News O f Our Neighborhood Elkin» News Items ing will be at the home of Mrs. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tedrow vis Mrs. J. V. Webber and daughter ited Mr. Tedrow’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tedrow at Corvallis Jessie, Dorothy Partridge, Mrs. Withee and James Partridge weie Monday. Salem visitors Saturday. Mr. F. E. Lynn, president and I. H. Loughary, secretary of the Ore Robert Fishback is erecting a nice gon Jersey Cattle Club, attended u new barn. picnic of the Clackamas Jersey Cat It has become necessary to dis tle Club near Estacado, Saturday. pose of a few stray cats that have Sunday they visited the Dairy farm been eating the chickens which o f Howard and Williams near Sher would have grown into future wood. chicken pies. The shotgun aided After a weeks absence from school the cats materially on their way because of illness, Miss Hill is again out. on duty. Mrs. Stephenson and son Wallace Miss Wilson and Miss Berg, two are planning a trip to Yakima soon. of our former cadet teachers, had charge of the grade room during the absence of Miss Hill. Airlie F. E. Lynn has canvassed the Winnogene Peterson visited the neighborhood recently for the pur pose of increasing interest in a Jer dentist in Independence last Mon day. sey field man for the 0 . J. C. C. The eighth grade examinations Mrs. Chloe A. Seymour attended the local institute and teachers' as- will be given next Thursday and s jciation at West Salem last Satur Friday. day. Don’ t forget tl.e paient-te cher’ s meeting tonight. The sewing club will have a display of their work. North Monmouth Nuggets The Busy Bees met last week with Mrs. C. H. Newman. The usual refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. J. V. Web ber. Those present were: Mrs. Stephenson, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Partrkige, Mrs. Riddell, Mrs. Har vey, Mrs. Webber, Mrs. Withee, Miss Freda Powell, Lois Parker and Mrs. Newman. The next meet- There U more Catarrh In thla »action of (he country than all other disease« put together, and for years It was sup posed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it laourabla. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional con ditions and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Medi cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional remedy, is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars re ward is offered for any case that Hall's* Catarrh Medicine fails to curs. Send for virculars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Tolsdo. Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Fill« for constipation. 20 Cent Reduction Pennsylvania and Fisk Tires W e have been notified fhat a reduction of one fifth has been made in the price of Pennsylvania Vacuum Gup and Fisk Red Top tires. Jack Dodson is l aving who ping cough. Harry W illiim sof Summit visited his parents at Airlie Sunday. Dorothy Gross i nd her parents mide a business trip to Albar y Monday afternoon. 30x3i Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup $16.50 (A ton-tested tube given free with each casing) 30x3i Fisk Red Top Sunny Slope - - - $22.00 “ Now is the time to retire.” Fred Cody and Fred Welch are making shakes in the grove. The former intends building a hog house and the latter a barn. ST E W A R T MOTOR CO. Mrs. C. E. Newell and daughter Independence, Oregon are visiting her mother, Mrs. A. J. Shipley. Mr. Newell has been Helen and Edna Jones of Albany transferred from San Francisco to are visiting friends in Airlie this Seattle and they are on their way week. to the latter place. Leslie Young of Monmouth was*a Davis & W'ebber made a business Ray Adams came out and took his Mrs. J. C. Ta’bot of Portland is caller on the Heights Sunday. B. F . BUTLER trip to Albany Monday. They do visiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. Ship- sheep home Saturday. not know any more about when ley this week. Walter Strain of was out here Dentist they are going to begin sawing than for a load of wood Tuesday. It begins to look as though the they did when they shut down. Post office bldg. prune crop would be a failure in May Day exercises were held at this vicinity. Monmouth Oregon A. C. Canterbury o f Monmouth the school house last Friday. did several days work for Darrel C. M. Shipley of Monmouth spent The Christian Endeavorers are Sunday with his father at this place. Stump last week. A. M A R A N T going to give a Basket Social at the V. A. Fishback and family re L. D. Hamar visited Salem Tues Airlie school house May 20. Fire Insurance, Real Estate turned home from Meridian, Idaho, day. after a months visit with Mrs. Fish- Miss Erica Moore has been having and Surety Bonds Jack Stump and Clay and Clare back’s mother, Mrs. Mary Clapp smallpox the last two weeks. She Reliable Service Egelston were out Sunday. and brother Elton. is staying at Daniel Dodson's. Monmouth Heights Miss Verna Howsman of Salem was seen in our midst Saturday af ternoon. Len B. Fishback, Pastor of the Christian church of Hillsboro, was an over Friday night guest of the home folks here. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Marks o f El kins were visitors in this vicinity Isst Sunday. Ï THE U . S. R O Y A L CO RD Ray Adams of Cochrane was here and took his sheep from the Clark pasture Saturday afternoon. It’s Toasted M uddy ©MP1EXI0N Ì C rr Jzow you can measure tire value in 1911 Almost every day you come across the man human enough to believe he can outguess the cut-price tag on “job- lots,” “discontinued lines” and "surplus stocks.” T o s e a l In t h * delicious Burley tobaooo flavor. George Heck and family weie pleasant visitors with Mrs. Dewitt of Monmouth last Sunday. A famous tire—and s famous tread. Acknowledged among motorists and dealers alike a3 the world’s foremost example of Cord tire building. Al ways delivering the same repeated economy, tire after tire, and season after season. The stripe around the sidewall is registered as e trade- mack in the U. & Patent Of&ca. F T E N it’s surprising the number o f different tire views that come in a chance talk at the curb or in the leisure o f a friend’s garage. Cigarette Many will remember the scarcity of U. S. Tires last year. The owner o f a medium or light-weight car stands on equal ground with every other car owner. A hardship at the time, but a bene fit now. There are no U. S. Tires to be worked o ff— no accumulations— no forced selling o f any U. S. brand — no shipping o f tires from one part o f the Any United States Tire is a uni versal full money’s worth—backed up with a leadership policy o f equal quality, buying convenience and pries for everyb od y. United States Tires United States A Rubber Compaiiy Graham and Son, Monmouth, Oregon gard and yellow . lustre. T h e trouble is with your liver. T ake Chamberlain’s Stom ach and Liver Tablets. T h ey every day, and you w ill soon beautiful as ever. be as well and as Price 2 5 cents per bottle. Chamberlain’s Tablets There are 92 U.S. Factory Branches. Each one gets its share o f U. S. Tires. There is a broad, constant, even dis tribution o f U. S. Tires always going on from these Branches to the dealer. His opposite is the hard- pan car owner who sticks year in and year out to a standard brand as the only rational econom y. Y muddy. Y ou look hag Y o u r eyes are losing their w ill correct that. T h e ^ avoid meats, hot bread and hot cakes, take frequent baths and a long walk country to another to “find a market." Buy a U. S. Tire anywhere — in a community o f 500people or even less— and you get a fresh , live tire o f current production— with all the orig inal service and mileage the factory put into it. OUR COMPLEXION is “Just Between You and Me” says the Good Judge H e re ’ s genuine chewing satisfaction for you, hook ed up with real econ om y. A small chew of this class o f tobacco lasts much long er than a big chew o f the ordinary kind— that’ s be cause the| full, rich, real tobacco taste lasts so long. A n y man w h o uses the Real T o b a c co C h ew will tell you that. " T h a d i ff e r e n t firm rèe w e that c o m a o a t ta • Fut up in two styles W -B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco R I C H r C U T is a short-cut tobacco Wc -V*n.p,- • Company, 110/ äqpadw,, , N t Use the Phone 4602 is the number of the Herald telephone and 4603 the house phone. The rings sound at both places and you will have no trouble in getting an answer at any time o f the day or evening. Lise the phone when you think o f news items about yourself or your neighbors. The assistance c f all in this way is greatly appre ciated. fo-K-Cdy Monmouth and Independence Auto-Bus Schedule UaVM Ml 7.45 a. m. 1 50 p. m. V 15 •• 10.00 a. m 4.15 p. m. 4.40 •' M. ill L«« vm It ». 15 a. m. North Bound 2.25 p. m. South Bound •• •* * RAYMOND E DERBY Pao«* MM 5.43 '• 10.33 a. m 3.51 p. m. 7.12 ”