E, S H E L L a n d G R I T needed, and events proved his c o r -: ashJal ?t7 Per c° rd an l fir f' r P*r cord. July and August delivery. rectneM. The patient speedily re W. J. Green, Suver. Phone F 1223. covered and is now enjoying th»- For Sale- Good house, 1 ,.rn and best of health. HSZSHSHS 7?-5E5SS2Sa5Z5H5HSH5H5H52SE5H£ESHSH52SHS2SaS2S2S2Sr . 1 . 1 1 . outbuildings. About one acre o f iJSSSHSHf rvi Neighbor Pcmber has sprung an land, and a splendid variety o f fruit, g g ¡novation on the »orner. This is a Well located. See A. M. Arant. 4t 0 real Fnglish paddock in which th«' Let me mend your furniture g F R E S H AND CURED MEATS J. \\, How-11. family Shetland pony now disports **'e >'our saws. A n d r e d u c e t h e hi g h cost o f l i v i n g . ” itself. With fresh grass, water Big Cut Price qn Fire In urance Pork S a u s a g e ; a n d Pickles and plenty o f elbow room the pony for Monmouth. Reliable Compan ies. E. K. Tripp, Phone Main 1621 g enjoys himself hugely. In lependence, Ore. 36 fit G u t h r i e B ld g . Former place of CityMarket I Neighlior Ackerman now has his The O. K Cafe. Mum stn | pasture in mid-season form and we next to Herald office. Open from 153SZ5cSiiTrl_”25cj l tTd5:lSla£cESH5SSHSHS2SSS2S2SZSHSZSZSZSZSHSZS2SHSZS2S2^ IS T H E C H E A P E S T A S W E L L A S T H E M O S T expect shortly will emulate th e 1 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. Home made W H O L E S O M E FO O D ON T H E M A R K E T . great Woodrow hy putting onto it pies a specialty. 4t. s >me merino sheep to browse upon ! For Sale its succulent vegetatio 20 acres o f land; 8 acres in cul- Neighbor M. J. Hut'er has hit tivation, 1 acre in mixed f luit; 4 room house, barn, chicken house, upon an ¡novation in the cultivate n berries o f all kinds; team, wag n o f roses. It is nice to have a and harness; plow, ban w, 24 Y o u r G r o c e r has it change occasionally and since roses chickens; 55 rick:- of wood; : t do not thrive with moving about, $1500. 14 acres o f lar 1, cíese in, Price he has taken to changing the names from reduced 40 to $125 per o f the roses in his parking space. acre. During the war he was militant 20 acres o f land, 15 in ou’ tvation. and had the Marshal Foch, the 5 acres in pasture. 26'» prune trees, E D W . J. HIMES I am here to sa w wood Farm Mutual Fire Insurance General Pershing, the Lord Kitch- fruit and berries o f all kir is. 9- l have taken the agency for *b- ! emv ro?t>s anJ ,,ne v, riety which room house, good barn, 1 n""k cow, N o ra ise in p r ic e s C ivil E n gin eer and Farmers’ Fire Relief Association of horse, harness. 1 wagon. 2 buggies, at p r e s e n t mu | was tiarticularly thorny he called Butteville, Oregon, a farmers’ S u rv eyor all farm implements. Price $5000. M the Hindenburg. Next he was lit i tual insurance company which S . H. Hinkle, Phone 2411 Will take desirable dwelling prop Phope ^ 03 55S Leven* S* • Dalla* cepts no city risks, is inc. rporated erary and had the Lcngfellow, the erty in part exchange. and has been doing business for 28 Walt Whitman and the George Ber- SJ acres o f land in the city. Fair STEVEN S & CO. years. This company has always nard 8haw roses. The Hmdenburg house and barn, ch .-ken hou-e and paid its losses promptly and Janua D e a le r s in ry fir.-t has asset.- deposited m sev rose became tbe Osoar W ilde. This park, fruit and berries o f ail kinds. Second HancV Goods • 1 'Tcrcr.t banka o f $46,76l 7' Vear hi ■ nr.;- ca! H I has Ml M M An ideal farm h me right n the G eneral ContractinK for C S t. In d e p e n d e n c e Io join costs $1 and 40 cents p, r named after S f Arthur Sul van, city. Price $400< , terms. 5 room house, 2 lots. Fruit and $100 for dwellings and contents 50 j Stephen C. Foster ai d Reginald Pe W A LT E R G. BR O W N cents per $100 for barns, « h o o l Roven and the Oscar Wilde has berries on a good corner. Close in. P jice« m *0. houses and contents. lh e applicant . . , „ Representing the titled I tw n na!,ie^ ***** Wagner acres. 7-room bouse barn, “ PENNSYLVANIA” ject to such assessments as are r. c __ ,____ . . At Copy Picase we are ex peri- chicken hous«*. V\ell equip; d for ry to cover losses and ex pens- . . . poultry busin«s*m the city. I’rice Fire Insurance Co. Estim ates prom ptly es. A member can withdraw at any "*«**'"* w'*h *P**«^ o f ornamenUl ..... o f Philadelphia furnished time. The company has »>n ita bo» ks potatoes. When the p<>tatoes were 10 ares o f land, all in cultiva- $7,995,934 insurance and paid out planted they were dropped by a tion, good house an.l barn. N o ta r y Public In d ep en d en ce, O regon during 1920 losses amountilfg to high sch»a>l student who w.ts trying to city limits, an ideal h o m e Price Blank Deeds. Mortgages. Etc. PH O N E. M 2111 11i r 0 ' w ÌOqU: r,t *•» *hc bam ball team .' Bv right. t>------- M ONM OUTH TRANSFER on level ground. The presence t f telephone poles does not bother them and they never get bailing wire t ingled in their sickles. We expect to see more o f them in use. ——— — -o First National Bank Highest Market Price Paid for Poultry and Veal Calves “Eat More bread Thos. Boulden MONMOUTH M ARKET Holsum Bread J. B. Hill & Son Magazines, Books, Stationery B U Y THAT EXTR A LOAF Candy and Cigars P. H. JOHNSON Cherry City Baking Co. R. L. Kullander Concrete W ork I Monmouth, Ore. 1 G ’ T ’ ß o « * 1»*» - I g g a g g g