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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1921)
1 Some More Big Shoe Specials. W e have just received another shipment of men’s and w om en’s shoes which gives us the opportunity to offer you some more big values. It has been years since you were able to buy shoes at anywhere near these prices. Come in and let us sub mit the proof. Men’s Mahogany Lotus Calf blucher, ] double sole welt, spring in&ep, U. S. cushion heel, regular toe, bench made shoe $ 5 .1 9 C ozy H om e Women’s New Oxfords Life In the home revolves about the living room. It is the meeting place and resting place of the family. It is the heart of the home. For furniture in keeping with this duty of the living room we have chosen carefully from the best work of the best manufacturers. Call and see our mahogany kid, lace, military heel, welt, imitation tip. This is a very high grade shoe and a very special price of $ 6 . 0 0 w ill be sure to please you, Furniture for Comfort The easiest of easy chairs— Morris chairs of generous size — all await your Inspection. There are rockers here for Close out our Women’s Louis heel Shoes and Pumps mother vheti she sews and larger rockers for mother when she rests. W e have also a full line of the many pieces, some decorative and some useful, that help to give the homelike Individual touches. Be among the first to select from this collection. Good Furniture Is W e have made a flat price Louis heel shoes and pumps. $8.50 to $15.00 values. Fineif workmanship of the very beif. Our Pledge to You of $ 4 .9 5 on all our These are laif season’s quality of materials and All sizes in the sales $ 4 .9 5 N e w Prices on Florsheims M ONM OUTH H A R D W A R E Present conditions call for radical reductions, so w e ’re bringing shoe prices to the bottom. Florsheim shoes are worth all w e regularly ask for them. N ow all the m ore desirable at this special price. $ 10.00 J. EL Winegar, Proprietor Farm Mutual Fire Insurance I have taken the agency fo r the Farmers’ Fire Relief Association o f Butteville, Oregon, a farm ers’ mu tual insurance company which ac cepts no city risks, is incorporated and has be en doing business for 28 years. This company has always paid its losses promptly and Janua ry first has assets deposited in sev en different banks o f $46,764.70. To join costs $1 and 40 cents per $100 for dwellings and contents; 50 cents per $100 for barns, school houses and contents. Ih e applicant is then entitled to insurance sub ject to su< h assessments as are nec essary to cover losses and expens es. A member can withdraw at any time. The company has on its books $7,995,904 insurance and paid out during 1920 losses amounting to $10,840.27. For particulars inquire o f C. W. Chesebro agent, Monmouth, Ore. Monmouth, Oregon For Sale— 200 five weeks old white leghorn cockerels, fo r less than baby chix, prices 15 cents each. Will soon make fly ers. Must be taken immediately to se cure them at this price. A . H. Craven. Which Paint W a ll Paper and Paint For Sale — a load o f cheat hay at the barn $15. A . H. Craven. C oa ts L e s s ? Perkins’ Pharmacy LOgT— A lady’s Elgin Wrist Watch, on the streets o f the city Saturday evening Finder please return to Herald office and receive reward. J u st to rem in d y ou to call on us w h en y o u n eed a n y th in g in th e line o f I f w e h a v e n 't g o t it w e 'l l g e t It. A s k us. Cord Wood For Sale— Maple and ash at $7 per cord and fir fo r $6 per cord. July and August delivery. W . J. Green, Suver. Phone F 1223 Our Bargain Column For Sale 13 High Grade Jersey cows and 10 High Grade Jersey heifers. Price reasonable. L. E. Olden, Monmouth, Oregon. K. r . i). l Box io tta Slab wood prices reduced. At car $5 per cord. Delivered $5.75 I p r cord. M o n m o u t h Lumber Com- P in y._______________________________ BULL DUPHAM M For Sale— Lots located west o f Ira C. Powell’s and across the street from John Howell’s, belong ing to Mattie Neely. Price $336. Box 826, North Bend, Oregon. W ood Wood for Sale in lengths from 12 inches to 4 feet. Oak or fir. De livered to any part o f town. Cur rent market prices. J. W . Coal stove for sale, $10. M. J. Butler. Let me mend your furniture or file you r « w s . J. W. H ow ell, it The MoomaHtb Cooperative Ship-, ping Asaociation will save farm er's money in the sale o f livestock. Ship with us and cut out middleman's profit. II you have stock to ship notify W. J. Stockholm . M gr. tf The Herald wishes correspondents in neighboring com m unities. For particulars apply at this office. DoitT let » smooth tcmgued stranger persuade you that there is any kind of printing the Her ald Print Shop can not do. Kullander Brothers are putting in a concrete cross walk on Jackson street at the Echols street inter section this week. tobacco makes 5 0 flood ciflarettes for 10c $1,000: to loan on good real es tate security. Inquire X this office. For Sale— Setting hens, $1.50. Eggs for hatching, 16 fo r $1.00. Manure, load delivered for $1.00. J. M. McDonald Phone 2405. A grand ball will be given in the hall at Suv r Saturday evenirg, M Good music. Tickets $1 melt ing war tax. A ll are invited. GENUINE ^ j Z î T î L » i S Y N O P S IS O F T H E 9 Knowledge, skill and thor ough experience enters into the fitting and making o f every pair o f Dr. Thompson’s glasses. Consult him about your eyes next visit, Tuesday, May in. Local Hotel, all day. 2t rO T E how the best paint spreads easier and covers more square yards than cheap paint does. Figure in the extra gallons of cheap paint that you must buy and the extra cost of appli cation. It means that cheap paint costs just as much as good paint on the house. T he best paint then gives five or more years’ protec tion to your property invest ment. Cheap paint on the average, starts c r a c k i n g in twelve months. W hich paint costs less? N‘ 72 Years’ Experience The house paints we specify for your home are the result of 72 years’ experience in making paints and varnishes for every Free A dvice purpose. Made to stand the peculiarities of western weather. The best material — P IO N E E R W H I T E L E A D , pure linseed oil, zinc and color— are combined with long-time skill, in scientifically exact propor tions. O ur white lead base must pass through a silk screen with 40,- 000 m e s h e s to the square inch. A patented purifier makes it “ whiter,” so Fuller paints are exceptionally clear-toned. The paint when finished and applied on the house is a beautiful, elas tic, tough, protective coating. Such paint costs but a trifle more to buy per gallon and is five to ten times more economi cal in service. D on’t allow surfaces to rot. It costs /ess to paint them. Fullers AN N U AL STA T E M E N T OF TH E • Massachusetts Fire end Marine Insurance Co. H o P u s e P a in t s h o e n ix P u r e Point- C A P IT A L A m ou n t o f ca p ita l s to c k paid up ______________ .. ____ __$ 500.000.00 IN C O M B N et p rem iu m s re c e iv e d d u rin g the y e a r ............. ..... .................$ 149 2 11 M In terest, d iv id e n d s and r n t i re ce iv e d d u rin g the y e a r ....... 73.81*.40 In co m e fro m o th e r s o u rce s re ce iv e d d u rin g the y e a r ..... ...... 109.110.10 M anufactured by W. P. Fuller T o ta l Incom e WÉ a d ' e b I •SD«njN m D iv id e n d s pa d on ca o lta l sto o k d u rin g the y e a r ..... ... C o m m iss io n s and sa la rie s p aid d u rin g the y e a r ........ T a t e s , lice n s e s and fe e s paid d u rin g the y e a r ........... A m o u n t o f all o th e r e x p e n d itu r e * ........... .................. .............. T ota l f 721.3*8 13 ja.rga.nn li*.«** as _ 45 . 8 8 * 9 7 118.978 37 - T ak e advantage o f Fuller House Paints. Take ;o paint now . D on ’t let weather depreciate your investment. a » -« jr W . P. FULLER * C O . Dept f. San Franclscn Pioneer Manufacturer at Paints. Varniihee Enamels. Stains. and PIONEER W H ITE LEAD for 72 Years Established 1(4*. Branches in 1« Cities in tbs W e s t - Dealers everywhere. Also makers of Rubber Casual fla m Pstnt All Purpose VarnisheY Silken, white Enamel. Fiftaen-lorJloota. Weak, abls Wall Flniab. Auto Enamel, ‘ Barn •ad ^oof Pejaj. Forth sad Its Pains ad Stan and 7NEER w h i t e LEAD. "Pure Prepared" and "P hoe nix” are Fuller's Specifications for house painting. Get either and you have the best that anyone can make — long - service paints. W HERE TO BU Y & Co. THEM These pa: its are portant to you. so . important to go to the right stores to gaf them. Agents' names and ad* dresses are pnnteJ in the m e m i coupon to the right. Cut it oat and put it in your pocket now. SAVE THIS (Cut this out and patta h I note book aa a My house need« patsting. Specification House Paints ara the following A gents i Pattar*» wM h? Perkins Pharmacy For All Exterior Jobs of Painting. If is Advisable to Secure the Service* » of » a Master Painter $l.O3a.60O.«ï e x p e n d itu r e s ASSETS o no M l. *49 00 0 »¥> llt.ftM .TS t V a lu e o f real e s ta te ow n e d (m a rk e t v a lu e ) .......... ...... V a lu e o f s to c k s sn d b on d s ow n e d (m a r k e t v a lu e).. L o a n s on m o r tg a g e s and co lla te ra l, e t c ......................... C ash In b a n k s and on hand P rem iu m s In co u rse o f co lle ctio n w ritte n sin ce S e p te m b e r 30. 1910 ......................... — — .... .I— — In terest and ren ts due and a ccru e d . ______________ R e in su ra n ce r e c o v e r a b le on p aid losaea...................... — T o ta l P u re P r e p o re d P oin t 9 431.14 t. 7* D IS B U R S E M E N T S N ot lo ss e s p aid d u rin g th e y e a r Inclu din g a d ju stm e n t A vice. He w ill >how you a color card which ihow a )2 (hades of this desir able p ain t VVe have a Fuller S p ecifics»''''' D ep art ment which w ill tell you all a b o u t th e most desirable color schemes, color har mony and those other details you want to know. S PECIFICATION o f Fluxion. In the S tn to o f Mnx* «ohusetta. on the t h lr t y -flr t t d s v o f D e ce m b e r. 19*0. m a d e to the In su ra n ce C o m m iss io n e r o f th e S ta te o f O r e g o n , p u rsu a n t to law : fuller P a i n t s on Painting SK our agent fo r our f r t c a d 1*1.511 78 1.914 ? 4 14 809.1* 91.194.SSS.4J a d m itted a ssets L IA B I L I T I E S G ross c la im s fo r lease* un p aid --------— . ------------------- 9 *94.754 14 A m ou n t o f u n earn ed p re m iu m * on nil o u ts ta n d in g ris k s ... 0.00 D ue fo r co m m is s io n and b ro k e ra g e ....... ............ ..................... ... J.775 All o th e r l l a b l l l t l e a ------- — ----- --------------------------------------------- M .ftU .M S u rp lu s ...... ...............................................—-.....-------- --------- J*4.44ft ft* T o ta l H sbll't»#«. e x c lu s iv e o f ca p ita l $600.000 00 ....................... .......... ck o f $ 094.5M.4J B U S IN E S S IN O R E G O N FO R T H E Y E A R ___________________ $ N et p re m iu m s r e c e iv e d d u rin g the ye ____ „________ : ____ e v rar l o s s e s p aid d u rin g th the vra - L o sses in cu rre d d u rin g the y e a r — ________ *.30* 44 *94 98 9**0* M A 8 R A rtllT 8 B T T S F1UK A N D M A R I N E 1N8. CO. W a lte r Ad lard. Sei’ re ta r y C. G. 8m tth . P re sid e n t » v ic e : Irw in L W a te e n , $04 Ga S ta tu to ry re sid e n t a tto rn e y fo r lld fl.. Portland Grange d iy in Monmouth and the Z C. H. \Valker, a prominent Daniel Boone Howell and fam ily May Day exercises o f the Norm*' t.ranger o f the state, died m Albany i drove from Portland by auto Sun- come this month on the sameSatur Wednesday. He was an uncle o f day and took his parents and aia- d «y . The Grange pi ins to attend Mrs. Bowersox o f this city. He ters for a ride into Marion cou nty the exercises Bn tNrNormal campus was 83 years o f a ge and wa l born wher«"they visited in the morning and to Base nblc ft r in Walla Walla. His funeral ser- o f the Howells on Howell prah^ their grange dinner and hold their | v ice, are to be held in Albany The daughters o f the family «iw regular meeting in the afternoon. today, Friday. their birthplace for the first time in many years. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rogers and L. \ C. Fisk left Monday morning for a The Mothers’ Club which met last There are quite a few visit at their old home at Alma, Friday in the Community House. of Michigan. had an interesting and profitable measles in town at present. session with "teeth ” as the subject Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Haley o f Ru pert, Idaho, visited last wefk with f .r discussion. The next session, i Mrs j E W 'i negar arranged a Friday. May 13. is to be held at Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Haley in this M r,. Fred S m i t h e d Mrs. S m iS j city. and Mrs. Sa. ro are leaders in the q u . r t f o r A p n l m ^ . r i d S S . ' r f L. H Linderman o f Lewisville was k w " r " ' 0,1 H° W motb€rs “ n a 5ent and • from the price i a visitor in Monmouth Wednesday. p ni • 1 which has prevailed for tom e time.